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The Effect of Temperature to the Kinetics of Reaction between the Dental Enamel and Fluoridated Mouthrinses

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 3 - Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 151 - 161, 01.08.2009


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of temperature on fluoride uptake by previously de-fluorized enamel from a 0,05% NaF fluoridated mouth rinse Oral-B Advantage, Oral-B Laboratories, Newbridge, UK. . In the study the measurements were made at three different temperatures which are room temperature 25°C , human body temperature 37°C and hyper-fever temperature 43°C . Enamel specimens were prepared from extracted human maxillary central incisors. For to be able to make the de-fluorization of the enamel samples, each sample groups stored in 20 mL, 0,1 M NaOH solution for 24 hours. A fluoride-ion specific electrode was used to measure the fluoride uptake from a 50 mL solution comprised of fluoridated rinse corresponding to 2 ppm fluoride, distilled water and TISAB as a ionic strength and pH provider. Intra-group and inter-group comparisons p


  • Putt MS, John FB, Joseph CM. Effect of temperature of SNF2 solution on tin and fluoride uptake by bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1978; 57: 772-6.
  • Ripa LW. Rinses for the control of dental caries. Int Dent J 1992;42: 263-9.
  • Tung MS, Bowen HJ, Derkson GD, Pashley DH. Effect of calcium phosphate solution on dentine permeability. J Endod 1993; 19: 383-7.
  • Buchalla W, Attin T, Schulte-Mönting J, Hellwig E. Fluoride uptake, retention, and remineralization efficacy of a highly concentrated fluoride solution on enamel lesions in situ. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 329-33.
  • De A Silva MF, Giniger MS, Zhang YP, Devizio W. The effect of a triclosan\copolymer\fluoride liquid dentifirice on interproximal enamel remineralization and fluoride uptake. J Am Dent Assoc 2004; 135: 1023-9.
  • Bijella MF, Brighenti FL, Buzalof MA. Fluoride kinetics in saliva after the use of a fluoride- containing chewing gum. Braz Oral Res 2005; 19: 1-9.
  • Hong YC, Chow LC, Brown WE. Basic Biological Sciences: Enhanced fluoride uptake from mouthrinses. J Dent Res 1985; 64: 82-4.
  • Gordan VV, Mjör JA. Short and long-term clinical evaluation of post-operative sensitivity of a new resin-based restorative material and self-etching primer. Oper Dent 2002; 27: 543-8.
  • Altenburger MJ, Schirrmeister JF, Lussi A, Klasser M, Hellwig E.. In-situ fluoride retention and remineralization of incipient carious lesions after the application of different concentrations of fluoride. Eur J Oral Sci 2009; 117: 58-63.
  • Brambilla E. Fluoride-is it capable of fighting old and new dental diseases? Caries Res 2001; 35: 6-9.
  • Leverett DH. Effectiveness of mouthrinsing with fluoride solutions in preventing coronal and root caries. J Public Health Dent 1989; 49: 310-6.
  • Molina MX, Rodriguez FG, Urbina T, Vargas S. Effect of weekly mouthrinses with 0.2% neutral NaF solution on caries incidense in first permanent molars. Odontol Child 1989; 37: 176-82.
  • Twetman S, Petersson L, Axelsson S, Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Kallestal C. Caries-preventive effect of sodium fluoride mouthrinses: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Acta Odontol Scand 2004; 62: 223-30.
  • Denes J, Gabris K. Results of a 3-year oral hygiene programme, including amine fluoride products, in patients treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Eur J Orthod 1991; 13:129-33.
