Research Article
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Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 67 - 84, 31.12.2016


Storytellings one of the building block of communication. In terms of brand communication, brands use story telling methods tocreate an emotional bond with target audience, to ensure sustainability in mind, to give an effective message. Storytelling has gained a new dimension in brand communication with the rise of the Internet. Creating own brand story and sharing in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, other social media applications and web pages has become necessary in order to continue the presence of brands. In this study, the new dimension of storytelling with the development of internet in brand communication is discussed by the literature analysis method and brand sare evaluated with actualcases.By emphasizing the difference between online and traditional storytelling, as a rising value the cocreation processes between brand and target audience being performed by storytelling methods will be questioned. As a result, to createstories in the internet which will reflect the personality of the brand, provide two-way participation, have a close connection with thereality, include benefits of the brand and to transmit them with the right channels, should be one of the communication strategies of brands.  


  • Başfırıncı, Ç. (2011). Sembolik Tüketim ve Tüketim Öykülerinin Hermeneutik Yaklaşımla Yorumlanmasına İlişkin Bir Uygulama. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 7:183-210
  • Brown, A.(2014). Coca-Cola's New Journey Focuses on Storytelling. January,, (Erişim tarihi: 25.02.2016)
  • Clark, C. (2008). How Storytelling and Branding Teohniques Can Be Used to Create an Effective Fund raising Communications Programme.Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 2:47-53
  • Dayter, D. (2015). Small Stories and Extended Narratives on Twitter. Discourse, Contextand Media,10:19–26
  • Elliot, S. (2012).Coke Revamps Web Site toTell Its Story.New York Times, November,, (Erişim tarihi:14.02.2016)
  • Hsiao, K.,Lan, H., (2013). The Influence of the Components of Storytelling Blogs on Readers’ Travel Intentions. Internet Research,23:160-182 142716, (Erişim tarihi:25.03.2016)
  •,(Erişim tarihi:17.06.2016)
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  •,(Erişim tarihi:18.06. 2016)
  • Kılanç, R. (2013). Marka Öykülemelerinin İnternette Kültürel Değerler Çerçevesinde Yansımaları. TheTurkish Online Journal of Design, Art andCommunication, 3:38-47
  • Levine, A.,Alexander, B. (2008). Web 2.0Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre. Educase Review, November-December, 40-56
  • Mangold,W.,Faulds, D.,(2009). Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix Business Horizons,52:357—365
  • Miller, J. (2015).Case Study; Exococand the Future of Storytelling. Interactions, January- February, 30-47
  • Mittins, M.,Abratt, R., Christie, P. (2011). Storytelling in Reputation Management: The Case of Nashua Mobile South Africa.Management Decision, 49:405-421
  • Nude, T. (2012). How a Fan Post on Panera’s Facebook Page Got Half a Milllion Likes. 142716, (Erişim tarihi:25.03.2016)
  • Papadatos, C. (2006). TheArt of Storytelling: How LoyaltyMarketers Can BuildEmotionalConnectionstoTheirBrands", Journal Of Consumer Marketing, 23: 382 - 384
  • Park, K. (2001). Oliver Twist: An Exploration of Interactive Story telling and Object Use in Communication. British Journal Of Special Education, 8: 18-23
  • Plessis, C. (2015). Brand Storytelling: The Case of Coca-Cola’s Journey CorporateWebsite. Communitas, 20: 84-103,, (Erişim tarihi:15.03.2016)
  • Polkinghorne, D. (1991). Narrativeand Self Concept. Journal of Narrativeand Life History, 1:135- 153
  • Pulizzi, J. (2015). Content Marketing ProjectsThatareTakingthe World byStorm,, (24.03.2016)
  • Pulizzi,J. (2012).The Rise of Storytelling as the New Marketing. Publishing ResearchQuarterly, 28:116–123
  • Singh, S.,Sonnenburg, S. (2012). Brand Performances in Social Media.Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26:189–197
  • Stern, B. (1995). Consumer Myths: Frye‟s Taxonomy And The Structural Analysis Of ConsumptionText, Journal of Consumer Research, 22:165–186.
  • Thomson, C. (2007). Clive Thomson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense., (Erişim tarihi:26.03.2016)
  • Thompson, C. (2004). Marketplace Mythology and Discourses of Power, Journal of Consumer Research, 31: 162-180
  • Woodside, A. (2010). Brand–Consumer StorytellingTheory and Research: Introduction to a Psychology& Marketing Special Issue. Psychology&Marketing, 27: 531–540


Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 67 - 84, 31.12.2016


Hikâye anlatımı, iletişimin yapı taşlarından biridir. Marka iletişimi açısından bakıldığında hedef kitleler ile duygusal bağ oluşturmak, akılda kalıcılığı sağlamak, mesajda etkinlik sağlamak gibi nedenlerle markalar hikâyeleştirme yöntemine başvurmaktadır. Hikâye anlatımı, internetin yükselişiyle birlikte marka iletişiminde yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Markaların varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri için kendi hikâyelerini yaratma ve paylaşma sürecinde Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube gibi sosyal medya uygulamaları ve web sitelerinden yararlanmaları zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, marka iletişiminde hikâye anlatımının internetle birlikte değişen bu yeni yüzü, literatür analizi yöntemiyle alana ilişkin güncel kavramlar bağlamında tartışılmakta ve markaların internette yararlandıkları hikâyeleştirme yöntemine ilişkin aktüel örnekler eşliğinde değerlendirilmektedir. İnternette hikâye anlatımını, geleneksel hikâye anlatımından ayıran özelliklere değinilerek, yükselen bir değer olarak marka ve hedef kitlesi arasında birlikte yaratım sürecinin yürütüldüğü hikâyeleştirme çabalarının marka iletişimindeki yeri sorgulanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, internette markanın kişiliğini yansıtacak, çift yönlü katılımın sağlandığı, gerçeklikle sıkı bağlar kuran ve markanın yararlarını içeren hatırlanabilir hikâyeler oluşturmak ve bunları doğru mecralarla iletebilmek, markaların  iletişim stratejilerinden biri olmalıdır.  


  • Başfırıncı, Ç. (2011). Sembolik Tüketim ve Tüketim Öykülerinin Hermeneutik Yaklaşımla Yorumlanmasına İlişkin Bir Uygulama. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 7:183-210
  • Brown, A.(2014). Coca-Cola's New Journey Focuses on Storytelling. January,, (Erişim tarihi: 25.02.2016)
  • Clark, C. (2008). How Storytelling and Branding Teohniques Can Be Used to Create an Effective Fund raising Communications Programme.Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 2:47-53
  • Dayter, D. (2015). Small Stories and Extended Narratives on Twitter. Discourse, Contextand Media,10:19–26
  • Elliot, S. (2012).Coke Revamps Web Site toTell Its Story.New York Times, November,, (Erişim tarihi:14.02.2016)
  • Hsiao, K.,Lan, H., (2013). The Influence of the Components of Storytelling Blogs on Readers’ Travel Intentions. Internet Research,23:160-182 142716, (Erişim tarihi:25.03.2016)
  •,(Erişim tarihi:17.06.2016)
  •, (Erişim tarihi:25.03.2016)
  •, (Erişim tarihi:24.03.2016)
  •, (Erişim tarihi:19.06. 2016)
  •, (Erişim tarihi:18.06. 2016)
  • (14.04.2016)
  •,(Erişim tarihi:18.06. 2016)
  • Kılanç, R. (2013). Marka Öykülemelerinin İnternette Kültürel Değerler Çerçevesinde Yansımaları. TheTurkish Online Journal of Design, Art andCommunication, 3:38-47
  • Levine, A.,Alexander, B. (2008). Web 2.0Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre. Educase Review, November-December, 40-56
  • Mangold,W.,Faulds, D.,(2009). Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix Business Horizons,52:357—365
  • Miller, J. (2015).Case Study; Exococand the Future of Storytelling. Interactions, January- February, 30-47
  • Mittins, M.,Abratt, R., Christie, P. (2011). Storytelling in Reputation Management: The Case of Nashua Mobile South Africa.Management Decision, 49:405-421
  • Nude, T. (2012). How a Fan Post on Panera’s Facebook Page Got Half a Milllion Likes. 142716, (Erişim tarihi:25.03.2016)
  • Papadatos, C. (2006). TheArt of Storytelling: How LoyaltyMarketers Can BuildEmotionalConnectionstoTheirBrands", Journal Of Consumer Marketing, 23: 382 - 384
  • Park, K. (2001). Oliver Twist: An Exploration of Interactive Story telling and Object Use in Communication. British Journal Of Special Education, 8: 18-23
  • Plessis, C. (2015). Brand Storytelling: The Case of Coca-Cola’s Journey CorporateWebsite. Communitas, 20: 84-103,, (Erişim tarihi:15.03.2016)
  • Polkinghorne, D. (1991). Narrativeand Self Concept. Journal of Narrativeand Life History, 1:135- 153
  • Pulizzi, J. (2015). Content Marketing ProjectsThatareTakingthe World byStorm,, (24.03.2016)
  • Pulizzi,J. (2012).The Rise of Storytelling as the New Marketing. Publishing ResearchQuarterly, 28:116–123
  • Singh, S.,Sonnenburg, S. (2012). Brand Performances in Social Media.Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26:189–197
  • Stern, B. (1995). Consumer Myths: Frye‟s Taxonomy And The Structural Analysis Of ConsumptionText, Journal of Consumer Research, 22:165–186.
  • Thomson, C. (2007). Clive Thomson on How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense., (Erişim tarihi:26.03.2016)
  • Thompson, C. (2004). Marketplace Mythology and Discourses of Power, Journal of Consumer Research, 31: 162-180
  • Woodside, A. (2010). Brand–Consumer StorytellingTheory and Research: Introduction to a Psychology& Marketing Special Issue. Psychology&Marketing, 27: 531–540
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Zuhal Akbayır This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Akbayır, Z. (2016). BANA BİR HİKÂYE ANLAT: MARKA İLETİŞİMİNDE HİKÂYELEŞTİRME VE İNTERNET. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 67-84.