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Dentigerous Cyst Associated with 3 Impacted Teeth in Maxilla Anterior Region : A Case Report

Year 2011, Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 131 - 135, 01.10.2011


Dentigerous cysts are benign odontojenic cysts that are associated with the crowns of an unerupted impacted tooth. They are one of the most common odontogenic cysts after radicular cysts and the pathogenesis of these cysts is unknown. They are often seen with mandibular third molar, maxillar canine and maxillar third molar teeth. They are usually asymptomatic and detected during routine dental radiographic examination. Frequently they are seen over a wide age range of 20-30 years old. The incidence of dentigerous cyst in males is higher than females. The ratio of jaws with dentigerous cyst in mandible is higher than maxilla. Dentigerous cysts are usually solitary in jaws. Multiple dentigerous cysts are usually seen with syndromes such as mukopolisakkaridosis and basal cell nevus syndrome. In this report, 17 years old female patient with dentigerous cyst because of impacted permanent teeth of maxilla anterior and its surgical treatment period are presented


  • 1- Kramer IRH, Pindborg JJ, Shear M. Histological typing of odontogenic tumors. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1992; p. 35-6
  • 2- Büyükkurt M.C.,Omezli M.M., Milo÷lu O. Dentigerous cyst associated with an ectopic tooth in the maxillary sinus: a report of 3 cases and review of the literature; Oral surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 67-71
  • 3-Lakkam B.,Prabhawati,Majage B. Dentigerous (Follicular ) Cyst A Case Report. IJCD 2010 ; 1(3).
  • 4-Günhan Ö. Oral ve maksillofasiyal patoloji. 1.Baskı. Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2001.
  • 5-Tournas AS,Tewfik MA,Chauvin Pj, Manoukian JJ.Multiple unilateral maxillary dentigerous cysts in a nonsyndromic patient:a case report and rewiew of the literature.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra 2006; 1: 100-6
  • 6- Jones AV, Craig GT, Franklin CD. Range and demographics of odontogenic cysts diagnosed in a UK population over a 30- yearperiod. J Oral Pathol Med. 2006; 35: 500-7.
  • 7-.(O’Neil DW,Mosby EL,Lowe JW. Bilateral mandibular dentigerous cysts in a fiveyear-old child;report of a case.ASDC j Dent Child 1989; 56: 382-4)
  • 8-Roberts Mw,Barton NW, Constantopoulos G,Butler DP,Donahue AH.Occurance of multiple dentigerous cysts in a patient with the Morateax-Lamy syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis,type IV)Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984; 58: 169-75.
  • 9-Williams TP, Hellstein JW. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws and other selected cysts. In: Williams TP, Stewart JCB. 5th
  • 10-.(Lustmann J,Bodner L.Dentigerous cysts associated with supernumerary teeth.Int J Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 1988; 17: 100-2)
  • 11-Günhan Ö. Odontojenik kistler ve tümörler. 1.baskı. Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2005.
  • 12-Yücetaú ù.A÷ız ve çevre dokusu hastalıkları .1.baskı.Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2001.
  • 13-Scolozzi P, Lambardi T, Richter M. Upper lip swelling caused by a large dentigerous cyst. Eur Arch Otarhinolaryngol. 2005; 262 (3): 246-9.
  • 14-Kwamura JY, DE Maqalhaes RP, Sousa SC, Maqalhaes MH. Management of a large dentigerous cyst occuring in a six year old boy. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2004; 28(4): 355-7.
  • 15- Ochsenius G, Escobar E, Goday L, Penafiel C. Odontogenic cyst: analysis of 2944 cases in Chile, Med Oral Pathol Oral Cir Bucal 2007; 12(2): 85-91.
  • 16- Harorlı A, Yılmaz AB, Akgül HM. Diúhekimli÷inde radyolojide temel kavramlar ve radyodiagnostik. 1. baskı. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisleri, 2001; s.320-2.
  • 17- Waldron CA. Odontojenik Cysts and Tumors. In: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Ed. Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE. Philadelphia, Pennsyıvania: WB Saunders Co; 1995; p.494.
  • 18- Maske S., Ragavendra R., Doshi JJ., Nadaf I. Dentigerous cyst associated with impacted permanent maxillary canine. People’s journal of scientific research 2009; Vol 2(2).
  • 19- Benn A., Altini M: Dentigerous cysts of inflammatory origin: A clinicopathologyic study. Orl Surg Oral Pathol 1996 ; 81(2): 203- 9.
  • 20- Miyawaki S., Hyomoto M., Tsubauchi J, et al: Eruption speed and rate angulation change of a cyst- ssociated mandibular second premolar after marsupialization of a dentigerous cyst. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1999 ; 116(5): 578-84.
  • 21. Ustuner E., Fitoz S., Atasoy C et al: Bilteral maxillary dentigerous cysts: A case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Orl Radiol Endod 2003; 95: 632-5.

