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Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 27 - 37, 30.04.2017


Potato common scab is a significant disease that reduces the quality of potato tubers in worldwide. The goal of this study was to identify and characterize Streptomyces species, isolated scab lesions in potato production fields of Erzurum province, one of the important potato production areas of Turkey. Potato tubers with scab symptoms were collected from potato production fields, isolations were made and pathogenicity tests were carried out. Strains with positive pathogenicity reactions were identified according to classical and molecular methods. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were carried out with specific primers to assess the presence of TxtAB, Nec1, and TomA, genes considered common to the pathogenicity island (PAI) of Streptomyces sp. 47 of pathogenic strains were determined as S. scabiei, 15 strains as S. bottropensis, eight strains as S. stelliscabiei and four strains as S. europoeiascabiei. The species, S. stelliscabiei, S. bottropensis and S. europaeiscabiei heretofore had not been reported as pathogens of potato in Turkey. In addition, all identified strains are reported for the first time as present in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Our testes revealed that the isolates mostly have the Nec1, TomA genes and TxtAB but Some of the isolated strains have lacking of the three genes, based on our PCR tests.


  • BENCHEIKH, M. and SETTI, B. (2007), Characterizatıon of Streptomyces scabies isolated from common scab lesions on potato tubers by morphological, biochemical and pathogenicity tests in chlef region in western Algeria, Sciences and Technogie, 26, 61-67. BOUCHEK-MECHICHE, K., GARDAN, L., NORMand, P. and JOUAN, B. (2000), DNA relatedness among strains of Streptomyces pathogenic to potato in France: description of three new species, S-europaeiscabiei sp nov, and S-stelliscabiei sp. nov associated with common scab, and S-reticuliscabiei sp nov associated with netted scab, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 50, 91-99. CAO, Z., KHODAKARAMIAN, G., ARAKAWA, K. and KINASHI, H. (2012), Isolation of Borrelidin as a Phytotoxic Compound from a Potato Pathogenic Streptomyces Strain, Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 76, 353-357. CONN, K. L., LECI, E., KRITZMAN, G. and LAZAROVITS, G. (1998), A quantitative method for determining soil populations of Streptomyces and differentiating potential potato scab-inducing strains, Plant Disease, 82, 631-638. DEES, M. W., SLETTEN, A. and HERMANSEN, A. (2013), Isolation and characterization of Streptomyces species from potato common scab lesions in Norway, Plant Pathology, 62, 217-225. FLORES-GONZALEZ, R., VELASCO, I. and MONTES, F. (2008), Detection and characterization of Streptomyces causing potato common scab in Western Europe, Plant Pathology, 57, 162-169. GOYER, C., FAUCHER, E. and BEAULIEU, C. (1996), Streptomyces caviscabies sp nov, from deep-pitted lesions in potatoes in Quebec, Canada, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46, 635-639. HAYNES, K. G., GOTH, R. W. and YOUNG, R. J. (1997), Genotype x environment interactions for resistance to common scab in tetraploid potato, Crop Science, 37, 1163-1167. HOSAKA, K., MATSUNAGA, H. and SENDA, K. (2000), Evaluation of several wild tuber-bearing Solanum species for scab resistance, American Journal of Potato Research, 77, 41-45. JIANG, H. H., MENG, Q. X., HANSON, L. E. and HAO, J. J. (2012), First Report of Streptomyces stelliscabiei Causing Potato Common Scab in Michigan, Plant Disease, 96, 904-904. KARAHAN, A. (2006), Determination of streptomyces species harmful on potatoes in central anatolia region and reactions of major potato cultivars against common species. Doctoral thesis, Ankara University, Ankara. KERS, J. A., CAMERON, K. D., JOSHI, M. V., BUKHALID, R. A., MORELLO, J. E., WACH, M. J., GIBSON, D. M. and LORIA, R. (2005), A large, mobile pathogenicity island confers plant pathogenicity on Streptomyces species, Molecular Microbiology, 55, 1025-1033. KIESER, T., BIBB, M. J., BUTTNER, M. J., CHATER, K. F. and HAPWOOD, D. A. (2000), Practical Streptomyces Genetics (Norwich, UK.: The John Innes Foundation) KUMAR, V., BHARTI, A., GUSAIN, O. and BISHT, G. S. (2010), An improved method for isolation of genomic DNA from filamentous Actinomycetes, International