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Fusion and Gemimation of Primary Teeth: Five Case Report

Year 2005, Volume: 32 Issue: 3 - Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 223 - 227, 01.08.2005


Gemination and fusion are different tooth abnormalities which present almost the same clinical appearance. Bilateral dental fusion in the primary dentition is a rare dental anomaly. When it involves the mandibular primary incisors and has no effect on the developing permanent dentition, the event becomes even more unique. In this case report, the dental treatment of 5 patients who have fusion and gemination’s teeth, reffered to Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Dental Science Center, Department of Pedodontics, was presented.


  • Acs G, Cozzi E, and Pokala. Bilateral double primary molars: case report. Ped. Dent. 1992; 14: 115-6.
  • Lowel RJ and Soloman AL. Fused teeth. J.A.D.A. 1964; 68:762-3.
  • Mader CL. Fusion of teeth J.A.D.A. 1979; 98: 62-4.
  • Pereira AJA, Fidel RAS, Fidel RS. Maxillary lateral incisor with two rooth canals: fusion, gemina- tion or dens invaginatus. Braz. Dent. J. 2000;11: 141- 6.
  • Shafer WG, Hine MK. and Levy BMA. Textbook of oral pathalogy, ed 3. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co;1974; 136-46.
  • Spouge JD. Oral pathology. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, Co; 1973;113-25.
  • Hassan FS, Al Sarraj FR. Fusion of primary teeth: a case report . Quıntessence Int. 1989; 20: 149- 52.
  • Grossmann KE. Endodontics involving an usual of fusion. J. Endo. 1981;7: 40-1.
  • Rubrecht A, Batniji S, El Neweihi E. Double teeth. The incidence of gemination and fusion. J. Pedodont. 1985;9:332-7.
  • Surmont PA, Mortens LC, Le Craene LG. A complete fusion in the primary human dentition: A histological approach. J. Dent. Child. 1988;5: 362-7.
  • Ata P. Konservatif diş tedavisi, İstanbul, Yenilik Basımevi, 1982;s.94.
  • Çelenk P. İkiz oluşumlar: füzyon ve gemi- nasyon (17 olgunun incelenmesi). GÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1992;19:479-82.
  • Çetiner S. Süt dentisyonunda geminasyon ve füzyon (olgu bildirimi). AÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1993; 4 :56-60.
  • Spoque J. Oral pathology, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby com, 1973, p. 134.
  • Ulusoy M. Bir vak’a münasebetiyle ön dişlerde ikizlik ve protetik tedavisi. AÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1976;3:45-51.
  • McDonald RE, Avery DR. Dentistry for the child and adolescant, ed St. Louis, Missouri. 1992, p.231.
  • Puy L, Pizarro C, Navarro F. Double teeth: case reports. J.Clin. Pediatric Dent. 1991;15: 120-4.
  • Yven SWH, Chan JCY, Wei SHY. Double primary teeth and their relationship with the perma- nent successors: a radiographich study of 376 case. Ped. Dent. 1987;9:42-8.
  • Machizuki K. Yonezu T, Yakushiji M, Machida Y. The fusion of three primary incisors: report of case. ASDC J. Dent Child. 1999; 6: 421-5.
  • Peretz B, Breniak N. Fusion of primary mandibular teeth: Report of case. J. Dent. Child. 1992; 5. 366-8.


Year 2005, Volume: 32 Issue: 3 - Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 223 - 227, 01.08.2005


Geminasyon ve füzyon hemen hemen benzer klinik görünümleri olan farklı diş anomalileridir. Birinci dentisyonda bilateral dental füzyon nadir görülen bir anomalidir. Ayrıca mandibular süt keserleri içeren ve daimi dişlerinde bir sorun görülmeyen tipteki anomaliler çok daha seyrek görülür. Bu olgu sunumunda, GATA Diş Hek Bil. Merk. Pedodonti A.B.D.’ na, başvuran füzyon ve geminasyonlu dişlere sahip 5 hasta ve tedavileri rapor edilmiştir.


  • Acs G, Cozzi E, and Pokala. Bilateral double primary molars: case report. Ped. Dent. 1992; 14: 115-6.
  • Lowel RJ and Soloman AL. Fused teeth. J.A.D.A. 1964; 68:762-3.
  • Mader CL. Fusion of teeth J.A.D.A. 1979; 98: 62-4.
  • Pereira AJA, Fidel RAS, Fidel RS. Maxillary lateral incisor with two rooth canals: fusion, gemina- tion or dens invaginatus. Braz. Dent. J. 2000;11: 141- 6.
  • Shafer WG, Hine MK. and Levy BMA. Textbook of oral pathalogy, ed 3. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co;1974; 136-46.
  • Spouge JD. Oral pathology. St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, Co; 1973;113-25.
  • Hassan FS, Al Sarraj FR. Fusion of primary teeth: a case report . Quıntessence Int. 1989; 20: 149- 52.
  • Grossmann KE. Endodontics involving an usual of fusion. J. Endo. 1981;7: 40-1.
  • Rubrecht A, Batniji S, El Neweihi E. Double teeth. The incidence of gemination and fusion. J. Pedodont. 1985;9:332-7.
  • Surmont PA, Mortens LC, Le Craene LG. A complete fusion in the primary human dentition: A histological approach. J. Dent. Child. 1988;5: 362-7.
  • Ata P. Konservatif diş tedavisi, İstanbul, Yenilik Basımevi, 1982;s.94.
  • Çelenk P. İkiz oluşumlar: füzyon ve gemi- nasyon (17 olgunun incelenmesi). GÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1992;19:479-82.
  • Çetiner S. Süt dentisyonunda geminasyon ve füzyon (olgu bildirimi). AÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1993; 4 :56-60.
  • Spoque J. Oral pathology, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby com, 1973, p. 134.
  • Ulusoy M. Bir vak’a münasebetiyle ön dişlerde ikizlik ve protetik tedavisi. AÜ. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 1976;3:45-51.
  • McDonald RE, Avery DR. Dentistry for the child and adolescant, ed St. Louis, Missouri. 1992, p.231.
  • Puy L, Pizarro C, Navarro F. Double teeth: case reports. J.Clin. Pediatric Dent. 1991;15: 120-4.
  • Yven SWH, Chan JCY, Wei SHY. Double primary teeth and their relationship with the perma- nent successors: a radiographich study of 376 case. Ped. Dent. 1987;9:42-8.
  • Machizuki K. Yonezu T, Yakushiji M, Machida Y. The fusion of three primary incisors: report of case. ASDC J. Dent Child. 1999; 6: 421-5.
  • Peretz B, Breniak N. Fusion of primary mandibular teeth: Report of case. J. Dent. Child. 1992; 5. 366-8.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Ceyhan Altun This is me

Günseli Güven This is me

Feridun Başak This is me

Erman Akbulut This is me

H. Ayberk Altuğ This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 32 Issue: 3 - Volume: 32 Issue: 3


Vancouver Altun C, Güven G, Başak F, Akbulut E, Altuğ HA. SÜT DİŞLERİNDE FÜZYON VE GEMİNASYON: BEŞ OLGU NEDENİYLE. EADS. 2005;32(3):223-7.