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Evaluation of Periapical Tissue Reactions of Various Retrograde Materials

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 57 - 69, 01.05.2009


The purpose of this in vivo study was to investigate the histopathologic reactions of retrogradefilling materials on periapical tissues in the presence of apical lesions. The material consisted of 64mandibular premolars which were obtained from 8dogs


  • Schilder H. Cleaning and shaping the root canal. Dent Clin North Am 1974; 18: 269-96.
  • Arens DE. Surgical Endodontics In: Pathways of the pulp Ed: Cohen S, Burns RC. St. Louis. C.V.Mosby p. 574
  • Abdal AK, Retief DH, Jamison HC. The api- cal seal via the retrosurgical approach II. An evalua- tion of retrofilling materials. Oral Surg 1982 ; 54: 213-8.
  • Friedman S. Retrograde approaches in endodontic therapy. Endod Dent Traumatol 1991;7: 97-107.
  • Barnes IE. Surgical Endodontics (Colour Manual) Wrigth, Oxford p. 15
  • Stockdale CR. Endodontic surgery, London, Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.,1. Ed. 1992.
  • Torabinejad M, Pitt Ford TR. Root end fil- ling materials: A review. Endod Dent Traumatol 1996; 12: 161-78.
  • Gartner AH, Dorn SO. Advances in endodontic surgery. Dent Clin North Am 1992; 36: 357-78.
  • Al-Ajam ADK, McGregor AJ. Comparison of the sealing capabilities of Ketac-Silver and extra high copper alloy amalgam when used as retrograde root canal filling. J Endodon 1993; 19: 353-6.
  • Torabinejad M, Rastegor AF, Kettering JD , Pitt Ford TR. Bacterial leakage of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as a root-end filling material. J Endodon 1995; 21: 109-12.
  • Sipahier M. Retrograd dolgu maddeleri. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 20: 313-8.
  • Stabholz A, Shani J, Friedman S. ve Abed J. Marginal adaptation of retrograde fillings and its correlation with sealability. J Endodon 1985; 11: 218-22.
  • Smee G, Bolanos OR, Morse DR, Furst ML, Yesilsoy C. A comparative leakage study of P-30 resin bonded ceramic, Teflon, amalgam and IRM as retrofilling. J Endodon 1987; 13:117-21.
  • Bondra DL, Hartwell GR, MacPherson MG, Portell FR. Leakage in vitro with IRM, High Copper Amalgam and EBA cement as retrofilling materials. J Endodon 1989; 15: 157-60.
  • DeGrood ME, Oguntebi BR, Cunningham CJ, Pink R. A comparison of tissue to Ketac-Fil and amalgam. J Endodon 1995; 21: 65-9.
  • Trope M, Lost C, Schmitz HJ, Friedman S, Hill C. Healing of apical periodontitis in dogs after apicoectomy and retrofilling with various filling materials. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996; 81: 221-8.
  • Gerhards F, Wagner W. Sealing ability of five different retrograde filling materials. J Endodon 1996; 22: 463-6.
  • Harrison JW, Johnson SA. Excisional wound healing following the use of IRM as a root- end filling material. J Endodon 1997; 23: 19-27.
  • Owadally ID, Chong BS, PittFord TR, Watson TF. The sealing ability of IRM with the addi- tion of hydroxyapatite as a retrograde root filling. Endod Dent Traumatol 1993; 9: 211-5.
  • Dorn SO, Gartner AH. Retrograde filling materials a retrospective success-failure study of amalgam, EBA, and IRM. J Endod 1990; 16: 391-3.