  • Boyd RL. Two-year longitudinal study of a peroxide-fluoride rinse on decalcification in adolescent orthodontic patients. J Clin Dent 1992; 3: 83-7.
  • Skoog DA, West DM, Holler JF. Analitik Kimya. 7. baskı, Özkan Matbaacılık; 1997.
  • Barrancos RJ. The effect of temperature on the uptake of topical fluorides. M.S. Thesis, University of Michigan. In: Putt MS, John FB, Joseph CM. Effect of temperature of SnF2 solution on tin and fluoride uptake by bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1966; 57: 772-6.
  • Stookey GK, Stahlman DB. Enhanced fluoride uptake in enamel with a fluoride-containing prophylactic cup. J Dent Res 1976; 55: 333-41.
  • Stearns RL, Berndt AF. Reaction of acidulated phosphate-fluoride solutions with human apatite. J Dent Res 1973; 52: 1253-60.
  • Preston AJ, Agalamanyi EA, Higham SM, Mair LH. The recharge of esthetic dental restorative materials with fluoride in vitro-two years’ results. Dent Mater 2003; 19: 32-7.
  • De Witte AMJ, De Maeyer EAP, Verbeeck RMH, Martens LC. Fluoride release profiles of mature restorative glass ionomer cements after fluoride application. Biomaterials 2000; 21: 475-82.
  • Gao W, Smales RJ. Fluoride release/uptake of conventional and resin-modified glass ionomers and compomers. J Dent 2001; 29: 301-6.
  • Mccabe JF. Resin-modified glass ionomers. Biomaterials 1998; 19: 521-7.
  • Billington RW, Hadley PC, Williams JA, Pearson GJ. Kinetics of fluoride release from zinc oxide-based cements. Biomaterials 2001; 22: 2507-13.
  • Durst A, Taylor K. The potential changes in fluoride ion activity electrode measurements. Anal Chem 1969; 39: 1483-7.
  • Raby AB, Sunderland WB. Direct determination of fluoride in tungsten using the fluoride ion activity electrode. Anal Chem 1967; 39: 1304-5.
  • Singer L, Armstrong WD. The potential fluoride analysis from bone subjects. Anal Chem 1968; 40: 613-7.
  • Phillips KA, Rix CJ. Fluoride determination in biological subjects using the fluoride ion activity electrode. Anal Chem 1981; 53: 2141-3.
  • Ruiz-Payan A, Ortiz M, Duarte-Gartea M. Determination of fluoride in drinking water and in urine of adolescents living in three countries Northern Chihuhua Mexico using a fluoride ion selective electrode. Mic Chem J 2005; 81: 19-22.
  • Malde KM, Bjorvatn K, Julshamn K. Determination of fluoride in food by the use of alkali fusion and fluoride ion-selective electrode. Food Chemistry 2001; 73: 373-9.
  • Morris MF, Davis RD, Richardson BW. Clinical efficacy of two dentine desensitizing agents. Am J Dent 1999; 12: 72-6.
  • Summit JB, Robbins JW, Schwartz RS. Fundamental of operative dentistry. 2nd ed. Quint Publishing; 2001
  • Geiger S, Matalon S, Blasbalg J, Tung MS, Eichmiller FC. The clinical effect of amorphous calcium phosphate on root surface hypersensitivity. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 496-500.
  • Petersson LG. Fluoride mouthrinses and fluoride varnishes. Caries Res 1993; 27: 35-42.
  • Clarkson JJ, Mcloughlin J. Role of fluoride in oral health promotion. Int Dent J 2000; 50:119-28.
  • Winston AE, Bhaskar SN. Caries prevention in the 21st century. J Am Dent Assoc 1998;129: 1579- 87.
  • Featherstone JDB. The science and practice of caries prevention. J Am Dent Assoc 2000; 131:887-99.
  • Gordan VV, Mjör JA, Hucke RD, Swith GE. Effect of different liner treatment on post operative sensitivity of amalgam restorations. Quintessence Int 1999; 30: 55-9.
  • Sieck B, Takagi S, Chow LC. Assesment of Loosely-bound and Firmly-bound Flouride Uptake by Tooth Enamel from Topically applied Fluoride Treatments. J Dent Res 1990; 69: 1261-5.


Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 3 - Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 151 - 161, 01.08.2009


Bu çalışmanın amacı, florür içerikli bir ağız gargarası Oral-B Advantage % 0,05 NaF içerikli Oral-B Laboratories, Newbridge, UK. kulanımıyla de-florize edilmiş mine yapısında meydana gelen florür alımına sıcaklığın etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada oda sıcaklığı 25° C , vücut sıcaklığı 37,5°C ve “hiper ateş” olarak da bilinen ateşli hastalık üst sınırındaki vücut sıcaklığı 43°C olmak üzere üç farklı sıcaklıkta ölçümler yapılmıştır. Çalışma da çekilmiş insan üst santral kesici dişlerinden elde edilen ve de-florize edebilmek amacıyla 24 saat süre ile Sodyum Hidroksit solusyonunda bekletilen mine numuneleri kullanılmıştır. Ölçümler, 2ppm florür bulunduracak miktarda gargara içeren ve iyonik şiddet ve pH dengesini sağlamak amacıyla TISAB ilave edilmiş olan 50 mL’ lik saf su çözeltilerinde florür iyon seçici elektrot kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Grup içi karşılaştırmaları ve gruplar arası karşılaştırmaları p


  • Putt MS, John FB, Joseph CM. Effect of temperature of SNF2 solution on tin and fluoride uptake by bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1978; 57: 772-6.
  • Ripa LW. Rinses for the control of dental caries. Int Dent J 1992;42: 263-9.
  • Tung MS, Bowen HJ, Derkson GD, Pashley DH. Effect of calcium phosphate solution on dentine permeability. J Endod 1993; 19: 383-7.
  • Buchalla W, Attin T, Schulte-Mönting J, Hellwig E. Fluoride uptake, retention, and remineralization efficacy of a highly concentrated fluoride solution on enamel lesions in situ. J Dent Res 2002; 81: 329-33.
  • De A Silva MF, Giniger MS, Zhang YP, Devizio W. The effect of a triclosan\copolymer\fluoride liquid dentifirice on interproximal enamel remineralization and fluoride uptake. J Am Dent Assoc 2004; 135: 1023-9.
  • Bijella MF, Brighenti FL, Buzalof MA. Fluoride kinetics in saliva after the use of a fluoride- containing chewing gum. Braz Oral Res 2005; 19: 1-9.
  • Hong YC, Chow LC, Brown WE. Basic Biological Sciences: Enhanced fluoride uptake from mouthrinses. J Dent Res 1985; 64: 82-4.
  • Gordan VV, Mjör JA. Short and long-term clinical evaluation of post-operative sensitivity of a new resin-based restorative material and self-etching primer. Oper Dent 2002; 27: 543-8.
  • Altenburger MJ, Schirrmeister JF, Lussi A, Klasser M, Hellwig E.. In-situ fluoride retention and remineralization of incipient carious lesions after the application of different concentrations of fluoride. Eur J Oral Sci 2009; 117: 58-63.
  • Brambilla E. Fluoride-is it capable of fighting old and new dental diseases? Caries Res 2001; 35: 6-9.
  • Leverett DH. Effectiveness of mouthrinsing with fluoride solutions in preventing coronal and root caries. J Public Health Dent 1989; 49: 310-6.
  • Molina MX, Rodriguez FG, Urbina T, Vargas S. Effect of weekly mouthrinses with 0.2% neutral NaF solution on caries incidense in first permanent molars. Odontol Child 1989; 37: 176-82.
  • Twetman S, Petersson L, Axelsson S, Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Kallestal C. Caries-preventive effect of sodium fluoride mouthrinses: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials. Acta Odontol Scand 2004; 62: 223-30.
  • Denes J, Gabris K. Results of a 3-year oral hygiene programme, including amine fluoride products, in patients treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Eur J Orthod 1991; 13:129-33.
  • Boyd RL. Two-year longitudinal study of a peroxide-fluoride rinse on decalcification in adolescent orthodontic patients. J Clin Dent 1992; 3: 83-7.
