Research Article
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Year 2021, , 113 - 118, 31.12.2021



  • Lucas-Rincon SE, Robles-Bermeo NL, Lara-Carrillo E, Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Pontigo-Loyola AP, Rueda-Ibarra V, et al. Interproximal caries and premature tooth loss in primary dentition as risk factors for loss of space in the posterior sector: A cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(11):e14875. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014875.
  • Qin M, Li J, Zhang S, Ma W. Risk factors for severe early child- hood caries in children younger than 4 years old in Beijing, China. Pediatr Dent. 2008;30(2):122–8.
  • Thitasomakul S, Thearmontree A, Piwat S, Chankanka O, Pithpornchaiyakul W, Teanpaisan R, et al. A longitudinal study of early childhood caries in 9- to 18-month-old Thai infants. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(6):429–36. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.2006.00292.x.
  • Campus G, Solinas G, Strohmenger L, Cagetti MG, Senna A, Minelli L, et al. National pathfinder survey on children’s oralhealth in Italy: pattern and severity of caries disease in 4-year- olds. Caries Res. 2009;43(2):155–62. doi:10.1159/000211719.
  • DyeBA,HsuKL,AffulJ.PrevalenceandMeasurementofDental Caries in Young Children. Pediatr Dent. 2015;37(3):200–16.
  • Khanh LN, Ivey SL, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Barkan H, Ngo KM, Hoang HT, et al. Early Childhood Caries, Mouth Pain, and Nutritional Threats in Vietnam. Am J Public Health. 2015;105(12):2510–7. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302798.
  • FernandesIB,PereiraTS,SouzaDS,Ramos-JorgeJ,MarquesLS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Severity of Dental Caries and Quality of Life for Toddlers and Their Families. Pediatr Dent. 2017;39(2):118– 123.
  • Lin YT, Lin WH, Lin YT. Twelve-month space changes after premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2011;21(3):161–6. doi:10.1111/j.1365-263X.2010.01105.x.
  • Li Y, Wang W. Predicting caries in permanent teeth from caries in primary teeth: an eight-year cohort study. J Dent Res. 2002;81(8):561–6. doi:10.1177/154405910208100812.
  • AmericanAcademyofPediatricDentistry.Caries-riskAssess- ment and Management for Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Pediatr Dent. 2017;39(6):197–204.
  • Vittoba Setty J, Srinivasan I. Knowledge and Awareness of Primary Teeth and Their Importance among Parents in Ben- galuru City, India. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;9(1):56–61. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1334.
  • RamakrishnanM,BanuS,NingthoujamS,SamuelVA.Evalua- tion of knowledge and attitude of parents about the importance of maintaining primary dentition - A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;8:414–418.
  • Tosun G, Sener Y, Sermet U, Kucukyilmaz E. Ebeveynlerin pedodonti konusundaki tutumu nedir? ;17:6-11. SÜ Dişhek Fak Der. 2008;17:6–11.
  • Dawson B, Trapp RG. Basic & Clinical Biostatistics. Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill Inc.; 2001.
  • Pinkham JR, editor. Examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning of the infant and toddler. In: Casamassimo PS, Warren JJ, editors. Paediatric Dentistry Infancy: Through Adolescence. 4th ed.; 2005. p. 206 19. New York: Elsevier Inc.; 2019.
  • Astrom AN, Jakobsen R. The effect of parental dental health behavior on that of their adolescent offspring. Acta Odontol Scand. 1996;54(4):235–41. doi:10.3109/00016359609003530.
  • Enosa M, Simatwa W. Piaget’s theory of intellectual devel- opment and its implication for instructional management at presecondary school level. ERR. 2010;7:336–371.
  • KumarG,DhillonJK,VigneshR,GargA.Knowledge,attitude, and practical behavior of parents regarding their child’s oral health in New Delhi. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2019;37(1):3– 7. doi:10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_257_18.
  • American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Clinical Affairs Committee-Infant Oral Health S. Guideline on infant oral health care. Pediatr Dent. 2012;34(5):e148–52. DavidJ,WangNJ,AstromAN,KuriakoseS.Dentalcariesand associated factors in 12-year-old schoolchildren in Thiruvanan- thapuram, Kerala, India. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2005;15:420–428.
  • KiwanukaSN,AstromAN,TrovikTA.Dentalcariesexperience and its relationship to social and behavioural factors among 3-5- year-old children in Uganda. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2004;14:336– 346.
  • GelirveYaşamKoşullarıAraştırması[WebPage].Türkiyeİs- tatistik Kurumu; 2019. Available from: https://tuikweb.tuik.
  • JanhviM,GeoM.Knowledgeandattitudeofparentsregarding children’s primary teeth and their willingness for treatment. J Pharm Sci Res. 2017;9:194–198.
  • Ng MW. Multicultural influences on child-rearing prac- tices: implications for today’s pediatric dentist. Pediatr Dent. 2003;25(1):19–22.
  • RiedyCA,WeinsteinP,MilgromP,BrussM.Anethnographic study for understanding children’s oral health in a multicultural community. Int Dent J. 2001;51(4):305–12. doi:10.1002/j.1875- 595x.2001.tb00843.x.
  • Schroth RJ, Brothwell DJ, Moffatt ME. Caregiver knowledge and attitudes of preschool oral health and early childhood caries (ECC). Int J Circumpolar Health. 2007;66(2):153–67. doi:10.3402/ijch.v66i2.18247.
  • Rajab LD, Petersen PE, Bakaeen G, Hamdan MA. Oral health behaviour of schoolchildren and parents in Jordan. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(3):168–76. doi:10.1046/j.1365- 263x.2002.00359.x.
  • PetersE,BakerDP,DieckmannNF,LeonJ,CollinsJ.Explaining the effect of education on health: a field study in Ghana. Psychol Sci. 2010;21(10):1369–76. doi:10.1177/0956797610381506.
  • MishraA,PandeyRK,ChopraH,AroraV.Oralhealthawareness in school-going children and its significance to parent’s educa- tion level. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2018;36(2):120–124. doi:10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_1172_17.

