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Periodontal Estethic Surgical Treatment of Gingival Recession that Occured after Orthodontic Treatment - Case Report

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 1 - Volume: 37 Issue: 1, 51 - 54, 01.05.2010


Gingival recession is defined as apical migration of gingival margin on facial, lingual or interproximal surfaces. In case of thin buccal bone, orthodontic forces during an orthodontic treatment may result in resorption of buccal bone and gingival recessions. This case report presents treatment of gingival recession of a patient who had a history of an orthodontic treatment two years ago. Although a careful examination of the patient was done before surgery, at the surgery after the flap’s elevation we saw that there was no bone on the buccal aspect of the donor tooth, so we decided to change the surgical technique. After a 12 months follow up period, surgery site was stable and gingival recession was regenerated with new connective tissue and epithelium. Patient was satisfied with the aestethic result.


  • 1- Wennstrom JL. Mucogingival therapy. Ann Periodontol 1996;1:671-701.
  • 2-Al-Wahadni A, Linden GJ. Dentine hypersensitivity in Jordanian dental attenders. A case control study. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:688-93.
  • 3- Tugnait A and Clerehugh V. Gingival recession-its significance and management, J Dent, 2001;29, 381-94
  • 4-4-Miller PD Jr, Binkley LH Jr. Root coverage and ridge augmentation in Class IV recession using a coronally positioned free gingival graft. J Periodontol. 1986;57:360-3.
  • 5-Miller PD Jr. A classification of marginal tissue recession. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1985;5:8-13.
  • 6- Patur B. The rotation flap for covering denuded root surfaces - a closed wound technique. J Periodontol. 1977;48:41-4.
  • 7-Grupe HE, Warren RF Jr. Repair of gingival defects by a sliding flap operation. J Periodontol 1956;27: 92-5.
  • 8-Trombelli L, Schincaglia GP, Scapoli C, Calura G. Healing response of human buccal gingival recessions treated with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes. A retrospective report. J Periodontol. 1995;66:14- 22.
  • 9- Langer B, Langer L. Subepithelial connective tissue graft technique for root coverage. J Periodontol 1985; 56:715-720. Bernimoulin JP, Lüscher B, Mühlemann HR. Coronally repositioned periodontal flap. Clinical evaluation after one year. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:1-13.
  • 10-Tenenbaum H, Klewansky P, Roth JJ. Clinical evaluation of gingival recession treated by coronally repositioned flap technique. J Periodontol. 1980;51:686-90.
  • 11- Bernimoulin JP, Lüscher B, Mühlemann HR. Coronally repositioned periodontal flap. Clinical evaluation after one year. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:1-13.
  • 12- Chay SH, Rabie ABM: Repositioning of the gingival margin by extrusion. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2002;122:95-102.
  • 13- Agrawal N, Rosaiah K, SSV. Prasad Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Cosmetic Root Coverage: A Case Report. People’s Journal of Scientific Research 2010;3:27-30

Ortodontik tedavi sonrası gözlenen dişeti çekilmesinin periodontal plastik cerrahi ile tedavisi-vaka sunumu

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 1 - Volume: 37 Issue: 1, 51 - 54, 01.05.2010


Fasial, lingual veya interproksimal alandaki dişeti/yumuşak doku çekilmeleri ve marjinal dokunun mine-sement birleşiminin apikaline doğru yer değiştirmesi dişeti çekilmesi olarak tanımlanır. Ortodontik tedavi sırasında uygulanan kuvvetler ve bukkal kemiğin ince olduğu durumlar dişeti çekilmelerinin etiyolojisinde yer almaktadır. Bu vaka raporu kliniğimize müracaat eden genç hastanın ortodontik tedavi sonrasında izlenen dişeti çekilmesinin, yapılan klinik muayene sonucu oluşturulan cerrahi işlem planlamasının operasyon esnasında karşılaşılan beklenmedik durum nedeniyle değiştirilmesini ve bu duruma göre düzenlenen yeni tedavi planlamasını yansıtmaktadır. 12 aylık takipte yapılan cerrahi işlem sonucu çekilme dişeti ile büyük ölçüde kapatılarak hasta memnuniyeti sağlanmıştır. Ortodontik tedavi gören hastalarda mukogingival cerrahi işlemler planlanırken çok daha dikkatli olunmalıdır. Bu vaka raporu kliniğimize müracaat eden genç hastanın ortodontik tedavi sonrasında izlenen dişeti çekilmesinin tedavisini yansıtmaktadır. Yapılan klinik muayene sonucu oluşturulan cerrahi işlem planlamasının operasyon esnasında karşılaşılan beklenmedik durum nedeniyle değiştirilmesini ve bu duruma göre düzenlenen yeni tedavi planlaması gösterilmektedir.


  • 1- Wennstrom JL. Mucogingival therapy. Ann Periodontol 1996;1:671-701.
  • 2-Al-Wahadni A, Linden GJ. Dentine hypersensitivity in Jordanian dental attenders. A case control study. J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:688-93.
  • 3- Tugnait A and Clerehugh V. Gingival recession-its significance and management, J Dent, 2001;29, 381-94
  • 4-4-Miller PD Jr, Binkley LH Jr. Root coverage and ridge augmentation in Class IV recession using a coronally positioned free gingival graft. J Periodontol. 1986;57:360-3.
  • 5-Miller PD Jr. A classification of marginal tissue recession. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1985;5:8-13.
  • 6- Patur B. The rotation flap for covering denuded root surfaces - a closed wound technique. J Periodontol. 1977;48:41-4.
  • 7-Grupe HE, Warren RF Jr. Repair of gingival defects by a sliding flap operation. J Periodontol 1956;27: 92-5.
  • 8-Trombelli L, Schincaglia GP, Scapoli C, Calura G. Healing response of human buccal gingival recessions treated with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene membranes. A retrospective report. J Periodontol. 1995;66:14- 22.
  • 9- Langer B, Langer L. Subepithelial connective tissue graft technique for root coverage. J Periodontol 1985; 56:715-720. Bernimoulin JP, Lüscher B, Mühlemann HR. Coronally repositioned periodontal flap. Clinical evaluation after one year. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:1-13.
  • 10-Tenenbaum H, Klewansky P, Roth JJ. Clinical evaluation of gingival recession treated by coronally repositioned flap technique. J Periodontol. 1980;51:686-90.
  • 11- Bernimoulin JP, Lüscher B, Mühlemann HR. Coronally repositioned periodontal flap. Clinical evaluation after one year. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:1-13.
  • 12- Chay SH, Rabie ABM: Repositioning of the gingival margin by extrusion. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2002;122:95-102.
  • 13- Agrawal N, Rosaiah K, SSV. Prasad Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Cosmetic Root Coverage: A Case Report. People’s Journal of Scientific Research 2010;3:27-30
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Bilgenur Sahin This is me

Murat Akkaya This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 37 Issue: 1 - Volume: 37 Issue: 1


Vancouver Sahin B, Akkaya M. Ortodontik tedavi sonrası gözlenen dişeti çekilmesinin periodontal plastik cerrahi ile tedavisi-vaka sunumu. EADS. 2010;37(1):51-4.