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The Effect of Sport on Oral Health

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 01.05.2009


Sportsmen may develop different kind of oralproblems like some injuries, dental erosion, dentalstaining and dental caries. Proper oral hygienehabits prevent them from some of these problems.The aim of this study was to assess oral hygienehabits and oral hygiene status of a group of competitive swimmers compared to a nonsportsmengroup.A convenience sample of competitive swimmers and a random sample of nonsportsmen wereexamined for their oral hygiene status by usingplaque index and gingival index. A questionnaireascertained the oral hygiene habits of the participants. Then, obtained data was analyzed statistically. 217 competitive swimmers and 191 nonsportsmen participated the study. Competitive swimmerswere at ages 11-23. Nonsportsmen were at ages 1220. Oral hygiene habits of competitive swimmerswere found better than the control group’s.Clinically, in control group, score 3 for plaqueindex that indicated a huge amount of plaque orcalculus existence was recorded significantlyhigher than in test group p


  • Raghaebar GM, Bas RRM, Vissink A: Sports and orofacial injuries. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:141-6.
  • De Baat P,Heijboer MP, Van Eijck CH, De Baat C: Health care in sports by a team physician, espeacially in soccer. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:130-5.
  • Seyfried PL, Tobin RS, Brown NE, Ness PF: A prospective study of swimming-related illness 1. Swimming-associated health risk. Am J Public Health 1985; 75:1068-70.
  • Scheper WA, van Nieuw Amerongen A, Eijkman MAJ: Oral conditions in swimmers. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:147-8.
  • Lokin P, Huysmans M: Is Dutch swimming pool water erosive? Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2004; 111:14-6.
  • Van Loveren C, Scheper WA, Eijman MA: Sports diets and oral health. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112 :136-140.
  • Centerwall BS, Armstrong CW, Funkhouser LS, Elzay RP: Erosion of dental enamel among com- petitive swimmers at a gas-chlorinated swimming pool. Am J Epidemiol 1986; 123: 641-7.
  • Escardin JL, Arnedo A, Pinto V, Vela MJ: A study of dental staining among competitive swim- mers. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000; 28: 10-17.
  • Rose KJ, Carey CM: Intensive swimming: Can it affect your patients’ smiles? JADA 1995; 126: 1402-6.
  • Westfelt F: Rationale of mechanical plaque control. J ClinPeriodontol 1996; 23: 263–7.

Sporun oral sağlığa etkisi

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 01.05.2009


Sporcular, çeşitli yaralanmalar, dental erozyon, dental renklenme ve dental çürükler gibi bazıoral problemlere maruz kalabilmektedir. Muntazam oral hijyen davranışları ile bu problemlerin birkısmından korunmaları mümkündür. Çalışmamızbir grup lisanslı yüzücünün oral hijyen alışkanlıklarının ve oral hijyen durumlarının sporla düzenliolarak ilgilenmeyen yaşıtlarıyla karşılaştırılarakdeğerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır.Türkiye genelinde lisanslı olarak yüzme sporuile ilgilenen 217 yüzücü ve kontrol grubu olarakbenzer yaş grubundan herhangi bir spor dalı iledüzenli olarak ilgilenmemek şartı aranarak rastgele seçilmiş 191 genç birey çalışmamıza katıldı.Katılımcılara oral hijyen davranışlarını belirlemekamaçlı sorular içeren anket formları doldurtularakklinik değerlendirme amaçlı ölçümler yapıldı.Ölçümler için plak indeksi ve gingival indeks kullanıldı. Yüzücülerin yaşları 11-23 arasında iken kontrol grubunun yaş aralığı 12 ile 20 olarak bulundu.Test grubunun oral hijyen alışkanlıkları kontrolgrubuna göre daha iyi bulundu. Klinik incelemesonucunda ise yoğun plak veya kalkulus varlığınıbelirten plak indeksi için 3 skorunun istatistikselolarak anlamlı biçimde kontrol grubunda fazla kaydedildiği tespit edildi. Benzer biçimde dişetlerinde kanama mevcudiyetini gösteren gingival indeks 2 ve 3 skorlar›n›n da kontrol grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlaml› şekilde fazla kaydedilmiş olduğu saptand›. Sonuçta yüzücülerin oral hijyen davran›şlar› daha iyi bulunurken klinik değerlendirmelerin de bunu desteklediği tespit edildi.


  • Raghaebar GM, Bas RRM, Vissink A: Sports and orofacial injuries. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:141-6.
  • De Baat P,Heijboer MP, Van Eijck CH, De Baat C: Health care in sports by a team physician, espeacially in soccer. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:130-5.
  • Seyfried PL, Tobin RS, Brown NE, Ness PF: A prospective study of swimming-related illness 1. Swimming-associated health risk. Am J Public Health 1985; 75:1068-70.
  • Scheper WA, van Nieuw Amerongen A, Eijkman MAJ: Oral conditions in swimmers. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112:147-8.
  • Lokin P, Huysmans M: Is Dutch swimming pool water erosive? Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2004; 111:14-6.
  • Van Loveren C, Scheper WA, Eijman MA: Sports diets and oral health. Ned Tijdschr Tandheelkd 2005; 112 :136-140.
  • Centerwall BS, Armstrong CW, Funkhouser LS, Elzay RP: Erosion of dental enamel among com- petitive swimmers at a gas-chlorinated swimming pool. Am J Epidemiol 1986; 123: 641-7.
  • Escardin JL, Arnedo A, Pinto V, Vela MJ: A study of dental staining among competitive swim- mers. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2000; 28: 10-17.
  • Rose KJ, Carey CM: Intensive swimming: Can it affect your patients’ smiles? JADA 1995; 126: 1402-6.
  • Westfelt F: Rationale of mechanical plaque control. J ClinPeriodontol 1996; 23: 263–7.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Havva Seda Eroğlu This is me

Nejat Arpak This is me

Fatma Böke This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 36 Issue: 2 - Volume: 36 Issue: 2


Vancouver Eroğlu HS, Arpak N, Böke F. Sporun oral sağlığa etkisi. EADS. 2009;36(2):79-84.