Maksilla anterior bölgede 3 gömük dişle ilişkili dentigeröz kist : Bir olgu sunumu

Year 2011, Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 131 - 135, 01.10.2011


Dentigeröz kistler; sürmemiş, gömük dişlerin kronları ile ilişkili olan benign odontojenik kistlerdir. Radiküler kistlerden sonra en sık görülen odontojenik kistler olup patogenezi bilinmemektedir. Sıklıkla mandibular üçüncü molar, maksiller kanin ve maksiller üçüncü molar dişler ile beraber görülürler. Genellikle asemptomatiktir ve rutin dental radyografik inceleme sırasında fark edilir. Çok geniş bir yaş dağılımı görülmekle beraber sıklıkla 20-30 yaúlarında ortaya çıkarlar. Erkeklerde görülme insidansı kadınlardakinden daha yüksektir. Dentigeröz kistlerin çenelerde mandibulada görülme oranı maksilladan daha yüksektir. Dentigeröz kistler çenelerde genellikle soliterdir. Multiple dentigeröz kistler genelde mukopolisakkaridozis, bazal hücreli nevus sendromu gibi sendromlarla beraber görülürler. Bu raporda, 17 yaúında kadın hastada maksilla anterior bölgede gömük kalmıú daimi diúlerin neden oldu÷u dentigeröz kist vakası ve cerrahi tedavi süreci sunulmuútur.


  • 1- Kramer IRH, Pindborg JJ, Shear M. Histological typing of odontogenic tumors. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1992; p. 35-6
  • 2- Büyükkurt M.C.,Omezli M.M., Milo÷lu O. Dentigerous cyst associated with an ectopic tooth in the maxillary sinus: a report of 3 cases and review of the literature; Oral surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: 67-71
  • 3-Lakkam B.,Prabhawati,Majage B. Dentigerous (Follicular ) Cyst A Case Report. IJCD 2010 ; 1(3).
  • 4-Günhan Ö. Oral ve maksillofasiyal patoloji. 1.Baskı. Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2001.
  • 5-Tournas AS,Tewfik MA,Chauvin Pj, Manoukian JJ.Multiple unilateral maxillary dentigerous cysts in a nonsyndromic patient:a case report and rewiew of the literature.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra 2006; 1: 100-6
  • 6- Jones AV, Craig GT, Franklin CD. Range and demographics of odontogenic cysts diagnosed in a UK population over a 30- yearperiod. J Oral Pathol Med. 2006; 35: 500-7.
  • 7-.(O’Neil DW,Mosby EL,Lowe JW. Bilateral mandibular dentigerous cysts in a fiveyear-old child;report of a case.ASDC j Dent Child 1989; 56: 382-4)
  • 8-Roberts Mw,Barton NW, Constantopoulos G,Butler DP,Donahue AH.Occurance of multiple dentigerous cysts in a patient with the Morateax-Lamy syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis,type IV)Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984; 58: 169-75.
  • 9-Williams TP, Hellstein JW. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws and other selected cysts. In: Williams TP, Stewart JCB. 5th
  • 10-.(Lustmann J,Bodner L.Dentigerous cysts associated with supernumerary teeth.Int J Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 1988; 17: 100-2)
  • 11-Günhan Ö. Odontojenik kistler ve tümörler. 1.baskı. Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2005.
  • 12-Yücetaú ù.A÷ız ve çevre dokusu hastalıkları .1.baskı.Ankara: Atlas yayıncılık; 2001.
  • 13-Scolozzi P, Lambardi T, Richter M. Upper lip swelling caused by a large dentigerous cyst. Eur Arch Otarhinolaryngol. 2005; 262 (3): 246-9.
  • 14-Kwamura JY, DE Maqalhaes RP, Sousa SC, Maqalhaes MH. Management of a large dentigerous cyst occuring in a six year old boy. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2004; 28(4): 355-7.
  • 15- Ochsenius G, Escobar E, Goday L, Penafiel C. Odontogenic cyst: analysis of 2944 cases in Chile, Med Oral Pathol Oral Cir Bucal 2007; 12(2): 85-91.
  • 16- Harorlı A, Yılmaz AB, Akgül HM. Diúhekimli÷inde radyolojide temel kavramlar ve radyodiagnostik. 1. baskı. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisleri, 2001; s.320-2.
  • 17- Waldron CA. Odontojenik Cysts and Tumors. In: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Ed. Neville BW, Damm DD, Allen CM, Bouquot JE. Philadelphia, Pennsyıvania: WB Saunders Co; 1995; p.494.
  • 18- Maske S., Ragavendra R., Doshi JJ., Nadaf I. Dentigerous cyst associated with impacted permanent maxillary canine. People’s journal of scientific research 2009; Vol 2(2).
  • 19- Benn A., Altini M: Dentigerous cysts of inflammatory origin: A clinicopathologyic study. Orl Surg Oral Pathol 1996 ; 81(2): 203- 9.
  • 20- Miyawaki S., Hyomoto M., Tsubauchi J, et al: Eruption speed and rate angulation change of a cyst- ssociated mandibular second premolar after marsupialization of a dentigerous cyst. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1999 ; 116(5): 578-84.
  • 21. Ustuner E., Fitoz S., Atasoy C et al: Bilteral maxillary dentigerous cysts: A case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Orl Radiol Endod 2003; 95: 632-5.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Mehmet Fatih Şentürk This is me

Elif Naz Yakar This is me

Beste İnceoğlu This is me

Bengi Öztaş This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 38 Issue: 3 - Volume: 38 Issue: 3


Vancouver Şentürk MF, Yakar EN, İnceoğlu B, Öztaş B. Maksilla anterior bölgede 3 gömük dişle ilişkili dentigeröz kist : Bir olgu sunumu. EADS. 2011;38(3):131-5.