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Effects of Different Polymerization Time on Surface Hardness of Packable Composites

Year 2005, Volume: 32 Issue: 2 - Volume: 32 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 01.05.2005


The aim of the present study was to determinethe effect of 20 seconds and 40 seconds exposuretime on top and bottom surface hardness of packable composites. Four different packable composites P60, Surefil, Solitare 2 and Pyramid-Dentin were placed in 2 mm depth and 8 mm diameter ofplexiglass mould n=20 . Specimens were polymerized with halogen light curing unit 600 mW/cm2 for 20 seconds or 40 seconds. Knoop HardnessTester was used for microhardness recordings.Microhardness data were analyzed using 1-wayANOVA and Tukey HSD test. Top and bottommicrohardness values from highest to lowest wereas follows: P60> Surefil> Solitare 2 = PyramidDentin. Curing time 20 sec or 40 sec did not havean effect on top surface microhardness in mostcomposites except Surefil. 40 sec polymerizationgave way to higher microhardness values than 20sec polymerization in Surefil


  • Manhart W, Chen HY, Hickel R. The suit- able of packable resin-based composites for posteri- or restorations. J Am Dent Assoc 2001;132: 639-45.
  • Schulze KA, Marshall SJ, Gansky SA, Marshall GW. Color stability and hardness in dental composites after accelerated aging. Dent Mater 2003; 19: 612-9.
  • Kelsey WP, Lata MA, Shaddy RS, Stanislav CM. Physical properties of three packable resin- composite restorative materials. Oper Dent 2000; 25: 331-5.
  • Cobb DS, Macgregor KM, Vargas MA, Denehy GE. The physical properties of packable and conventional posterior resin-based composites: A comparison. J Am Dent Assoc 2000; 131:1610-5.
  • Manhart KJ, Kunzelmann H, Chen Y, Hickel R. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of light- cured packable composite resins. Dent Mater 2000; 16 33-40.
  • Jung M, Bruegger H, Klimek J. Surface geometry of three packable an done hybrid compo- site after polishing. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 816-24.
  • Knobloch LA, Kerby RE, Clelland N, Lee J. Hardness and degree of conversion of posterior pack- able composites. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 642-9.
  • Vandewalle KS, Ferracane JL, Hilton TJ, Erickson RL, Sakaguchi RL. Effect of energy densi- ty on properties and marginal integrity of posterior resin composite restorations. Dent Mater 2004; 20: 96-106.
  • Chung KH, Greener EH. Correlation between degree of conversion, filler concentration and mechanical properties of posterior composite resins. J Oral Rehabil 1990; 17: 487-94.
  • Herrero AA, Yaman P, Dennison JB. Polymerization shrinkage and depth of cure of pack- able composites. Quint Int 2005; 36: 25-31.
  • Pilo R, Cardash HS. Post-irradiation poly- merization of different polymerization of different anterior and posterior visible-light activated resin composites. Dent Mater 1992; 8: 299-304.
  • Ulusoy N, Gökay O, Müjdeci A. Farklı kalınlıklarda uygulanan yeni geliştirilmiş üç kom- pozitin yüzey sertliği. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000; 27:29-35.
  • Gür G, Özyurt P. Surface hardness of hybrid ionomer, compomer and composite. Balkan J Stom 2003; 7:174-5.
  • Bouschlicher MR, Rueggeberg FA, Wilson BM. Correlation of bottom-to-top surface microhard- ness and conversion ratios for a variety of resin com- posite compositions. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 698-704.
  • Ferracane JL. Correlation between hardness and degree of conversion during the setting reaction of unfilled dental restorative resins. Dent Mater 1985; 1: 11-4.
  • Bağış YH. Farklı ışık cihazlarının rezin içerikli restoratif materyallerin yüzey sertliğine etki- sinin in vitro olarak incelenmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998; 25:261-70.
  • Moon HJ, Lee YK, Lim BS, Kim CW. Effects of various light curing methods on the leach- ability of uncured substances and hardness of a com- posite resin. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31:258-64.
  • Rueggeberg FA, Caughman WF, Curtis JW. Effect of light intensity and exposure duration on cure of resin composite. Oper Dent 1994; 19:26-32.
  • Coffey O, Ray NJ, Lynch CD, Burke FM, Hannigan A. In vitro study of surface microhardness of a resin composite exposed to a quartz-halogen lamp. Quint Int 2004; 35: 795-800.
  • Soh MS, Yap AUJ. Influence of curing modes on crosslink density in polymer structures. J Dent 2004; 32: 321-6.
  • Amaral CM, Bedran de Castro KB, Pimenta LAF, Ambrosano GMB. Influence of resin compos- ite polymerization techniques on microleakage and microhardness. Quint Int 2002; 33: 685-9.
  • St-Georges AJ, Swift EJ, Thompson JY, Heymann HO. Irradiance effects on the mechanical properties of universal hybrid and flowable hybrid resin composites. Dent Mater 2003; 406-13.
  • Shortall AC, Harrington E. Effect of light intensity on polymerisation of three composite resins. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 1996; 4: 71-6.
  • Fan PL, Schumacher RM, Azzolin K, Geary R, Eichmiller FC. Curing-light intensity and depth of cure of resin-based composites tested according to international standards. J Am Dent Assoc 2002; 133: 429-34.
  • Yap AUJ, Seneviratne C. Influence of light energy density on effectiveness of composite cure. Oper Dent 2001; 26: 460-6.
  • Poskus LT, Placido E, Cardoso PEC. Influence of placement techniques on Vickers and Knoop hardness of Class II composite resin restora- tions. Dent Mater 2004; 20:726-32.
  • Sabbagh J, Ryelandt L, Bacherius L, Biebuyck JJ, Vreven J, Lambrechts P, Leloup G. Characterization of the inorganic fraction of resin composites. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31: 1090-101.