  • Skoog DA, West DM, Holler JF. Analitik Kimya. 7. baskı, Özkan Matbaacılık; 1997.
  • Barrancos RJ. The effect of temperature on the uptake of topical fluorides. M.S. Thesis, University of Michigan. In: Putt MS, John FB, Joseph CM. Effect of temperature of SnF2 solution on tin and fluoride uptake by bovine enamel. J Dent Res 1966; 57: 772-6.
  • Stookey GK, Stahlman DB. Enhanced fluoride uptake in enamel with a fluoride-containing prophylactic cup. J Dent Res 1976; 55: 333-41.
  • Stearns RL, Berndt AF. Reaction of acidulated phosphate-fluoride solutions with human apatite. J Dent Res 1973; 52: 1253-60.
  • Preston AJ, Agalamanyi EA, Higham SM, Mair LH. The recharge of esthetic dental restorative materials with fluoride in vitro-two years’ results. Dent Mater 2003; 19: 32-7.
  • De Witte AMJ, De Maeyer EAP, Verbeeck RMH, Martens LC. Fluoride release profiles of mature restorative glass ionomer cements after fluoride application. Biomaterials 2000; 21: 475-82.
  • Gao W, Smales RJ. Fluoride release/uptake of conventional and resin-modified glass ionomers and compomers. J Dent 2001; 29: 301-6.
  • Mccabe JF. Resin-modified glass ionomers. Biomaterials 1998; 19: 521-7.
  • Billington RW, Hadley PC, Williams JA, Pearson GJ. Kinetics of fluoride release from zinc oxide-based cements. Biomaterials 2001; 22: 2507-13.
  • Durst A, Taylor K. The potential changes in fluoride ion activity electrode measurements. Anal Chem 1969; 39: 1483-7.
  • Raby AB, Sunderland WB. Direct determination of fluoride in tungsten using the fluoride ion activity electrode. Anal Chem 1967; 39: 1304-5.
  • Singer L, Armstrong WD. The potential fluoride analysis from bone subjects. Anal Chem 1968; 40: 613-7.
  • Phillips KA, Rix CJ. Fluoride determination in biological subjects using the fluoride ion activity electrode. Anal Chem 1981; 53: 2141-3.
  • Ruiz-Payan A, Ortiz M, Duarte-Gartea M. Determination of fluoride in drinking water and in urine of adolescents living in three countries Northern Chihuhua Mexico using a fluoride ion selective electrode. Mic Chem J 2005; 81: 19-22.
  • Malde KM, Bjorvatn K, Julshamn K. Determination of fluoride in food by the use of alkali fusion and fluoride ion-selective electrode. Food Chemistry 2001; 73: 373-9.
  • Morris MF, Davis RD, Richardson BW. Clinical efficacy of two dentine desensitizing agents. Am J Dent 1999; 12: 72-6.
  • Summit JB, Robbins JW, Schwartz RS. Fundamental of operative dentistry. 2nd ed. Quint Publishing; 2001
  • Geiger S, Matalon S, Blasbalg J, Tung MS, Eichmiller FC. The clinical effect of amorphous calcium phosphate on root surface hypersensitivity. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 496-500.
  • Petersson LG. Fluoride mouthrinses and fluoride varnishes. Caries Res 1993; 27: 35-42.
  • Clarkson JJ, Mcloughlin J. Role of fluoride in oral health promotion. Int Dent J 2000; 50:119-28.
  • Winston AE, Bhaskar SN. Caries prevention in the 21st century. J Am Dent Assoc 1998;129: 1579- 87.
  • Featherstone JDB. The science and practice of caries prevention. J Am Dent Assoc 2000; 131:887-99.
  • Gordan VV, Mjör JA, Hucke RD, Swith GE. Effect of different liner treatment on post operative sensitivity of amalgam restorations. Quintessence Int 1999; 30: 55-9.
  • Sieck B, Takagi S, Chow LC. Assesment of Loosely-bound and Firmly-bound Flouride Uptake by Tooth Enamel from Topically applied Fluoride Treatments. J Dent Res 1990; 69: 1261-5.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Bağlar This is me

Adil Nalçacı This is me

Mustafa Taştekin This is me

Hikmet Solak This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 36 Issue: 3 - Volume: 36 Issue: 3
