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Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 01.04.2017




  • Açık, F. (2008, March). Problems encountered while teaching Turkish to foreigners in Turkey and suggestions for solutions. Paper presented at the International Turkish Education and Teaching Symposium. Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Education. Gazi Mağusa.
  • Aşılıoğlu, B. (2009). Main listening barriers according to Turkish language student teachers Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(29), 45‐63.
  • Ayres, L. (2008). Semi structured interview. In L. Given (Eds.), The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (pp. 810‐811). California: Sage.
  • Berg, B. L. (2000). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Berne, J. (2004). Listening comprehension strategies: A review of the literature. Foreign Language Annals, 37(4), 521‐533.
  • Bonk, W. J. (2000). Second language lexical knowledge and listening comprehension. International Journal of Listening, 14(1), 14‐31.
  • Carrier, K. (2003). Improving high school English language learners’ second language listening through strategy instruction. Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 27(3), 383‐408.
  • Center, Y., Freeman, L., Robertson, G., & Outhred, L. (1999). The effect of visual imagery training on the reading and listening comprehension of low listening comprehenders in year 2. Journal of Research in Reading, 22(3), 241‐256.
  • Chen, Y. (2005). Barriers to acquiring listening strategies for EFL learners and their pedagogical implications. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 8(4).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Boston: Pearson.
  • Crowther, D., Trofimovich, P., Isaacs, T. & Saito, K. (2015). Does a speaking task affect second language comprehensibility? Modern Language Journal, 99, 80‐95.
  • Çolak, A., & Uzuner, Y. (2004). Special education teachers and literacy acquisition in children with mental retardation: A semi‐structured interview. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practices, 4(2), 243‐270.
  • Doğan, Y. (2008). Effectiveness of activity‐based studies on improving listening performance of seventh grade elementary school students. Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(2), 261‐286.
  • Dunkel, P. (1991). Listening in the native and second/foreign language: Toward an integration of research and practice. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 431‐457.
  • Emiroğlu, S. (2013). Turkish teacher candidates’ opinions about listening problems. Journal of Adıyaman University Social Sciences Institute, 11, 269‐307.
  • Eryalçın, T. (2006). The importance of using body language in teaching of German as a foreign language ‐ practical activity (Master’s thesis). Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Feyten, C. (1991). The power of listening ability: An overlooked dimension in language acquisition. The Modern Language Journal, 75(2), 173‐180
  • Goh, C. (1997). Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners. ELT Journal, 51(4), 361‐369.
  • Goldin‐Meadow, S., & Alibali, M. W. (2013). Gesture’s role in speaking, learning, and creating language. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 257‐283. doi:10.1146/annurev‐psych‐113011‐ 143802
  • Göçmenler, H. (2011). The effect of body language on teaching Turkish foreigners (Master’s thesis). Gazi University Educational Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Graham, S. (2006). Listening comprehension: The learner’s perspective. System, 34(2), 165‐182.
  • Imhof, M. (1998). What makes a good listener? Listening behavior in instructional settings. International Journal of Listening, 12(1), 81‐105.
  • İşcan, A., & Aydın, G. (2014). Listening teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In A. Şahin (Ed.), Teaching Turkish as a foreign language: Theories, approaches, activities (pp. 317‐335). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Jiang, Y. (2009). Predicting strategy and listening comprehension. Asian Social Science, 5(1), 93‐ 97
  • Jones, L. C. (2003). Supporting listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition with multimedia annotations: the students’ voice. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 41‐65.
  • Kobaleva, P. P. (2012). Second language listening and unfamiliar proper names: comprehension barrier? RELC Journal, 43(1), 83‐98.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel sosyal araştırmaya giriş. Ankara: BilgeSu.
  • MoNE (2009). Common European framework for languages. Ankara: Ministry of Education Board of Education and Training Board.
  • Miles, M., & Huberman, A. (1994). Qualitative data analysis. London: Sage.
  • OSYM (2013). 2012‐2013 academic year higher education statistics. Ankara: OSYM.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2001). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. California: Sage.
  • Root, E., & Ngampornchai, A. (2013). I came back as new human being: student descriptions of intercultural competence acquired through education abroad experiences. Journal of Studies in International Education, 5(17), 513‐532.
  • Rost, M. (2011). Teaching and researching listening. Harlow: Pearson.
  • Rost, M. (2014). Listening in a multilingual world: the challenges of second language (L2) listening. The International Journal of Listening, 28(3), 131‐148.
  • Scales, J., Wennerstrom, A., Richard, D., & Wu, S. H. (2006). Language learners’ perceptions of accent. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 715‐738.
  • Stæhr, L. S. (2009). Vocabulary knowledge and advanced listening comprehension in English as a foreign language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 31(4), 577‐607.
  • Sueyoshi, A., & Hardison, D. M. (2005). The role of gestures and facial cues in second language listening comprehension. Language Learning, 55(4), 661‐699.
  • Uzuner, Y. (1997, September). Characteristics of qualitative research methods. Paper presented at the IV. National Congress of Educational Sciences. Anatolian University, Eskişehir.
  • Vandergrift, L. (2006). Second language listening: Listening ability or language proficiency. The Modern Language Journal, 90(1), 6‐18.
  • Vandergrift, L. (2007). Recent developments in second and foreign language listening comprehension research. Language Teaching, 40(3), 191‐210.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık

Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 01.04.2017


Listening skills play an important role in an individual’s communication with others and in their
understanding of the environment. Since it provides a basis for the acquisition of language skills it
is one of the most important learning tools, and because it is frequently used in everyday life and
in the learning process, listening skill is the foreground of foreign language teaching. It is important
for students to understand what they listen to in order that they do not encounter any difficulties
in the language learning process. To ensure success in the environments where the Turkish
language is taught as a foreign language, it is necessary to follow the listening processes of the
students attentively and to identify the problems they face during this process. This study aims to
identify the listening barriers encountered by university students learning Turkish as a foreign
language at level B2, and was designed based on a qualitative research approach and a
phenomenological design. Within the scope of the study, eight students studying at Dumlupınar
University’s TÖMER (Turkish & Foreign Languages Research and Application Center) were
identified as participants. Data were collected through semi‐structured interviews conducted with
students included in the sample, and descriptive analysis technique was applied in the analysis of
the research data. Participants expressed views that they often encountered problems such as
accented speech, frequent use of idioms and proverbs during listening, lack of vocabulary
development, and lack of emphasis and voice intonation during speech. Also, factors that make
listening easy to understand are identified as the other languages they speak, good vocabulary
knowledge, interesting topics, listening to audiovisual elements, and the speaker’s use of gestures
and mimics.


