Fang Y, Hong G, Lu H, Guo Y, Yu W, Liu X. [Brown tu-mor: clinical, pathological and imaging manifestations].Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2015;95(45):3691–3694.
Hu J, He S, Yang J, Ye C, Yang X, Xiao J. Management ofbrown tumor of spine with primary hyperparathyroidism:A case report and literature review. Medicine (Baltimore).2019;98(14):e15007. doi:10.1097/md.0000000000015007.
Nassar GM, Ayus JC. Images in clinical medicine. Browntumor in end-stage renal disease. N Engl J Med.1999;341(22):1652. doi:10.1056/nejm199911253412204.
Keyser JS, Postma GN. Brown tumor of the mandible.Am J Otolaryngol. 1996;17(6):407–410. doi:10.1016/s0196-0709(96)90075-7.
Olsen J, Sealey C. Brown tumour of the mandible in pri-mary hyperparathyroidism; a case report. N Z Dent J.2015;111(3):116–118.
Huang R, Zhuang R, Liu Y, Li T, Huang J. Unusual pre-sentation of primary hyperparathyroidism: report of threecases. BMC Med Imaging. 2015;15:23. doi:10.1186/s12880-015-0064-1.
Minisola S, Gianotti L, Bhadada S, Silverberg SJ. Classi-cal complications of primary hyperparathyroidism. BestPract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;32(6):791–803.doi:10.1016/j.beem.2018.09.001.
Shetty AD, Namitha J, James L. Brown tumor of mandiblein association with primary hyperparathyroidism: a casereport. J Int Oral Health. 2015;7(2):50–52.
Di Daniele N, Condò S, Ferrannini M, Bertoli M, RovellaV, Di Renzo L, et al. Brown tumour in a patient withsecondary hyperparathyroidism resistant to medical ther-apy: case report on successful treatment after subtotalparathyroidectomy. Int J Endocrinol. 2009;2009:827652.doi:10.1155/2009/827652.
Gulati D, Bansal V, Dubey P, Pandey S, Agrawal A. Cen-tral giant cell granuloma of posterior maxilla: first expres sion of primary hyperparathyroidism. Case Rep Endocrinol.2015;2015:170412. doi:10.1155/2015/170412.
Moran LM, Moeinvaziri M, Fernandez A, Sanchez R.Multiple brown tumors mistaken for bone metastases.Computed tomography imaging findings. EJRNM.2016;47(2):537–541.
Reséndiz-Colosia JA, Rodríguez-Cuevas SA, Flores-Díaz R,Juan MH, Gallegos-Hernández JF, Barroso-Bravo S, et al.Evolution of maxillofacial brown tumors after parathy-roidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism. Head Neck.2008;30(11):1497–1504. doi:10.1002/hed.20905.
Brown Tumor of the Mandible as an Initial Presentation of Hyperparathyroidism
Year 2021,
Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 74 - 77, 31.08.2021
The paper presents a brown tumor case related to secondary hyperparathyroidism in an end stage kidney disease patient undergoing dialysis treatment. The interesting feature of the case is that the primary clinical presentation of the condition was a mild swelling in the attached gingiva of a mandibular molar tooth. Medical practitioners should be alert to the fact that some pathological conditions may have an initial presentation in the oral cavity. Thus, a thorough and careful examination of the oral mucosa with the accompanying dental radiographs of patients, should be noted and studied in all cases, where available.
Fang Y, Hong G, Lu H, Guo Y, Yu W, Liu X. [Brown tu-mor: clinical, pathological and imaging manifestations].Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2015;95(45):3691–3694.
Hu J, He S, Yang J, Ye C, Yang X, Xiao J. Management ofbrown tumor of spine with primary hyperparathyroidism:A case report and literature review. Medicine (Baltimore).2019;98(14):e15007. doi:10.1097/md.0000000000015007.
Nassar GM, Ayus JC. Images in clinical medicine. Browntumor in end-stage renal disease. N Engl J Med.1999;341(22):1652. doi:10.1056/nejm199911253412204.
Keyser JS, Postma GN. Brown tumor of the mandible.Am J Otolaryngol. 1996;17(6):407–410. doi:10.1016/s0196-0709(96)90075-7.
Olsen J, Sealey C. Brown tumour of the mandible in pri-mary hyperparathyroidism; a case report. N Z Dent J.2015;111(3):116–118.
Huang R, Zhuang R, Liu Y, Li T, Huang J. Unusual pre-sentation of primary hyperparathyroidism: report of threecases. BMC Med Imaging. 2015;15:23. doi:10.1186/s12880-015-0064-1.
Minisola S, Gianotti L, Bhadada S, Silverberg SJ. Classi-cal complications of primary hyperparathyroidism. BestPract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;32(6):791–803.doi:10.1016/j.beem.2018.09.001.
Shetty AD, Namitha J, James L. Brown tumor of mandiblein association with primary hyperparathyroidism: a casereport. J Int Oral Health. 2015;7(2):50–52.
Di Daniele N, Condò S, Ferrannini M, Bertoli M, RovellaV, Di Renzo L, et al. Brown tumour in a patient withsecondary hyperparathyroidism resistant to medical ther-apy: case report on successful treatment after subtotalparathyroidectomy. Int J Endocrinol. 2009;2009:827652.doi:10.1155/2009/827652.
Gulati D, Bansal V, Dubey P, Pandey S, Agrawal A. Cen-tral giant cell granuloma of posterior maxilla: first expres sion of primary hyperparathyroidism. Case Rep Endocrinol.2015;2015:170412. doi:10.1155/2015/170412.
Moran LM, Moeinvaziri M, Fernandez A, Sanchez R.Multiple brown tumors mistaken for bone metastases.Computed tomography imaging findings. EJRNM.2016;47(2):537–541.
Reséndiz-Colosia JA, Rodríguez-Cuevas SA, Flores-Díaz R,Juan MH, Gallegos-Hernández JF, Barroso-Bravo S, et al.Evolution of maxillofacial brown tumors after parathy-roidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism. Head Neck.2008;30(11):1497–1504. doi:10.1002/hed.20905.