Journal of Service Sciences, Engineering and Technology Management, 2, 10-13. LAMBERT, D. H. and LORIA, R. (1989a), Streptomyces-acidiscabies sp-nov, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 39, 393-396. LAMBERT, D. H. and LORIA, R. (1989b), Streptomyces scabies sp-nov, nom-rev, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 39, 387-392. LAPAZ, M. I., VERDIER, E. and PIANZZOLA, M. J. (2012), First Report Regarding Potato Scab Caused by Streptomyces acidiscabies in Uruguay, Plant Disease, 96, 1064-1064. LEIMINGER, J., FRANK, M., WENK, C., POSCHENRIEDER, G., KELLERMANN, A. and SCHWARZFISCHER, A. (2013), Distribution and characterization of Streptomyces species causing potato common scab in Germany, Plant Pathology, 62, 611-623. LETHONEN, M. J., RANTALA, H., KREUZE, J. F., BANG, H., KUISMA, L., KOSKI, P., VIRTANEN, E., VIHLMAN, K. and VALKONEN, J. P. T. (2004), Occurance and survival ofo potato scab pathogens (Streptomyces species) on tuber lesions: quick diagnosis on a PCR-based assay, Plant Pathology, 53, 280-287. LIU, D. Q., AndERSON, N. A. and KINKEL, L. L. (1996), Selection and characterization of strains of Streptomyces suppressive to the potato scab pathogen, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42, 487-502. LORIA, R. (2001), in. ed. W. R. Stevenson, R. Loria, G. D. Franc and D. P. Weingartner. (St Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society). LORIA, R. and KEMPTER, B. A. (1986), Relative Resistance of Potato-Tubers Produced from Stem Cuttings and Seed-Piece-Propagated Plants to Streptomyces-Scabies, Plant Disease, 70, 1146-1148. LORIA, R., KERS, J. and JOSHI, M. (2006), in Annual Review of Phytopathology, 469-487. MIYAJIMA, K., TANAKA, F., TAKEUCHI, T. and KUNINAGA, S. (1998), Streptomyces turgidiscabies sp. nov, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 48, 495-502. PARK, D. H., YU, Y. M., KIM, J. S., CHO, J. M., HUR, J. H. and LIM, C. K. (2003), Characterization of streptomycetes causing potato common scab in Korea, Plant Disease, 87, 1290-1296. PAVLISTA, A. D. (1996), How important is common scab in seed potatoes?, American Potato Journal, 73, 275-278. SHIRLING, E. B. and GOTTLIEB, D. (1966), Methods for characterization of Streptomyces species, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 16, 313-340. ST-ONGE, R., GOYER, C., COFFIN, R. and FILION, M. (2008), Genetic diversity of Streptomyces spp. causing common scab of potato in eastern Canada, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 31, 474-484. STEAD, D. and WALE, S. (2004), Non-water control measures for potato common scab. Oxford, British Potato Council. THWAITES, R., WALE, S. J., NELSON, D., MUNDAY, D. and ELPHINSTONE, J. G. (2010), Streptomyces turgidiscabies and S. acidiscabies: two new causal agents of common scab of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in the UK, Plant Pathology, 59, 804-804. WANNER, L. A. (2006), A survey of genetic variation in Streptomyces isolates causing potato common scab in the United States, Phytopathology, 96, 1363-1371. WANNER, L. A. (2007a), High proportions of nonpathogenic Streptomyces are associated with common scab-resistant potato lines and less severe disease, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 53, 1062-1075. WANNER, L. A. (2007b), A new strain of Streptomyces causing common scab in potato, Plant Disease, 91, 352-359. WANNER, L. A. (2009), A Patchwork of Streptomyces Species Isolated from Potato Common Scab Lesions in North America, American Journal of Potato Research, 86, 247-264. WANNER, L. A., QU, X. and CHRIST, B. J. (2011), A common scab resistant potato cultivar is not explained by pathogen growth in soil or window of infectivity, Phytopathology, 101, S188-S188. WILLIAMS, S. T., GOODFELLOW, M., ALDERSON, G., WELLINGTON, E. M. H., SNEATH, P. H. A. and SACKIN, M. J. (1983), Numerical classification of streptomyces and related genera, Journal of General Microbiology, 129, 1743-1813. YAMAZAKI, M., YAMASHITA, T., HARADA, T., NISHIKIORI, T., SAITO, S., SHIMADA, N. and FUJI, A. (1992), 44-Homooligomycins a and b, new antitumor antibiotics from Streptomyces bottropensis, Journal of Antibiotics, 45, 171-179. ZADINA, J., DOBIAS, K. and HORACKOVA, V. (1975), The resistance of potato varieties of the world assortment to common scab streptomyces-scabies, Sbornik UVTI (Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci) Ochrana Rostlin, 11, 195-204.
Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 27 - 37, 30.04.2017



  • BENCHEIKH, M. and SETTI, B. (2007), Characterizatıon of Streptomyces scabies isolated from common scab lesions on potato tubers by morphological, biochemical and pathogenicity tests in chlef region in western Algeria, Sciences and Technogie, 26, 61-67. BOUCHEK-MECHICHE, K., GARDAN, L., NORMand, P. and JOUAN, B. (2000), DNA relatedness among strains of Streptomyces pathogenic to potato in France: description of three new species, S-europaeiscabiei sp nov, and S-stelliscabiei sp. nov associated with common scab, and S-reticuliscabiei sp nov associated with netted scab, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 50, 91-99. CAO, Z., KHODAKARAMIAN, G., ARAKAWA, K. and KINASHI, H. (2012), Isolation of Borrelidin as a Phytotoxic Compound from a Potato Pathogenic Streptomyces Strain, Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 76, 353-357. CONN, K. L., LECI, E., KRITZMAN, G. and LAZAROVITS, G. (1998), A quantitative method for determining soil populations of Streptomyces and differentiating potential potato scab-inducing strains, Plant Disease, 82, 631-638. DEES, M. W., SLETTEN, A. and HERMANSEN, A. (2013), Isolation and characterization of Streptomyces species from potato common scab lesions in Norway, Plant Pathology, 62, 217-225. FLORES-GONZALEZ, R., VELASCO, I. and MONTES, F. (2008), Detection and characterization of Streptomyces causing potato common scab in Western Europe, Plant Pathology, 57, 162-169. GOYER, C., FAUCHER, E. and BEAULIEU, C. (1996), Streptomyces caviscabies sp nov, from deep-pitted lesions in potatoes in Quebec, Canada, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46, 635-639. HAYNES, K. G., GOTH, R. W. and YOUNG, R. J. (1997), Genotype x environment interactions for resistance to common scab in tetraploid potato, Crop Science, 37, 1163-1167. HOSAKA, K., MATSUNAGA, H. and SENDA, K. (2000), Evaluation of several wild tuber-bearing Solanum species for scab resistance, American Journal of Potato Research, 77, 41-45. JIANG, H. H., MENG, Q. X., HANSON, L. E. and HAO, J. J. (2012), First Report of Streptomyces stelliscabiei Causing Potato Common Scab in Michigan, Plant Disease, 96, 904-904. KARAHAN, A. (2006), Determination of streptomyces species harmful on potatoes in central anatolia region and reactions of major potato cultivars against common species. Doctoral thesis, Ankara University, Ankara. KERS, J. A., CAMERON, K. D., JOSHI, M. V., BUKHALID, R. A., MORELLO, J. E., WACH, M. J., GIBSON, D. M. and LORIA, R. (2005), A large, mobile pathogenicity island confers plant pathogenicity on Streptomyces species, Molecular Microbiology, 55, 1025-1033. KIESER, T., BIBB, M. J., BUTTNER, M. J., CHATER, K. F. and HAPWOOD, D. A. (2000), Practical Streptomyces Genetics (Norwich, UK.: The John Innes Foundation) KUMAR, V., BHARTI, A., GUSAIN, O. and BISHT, G. S. (2010), An improved method for isolation of genomic DNA from filamentous Actinomycetes, International Journal of Service Sciences, Engineering and Technology Management, 2, 10-13. LAMBERT, D. H. and LORIA, R. (1989a), Streptomyces-acidiscabies sp-nov, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 39, 393-396. LAMBERT, D. H. and LORIA, R. (1989b), Streptomyces scabies sp-nov, nom-rev, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 39, 387-392. LAPAZ, M. I., VERDIER, E. and PIANZZOLA, M. J. (2012), First Report Regarding Potato Scab Caused by Streptomyces acidiscabies in Uruguay, Plant Disease, 96, 1064-1064. LEIMINGER, J., FRANK, M., WENK, C., POSCHENRIEDER, G., KELLERMANN, A. and SCHWARZFISCHER, A. (2013), Distribution and characterization of Streptomyces species causing potato common scab in Germany, Plant Pathology, 62, 611-623. LETHONEN, M. J., RANTALA, H., KREUZE, J. F., BANG, H., KUISMA, L., KOSKI, P., VIRTANEN, E., VIHLMAN, K. and VALKONEN, J. P. T. (2004), Occurance and survival ofo potato scab pathogens (Streptomyces species) on tuber lesions: quick diagnosis on a PCR-based assay, Plant Pathology, 53, 280-287. LIU, D. Q., AndERSON, N. A. and KINKEL, L. L. (1996), Selection and characterization of strains of Streptomyces suppressive to the potato scab pathogen, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42, 487-502. LORIA, R. (2001), in. ed. W. R. Stevenson, R. Loria, G. D. Franc and D. P. Weingartner. (St Paul, Minnesota: The American Phytopathological Society). LORIA, R. and KEMPTER, B. A. (1986), Relative Resistance