Knowledge and Awareness of Turkish Mothers Regarding Primary Teeth

Year 2021, , 113 - 118, 31.12.2021


Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the mothers' knowledge and awareness of primary teeth.
Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of 323 children and their mothers. A questionnaire form consisting of 10 questions about the definition of primary teeth, their total number and treatment requirements was applied to the mothers. Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher-Freeman-Halton tests were used to analyze the data.
Results: The rate of wrong answers given by mothers with low education level to the question "What are primary teeth?" was significantly higher (p <0.001). The rate of correct answer given by mothers with low education level to the question "How many primary teeth are there in a healthy dentition?" was significantly lower (p = 0.002). The answer of "no" given by mothers with a low education level to the question "Do you think it is necessary to treat primary teeth?" was significantly higher (p=0.016). The rate of correct answer given by families with a monthly income above 5000 TL to the questions "What are primary teeth?" and "How many primary teeth are present totally?" were significantly higher (p=<0.001).
Conclusion: The superior the education level and the monthly income of the family, the higher the rate of answering questions that require information.


  • Lucas-Rincon SE, Robles-Bermeo NL, Lara-Carrillo E, Scougall-Vilchis RJ, Pontigo-Loyola AP, Rueda-Ibarra V, et al. Interproximal caries and premature tooth loss in primary dentition as risk factors for loss of space in the posterior sector: A cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(11):e14875. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014875.
  • Qin M, Li J, Zhang S, Ma W. Risk factors for severe early child- hood caries in children younger than 4 years old in Beijing, China. Pediatr Dent. 2008;30(2):122–8.
  • Thitasomakul S, Thearmontree A, Piwat S, Chankanka O, Pithpornchaiyakul W, Teanpaisan R, et al. A longitudinal study of early childhood caries in 9- to 18-month-old Thai infants. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2006;34(6):429–36. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.2006.00292.x.
  • Campus G, Solinas G, Strohmenger L, Cagetti MG, Senna A, Minelli L, et al. National pathfinder survey on children’s oralhealth in Italy: pattern and severity of caries disease in 4-year- olds. Caries Res. 2009;43(2):155–62. doi:10.1159/000211719.
  • DyeBA,HsuKL,AffulJ.PrevalenceandMeasurementofDental Caries in Young Children. Pediatr Dent. 2015;37(3):200–16.
  • Khanh LN, Ivey SL, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Barkan H, Ngo KM, Hoang HT, et al. Early Childhood Caries, Mouth Pain, and Nutritional Threats in Vietnam. Am J Public Health. 2015;105(12):2510–7. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302798.
  • FernandesIB,PereiraTS,SouzaDS,Ramos-JorgeJ,MarquesLS, Ramos-Jorge ML. Severity of Dental Caries and Quality of Life for Toddlers and Their Families. Pediatr Dent. 2017;39(2):118– 123.
  • Lin YT, Lin WH, Lin YT. Twelve-month space changes after premature loss of a primary maxillary first molar. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2011;21(3):161–6. doi:10.1111/j.1365-263X.2010.01105.x.
  • Li Y, Wang W. Predicting caries in permanent teeth from caries in primary teeth: an eight-year cohort study. J Dent Res. 2002;81(8):561–6. doi:10.1177/154405910208100812.
  • AmericanAcademyofPediatricDentistry.Caries-riskAssess- ment and Management for Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Pediatr Dent. 2017;39(6):197–204.
  • Vittoba Setty J, Srinivasan I. Knowledge and Awareness of Primary Teeth and Their Importance among Parents in Ben- galuru City, India. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;9(1):56–61. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1334.
