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The Evaluatıon of the Skeletal Maturatıon of Growıng Chıldren Wıth Unılateral Cleft Lıp and Palate

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 11 - 18, 01.02.2016


Aim: Aim of the study was to assess the skeletal maturity in growing children with unilateral cleft lip and palate using the radiographic handwrist maturation method and to compare it with that of the non-cleft children. Subjects and Method: This case-control study was conducted at Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics. Subjects were 40 patients 28 males and 12 females with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Their ages ranged between 8.58 and 15.83 years of age. There were compared with 40 skeletal Class I control subjects 28 males and 12 females without clefts in an age and gender one-to-one matched control group Those two groups were compared with each other according to the norm values in GreulichPyle Hand and Wrist Growth Atlas. Results: In the overall growth of cleft and non-cleft controls were compared with Student’s ttest and one-way ANOVA test, no significant difference was recorded. However, when the findings of the study were evaluated according to the chronological ages of the subjects; cleft patients prior or at peak growth stages S and MP3cap showed significant delays in skeletal maturation when compared with the control subjects. 9 cleft patient 6 males, 3 females showed retardation more than one year compared with chronological age. Though, this difference was not significant. Conclusion: Although overall skeletal maturation levels of cleft and control subjects was not statistically significant, individual evaluation of subjects with unilateral cleft lip and palate exhibited a slight delay in skeletal maturation at earlier growth stages when compared with the non-cleft growing control subjects.


  • Hoşnuter M, Aktunç E, Kargı E, Ünalacak M, Babucçu O, Demircan N, IşıkdemiA. Yarık Dudak Damak Aile Rehberi. Süleyman Demirel Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2002;9:9-13.
  • Aduss H.Cranofacial growth in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate.Angle Orthod. 1971; 4:202-213.
  • Tunçbilek G, Özgür F, Balcı Sevim. 1229 yarık dudak ve damak hastasında görülen ek malformasyon ve sendromlar. Çocuk Sağlığı 2004;47:172-176. Dergisi. cross-sectional study. J Pediatr.
  • Mars M. Management of Cleft Lip and Pa- late. Edinburgh: Whurr Ltd; 2001:44–67.
  • Lamparski DG. Skeletal age assessment uti- lizing cervical vertebrae. Master Thesis, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh. 1972.
  • Baccetti T, Franchgi L, Mc namara JA. An improved version of the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assess- ment of mandibular growth. Angle Orthod. 2002;72:316-23.
  • Greulich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Developmentof Hand and Wrist. 2nd ed. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. 1959.
  • Mari Eli Leonelli de Moraes and Luiz Cesar de Moraes. Skeletal Age of Down Syndro- me Individuals. In: Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Down Syndrome, InTech, 2011. DOI: 10.5772/18532. Available from: diagnosis-and-screening-for-down- syndrome/skeletal-age-of-down-syndrome- individuals
  • Björk A, Helm S. Prediction of the age of maximum puberal growth in body height. Angle Orthod. 1967;37:134-143.
  • Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA Jr. The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assessment of optimal tre- atment timing in dentofacial orthopaedic. Semin Orthod. 2005;11:119–129.
  • Ravi KB. The nutritional status of children with isolated cleft lip and palate in first two years of life in India. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomalies. 2010;3:8-12.
  • Cox MA. The cleft lip and cleft palate rese- arch and treatment centre: Research Institu- te.A five year report 1955-1959, Hospital for sick children. Toronto, Canada 1960.
  • Rintala AE, Gylling U. Birth weight of in- fants with cleft lip and palate. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 1967;1:109-112.
  • Ross RB. Treatment variables affecting fa- cial growth in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate J. 1987;24(1):5-77.
  • Jensen BL, Dahl E, Kreiborg S. Longitudi- nal study of body height, radius length and skeletal maturity in Danish boys with cleft lip and palate, Scand J Dent Res. 1983;91(6):473-481.
  • Bowers EJ, Mayro RF, Whitaker LA, Pasquariello PS, LaRossa D, Randall P. General body growth in children with clefts of the lip, palate and craniofacial structure. Scand J Plastic Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 1987;21(1):7-14.
  • Ravi MS, Ravikala S. Assessment of Skele- tal Age in Children with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. International Journal of Cli- nical Pediatric Dentistry, 2013;6(3):151- 155.
  • Sun L, Li WR. Cervical Vertebral Matura- tion of Children With Orofacial Clefts. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 2012; 49(6): 683–688.
  • Pisek P, Godfrey K, Manosudprasit M, Wangsrimongkol T, Leelasinjaroen P. A comparison of cervical vertebral maturation assessment of skeletal growth stages with chronological age in Thai between cleft lip and palate and non-cleft patients. J Med Assoc Thai. 2013;96:4:S9-18.
  • Leite HR, O’Reilly MT, Close JM. Skeletal age assesment using the first, second, and third fingers of the hand. Am J Orthod Den- tofacial Orthop. 1987; 98:492 498.


Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 11 - 18, 01.02.2016


Amaç: Tek taraflı dudak damak yarığına sahip gelişim çağındaki bireylerin iskeletsel gelişim seviyelerini radyografik el-bilek gelişim yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirimesidir.
 Bireyler ve Yöntem: Bu birey-kontrol çalışması Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı’nda yürütülmüştür. Çalışmaya yaşları 8.58 ile 15.83 yıl arasında değişen tek taraflı dudak damak yarığına sahip 40 birey 28 erkek, 12 kız ve bu bireyler ile cinsiyet ve kronolojik yaş açısından birebir eşleştirilmiş 40 Sınıf 1 kontrol bireyi dahil edilmiştir. Gruplara ait bireyler birbirleriyle Greulich-Pyle el-bilek atlasındaki norm değerler esas alınarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Dudak yarığına sahip ve kontrol bireylerinin genel iskeletsel gelişim seviyeleri Student’s t-testi ve tek yönlü ANOVA testi ile karşılaştırıldığında istatistik olarak anlamlı bir fark izlenmemiştir. Ancak bulgular bireylerin kronolojik yaşları göz önünde bulundurularak yapıldığında, gelişimin pik ve pik öncesi dönemlerindeki S ve MP3cap dönemleri dudak damak yarığına sahip bireylerde iskeletsel gelişimin kontrol grubuna göre bir miktar geri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dudak damak yarıklı 9 bireyde 6 erkek-3 kız pik öncesi kronolojik yaşa göre en az 1 yıl gerilik saptanırken, kontrol grubunda retarde büyümeye sahip birey bulunmamaktadır. Ancak her iki grup arasındaki farklılıklar yine istatistik olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Sonuç: Gelişim çağındaki dudak damak yarıklı bireyler ve kontrol grubuna ait Sınıf 1 bireyler arasında iskeletsel gelişim düzeyi açısından istatistik olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Ancak, bireysel ve yaşa bağlı değerlendirmelerde dudak damak yarıklı çocukların özellikle pik öncesi ve pik dönemlerinde bir miktar iskeletsel gerilik gösterdiği izlenmiştir.


  • Hoşnuter M, Aktunç E, Kargı E, Ünalacak M, Babucçu O, Demircan N, IşıkdemiA. Yarık Dudak Damak Aile Rehberi. Süleyman Demirel Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2002;9:9-13.
  • Aduss H.Cranofacial growth in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate.Angle Orthod. 1971; 4:202-213.
  • Tunçbilek G, Özgür F, Balcı Sevim. 1229 yarık dudak ve damak hastasında görülen ek malformasyon ve sendromlar. Çocuk Sağlığı 2004;47:172-176. Dergisi. cross-sectional study. J Pediatr.
  • Mars M. Management of Cleft Lip and Pa- late. Edinburgh: Whurr Ltd; 2001:44–67.
  • Lamparski DG. Skeletal age assessment uti- lizing cervical vertebrae. Master Thesis, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh. 1972.
  • Baccetti T, Franchgi L, Mc namara JA. An improved version of the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assess- ment of mandibular growth. Angle Orthod. 2002;72:316-23.
  • Greulich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Developmentof Hand and Wrist. 2nd ed. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. 1959.
  • Mari Eli Leonelli de Moraes and Luiz Cesar de Moraes. Skeletal Age of Down Syndro- me Individuals. In: Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening for Down Syndrome, InTech, 2011. DOI: 10.5772/18532. Available from: diagnosis-and-screening-for-down- syndrome/skeletal-age-of-down-syndrome- individuals
  • Björk A, Helm S. Prediction of the age of maximum puberal growth in body height. Angle Orthod. 1967;37:134-143.
  • Baccetti T, Franchi L, McNamara JA Jr. The cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method for the assessment of optimal tre- atment timing in dentofacial orthopaedic. Semin Orthod. 2005;11:119–129.
  • Ravi KB. The nutritional status of children with isolated cleft lip and palate in first two years of life in India. J Cleft Lip Palate Craniofac Anomalies. 2010;3:8-12.
  • Cox MA. The cleft lip and cleft palate rese- arch and treatment centre: Research Institu- te.A five year report 1955-1959, Hospital for sick children. Toronto, Canada 1960.
  • Rintala AE, Gylling U. Birth weight of in- fants with cleft lip and palate. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 1967;1:109-112.
  • Ross RB. Treatment variables affecting fa- cial growth in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate J. 1987;24(1):5-77.
  • Jensen BL, Dahl E, Kreiborg S. Longitudi- nal study of body height, radius length and skeletal maturity in Danish boys with cleft lip and palate, Scand J Dent Res. 1983;91(6):473-481.
  • Bowers EJ, Mayro RF, Whitaker LA, Pasquariello PS, LaRossa D, Randall P. General body growth in children with clefts of the lip, palate and craniofacial structure. Scand J Plastic Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 1987;21(1):7-14.
  • Ravi MS, Ravikala S. Assessment of Skele- tal Age in Children with Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. International Journal of Cli- nical Pediatric Dentistry, 2013;6(3):151- 155.
  • Sun L, Li WR. Cervical Vertebral Matura- tion of Children With Orofacial Clefts. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 2012; 49(6): 683–688.
  • Pisek P, Godfrey K, Manosudprasit M, Wangsrimongkol T, Leelasinjaroen P. A comparison of cervical vertebral maturation assessment of skeletal growth stages with chronological age in Thai between cleft lip and palate and non-cleft patients. J Med Assoc Thai. 2013;96:4:S9-18.
  • Leite HR, O’Reilly MT, Close JM. Skeletal age assesment using the first, second, and third fingers of the hand. Am J Orthod Den- tofacial Orthop. 1987; 98:492 498.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Emre Cesur This is me

Ayşe Tuba Altuğ This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 1 - Volume: 43 Issue: 1