Year 2005, Volume: 32 Issue: 2 - Volume: 32 Issue: 2, 79 - 84, 01.05.2005


Bu çalışmanın amacı dört farklı kondanseedilebilir kompozitin 20 sn ve 40 sn ışık uygulamasısonucu oluşan alt ve üst yüzey sertlik değişiklerininincelenmesidir. Yüzey sertlik ölçümleri için dörtfarklı kondanse edilebilir kompozit P60, Surefil,Solitare 2 ve Pyramid-Dentin 2 mm kalınlığında ve8 mm çapında pleksi glass kalıp içerindeki boşluklara yerleştirildi n=20 . Polimerizasyonlar halojenbir ışık kaynağı kullanarak 600 mW/cm2 20 sn n=40 ve 40 sn n=40 olacak şekilde polimerize edilen örnekler, Knoop Hardness KHN testi ile yüzey sertlik değerleri ölçüldü. İstatistiksel değerlendirme tek yönlü varyans analizi ANOVA ile yap›ld› ve gruplar aras› farkl›klar Tukey testi ile belirlendi.En yüksek üst ve alt yüzey sertliği s›ras› ile P60> Surefil> Solitare 2 = Pyramid-Dentin olarak tespit edildi. Iş›k uygulama süresi 20 sn veya 40 sn Surefil kompozit d›ş›nda kompozitlerin birçoğunda üst yüzey sertlik değerlerini değiştirmedi. Sadece Surefil kompozit grubunda 40 sn polimerize edilen örnekler, 20 sn polimerizasyona göre daha fazla sertlik değeri gösterdi.


