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Evaluation of Bacterial Leakage of Retrograde Filling Materials using various Retrograde Cavity Preparation Methods

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.02.2016


In our study, 140 single root human tooth were used. In order to ensure the root length standardization of the teeth, 15 mm was cut from the apex. One hundred and twenty teeth were randomly divided into three groups each of which included 40 teeth. The 20 teeth left were used as positive n=10 and negative n=10 control groups. Then the root canals were prepared by ProTaper instruments and obturated with lateral condensation. Apical resection of all groups were performed by conventional fissur diamond bur. Retrograde cavity preparation was performed by burr, ultrasonic retrotip and Er:YAG laser in the first, second and third groups, respectively. These main three groups were divided into two subgroups for retrograde cavity filling procedures. These groups were filled using MTA and DiaRoot BioAggregate.. The samples were sterilized with oxide gas for 12 hours. An experiment materials was prepared for bacterial leakage test and sterilized with ethylene oxide gas. E. faecalis and S. aureus inoculum was injected into sterile Eppendorf tubes. The samples were evaluated by bacterial leakage method. Tubes were left to incubation for 90 days in an incubator under the temperature of 35 ± 2 °C. During incubation, E. faecalis and S. aureus in the Eppendorf tube were renewed every five days and every day, glass tubes were controlled and the blurring of BHI culture was recorded as leakage day. The blurring of BHI culture in glass tubes was noted as the leakage and the proliferation of E. faecalis and S. aureus. It was evaluated whether there is a significant difference among the groups in terms of leakage speed and average leakage times, by using log-rank test and with the analysis of Kaplan Meier survival. The value of p


