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Evaluatıon of Mandıbular Morphology in Skeletal Class III Indıvıduals Wıth Panoramıc Radıographs

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 107 - 116, 01.08.2015


In orthodontics, panoramic radiographs are usually used for diagnosis and treatment planning of orthodontic anomalies. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the lateral cephalometric and panoramic radiographs and evaluate the mandibular morphology and differences in panoramic radiographs between skeletal Class I and Class III patients. Panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 78 patients were used as a material. 53 patients were chosen from Class III ANB° < 0 skeletal anomaly, were defined as study group, 25 patients who had Class I 0 < ANB°


  • Broadbent BH, Sr, Broadbent BH, Jr, Golden WH. Bolton standards of dentofacial development growth. St Louis: Mosby; 1975.
  • Graber.T.M, Panoramic radiography in orthodontic diagnosis. Am J Of Orthod, 1967; 53:799-821
  • Sancak Ö, E. Özdiler, E. Gündüz, Köklü A., H.-P. Bantleon Analyse vertikaler Gesichtsveränderungen mithilfe von Panora- maröntgenaufnahmen. Inf Orthod Kieferort- hop, 2012, 44: 9–12
  • Akçam O., Altiok T., Özdiler O., Pan- oramic radiographs: A tool for investigating skeletal pattern. Am J Of Orthod, 2003, 123:175-181
  • Nazile Machmout Kechagia, Erhan Özdiler, İskeletsel Sınıf I, Sınıf II, Sınıf III va- kaların panoramik radyografi özelliklerinin be- lirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim- leri Enstitüsü Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora tezi, 2010
  • Larheim TA, Svanes DB., Johannnes- sen S. Reproducibility of rotational panoramic radiography: mandibular linear dimensions and angles. Am J Of Orthod.,1986; 90:45-51
  • Matilla K., Altonen M.,Haavikko K., Determination of the gonial angle from or- thopantomogram. Angle Orthodontist, 1977; 47:(2): 107-110
  • Özlem Sancak , Erhan Özdiler, Kesici diş konumlarının panoramik radyogarfilerle belirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora tezi, 2011
  • Mitani H.,Sato K.,Sugawara J.,Growth of mandibular prognathism after pubertal growth peak. Am J Of Orthod., 1993; 104:330- 336
  • Sugawara J.,Asano T, Endo N, Mitani H. ,Long term effects of chincup therapy in skeletal profile in mandibular prognatsim., Am J of Orthod, 1990; 98:127-133
  • Moss ML, Salenjetin L,The Capsuler Matrix, Am J Orthod, 1969, 56:474-90
  • Kobayashi Y., Shiga H, Arakawa I, Yokoyama M., Nakajıma K., Difference of Masticatory function in subjects with different closing path, Journal of Prosthodontic Re- search, 2009; 53:11-14
  • Christensen LV, Radue JT, Lateral preference in mastication: an electromyograph- ic study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2007; 12(5):429-434
  • Kambylafkas P.,Murdock E., Validity of panoramic radiographs for measuring man- dibular asymmetry. Angle Orthodontist, 2006; 76:(3),388-393
  • Habets L.,Bezuur J.N.,Naeje M.,Hansson T.L, The Orthopantomogram, an aid in diagnosis of tempomandibular joint problems II. The vertical smmetry, Journal of Oral Rehabilitaition,1988; 15, 465
  • Sezgin ÖS, Çelenk P., Arıcı S., Man- dibular Asymmetry in Different Occlusion Pat- terns. The Angle Orthodontist. 2007; 77: (5), 803-807.
  • Lin H.,Zhu P., Lin Y., Wan S., Shu X., Xu Y.,Zheng Y.,Mandibular asymmetry: a three- dimensional quantification of bilateral condyles. Head Face Med, 2013; 20; 9:42
  • Kheir NA., KaU CH., Measuring mandibular asymmetry in Class I normal sub- jects using 3D novel coordinate system. Ann Maxillofac. Surg., 2014; 4(1): 34- 38
  • Özdiler E., Başpınar E., Angle Kl III anomalilerin Mc Namara sefaLometrik analizi ile incelenmesi, Türk Ortodonti Derneği, 1992, 5(1):16-22 tttttt t
  • Mc Namara J., A method f Cephalo- metric evaluation. Am J Of Orthod., 1984; 6:449-469
  • Björk A., Prediciton of Mandibular Growth. Am J Of Orthod,1968;55(6),585-599
  • Skieller V, Bjork A, Linde-Hansen T., Prediction of mandibular growth rotation eval- uated from a longitudinal implant sample. Am J Of Orthod., 1984; 86:359–370
  • Čutović Tatjana, Pavlović Jasna, Kozomara Ružica, Radiographic cephalometry analysis of dimensions of condylar processus in persons with mandibular progna- thism,Vojnosanitetski Pregled.2008; Vol: 65, Issue 7, 513-519
  • Yassaei S., Zaeim M.,Evaluation of condylar heiht and width in patients with Class I and Class III malocclusions using panoramic and laterak cephalogram, Journal of Dentistry Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 2006,vol 7,no:1
  • Kasimoglu Y, Tuna EB, Rahimi B, Marsan G, Gencay K. Condylar asymmetry in different occlusion types Cra- nio. 2015;33(1):10-4.
  • Uysal T, Sisman Y, Kurt G, Ramoglu SI. Condylar and ramal vertical asymmetry in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite pati- ents and a normalocclusion sample.Am J Of Orthod 2009; 136(1):37-43.


Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2, 107 - 116, 01.08.2015


Panoramik radyografiler ortodonti kliniğinde, ortodontik anomalilerin teşhis ve tedavi planlamasında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı; Sınıf 1 ve Sınıf 3 bireylerde panoramik radyografların, lateral sefalometrik radyograflarla ilişkisini incelemek ve panoramik radyograflarda ölçülen parametrelerle mandibulanın morfolojik özelliklerini ve farklılıklarını tanımlamaya çalışmaktır. Araştırma iskeletsel Sınıf 3 ANB° < 0 anomaliye sahip 53 birey ile iskeletsel Sınıf 1 0 < ANB°


  • Broadbent BH, Sr, Broadbent BH, Jr, Golden WH. Bolton standards of dentofacial development growth. St Louis: Mosby; 1975.
  • Graber.T.M, Panoramic radiography in orthodontic diagnosis. Am J Of Orthod, 1967; 53:799-821
  • Sancak Ö, E. Özdiler, E. Gündüz, Köklü A., H.-P. Bantleon Analyse vertikaler Gesichtsveränderungen mithilfe von Panora- maröntgenaufnahmen. Inf Orthod Kieferort- hop, 2012, 44: 9–12
  • Akçam O., Altiok T., Özdiler O., Pan- oramic radiographs: A tool for investigating skeletal pattern. Am J Of Orthod, 2003, 123:175-181
  • Nazile Machmout Kechagia, Erhan Özdiler, İskeletsel Sınıf I, Sınıf II, Sınıf III va- kaların panoramik radyografi özelliklerinin be- lirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim- leri Enstitüsü Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora tezi, 2010
  • Larheim TA, Svanes DB., Johannnes- sen S. Reproducibility of rotational panoramic radiography: mandibular linear dimensions and angles. Am J Of Orthod.,1986; 90:45-51
  • Matilla K., Altonen M.,Haavikko K., Determination of the gonial angle from or- thopantomogram. Angle Orthodontist, 1977; 47:(2): 107-110
  • Özlem Sancak , Erhan Özdiler, Kesici diş konumlarının panoramik radyogarfilerle belirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı, Doktora tezi, 2011
  • Mitani H.,Sato K.,Sugawara J.,Growth of mandibular prognathism after pubertal growth peak. Am J Of Orthod., 1993; 104:330- 336
  • Sugawara J.,Asano T, Endo N, Mitani H. ,Long term effects of chincup therapy in skeletal profile in mandibular prognatsim., Am J of Orthod, 1990; 98:127-133
  • Moss ML, Salenjetin L,The Capsuler Matrix, Am J Orthod, 1969, 56:474-90
  • Kobayashi Y., Shiga H, Arakawa I, Yokoyama M., Nakajıma K., Difference of Masticatory function in subjects with different closing path, Journal of Prosthodontic Re- search, 2009; 53:11-14
  • Christensen LV, Radue JT, Lateral preference in mastication: an electromyograph- ic study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2007; 12(5):429-434
  • Kambylafkas P.,Murdock E., Validity of panoramic radiographs for measuring man- dibular asymmetry. Angle Orthodontist, 2006; 76:(3),388-393
  • Habets L.,Bezuur J.N.,Naeje M.,Hansson T.L, The Orthopantomogram, an aid in diagnosis of tempomandibular joint problems II. The vertical smmetry, Journal of Oral Rehabilitaition,1988; 15, 465
  • Sezgin ÖS, Çelenk P., Arıcı S., Man- dibular Asymmetry in Different Occlusion Pat- terns. The Angle Orthodontist. 2007; 77: (5), 803-807.
  • Lin H.,Zhu P., Lin Y., Wan S., Shu X., Xu Y.,Zheng Y.,Mandibular asymmetry: a three- dimensional quantification of bilateral condyles. Head Face Med, 2013; 20; 9:42
  • Kheir NA., KaU CH., Measuring mandibular asymmetry in Class I normal sub- jects using 3D novel coordinate system. Ann Maxillofac. Surg., 2014; 4(1): 34- 38
  • Özdiler E., Başpınar E., Angle Kl III anomalilerin Mc Namara sefaLometrik analizi ile incelenmesi, Türk Ortodonti Derneği, 1992, 5(1):16-22 tttttt t
  • Mc Namara J., A method f Cephalo- metric evaluation. Am J Of Orthod., 1984; 6:449-469
  • Björk A., Prediciton of Mandibular Growth. Am J Of Orthod,1968;55(6),585-599
  • Skieller V, Bjork A, Linde-Hansen T., Prediction of mandibular growth rotation eval- uated from a longitudinal implant sample. Am J Of Orthod., 1984; 86:359–370
  • Čutović Tatjana, Pavlović Jasna, Kozomara Ružica, Radiographic cephalometry analysis of dimensions of condylar processus in persons with mandibular progna- thism,Vojnosanitetski Pregled.2008; Vol: 65, Issue 7, 513-519
  • Yassaei S., Zaeim M.,Evaluation of condylar heiht and width in patients with Class I and Class III malocclusions using panoramic and laterak cephalogram, Journal of Dentistry Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 2006,vol 7,no:1
  • Kasimoglu Y, Tuna EB, Rahimi B, Marsan G, Gencay K. Condylar asymmetry in different occlusion types Cra- nio. 2015;33(1):10-4.
  • Uysal T, Sisman Y, Kurt G, Ramoglu SI. Condylar and ramal vertical asymmetry in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite pati- ents and a normalocclusion sample.Am J Of Orthod 2009; 136(1):37-43.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gökçe Kılıç This is me

Aslı Şenol This is me

Emre Cesur This is me

Orhan Özdiler This is me

İlayda Çalı This is me

Rabia Albayrak This is me

Emel Özgümüş This is me

Erhan Özdiler This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 2 - Volume: 42 Issue: 2