  • Takezawa Y. Studies on physico-chemical properties of self-setting apatite cement. Japan Medline express ® Gifu-Shika-Gakkai-Zasshi 1989; 16: 500-19 abst. no: 91225401.
  • Sinai IH, Romea DJ, Glassman G, Morse DR, Fantasia J, Furst ML. An evaluation of Tricalcium phosphate as a treatment for endodontic perforations. J Endodon 1989; 15: 399-403.
  • Maruo K. Histopathologic study on the application of synthetic hydroxyapatite and alpha-tri- calcium phosphate for vital pulpotomy. Japan Medline Express ® Gifu-Shika-Gakkai-Zasshi 1990; 17: 223-45, abst. no: 92211022.
  • Barkhordar RA, Stark MM, Soelberg H. Evaluation of the apical sealing ability of apatite root canal sealer. Quintessence Int 1992; 23: 515-8.
  • Bilginer S, Esener IT, Söylemezoğlu I, Tiftik AM. The investigation of biocompatibility and apical microleakage of tricalcium phosphate based root canal sealers. J Endodon 1997; 23: 105-9.
  • MacDonald A, Moore BK, Newton CW, Brown CE. Evaluation of an apatite cement as a root end filling material. J Endodon 1994; 20: 598-604.
  • Telli C. Kalsiyum fosfat esaslı kanal dolgu maddeleri olan Sankin Apatite Tip I, Tip II, Tip III’ ün sitotoksik, hemolitik ve antibakteriyal etkilerinin beş değişik kanal dolgu maddesi ile kıyaslamalı olarak araştırılması. HÜ.Sağ. Bil. Enst. Doktora Tezi, 1991.
  • Mc Lean JW, Wilson AD. The clinical development of the glass ionomer cements I Formulations and properties. (Electric Journal), 1977; 22, Erişim: ( http://
  • Callis PD, Santini A. Tissue response to ret- rograde root fillings in the ferret canine; A compari- son of a glass ionomer cement and gutta-percha with sealer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1987; 64: 475-9.
  • Gabe M. Histological techniques. Paris; Masson Co., 1976.
  • Torabinejad M, Hong CU, Lee SJ, Monsef M, PittFord TR. Investigation of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate for root-end filling in dogs. J Endodon 1995; 21: 603-7.
  • Williams SS, Gutmann JL. Periradicular healing in response to Diaket root-end filling mater- ial with and without Tricalcium Phosphate. Int Endod J 1996; 29: 84-92.
  • Yamasaki M, Kumazawa, KohsakaT, Nakamura H, KameyamaY. Pulpal and periapical tis- sue reactions after experimental pulpal exposure in rats. J Endodon 1994; 20: 13-7.
  • Zetterqvist L, Anneroth G, Nordenram A. Glass- ionomer cement as retrograde filling material. An experimental investigation in monkeys. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987; 16: 459-64.
  • Cutright DE, Bhaskar SN, Brady JM, Getter L, Posey WK. Reaction of bone to tricalcium phos- phate ceramic pellets. Oral Surg 1972; 33: 850-6.
  • Olsen FK, Austin BP, Walia H. Osseous reaction to implanted ZOE retrograde filling materi- als in the tibia of rats. J Endodon 1994; 20: 389-94.
  • Maeda H, Hashiguchi I, Nakamuta H, Toriya Y, Wada N, Akamine A. Histological study of periapical tissue healing in the rat molar after retrofilling with various materials. J Endodon 1999; 25: 38-42.
  • Bhambhani SM, Bolanos OR, Buffalo NY. Tissue reactions to endodontic materials implanted in the mandibles of guinea pigs.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1993;76: 493-50.

