Year 2013,
Volume: 40 Issue: 2 - Volume: 40 Issue: 2, 71 - 75, 01.05.2013
Reza Safar Alızadeh
Gözde Pirkoca
Multible dental caries on the buccal surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth can present esthetic challenges. For the cases like this, a treatment plan that can be completed in a single appointment is certain and highly desirable. This case report presents a clinical case involving the use of direct laminate resin-based composite veneers
- TOH CG, SETCOS JC, WEİNSTEİN AR. (1987) Indirect dental laminate veneers — an overview. J Dent 15: 117-24.
- KARLSSON S, LANDAHL I, STE- GERSJO G, MİLLEDİNG P. A (1922) Clini- cal evaluation of ceramic laminate veneers. Int J Prosthodont 5: 447-451.
- NORDBO H, RYGH - THORESEN N, HENAUG T. (1994) Clinicalperformance of porcelain laminate veneers without incisal overlapping: 3-year results. J Dent 22: 342- 345.
- SHAİNİ FJ, SHORTALL ACC, MARQUİS PM. (1997) Clinical performance of porcelain laminate veneers. A retrospective evaluation over a period of 6.5 years. J Oral Rehabil 24: 553-559.
- GERSNİGT MM, ÖZCAN M. (2007) Fracture strength of direct versus indirect la- minates with and without fiber application at the cementation interface. Dent Mater 23: 927- 933.
- DAVİS DM, WATERS NE. (1987) An investigation into the fracture behavior of a particulate-filled bis-GMA resin. J Dent Res 66: 1128-1133..
- FERRACANE JL. (1995) Current trends in dental composites. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 6: 302-318.
- GAROUSHİ S, LASSİLLA LV, TEZ- VERGİL A, VALLİTTU PK. (2006) Load be- aring capacity of fibre-reinforced and particu- late filler composite resin combination. J Dent 34: 179-184.
- TEZVERGİL A, LASSİLLA LV, VA- LİTTU PK. (2003) Composite-composite re- pair bond strength: effect of different adhesion primers. J Dent 31: 521-525.
- BASSİOUNY, M.A, POL LACK, R.L. (1987) Esthetic manegement of perimofysis with porcelain laminate veneers. J.A.D.A.. 115: 412-417.
- GARBER, D.A, GOLDSTEİN, R.E, FEİNMAN, R.A. (1988) Porcelain laminate veneers, Quintessence Publishing Co., Chica- go.
- MCLEAN, J.W. (1988) Ceramics in clinical dentistry, Br, Dent. J., 164 (6): 187- 194.
- DAL EBG,ASCHHEİM KW. (1993) Esthetic Dentistry. Lea & Febiger London.
- CASTELNUOVO J, TJAN AH, PHİLLİPS K, NİCHOLLS JI, KOİS JC. (2000) Fracture load and mode of failure of ceramic veneers with different preparations. J Prosthet Dent 83: 171-180.
- LACY AM, WADA C, WATANABE L. (1992) In vitro microleakage at the gingival margin of porcelain and resin veneers. J Prost- het Dent 67: 7-10.
- CHİCHE GJ, PİNAULT A. (1994) Esthetics of anterior fixed prosthodontics. Chi- cago: Quintessence, 42-46.
- MEİJERİNG AC, ROETERS FJ, MULDER J, CREUGERS NH. (1997) Pati- ents’ satisfaction with different types of veneer restorations. J Dent 25: 493-497.
- WELBURY RR. (1991) A clinical study of a micro¿lled composite resin for la- bial veneers. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 1: 9–15.
Rezin kompozitlerle direkt laminate veneerler: Bir vaka raporu
Year 2013,
Volume: 40 Issue: 2 - Volume: 40 Issue: 2, 71 - 75, 01.05.2013
Reza Safar Alızadeh
Gözde Pirkoca
Üst keser dişlerin bukkal yüzeylerinde gözlemlenen yaygın çürükler estetik anlamda memnuniyetsizliklere sebep olurlar. Bu gibi vakalar için, tek aşamada gerçekleştirebilecek bir tedavi planı her zaman arzu edilir. Bu vaka raporunda direkt laminate rezin bazlı kompozit veneerlerin uygulandığı klinik bir vakadan bahsedilmektedir
- TOH CG, SETCOS JC, WEİNSTEİN AR. (1987) Indirect dental laminate veneers — an overview. J Dent 15: 117-24.
- KARLSSON S, LANDAHL I, STE- GERSJO G, MİLLEDİNG P. A (1922) Clini- cal evaluation of ceramic laminate veneers. Int J Prosthodont 5: 447-451.
- NORDBO H, RYGH - THORESEN N, HENAUG T. (1994) Clinicalperformance of porcelain laminate veneers without incisal overlapping: 3-year results. J Dent 22: 342- 345.
- SHAİNİ FJ, SHORTALL ACC, MARQUİS PM. (1997) Clinical performance of porcelain laminate veneers. A retrospective evaluation over a period of 6.5 years. J Oral Rehabil 24: 553-559.
- GERSNİGT MM, ÖZCAN M. (2007) Fracture strength of direct versus indirect la- minates with and without fiber application at the cementation interface. Dent Mater 23: 927- 933.
- DAVİS DM, WATERS NE. (1987) An investigation into the fracture behavior of a particulate-filled bis-GMA resin. J Dent Res 66: 1128-1133..
- FERRACANE JL. (1995) Current trends in dental composites. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 6: 302-318.
- GAROUSHİ S, LASSİLLA LV, TEZ- VERGİL A, VALLİTTU PK. (2006) Load be- aring capacity of fibre-reinforced and particu- late filler composite resin combination. J Dent 34: 179-184.
- TEZVERGİL A, LASSİLLA LV, VA- LİTTU PK. (2003) Composite-composite re- pair bond strength: effect of different adhesion primers. J Dent 31: 521-525.
- BASSİOUNY, M.A, POL LACK, R.L. (1987) Esthetic manegement of perimofysis with porcelain laminate veneers. J.A.D.A.. 115: 412-417.
- GARBER, D.A, GOLDSTEİN, R.E, FEİNMAN, R.A. (1988) Porcelain laminate veneers, Quintessence Publishing Co., Chica- go.
- MCLEAN, J.W. (1988) Ceramics in clinical dentistry, Br, Dent. J., 164 (6): 187- 194.
- DAL EBG,ASCHHEİM KW. (1993) Esthetic Dentistry. Lea & Febiger London.
- CASTELNUOVO J, TJAN AH, PHİLLİPS K, NİCHOLLS JI, KOİS JC. (2000) Fracture load and mode of failure of ceramic veneers with different preparations. J Prosthet Dent 83: 171-180.
- LACY AM, WADA C, WATANABE L. (1992) In vitro microleakage at the gingival margin of porcelain and resin veneers. J Prost- het Dent 67: 7-10.
- CHİCHE GJ, PİNAULT A. (1994) Esthetics of anterior fixed prosthodontics. Chi- cago: Quintessence, 42-46.
- MEİJERİNG AC, ROETERS FJ, MULDER J, CREUGERS NH. (1997) Pati- ents’ satisfaction with different types of veneer restorations. J Dent 25: 493-497.
- WELBURY RR. (1991) A clinical study of a micro¿lled composite resin for la- bial veneers. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 1: 9–15.