  • KAUFMAN, A., TAGGER, M., KATZ, A., YASEF, A. (1989). Life and AH 26 as sealers in Thermatically Compacted Gutta-Percha Root Canal Fillings: Leakage to a dye. J. Endod., 15: 68-71.
  • LIMKANGWALMONGKOL, S., BURTSC- HER, P., ABBOTT, P.V., SANDLER, A.B., BISHOP, B.M. (1991). A comparative study of the apical leakage of four root canal sealers and laterally condensed gutta-percha. J. Endod., 17: 495-499.
  • ORUÇOĞLU, H., ŞENGÜN, A., YILMAZ, N. (2005). Apical leakage of resin based root canal sealers with a new computarized fluid filtration meter. J. Endod., 31: 886-890.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K. (2006). Endodontide Tanı ve Tedaviler. 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel tıp Kita- bevleri., s.: 401-432.
  • KIM, S. (2002). Endodontic Microsurgery. In: Cohen S, Burns RC, eds. Pathway of the Pulp 8th ed, St Louis, Mosby Inc, p: 683-725.
  • KIM, S., KRATCHMAN, S. (2006). Modern endodontic surgery concepts and practice : a re- view. J. Endod. 32: 601-623.
  • MADDALONE, G., GAGLIANI, M. (2003). Perapical endodontic surgery: a 3-year follow- up study. Int Endod J., 36: 193-198.
  • SAUNDERS, W.P. (2008). A prospective clini- cal study of periradicular surgery using mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling. J. En- dod., 34: 660-665.
  • CREASY, J.E., MINES, P., SWEET, M. (2009). Surgical trends among endodontists: the result of a web-based surgery. J Endod., 35: 30-34.
  • GOUW-SOARES, S., TANJI, E., HAYPEK, P., CARDOSO, W., EDUARDO, C.P. (2001). The use of Er.YAG, Nd:YAG and Ga-Al-As lasers in periapical surgery: a 3-year clinical study. J Clin Laser Med Surg., 19: 193-198.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K. (2004). Prognosis of large cyst-like periapical lesions following nonsurgi- cal root canal treatment: a clinical review. Int Endod J., 37: 408-416.
  • LEAL, F., DE DEUS, G., BRANDAO, C., LUNA, A.S., FİDEL, S.R., SOUZA, E.M. (2011) Comparison of the root-end seal provi- ded by bioseramic repair cements and White MTA. Int Endod J., 44: 662-668.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., MCDO- NALD, F., PITT FORD, T.R. (1995). Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end fil- ling material. J. Endod., 21: 349-353.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., PITT FORD, T.R., KETTERING, J.D. (1995). Anti- bacterial effects of some root end filling materi- als. J. Endod., 21: 403-406.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., PITT FORD, T.R., KETTERING, J.D. (1995). Cyto- toxicity of four root end filling materials. J. En- dod., 21: 489-492.
  • VALOIS, C.R., COSTA, E.D. (2004). Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol., 97: 108-111.
  • DUARTE, M.A., DEMARCHI, A.C., YA- MASHITA, J.C., KUGA, M.C., FRAGA, S.C. (2005). Arsenic release provided by MTA and Portland cement. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol., 99: 648-650.
  • PARK, J.W., HONG, S.W., KIM, J.H., LEE, S.J., SHIN, S.J. (2010). X- ray diffraction analysis of White ProRoot MTA and Diadent BioAggregate . Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pat- hol., 109: 155-158.
  • KARLOVIC, Z., PEZELJ-RIBARIC, S., MI- LETIC, I., JUKIC, S., GRGUREVIC, J., ANIC, I. (2005). Erbium:YAG laser versus ultrasonic in preparation of root-end cavities. J Endod., 31: 821-823.
  • ALAÇAM, T. (2012). Endodonti. 1. Baskı. An- kara: Barış Yayınlar, s: 1183-1226.
  • DE LANGE, J., PUTTERS, T., BASS, E.M., VAN INGEN, J.M. (2007). Ultrasonic root-end preparation in apical surgery:a prospective ran- domized study. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pat- hol., 104: 841-845.
  • LAYTON, C.A., MARSHALL, J.G., MOR- GAN L.A., BAUMGARTNER, J.C. (1996). Evaluation of cracks associated with ultrasonic root-end preparation. J Endod., 22: 157-160.
  • WAPLINGTON, M., WALMSLEY, A.D. (1997). Incidence of root face alteration after ultrasonic retrograde cavity preparation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol., 83: 387-392.
  • NAVARRE, S.W., STEIMAN, H.R. (2002). Root-end fracture during retropreparation: A comparison between zirconium nitride-coated and stainless steel microsurgical ultrasonic inst- ruments. J. Endod., 28: 330- 332.
  • TASHIERI, S., TESTORI, T., FRANCETTI, L., DEL FABBRO, M. (2004). Effects of ultra- sonic root-end preparation on resected root sur- faces: SEM evaluation. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol., 98: 611-618.
  • PAGHDIWALA, A.F. (1993). Root resection of endodontically treated teeth by erbium: YAG laser radiation. J. Endod., 19: 91-94.
  • KOMORI, T., YOKOYAMA, K., TAKATO, T., MATSUMOTO, K. (1997). Clinical applica- tion of the erbium: YAG laser for apicoectomy. J Endod., 23: 748- 750.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K., PARLAR, N.K., ORU- COGLU, H., AYDIN, B. (2010). Apical micro- leakage of root-end cavities prepared by Er.Cr:YSGG laser. Laser Med Sci., 25: 145- 150.
  • MANGIN, C., YEŞİLSOY, C., NISSAN, R., STEVENS, R. (2003). The comparative sealing ability of hydroxyapatite cement, mineral trioxide aggregate, and super ethoxybenzoic acid as root-end filling materials. J Endod., 29: 261-264.
  • SIREN, E.K., HAAPASALO, M.P., RANTA, K., SALMI, P., KEROSUO, E.N. (1997). Mic- robiological findingsand clinical treatment pro- cedures in endodontic cases selected for micro- biological investigation. Int. Endod. J., 30: 91- 95.


Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.02.2016


Çalışmamızda, 140 adet tek köklü insan dişleri kullanıldı. Dişlerin kök boyu standardizasyonunu sağlamak için apeksten 15 mm uzaklıkta olacak şekilde kesildi. Yüz kırk adet dişin 120 tanesi her bir grupta 40 diş içerecek şekilde rastgele 3 gruba ayrıldı. Geriye kalan 20 dişten ise pozitif n=10 ve negatif n=10 kontrol grubu oluşturuldu. Kök kanalları ProTaper ile prepare edildikten sonra kanallar lateral kondenzasyon yöntemi ile dolduruldu. Tüm grupların apikal rezeksiyonları konvansiyonel elmas fissür frez ile yapıldı. Retrograd kavite preparasyonu, ilk grupta frez, ikinci grupta ultrasonik uç, üçüncü grupta ise Er:YAG lazer ile yapıldı. Bu ana gruplar, retrograd dolguları yapılmak üzere içlerinde iki subgruba ayrıldı. Gruplar MTA ve DiaRoot BioAggregate ile dolduruldu. Hazırlanan örnekler etilen oksit gazı ile steril edildi. Bakteriyel sızıntı deneyi için test düzeneği hazırlandı. E. faecalis ve S. aureus inokulumu, steril Eppendorf tüplerin içine enjekte edildi. Tüpler etüvde 35 ± 2 ºC’ de, 90 gün boyunca inkübasyona bırakıldı. İnkübasyon süresince Eppendorf tüpü içindeki E. faecalis ve S. aureus inokulumu 5 günde bir yenilendi. Cam tüp içerisindeki BHI buyyon’un bulanıklaşması E. faecalis’in ve S. aureus sızıntısı ve üremesi olarak değerlendirildi. Çalışma grupları arasında sızıntı hızlarında ve ortalama sızıntı zamanlarında anlamlı farklılık olup olmadığı Log-Rank testi kullanılarak Kaplan Meier sağkalım analizi ile değerlendirildi. p