Farklı retrograd dolgu materyallerinin periapikal dokular üzerine etkilerinin histopatolojik olarak değerlendirilmesi

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 57 - 69, 01.05.2009


Endodontide kullanılan farklı retrograd dolgumateryallerinin periapikal lezyon varlığında oluşturduğu histopatolojik değişimleri incelediğimiz çalışmamız in vivo olarak yürütüldü. Bu amaçla 8adet köpeğin 64 adet küçük azı dişinden yararlanıldı.Kök kanalları, kemomekanik preparasyonunun ardından 2 hafta süre ile ağız ortamına açıkbırakılarak periapikal bölgede lezyon oluşturuldu.1 ay sonunda kök kanallarının doldurulmasınınardından mukoperiosteal flep kaldırıldı. Cerrahigiriş kaviteleri hazırlanarak kökün apikal 1/3’ ürezeke edildi. 1. premolarlar kontrol grubu olarakbelirlendi. Diğer premolarlara 2mm çapında retrograd kaviteler hazırlanarak her diş için farklı retrograd dolgu materyalleri olan IRM, Ketac-Fil veSankin Apatite yerleştirildi. Deney süresi olarakbelirlenen 15, 45, 90 ve 180 günlük dönemlersonunda hayvanlar dekapite edildi ve kesitler ışıkmikroskobu ile değerlendirildi. İncelenen kesitlerde15 günlük deney süresinde IRM ve Ketac-Fil gruplarında kontrol grubuna benzer orta derecedeinflamatuar hücre infiltrasyonu tespit edilirkenSankin Apatite grubunda hafif düzeyde infiltrasyonizlendi. Uzun dönemde inflamatuar reaksiyonlarda