  • Açık, F. (2008, March). Problems encountered while teaching Turkish to foreigners in Turkey and suggestions for solutions. Paper presented at the International Turkish Education and Teaching Symposium. Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Education. Gazi Mağusa.
  • Aşılıoğlu, B. (2009). Main listening barriers according to Turkish language student teachers Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(29), 45‐63.
  • Ayres, L. (2008). Semi structured interview. In L. Given (Eds.), The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (pp. 810‐811). California: Sage.
  • Berg, B. L. (2000). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Berne, J. (2004). Listening comprehension strategies: A review of the literature. Foreign Language Annals, 37(4), 521‐533.
  • Bonk, W. J. (2000). Second language lexical knowledge and listening comprehension. International Journal of Listening, 14(1), 14‐31.
  • Carrier, K. (2003). Improving high school English language learners’ second language listening through strategy instruction. Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 27(3), 383‐408.
  • Center, Y., Freeman, L., Robertson, G., & Outhred, L. (1999). The effect of visual imagery training on the reading and listening comprehension of low listening comprehenders in year 2. Journal of Research in Reading, 22(3), 241‐256.
  • Chen, Y. (2005). Barriers to acquiring listening strategies for EFL learners and their pedagogical implications. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 8(4).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Boston: Pearson.
  • Crowther, D., Trofimovich, P., Isaacs, T. & Saito, K. (2015). Does a speaking task affect second language comprehensibility? Modern Language Journal, 99, 80‐95.
  • Çolak, A., & Uzuner, Y. (2004). Special education teachers and literacy acquisition in children with mental retardation: A semi‐structured interview. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practices, 4(2), 243‐270.
  • Doğan, Y. (2008). Effectiveness of activity‐based studies on improving listening performance of seventh grade elementary school students. Turkish Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(2), 261‐286.
  • Dunkel, P. (1991). Listening in the native and second/foreign language: Toward an integration of research and practice. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 431‐457.
  • Emiroğlu, S. (2013). Turkish teacher candidates’ opinions about listening problems. Journal of Adıyaman University Social Sciences Institute, 11, 269‐307.
  • Eryalçın, T. (2006). The importance of using body language in teaching of German as a foreign language ‐ practical activity (Master’s thesis). Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.
  • Feyten, C. (1991). The power of listening ability: An overlooked dimension in language acquisition. The Modern Language Journal, 75(2), 173‐180
  • Goh, C. (1997). Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners. ELT Journal, 51(4), 361‐369.
  • Goldin‐Meadow, S., & Alibali, M. W. (2013). Gesture’s role in speaking, learning, and creating language. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 257‐283. doi:10.1146/annurev‐psych‐113011‐ 143802
  • Göçmenler, H. (2011). The effect of body language on teaching Turkish foreigners (Master’s thesis). Gazi University Educational Sciences Institute, Ankara.
  • Graham, S. (2006). Listening comprehension: The learner’s perspective. System, 34(2), 165‐182.
  • Imhof, M. (1998). What makes a good listener? Listening behavior in instructional settings. International Journal of Listening, 12(1), 81‐105.
  • İşcan, A., & Aydın, G. (2014). Listening teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In A. Şahin (Ed.), Teaching Turkish as a foreign language: Theories, approaches, activities (pp. 317‐335). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Jiang, Y. (2009). Predicting strategy and listening comprehension. Asian Social Science, 5(1), 93‐ 97
  • Jones, L. C. (2003). Supporting listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition with multimedia annotations: the students’ voice. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 41‐65.
  • Kobaleva, P. P. (2012). Second language listening and unfamiliar proper names: comprehension barrier? RELC Journal, 43(1), 83‐98.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel sosyal araştırmaya giriş. Ankara: BilgeSu.
  • MoNE (2009). Common European framework for languages. Ankara: Ministry of Education Board of Education and Training Board.
  • Miles, M., & Huberman, A. (1994). Qualitative data analysis. London: Sage.
  • OSYM (2013). 2012‐2013 academic year higher education statistics. Ankara: OSYM.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2001). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. California: Sage.
  • Root, E., & Ngampornchai, A. (2013). I came back as new human being: student descriptions of intercultural competence acquired through education abroad experiences. Journal of Studies in International Education, 5(17), 513‐532.
  • Rost, M. (2011). Teaching and researching listening. Harlow: Pearson.
  • Rost, M. (2014). Listening in a multilingual world: the challenges of second language (L2) listening. The International Journal of Listening, 28(3), 131‐148.
  • Scales, J., Wennerstrom, A., Richard, D., & Wu, S. H. (2006). Language learners’ perceptions of accent. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 715‐738.
  • Stæhr, L. S. (2009). Vocabulary knowledge and advanced listening comprehension in English as a foreign language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 31(4), 577‐607.
  • Sueyoshi, A., & Hardison, D. M. (2005). The role of gestures and facial cues in second language listening comprehension. Language Learning, 55(4), 661‐699.
  • Uzuner, Y. (1997, September). Characteristics of qualitative research methods. Paper presented at the IV. National Congress of Educational Sciences. Anatolian University, Eskişehir.
  • Vandergrift, L. (2006). Second language listening: Listening ability or language proficiency. The Modern Language Journal, 90(1), 6‐18.
  • Vandergrift, L. (2007). Recent developments in second and foreign language listening comprehension research. Language Teaching, 40(3), 191‐210.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık
There are 41 citations in total.


Other ID JA44PJ54GF
Journal Section Research Article

Abdullah Kaldırım This is me

Hikmet Degeç This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Kaldırım, A., & Degeç, H. (2017). Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 1-17.
AMA Kaldırım A, Degeç H. Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills. EBAD - JESR. April 2017;7(1):1-17.
Chicago Kaldırım, Abdullah, and Hikmet Degeç. “Difficulties That Students Who Learn Turkish As a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills”. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, no. 1 (April 2017): 1-17.
EndNote Kaldırım A, Degeç H (April 1, 2017) Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 1 1–17.
IEEE A. Kaldırım and H. Degeç, “Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills”, EBAD - JESR, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2017.
ISNAD Kaldırım, Abdullah - Degeç, Hikmet. “Difficulties That Students Who Learn Turkish As a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills”. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/1 (April 2017), 1-17.
JAMA Kaldırım A, Degeç H. Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills. EBAD - JESR. 2017;7:1–17.
MLA Kaldırım, Abdullah and Hikmet Degeç. “Difficulties That Students Who Learn Turkish As a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills”. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-17.
Vancouver Kaldırım A, Degeç H. Difficulties that Students who Learn Turkish as a Foreign Language Encounter During Listening Skills. EBAD - JESR. 2017;7(1):1-17.