  • Manhart W, Chen HY, Hickel R. The suit- able of packable resin-based composites for posteri- or restorations. J Am Dent Assoc 2001;132: 639-45.
  • Schulze KA, Marshall SJ, Gansky SA, Marshall GW. Color stability and hardness in dental composites after accelerated aging. Dent Mater 2003; 19: 612-9.
  • Kelsey WP, Lata MA, Shaddy RS, Stanislav CM. Physical properties of three packable resin- composite restorative materials. Oper Dent 2000; 25: 331-5.
  • Cobb DS, Macgregor KM, Vargas MA, Denehy GE. The physical properties of packable and conventional posterior resin-based composites: A comparison. J Am Dent Assoc 2000; 131:1610-5.
  • Manhart KJ, Kunzelmann H, Chen Y, Hickel R. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of light- cured packable composite resins. Dent Mater 2000; 16 33-40.
  • Jung M, Bruegger H, Klimek J. Surface geometry of three packable an done hybrid compo- site after polishing. Oper Dent 2003; 28: 816-24.
  • Knobloch LA, Kerby RE, Clelland N, Lee J. Hardness and degree of conversion of posterior pack- able composites. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 642-9.
  • Vandewalle KS, Ferracane JL, Hilton TJ, Erickson RL, Sakaguchi RL. Effect of energy densi- ty on properties and marginal integrity of posterior resin composite restorations. Dent Mater 2004; 20: 96-106.
  • Chung KH, Greener EH. Correlation between degree of conversion, filler concentration and mechanical properties of posterior composite resins. J Oral Rehabil 1990; 17: 487-94.
  • Herrero AA, Yaman P, Dennison JB. Polymerization shrinkage and depth of cure of pack- able composites. Quint Int 2005; 36: 25-31.
  • Pilo R, Cardash HS. Post-irradiation poly- merization of different polymerization of different anterior and posterior visible-light activated resin composites. Dent Mater 1992; 8: 299-304.
  • Ulusoy N, Gökay O, Müjdeci A. Farklı kalınlıklarda uygulanan yeni geliştirilmiş üç kom- pozitin yüzey sertliği. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 2000; 27:29-35.
  • Gür G, Özyurt P. Surface hardness of hybrid ionomer, compomer and composite. Balkan J Stom 2003; 7:174-5.
  • Bouschlicher MR, Rueggeberg FA, Wilson BM. Correlation of bottom-to-top surface microhard- ness and conversion ratios for a variety of resin com- posite compositions. Oper Dent 2004; 29: 698-704.
  • Ferracane JL. Correlation between hardness and degree of conversion during the setting reaction of unfilled dental restorative resins. Dent Mater 1985; 1: 11-4.
  • Bağış YH. Farklı ışık cihazlarının rezin içerikli restoratif materyallerin yüzey sertliğine etki- sinin in vitro olarak incelenmesi. A Ü Diş Hek Fak Derg 1998; 25:261-70.
  • Moon HJ, Lee YK, Lim BS, Kim CW. Effects of various light curing methods on the leach- ability of uncured substances and hardness of a com- posite resin. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31:258-64.
  • Rueggeberg FA, Caughman WF, Curtis JW. Effect of light intensity and exposure duration on cure of resin composite. Oper Dent 1994; 19:26-32.
  • Coffey O, Ray NJ, Lynch CD, Burke FM, Hannigan A. In vitro study of surface microhardness of a resin composite exposed to a quartz-halogen lamp. Quint Int 2004; 35: 795-800.
  • Soh MS, Yap AUJ. Influence of curing modes on crosslink density in polymer structures. J Dent 2004; 32: 321-6.
  • Amaral CM, Bedran de Castro KB, Pimenta LAF, Ambrosano GMB. Influence of resin compos- ite polymerization techniques on microleakage and microhardness. Quint Int 2002; 33: 685-9.
  • St-Georges AJ, Swift EJ, Thompson JY, Heymann HO. Irradiance effects on the mechanical properties of universal hybrid and flowable hybrid resin composites. Dent Mater 2003; 406-13.
  • Shortall AC, Harrington E. Effect of light intensity on polymerisation of three composite resins. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 1996; 4: 71-6.
  • Fan PL, Schumacher RM, Azzolin K, Geary R, Eichmiller FC. Curing-light intensity and depth of cure of resin-based composites tested according to international standards. J Am Dent Assoc 2002; 133: 429-34.
  • Yap AUJ, Seneviratne C. Influence of light energy density on effectiveness of composite cure. Oper Dent 2001; 26: 460-6.
  • Poskus LT, Placido E, Cardoso PEC. Influence of placement techniques on Vickers and Knoop hardness of Class II composite resin restora- tions. Dent Mater 2004; 20:726-32.
  • Sabbagh J, Ryelandt L, Bacherius L, Biebuyck JJ, Vreven J, Lambrechts P, Leloup G. Characterization of the inorganic fraction of resin composites. J Oral Rehabil 2004; 31: 1090-101.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Adil Nalçacı This is me

Nuran Ulusoy This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 32 Issue: 2 - Volume: 32 Issue: 2