of Potato-Tubers Produced from Stem Cuttings and Seed-Piece-Propagated Plants to Streptomyces-Scabies, Plant Disease, 70, 1146-1148. LORIA, R., KERS, J. and JOSHI, M. (2006), in Annual Review of Phytopathology, 469-487. MIYAJIMA, K., TANAKA, F., TAKEUCHI, T. and KUNINAGA, S. (1998), Streptomyces turgidiscabies sp. nov, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 48, 495-502. PARK, D. H., YU, Y. M., KIM, J. S., CHO, J. M., HUR, J. H. and LIM, C. K. (2003), Characterization of streptomycetes causing potato common scab in Korea, Plant Disease, 87, 1290-1296. PAVLISTA, A. D. (1996), How important is common scab in seed potatoes?, American Potato Journal, 73, 275-278. SHIRLING, E. B. and GOTTLIEB, D. (1966), Methods for characterization of Streptomyces species, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 16, 313-340. ST-ONGE, R., GOYER, C., COFFIN, R. and FILION, M. (2008), Genetic diversity of Streptomyces spp. causing common scab of potato in eastern Canada, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 31, 474-484. STEAD, D. and WALE, S. (2004), Non-water control measures for potato common scab. Oxford, British Potato Council. THWAITES, R., WALE, S. J., NELSON, D., MUNDAY, D. and ELPHINSTONE, J. G. (2010), Streptomyces turgidiscabies and S. acidiscabies: two new causal agents of common scab of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in the UK, Plant Pathology, 59, 804-804. WANNER, L. A. (2006), A survey of genetic variation in Streptomyces isolates causing potato common scab in the United States, Phytopathology, 96, 1363-1371. WANNER, L. A. (2007a), High proportions of nonpathogenic Streptomyces are associated with common scab-resistant potato lines and less severe disease, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 53, 1062-1075. WANNER, L. A. (2007b), A new strain of Streptomyces causing common scab in potato, Plant Disease, 91, 352-359. WANNER, L. A. (2009), A Patchwork of Streptomyces Species Isolated from Potato Common Scab Lesions in North America, American Journal of Potato Research, 86, 247-264. WANNER, L. A., QU, X. and CHRIST, B. J. (2011), A common scab resistant potato cultivar is not explained by pathogen growth in soil or window of infectivity, Phytopathology, 101, S188-S188. WILLIAMS, S. T., GOODFELLOW, M., ALDERSON, G., WELLINGTON, E. M. H., SNEATH, P. H. A. and SACKIN, M. J. (1983), Numerical classification of streptomyces and related genera, Journal of General Microbiology, 129, 1743-1813. YAMAZAKI, M., YAMASHITA, T., HARADA, T., NISHIKIORI, T., SAITO, S., SHIMADA, N. and FUJI, A. (1992), 44-Homooligomycins a and b, new antitumor antibiotics from Streptomyces bottropensis, Journal of Antibiotics, 45, 171-179. ZADINA, J., DOBIAS, K. and HORACKOVA, V. (1975), The resistance of potato varieties of the world assortment to common scab streptomyces-scabies, Sbornik UVTI (Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci) Ochrana Rostlin, 11, 195-204.
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Journal Section Volume 3 Issue 1

Kenan Karagöz This is me

Recep Kotan

Publication Date April 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Karagöz, K., & Kotan, R. (2017). Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science, 3(1), 27-37.
AMA Karagöz K, Kotan R. Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science. April 2017;3(1):27-37.
Chicago Karagöz, Kenan, and Recep Kotan. “Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey”. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science 3, no. 1 (April 2017): 27-37.
EndNote Karagöz K, Kotan R (April 1, 2017) Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science 3 1 27–37.
IEEE K. Karagöz and R. Kotan, “Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey”, Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 27–37, 2017.
ISNAD Karagöz, Kenan - Kotan, Recep. “Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey”. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science 3/1 (April 2017), 27-37.
JAMA Karagöz K, Kotan R. Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science. 2017;3:27–37.
MLA Karagöz, Kenan and Recep Kotan. “Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey”. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 27-37.
Vancouver Karagöz K, Kotan R. Identification and Characterization of Some Streptomyces Species Isolated from Symtomatic Potatoes in Erzurum Province of Turkey. Eastern Anatolian Journal of Science. 2017;3(1):27-3.