The M_w 6.3 Shonbeh (Bushehr) mainshock, and its aftershock sequence: Tectonic implications and seismicity triggering
Year 2015,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 43 - 56, 28.09.2015
Hiwa Mohammadı
Yusuf Bayrak
In this study, the statistics properties of the aftershock sequence and Coulomb stress changes due to the mainshock of the = 6.3, 9 April 2013 Shonbe earthquake have been studied. The spatial distribution of aftershocks and focal mechanism event with ≥5.0 declared a NW–SE striking rupture with oblique thrust fault mechanism. The b-value is estimated as 0.77± 0.05 and the mainshock occurred in a highly stressed region and sequence comprised larger magnitude aftershocks due to the presence of large size asperities within the rupture zone. Also the high p-value (1.16 ± 0.05), implying fast decay rate of aftershocks, evidences high surface heat flux. A value of the spatial fractal dimension ( ) equal to 2.60 ± 0.02 indicates random spatial distribution and source in a two-dimensional plane that is being filled-up by fractures. Moreover, the evaluated coseismic Coulomb stress using the variable slip model for depth range 0–20 km reveals a ‘butterfly’ pattern and most of the aftershocks fall (95%) in the region of enhanced Coulomb stress.
- Ahmadhadi, F. (2006), Fracture development in the Asmari Fm., SW Iran: typology, timing and relation to folding and Arabia- Eurasia collisional tectonics; Insights from fi¬eld studies and mechanical models. Unpublished PhD thesis, Universite P. et M. Curie, Paris, France, 300p.
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Year 2015,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 43 - 56, 28.09.2015
Hiwa Mohammadı
Yusuf Bayrak
- Ahmadhadi, F. (2006), Fracture development in the Asmari Fm., SW Iran: typology, timing and relation to folding and Arabia- Eurasia collisional tectonics; Insights from fi¬eld studies and mechanical models. Unpublished PhD thesis, Universite P. et M. Curie, Paris, France, 300p.
- Allen, C., Amand, P., Richter, P., Nordquist, J., (1965), Relation between seismicity and geological structure in the southern California region, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 55, 752-797.
- Aki, K., (1981), A probabilistic synthesis of precursory phenomena. In: Simpson, D.W., Richards, P.G. (Eds.), Earthquake Prediction: An International Review. AGU, Washington, DC, pp. 566–574.
- Bath, M., (1965), Lateral inhomogeneties in the upper mantle. Tectonophysics. 2, 483– 514.
- Bayrak, Y., Yadav, R.B.S., Kalafat, D., Tsapanos, T.M., Çınar, H., Singh, A.P., Bayrak, E,. Yılmaz Ş., Öcal, F., Koravos, G., (2013), Seismogenesis and earthquake triggering during the Van (Turkey) 2011 seismic sequence. Tectonophysics. 601 (2013) 163–176.
- Berberian, M., (1976), Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran (Part II). In: Berberian, M. (Ed.), vol. 39. Geol. Surv. Iran, 518 pp. (in English).
- Berberian, M., Navai, I., (1977), Naghan (Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari, High Zagros, Iran) earthquake of April 6, 1977; a preliminary field report and a seismotectonic discussion. In: Berberian, M. (Ed.), Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran, Part III. Geol. Min. Surv. Iran, vol. 40, pp. 51–78.
- Berberian, M., Mohajer-Ashjai, A., (1977), Seismic risk map of Iran, a proposal. In: Berberian, M. (Ed.), Contribution to the Seismotectonics of Iran, Part III. Geol. Min. Surv. Iran, vol. 40, pp. 121–150.
- Berberian, M., Navai, I., (1978), Naghan (Chahar Mahal Bakhtiari-High Zagros, Iran) earthquake of 6 April 1977; A preliminary field report and a seismotectonic discussion. Annali Geofis. 31, 5–27.
- Berberian, M., Papastamatiou, D., (1978), Kurgu (north Bandar Abbas, Iran), earthquake of March 21, 1977; a preliminary field report and a seismotectonic discussion. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 68 (2), 411–428.
- Berberian, M., (1981), Active faulting and tectonics of Iran. In: Gupta, H.K., Delany, F.M. (Eds.), Zagros-Hindu Kush-Himalaya: Geodynamic Evolution, Am. Geophys. Union, Geodynamics Series, vol. 3, pp. 33–69.
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- Berberian, M., (2014) “Earthquake and Coseismic surface faulting on the Iranian Plateau; A HISTORICAL, SOCIAL, AND PHYSICAL APPROACH. 1st Edition” Elsevier, PUBLISHING JUNE 2014, ISBN :9780444632920, 770pp.
- Ben-Zion, Y., (2008), Collective behavior of earthquakes and faults: Continuum-discrete transitions, progressive evolutionary changes, and different dynamic regimes. Rev Geophys 46: RG4006.i:10.1029/2008rg000260.
- Byrne, D.E., Sykes, L.R., Davis, D.M., (1992), Great thrust earthquakes and aseismic slip along the palte boundary of the Makran subduction zone. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 449–478.
- Chouliaras, G., Drakatos, G., Pavlou, K.,Makropoulos, K., (2013), Stress distribution and seismicity patterns of the 2011 seismic swarm in the Messinia basin, (South-Western Peloponnesus), Greece. Nat Haz Earth Sys Sci 13, 45–51.
- Cochran, E. S., Vidale,J.E., Tanaka, S., (2004), Earth tides can trigger shallow thrust fault earthquakes, Science. 306, 1164–1166.
- Crone, T. J., Tolstoy, M.,Stroup, D.F., 2011. Permeability structure of young ocean crust from poroelastically triggered microearthquakes. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L05305, doi:10.1029/2011GL046820.
- Das, S., Scholz, C., (1981), Off-fault aftershock clusters caused by shear stress increase?, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 71. 1669-1675,
- Deng, J., Sykes, L.R., (1996), Triggering of 1812 Santa Barbara earthquake by a great San Andreas shock: implications for future seismic hazards in southern California. Geophys Res Letts 23. 1155–1158.
- Deng, J., Sykes, L.R., (1997), Evolution of the stress field in southern California and triggering of moderate-size earthquakes: a 200-year perspective. J Geophys Res 102, 9859–9886.
- Deng, J., Sykes, L.R., (1997), Stress evolution in southern California and triggering of moderate-, small-, and micro-size earthquakes. J Geophys Res. 102, 24,411–24,435.
- Dimri, V.P., Vedanti, N., Chattopadhyay, S., (2005), Fractal analysis of aftershock sequence of the Bhuj earthquake: a wavelet-based approach. Current Science. 88 (10), 1617–1620.
- Drakatos, G., Latoussakis, J., 1996. Some features of aftershock patterns in Greece. Geophys J Int. 126, 123–134.
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