  • RamakrishnanM,BanuS,NingthoujamS,SamuelVA.Evalua- tion of knowledge and attitude of parents about the importance of maintaining primary dentition - A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2019;8:414–418.
  • Tosun G, Sener Y, Sermet U, Kucukyilmaz E. Ebeveynlerin pedodonti konusundaki tutumu nedir? ;17:6-11. SÜ Dişhek Fak Der. 2008;17:6–11.
  • Dawson B, Trapp RG. Basic & Clinical Biostatistics. Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill Inc.; 2001.
  • Pinkham JR, editor. Examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning of the infant and toddler. In: Casamassimo PS, Warren JJ, editors. Paediatric Dentistry Infancy: Through Adolescence. 4th ed.; 2005. p. 206 19. New York: Elsevier Inc.; 2019.
  • Astrom AN, Jakobsen R. The effect of parental dental health behavior on that of their adolescent offspring. Acta Odontol Scand. 1996;54(4):235–41. doi:10.3109/00016359609003530.
  • Enosa M, Simatwa W. Piaget’s theory of intellectual devel- opment and its implication for instructional management at presecondary school level. ERR. 2010;7:336–371.
  • KumarG,DhillonJK,VigneshR,GargA.Knowledge,attitude, and practical behavior of parents regarding their child’s oral health in New Delhi. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2019;37(1):3– 7. doi:10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_257_18.
  • American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Clinical Affairs Committee-Infant Oral Health S. Guideline on infant oral health care. Pediatr Dent. 2012;34(5):e148–52. DavidJ,WangNJ,AstromAN,KuriakoseS.Dentalcariesand associated factors in 12-year-old schoolchildren in Thiruvanan- thapuram, Kerala, India. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2005;15:420–428.
  • KiwanukaSN,AstromAN,TrovikTA.Dentalcariesexperience and its relationship to social and behavioural factors among 3-5- year-old children in Uganda. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2004;14:336– 346.
  • GelirveYaşamKoşullarıAraştırması[WebPage].Türkiyeİs- tatistik Kurumu; 2019. Available from: https://tuikweb.tuik.
  • JanhviM,GeoM.Knowledgeandattitudeofparentsregarding children’s primary teeth and their willingness for treatment. J Pharm Sci Res. 2017;9:194–198.
  • Ng MW. Multicultural influences on child-rearing prac- tices: implications for today’s pediatric dentist. Pediatr Dent. 2003;25(1):19–22.
  • RiedyCA,WeinsteinP,MilgromP,BrussM.Anethnographic study for understanding children’s oral health in a multicultural community. Int Dent J. 2001;51(4):305–12. doi:10.1002/j.1875- 595x.2001.tb00843.x.
  • Schroth RJ, Brothwell DJ, Moffatt ME. Caregiver knowledge and attitudes of preschool oral health and early childhood caries (ECC). Int J Circumpolar Health. 2007;66(2):153–67. doi:10.3402/ijch.v66i2.18247.
  • Rajab LD, Petersen PE, Bakaeen G, Hamdan MA. Oral health behaviour of schoolchildren and parents in Jordan. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(3):168–76. doi:10.1046/j.1365- 263x.2002.00359.x.
  • PetersE,BakerDP,DieckmannNF,LeonJ,CollinsJ.Explaining the effect of education on health: a field study in Ghana. Psychol Sci. 2010;21(10):1369–76. doi:10.1177/0956797610381506.
  • MishraA,PandeyRK,ChopraH,AroraV.Oralhealthawareness in school-going children and its significance to parent’s educa- tion level. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2018;36(2):120–124. doi:10.4103/JISPPD.JISPPD_1172_17.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Sinem Yıldırım 0000-0002-8647-0534

Müge Tokuç 0000-0002-3933-9998

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date July 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


Vancouver Yıldırım S, Tokuç M. Knowledge and Awareness of Turkish Mothers Regarding Primary Teeth. EADS. 2021;48(3):113-8.