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Investigation of the Effect of Thermal Aging on Bond Strength of Different Adhesive Agents to Zirconia-Based All-Ceramics

Year 2011, Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 117 - 122, 01.10.2011


In recent years, the alteration of techniques and materials used in fixed prosthodontic restorative applications are made it necessary to the development of cements. The long-term success of zirconia-based all-ceramic restorations depends on the preparation technique of the internal surfaces of ceramics prior to cementation, cement properties and bond strength between the cement and the ceramic restoration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal aging process on the shear bond strength between zirconia-based all-ceramic and resin cement. The study was performed using a total of 80 extracted, non-carious permanent human molars that had not been previously endodontically treated or fractured. Teeth embedded in acrylic resin blocks and enamel of the buccal surfaces of the teeth was removed until the dentin layer. 80 zirconia-based all-ceramic discs were manufactured and cemented on the teeth. The discs had a diameter of 5 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. The samples were divided into two groups according to thermal aging. Thermal aging 10,000 process was applied to 40 specimens. Rely X ARC, Panavia F 2.0, Rely X U-200, Clearfil SA Cement were used in this study. The specimens were loaded in tension at a cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min on a universal testing machine. Shear bond strength values of the cements with/without thermal aging were compared using two way ANOVA, with a level of statistical significance set at p• 0.05. The bond strength of all specimens decreased significantly after thermal aging


  • Malkoç MA, Sevimay M. Protetik diş hekimliğinde zirkonyum ve kullanım alanları. SÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2009;18:208-16
  • Luthardt RG, Holzhüter M, Sandkuhl O, Herold V, Schnapp JD, Kuhlisch E, and Walter M. Reliability and Properties of Ground Y-TZP-Zirconia Ceramics J Dent Res 2002;81:487-91
  • May K, Russell M, Razzoog M, Lang BR. Precision of fit: Procera All Ceram crown. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 1998;80:394-9
  • Abo-Hamar SE, Hiller KA, Jung H, Federlin M, Friedl KH, Schmalz G. Bond strength of a new universal self-adhesive resin luting cement to dentin and enamel. Clin Oral Investig 2005;9:161-7.
  • Radovic I, Monticelli F, Goracci C, Vulicevic ZR, Ferrari M. Self adhesive resin cements: a literature review. J Adhes Dent 2008;10:251-8.
  • Derand P, Derand T. Bond Strength of Luting Cements to Zirconium Oxide Ceramics. Int J Prosthodont 2000;13:131-5.
  • Piwowarczyk A, Lauer HC, Sorensen JA. Microleakage of various cementing agents for full cast crowns. Dent Mater 2005;21:445- 53.
  • Piwowarczyk A, Bender R, Ottl P, Lauer HC. Long-term bond between dual- polymerizing cementing agents and human hard dental tissue. Dent Mater 2007;23: 211-7.
  • Lührs AK, Guhr S, Schilke R, Borch- ers L, Geurtsen W, Günay H. Shear bond strength of self-etch adhesives to enamel with additional phosphoric acid etching. Oper Dent 2008;33:155-62.
  • Lührs AK, Guhr S, Günay H, Geurtsen W. Shear bond strength of self-adhesive resins compared to resin cements with etch and rinse adhesives to enamel and dentin in vitro. Clin Oral Investig 2010;14:193-9
  • Köroğlu A, Ekren O, Kurtoğlu C. Ge- leneksel Ve Adeziv Dental Simanlar Hakkında Bir Derleme Çalışması. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:205-16
  • De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Hikita K, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Bonding of an auto-adhesive luting material to enamel and dentin. Dent Mater 2004;20:963-71.
  • Luthy H, Loeffela O, Hammerlea CHF. Effect of thermocycling on bond strength of luting cements to zirconia ceramic. Dental Materials. 2006:22;195–200
  • Hikita K, Meerbeek BV, Munck J, Ikeda T, Landuyt KV, Miada T, Lambrechts P, Peumans M. Bonding effectiveness of adhesive luting agents to enamel and dentin. Dent Mater 2007; 23:71-80.
  • Nalçacı A, Salbaş M. Self-etch adezi- vin tek kat veya çok kat uygulamasının makas- lama direnci üzerine etkisi. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 2005;32:19-23.
  • Nothdurft FP, Motter PJ, Pospiech PR. Effect of surface treatment on the initial bond strength of different luting cements to zirconi- um oxide ceramic. Clin Oral Invest 2009;13:229–35
  • Pape FW, Pfeiffer P, Marx R. Haftfes- tigkeit von geatztem In-Ceram an Zahnschmelz. Zahn arztl Welt 1991;100:450-3.
  • Pekperdahci T, Turkoz Y, Ozan O, Seker E. The effects of different adhesive agents on the shear bond strength of a self- adhesive resin cement. J Appl Biomater Func- tion Mater 2012 Sep 27;10(2)
  • Holderegger C, Sailer I, Schuhmacher C, Schläpfer R, Hämmerle C, Fischer J. Shear bond strength of resin cements to human den- tin. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 944-50.
  • Quaasa AC, Yangb B, Kernb M. Pa- navia F 2.0 bonding to contaminated zirconia ceramic after different cleaning procedures. dental materials. 2007;23(4):506–512
  • Atsu SS, Kilicarslan MA, Kucukesmen HC, Aka S. Effect of zirconium-oxide ceramic surface treatments on the bond strength to ad- hesive resin. J Prosthet Dent 2006;95:430-6.
  • Zortuk M, Kılıç K, Bolpaça P, Akdoğan G, Kesim B. Üç farklı rezin esaslı simanla den- tine simante edilen vita celay alümina seramik disklerin makaslama bağlanma dirençleri. SÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2008;17:93-97