  • KAUFMAN, A., TAGGER, M., KATZ, A., YASEF, A. (1989). Life and AH 26 as sealers in Thermatically Compacted Gutta-Percha Root Canal Fillings: Leakage to a dye. J. Endod., 15: 68-71.
  • LIMKANGWALMONGKOL, S., BURTSC- HER, P., ABBOTT, P.V., SANDLER, A.B., BISHOP, B.M. (1991). A comparative study of the apical leakage of four root canal sealers and laterally condensed gutta-percha. J. Endod., 17: 495-499.
  • ORUÇOĞLU, H., ŞENGÜN, A., YILMAZ, N. (2005). Apical leakage of resin based root canal sealers with a new computarized fluid filtration meter. J. Endod., 31: 886-890.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K. (2006). Endodontide Tanı ve Tedaviler. 1. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel tıp Kita- bevleri., s.: 401-432.
  • KIM, S. (2002). Endodontic Microsurgery. In: Cohen S, Burns RC, eds. Pathway of the Pulp 8th ed, St Louis, Mosby Inc, p: 683-725.
  • KIM, S., KRATCHMAN, S. (2006). Modern endodontic surgery concepts and practice : a re- view. J. Endod. 32: 601-623.
  • MADDALONE, G., GAGLIANI, M. (2003). Perapical endodontic surgery: a 3-year follow- up study. Int Endod J., 36: 193-198.
  • SAUNDERS, W.P. (2008). A prospective clini- cal study of periradicular surgery using mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling. J. En- dod., 34: 660-665.
  • CREASY, J.E., MINES, P., SWEET, M. (2009). Surgical trends among endodontists: the result of a web-based surgery. J Endod., 35: 30-34.
  • GOUW-SOARES, S., TANJI, E., HAYPEK, P., CARDOSO, W., EDUARDO, C.P. (2001). The use of Er.YAG, Nd:YAG and Ga-Al-As lasers in periapical surgery: a 3-year clinical study. J Clin Laser Med Surg., 19: 193-198.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K. (2004). Prognosis of large cyst-like periapical lesions following nonsurgi- cal root canal treatment: a clinical review. Int Endod J., 37: 408-416.
  • LEAL, F., DE DEUS, G., BRANDAO, C., LUNA, A.S., FİDEL, S.R., SOUZA, E.M. (2011) Comparison of the root-end seal provi- ded by bioseramic repair cements and White MTA. Int Endod J., 44: 662-668.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., MCDO- NALD, F., PITT FORD, T.R. (1995). Physical and chemical properties of a new root-end fil- ling material. J. Endod., 21: 349-353.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., PITT FORD, T.R., KETTERING, J.D. (1995). Anti- bacterial effects of some root end filling materi- als. J. Endod., 21: 403-406.
  • TORABINEJAD, M., HONG C.U., PITT FORD, T.R., KETTERING, J.D. (1995). Cyto- toxicity of four root end filling materials. J. En- dod., 21: 489-492.
  • VALOIS, C.R., COSTA, E.D. (2004). Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol., 97: 108-111.
  • DUARTE, M.A., DEMARCHI, A.C., YA- MASHITA, J.C., KUGA, M.C., FRAGA, S.C. (2005). Arsenic release provided by MTA and Portland cement. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol., 99: 648-650.
  • PARK, J.W., HONG, S.W., KIM, J.H., LEE, S.J., SHIN, S.J. (2010). X- ray diffraction analysis of White ProRoot MTA and Diadent BioAggregate . Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pat- hol., 109: 155-158.
  • KARLOVIC, Z., PEZELJ-RIBARIC, S., MI- LETIC, I., JUKIC, S., GRGUREVIC, J., ANIC, I. (2005). Erbium:YAG laser versus ultrasonic in preparation of root-end cavities. J Endod., 31: 821-823.
  • ALAÇAM, T. (2012). Endodonti. 1. Baskı. An- kara: Barış Yayınlar, s: 1183-1226.
  • DE LANGE, J., PUTTERS, T., BASS, E.M., VAN INGEN, J.M. (2007). Ultrasonic root-end preparation in apical surgery:a prospective ran- domized study. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pat- hol., 104: 841-845.
  • LAYTON, C.A., MARSHALL, J.G., MOR- GAN L.A., BAUMGARTNER, J.C. (1996). Evaluation of cracks associated with ultrasonic root-end preparation. J Endod., 22: 157-160.
  • WAPLINGTON, M., WALMSLEY, A.D. (1997). Incidence of root face alteration after ultrasonic retrograde cavity preparation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol., 83: 387-392.
  • NAVARRE, S.W., STEIMAN, H.R. (2002). Root-end fracture during retropreparation: A comparison between zirconium nitride-coated and stainless steel microsurgical ultrasonic inst- ruments. J. Endod., 28: 330- 332.
  • TASHIERI, S., TESTORI, T., FRANCETTI, L., DEL FABBRO, M. (2004). Effects of ultra- sonic root-end preparation on resected root sur- faces: SEM evaluation. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol., 98: 611-618.
  • PAGHDIWALA, A.F. (1993). Root resection of endodontically treated teeth by erbium: YAG laser radiation. J. Endod., 19: 91-94.
  • KOMORI, T., YOKOYAMA, K., TAKATO, T., MATSUMOTO, K. (1997). Clinical applica- tion of the erbium: YAG laser for apicoectomy. J Endod., 23: 748- 750.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, M.K., PARLAR, N.K., ORU- COGLU, H., AYDIN, B. (2010). Apical micro- leakage of root-end cavities prepared by Er.Cr:YSGG laser. Laser Med Sci., 25: 145- 150.
  • MANGIN, C., YEŞİLSOY, C., NISSAN, R., STEVENS, R. (2003). The comparative sealing ability of hydroxyapatite cement, mineral trioxide aggregate, and super ethoxybenzoic acid as root-end filling materials. J Endod., 29: 261-264.
  • SIREN, E.K., HAAPASALO, M.P., RANTA, K., SALMI, P., KEROSUO, E.N. (1997). Mic- robiological findingsand clinical treatment pro- cedures in endodontic cases selected for micro- biological investigation. Int. Endod. J., 30: 91- 95.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Funda Yılmaz This is me

Bade Sonat This is me

Müjgan İzgür This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1