  • Schilder H. Cleaning and shaping the root canal. Dent Clin North Am 1974; 18: 269-96.
  • Arens DE. Surgical Endodontics In: Pathways of the pulp Ed: Cohen S, Burns RC. St. Louis. C.V.Mosby p. 574
  • Abdal AK, Retief DH, Jamison HC. The api- cal seal via the retrosurgical approach II. An evalua- tion of retrofilling materials. Oral Surg 1982 ; 54: 213-8.
  • Friedman S. Retrograde approaches in endodontic therapy. Endod Dent Traumatol 1991;7: 97-107.
  • Barnes IE. Surgical Endodontics (Colour Manual) Wrigth, Oxford p. 15
  • Stockdale CR. Endodontic surgery, London, Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.,1. Ed. 1992.
  • Torabinejad M, Pitt Ford TR. Root end fil- ling materials: A review. Endod Dent Traumatol 1996; 12: 161-78.
  • Gartner AH, Dorn SO. Advances in endodontic surgery. Dent Clin North Am 1992; 36: 357-78.
  • Al-Ajam ADK, McGregor AJ. Comparison of the sealing capabilities of Ketac-Silver and extra high copper alloy amalgam when used as retrograde root canal filling. J Endodon 1993; 19: 353-6.
  • Torabinejad M, Rastegor AF, Kettering JD , Pitt Ford TR. Bacterial leakage of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as a root-end filling material. J Endodon 1995; 21: 109-12.
  • Sipahier M. Retrograd dolgu maddeleri. AÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 1993; 20: 313-8.
  • Stabholz A, Shani J, Friedman S. ve Abed J. Marginal adaptation of retrograde fillings and its correlation with sealability. J Endodon 1985; 11: 218-22.
  • Smee G, Bolanos OR, Morse DR, Furst ML, Yesilsoy C. A comparative leakage study of P-30 resin bonded ceramic, Teflon, amalgam and IRM as retrofilling. J Endodon 1987; 13:117-21.
  • Bondra DL, Hartwell GR, MacPherson MG, Portell FR. Leakage in vitro with IRM, High Copper Amalgam and EBA cement as retrofilling materials. J Endodon 1989; 15: 157-60.
  • DeGrood ME, Oguntebi BR, Cunningham CJ, Pink R. A comparison of tissue to Ketac-Fil and amalgam. J Endodon 1995; 21: 65-9.
  • Trope M, Lost C, Schmitz HJ, Friedman S, Hill C. Healing of apical periodontitis in dogs after apicoectomy and retrofilling with various filling materials. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996; 81: 221-8.
  • Gerhards F, Wagner W. Sealing ability of five different retrograde filling materials. J Endodon 1996; 22: 463-6.
  • Harrison JW, Johnson SA. Excisional wound healing following the use of IRM as a root- end filling material. J Endodon 1997; 23: 19-27.
  • Owadally ID, Chong BS, PittFord TR, Watson TF. The sealing ability of IRM with the addi- tion of hydroxyapatite as a retrograde root filling. Endod Dent Traumatol 1993; 9: 211-5.
  • Dorn SO, Gartner AH. Retrograde filling materials a retrospective success-failure study of amalgam, EBA, and IRM. J Endod 1990; 16: 391-3.
  • Takezawa Y. Studies on physico-chemical properties of self-setting apatite cement. Japan Medline express ® Gifu-Shika-Gakkai-Zasshi 1989; 16: 500-19 abst. no: 91225401.
  • Sinai IH, Romea DJ, Glassman G, Morse DR, Fantasia J, Furst ML. An evaluation of Tricalcium phosphate as a treatment for endodontic perforations. J Endodon 1989; 15: 399-403.
  • Maruo K. Histopathologic study on the application of synthetic hydroxyapatite and alpha-tri- calcium phosphate for vital pulpotomy. Japan Medline Express ® Gifu-Shika-Gakkai-Zasshi 1990; 17: 223-45, abst. no: 92211022.
  • Barkhordar RA, Stark MM, Soelberg H. Evaluation of the apical sealing ability of apatite root canal sealer. Quintessence Int 1992; 23: 515-8.
  • Bilginer S, Esener IT, Söylemezoğlu I, Tiftik AM. The investigation of biocompatibility and apical microleakage of tricalcium phosphate based root canal sealers. J Endodon 1997; 23: 105-9.
  • MacDonald A, Moore BK, Newton CW, Brown CE. Evaluation of an apatite cement as a root end filling material. J Endodon 1994; 20: 598-604.
  • Telli C. Kalsiyum fosfat esaslı kanal dolgu maddeleri olan Sankin Apatite Tip I, Tip II, Tip III’ ün sitotoksik, hemolitik ve antibakteriyal etkilerinin beş değişik kanal dolgu maddesi ile kıyaslamalı olarak araştırılması. HÜ.Sağ. Bil. Enst. Doktora Tezi, 1991.
  • Mc Lean JW, Wilson AD. The clinical development of the glass ionomer cements I Formulations and properties. (Electric Journal), 1977; 22, Erişim: ( http://
  • Callis PD, Santini A. Tissue response to ret- rograde root fillings in the ferret canine; A compari- son of a glass ionomer cement and gutta-percha with sealer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1987; 64: 475-9.
  • Gabe M. Histological techniques. Paris; Masson Co., 1976.
  • Torabinejad M, Hong CU, Lee SJ, Monsef M, PittFord TR. Investigation of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate for root-end filling in dogs. J Endodon 1995; 21: 603-7.
  • Williams SS, Gutmann JL. Periradicular healing in response to Diaket root-end filling mater- ial with and without Tricalcium Phosphate. Int Endod J 1996; 29: 84-92.
  • Yamasaki M, Kumazawa, KohsakaT, Nakamura H, KameyamaY. Pulpal and periapical tis- sue reactions after experimental pulpal exposure in rats. J Endodon 1994; 20: 13-7.
  • Zetterqvist L, Anneroth G, Nordenram A. Glass- ionomer cement as retrograde filling material. An experimental investigation in monkeys. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987; 16: 459-64.
  • Cutright DE, Bhaskar SN, Brady JM, Getter L, Posey WK. Reaction of bone to tricalcium phos- phate ceramic pellets. Oral Surg 1972; 33: 850-6.
  • Olsen FK, Austin BP, Walia H. Osseous reaction to implanted ZOE retrograde filling materi- als in the tibia of rats. J Endodon 1994; 20: 389-94.
  • Maeda H, Hashiguchi I, Nakamuta H, Toriya Y, Wada N, Akamine A. Histological study of periapical tissue healing in the rat molar after retrofilling with various materials. J Endodon 1999; 25: 38-42.
  • Bhambhani SM, Bolanos OR, Buffalo NY. Tissue reactions to endodontic materials implanted in the mandibles of guinea pigs.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1993;76: 493-50.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ebru Özsezer This is me

Dilek Dalat This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2


Vancouver Özsezer E, Dalat D. Farklı retrograd dolgu materyallerinin periapikal dokular üzerine etkilerinin histopatolojik olarak değerlendirilmesi. EADS. 2009;36(2):57-69.