Zirkonyum oksit esaslı tam seramiklerde termal yaşlandırma işleminin farklı adeziv ajanların bağlanma dayanımına etkisi

Year 2011, Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 117 - 122, 01.10.2011


Son yıllarda sabit protetik restoratif uygulmalarda kullanılan teknik ve materyallerin değişimi simanların geliştirilmesini zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Zirkonyum oksit esaslı tam seramik restorasyonların uzun dönem başarısı; restorasyonun iç yüzeyinin hazırlanma tekniği, yapıştırma simanının özelliği ve yapıştırma simanı ile seramik restorasyonun bağlanma dayanımına bağlıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı termal yaşlandırma işleminin, zirkonyum esaslı tam seramik ile rezin siman arasındaki bağlanma dayanımına etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada fraktür ve restorasyon bulunmayan ve daha önce endodontik tedavi görmemiş olan 80 adet çürüksüz azı dişi kullanıldı. Dişler akrilik bloklara gömüldü ve dişlerin bukkal yüzeyinde dentin açığa çıkana kadar preparasyon yapıldı.Dişlere yapıştırmak üzere 80 adet zirkonyum oksit esaslı tam seramik örnekler, disk şeklinde 5 mm çapında ve 2 mm kalınlığında hazırlandı. Örnekler termal yaşlandırma yapılıp yapılmamasına göre iki gruba ayrıldı. 40 örneğe termal yaşlandırma 10000 işlemi uygulandı. Rely X ARC, Panavia F 2.0, Rely X U-200, Clearfil SA Cement yapıştırma simanları kullanıldı. Bağlanma dayanımını ölçmek için 0,5 mm/dk hızında hareket eden universal test cihazı kullanıldı. Termal yaşlandırma yapılıp yapılmamasına göre simanların bağlanma dayanımı iki yönlü anova testi ile değerlendirildi, p • 0,05 değerine göre farklılık belirtildi. Tüm örneklerin bağlanma dayanımı termal yaşlandırma sonrası azalmıştır


