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Year 2012, Volume: 39 Issue: 3 - Volume: 39 Issue: 3, 129 - 134, 01.10.2012


In this case report, our patient was an adult who has 16 years old chronologic age and Class II molar and canine relationship, with skeletal Class I structure. The analyses of arch length discrepancy showed –18 mm maxillary,-4 mm mandibular arch length discrepancy. In the treatment , intraoral molar distalization with mini screw anchorage was planned to correct the Class II malocclusion and to save place in maxillary arch . At the end of treatment, Class I molar and canine relationship was obtained with an ideal overjet and overbite. An improved soft tissue and fasial profile was obtained


  • LUPPANAPORNLARP, S., JOHN STON,L.E.(1993). The effects of premolar extraction: A long term comparison of out comes in clear-cut extraction and nonextrac tion Class II patients. Angle Orthod. 63: 257- 272. 2.
  • KINGSLEYN.W. (1880). A treatise on oral deformities as a branch of mechanical surgery. New York: D Appleton, p: 131-4. Alınmıştır: GHOSH,J.,NANDA,R.S. (1996a).
  • Evaluation of an intraoral maxillary molar dis talization technique. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 110: 639-646. 3. CURETON,S.L.(1994). Headgear and
  • pain. J. Clin. Orthod. 28: 525-530. 4. RAINERI,W. (1994). Innovations in class II orthodontic correction. NY State Dent. J. 60: 40-42. 5. BERG,R. (1974).
  • Komplikationen bei anwendung von zervikalem nackenzug. Infor mationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferor thopädie. I: 39-44. Alınmıştır:
  • JECKEL,N., RAKOSI,T. (1991). Molar distalization by in traoral force application. Eur. J. Orthod. 13: 43-46. 6. REBHOLZ,K.,RAKOSI,T. (1977).

Kemik içi mini vida destekli yeni bir yaklaşım ile intramaksiller intraoral molar distalizasyonu: Vaka raporu

Year 2012, Volume: 39 Issue: 3 - Volume: 39 Issue: 3, 129 - 134, 01.10.2012


Bu olgu sunumunda hastamız 16 yılkronolojik yaşa ve Sınıf II molar ve kanin ilişkiye sahip, iskeletsel Sınıf I değer aralığında olan bir genç erişkindir. Maksillada – 18 mm, mandibulada -4 mm yer darlığı bulunmaktadır.Tedavi planlamasında hastamıza dişsel Sınıf II maloklüzyonun düzeltilmesi ve maksillada yer sağlanması amacıyla ankraj olarak mini vida kullanılarak intramaksiller intraoral molar distalizasyonu hedeflenmiştir. Tedavi sonucunda, Sınıf I kanin ve molar ilişkiyle beraber ideal overjet ve overbite elde edilmiştir. Yumuşak doku ve fasial profilde de olumlu bir değişim elde edilmiştir


  • LUPPANAPORNLARP, S., JOHN STON,L.E.(1993). The effects of premolar extraction: A long term comparison of out comes in clear-cut extraction and nonextrac tion Class II patients. Angle Orthod. 63: 257- 272. 2.
  • KINGSLEYN.W. (1880). A treatise on oral deformities as a branch of mechanical surgery. New York: D Appleton, p: 131-4. Alınmıştır: GHOSH,J.,NANDA,R.S. (1996a).
  • Evaluation of an intraoral maxillary molar dis talization technique. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 110: 639-646. 3. CURETON,S.L.(1994). Headgear and
  • pain. J. Clin. Orthod. 28: 525-530. 4. RAINERI,W. (1994). Innovations in class II orthodontic correction. NY State Dent. J. 60: 40-42. 5. BERG,R. (1974).
  • Komplikationen bei anwendung von zervikalem nackenzug. Infor mationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferor thopädie. I: 39-44. Alınmıştır:
  • JECKEL,N., RAKOSI,T. (1991). Molar distalization by in traoral force application. Eur. J. Orthod. 13: 43-46. 6. REBHOLZ,K.,RAKOSI,T. (1977).
There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Dilek Erdem This is me

Pınar Demir This is me

Gözde Çobanoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 39 Issue: 3 - Volume: 39 Issue: 3


Vancouver Erdem D, Demir P, Çobanoğlu G. Kemik içi mini vida destekli yeni bir yaklaşım ile intramaksiller intraoral molar distalizasyonu: Vaka raporu. EADS. 2012;39(3):129-34.