  • Malkoç MA, Sevimay M. Protetik diş hekimliğinde zirkonyum ve kullanım alanları. SÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2009;18:208-16
  • Luthardt RG, Holzhüter M, Sandkuhl O, Herold V, Schnapp JD, Kuhlisch E, and Walter M. Reliability and Properties of Ground Y-TZP-Zirconia Ceramics J Dent Res 2002;81:487-91
  • May K, Russell M, Razzoog M, Lang BR. Precision of fit: Procera All Ceram crown. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 1998;80:394-9
  • Abo-Hamar SE, Hiller KA, Jung H, Federlin M, Friedl KH, Schmalz G. Bond strength of a new universal self-adhesive resin luting cement to dentin and enamel. Clin Oral Investig 2005;9:161-7.
  • Radovic I, Monticelli F, Goracci C, Vulicevic ZR, Ferrari M. Self adhesive resin cements: a literature review. J Adhes Dent 2008;10:251-8.
  • Derand P, Derand T. Bond Strength of Luting Cements to Zirconium Oxide Ceramics. Int J Prosthodont 2000;13:131-5.
  • Piwowarczyk A, Lauer HC, Sorensen JA. Microleakage of various cementing agents for full cast crowns. Dent Mater 2005;21:445- 53.
  • Piwowarczyk A, Bender R, Ottl P, Lauer HC. Long-term bond between dual- polymerizing cementing agents and human hard dental tissue. Dent Mater 2007;23: 211-7.
  • Lührs AK, Guhr S, Schilke R, Borch- ers L, Geurtsen W, Günay H. Shear bond strength of self-etch adhesives to enamel with additional phosphoric acid etching. Oper Dent 2008;33:155-62.
  • Lührs AK, Guhr S, Günay H, Geurtsen W. Shear bond strength of self-adhesive resins compared to resin cements with etch and rinse adhesives to enamel and dentin in vitro. Clin Oral Investig 2010;14:193-9
  • Köroğlu A, Ekren O, Kurtoğlu C. Ge- leneksel Ve Adeziv Dental Simanlar Hakkında Bir Derleme Çalışması. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg 2012;22:205-16
  • De Munck J, Van Landuyt K, Hikita K, Lambrechts P, Van Meerbeek B. Bonding of an auto-adhesive luting material to enamel and dentin. Dent Mater 2004;20:963-71.
  • Luthy H, Loeffela O, Hammerlea CHF. Effect of thermocycling on bond strength of luting cements to zirconia ceramic. Dental Materials. 2006:22;195–200
  • Hikita K, Meerbeek BV, Munck J, Ikeda T, Landuyt KV, Miada T, Lambrechts P, Peumans M. Bonding effectiveness of adhesive luting agents to enamel and dentin. Dent Mater 2007; 23:71-80.
  • Nalçacı A, Salbaş M. Self-etch adezi- vin tek kat veya çok kat uygulamasının makas- lama direnci üzerine etkisi. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 2005;32:19-23.
  • Nothdurft FP, Motter PJ, Pospiech PR. Effect of surface treatment on the initial bond strength of different luting cements to zirconi- um oxide ceramic. Clin Oral Invest 2009;13:229–35
  • Pape FW, Pfeiffer P, Marx R. Haftfes- tigkeit von geatztem In-Ceram an Zahnschmelz. Zahn arztl Welt 1991;100:450-3.
  • Pekperdahci T, Turkoz Y, Ozan O, Seker E. The effects of different adhesive agents on the shear bond strength of a self- adhesive resin cement. J Appl Biomater Func- tion Mater 2012 Sep 27;10(2)
  • Holderegger C, Sailer I, Schuhmacher C, Schläpfer R, Hämmerle C, Fischer J. Shear bond strength of resin cements to human den- tin. Dent Mater 2008; 24: 944-50.
  • Quaasa AC, Yangb B, Kernb M. Pa- navia F 2.0 bonding to contaminated zirconia ceramic after different cleaning procedures. dental materials. 2007;23(4):506–512
  • Atsu SS, Kilicarslan MA, Kucukesmen HC, Aka S. Effect of zirconium-oxide ceramic surface treatments on the bond strength to ad- hesive resin. J Prosthet Dent 2006;95:430-6.
  • Zortuk M, Kılıç K, Bolpaça P, Akdoğan G, Kesim B. Üç farklı rezin esaslı simanla den- tine simante edilen vita celay alümina seramik disklerin makaslama bağlanma dirençleri. SÜ Dişhek Fak Derg 2008;17:93-97
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Polat This is me

Ali Rıza Tunçdemir This is me

Fehmi Gönüldaş This is me

Caner Öztürk This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3


Vancouver Polat S, Tunçdemir AR, Gönüldaş F, Öztürk C. Zirkonyum oksit esaslı tam seramiklerde termal yaşlandırma işleminin farklı adeziv ajanların bağlanma dayanımına etkisi. EADS. 2011;38(3):117-22.