Conference Paper
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Year 2020, Proceedings of The Third Economics, Business And Organization Research (EBOR) Conference, 140 - 147, 31.12.2020



  • Achmad, R Willya dkk. (2019). Potret Milenial pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Jurnal Pekerjaan Sosial Program Magister Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Padjadjaran 2(2): 90-192
  • Global Green Growth Institute. (2019). Mewujudkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia: Peta Jalan untuk Kebijakan, Perencanaan, dan Investasi. Jakarta: Bappenas.
  • IDN Research Institute Indonesia Millenial Report.2019. Memahami Perilaku Millenial Indonesia h.3
  • Kementerian Keuangan RI. (2019). Tunjukkan Komitmen Serius Terhadap Lingkungan, OECD dan Pemerintah Indonesia Luncurkan Tinjauan Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Hijau. Retrieved from: 50521862823
  • ______________________. (2018). Green Sukuk, Instrumen Investasi untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Siaran Pers, Retriviewed:
  • Ministry of Finance Republik of Indonesia. (2019). Green Sukuk Issuance Allocation and Impact Report __________________________________. (2020). Green Sukuk Issuance Allocation and Impact Report
  • Lestari, T. (2020). Analisis Peran Green Sukuk dalam Memperkokoh Keuangan Syariah dan Menciptakan Indonesia Ramah Lingkungan. Lampung: Universitas Islam Negeri Raden IntanLampung
  • Makmun. (2016). Green Economy: Konsep, Implementasi dan Peran Kementerian Keuangan. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Pembangunan, 19(2), 1–15. Retrieved from: 4203/JEP.19.2.2011.1-15
  • Onasie, V & Sawidji W. (2020). Niat Investasi Generasi Millenial di Pasar Modal. Jurnal Manajerial dan Kewirausahaan, Volume 11 No 2 h.318
  • Siswantoro, D. (2018). Performance of Indonesian Green Sukuk (Islamic Bond): A Sovereign Bond Comparion Analysis, Climate Change Concerns.Universitas Indonesia
  • Suherman, dkk. (2019). Identifikasi Potensi Pasar Green Sukuk Republik Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi, 6 (1), :38.
  • Taryono.t.t. ‘Pengantar Teori Ekonomi Pembangunan’, MMP15204/MODUL 1, 1.17
  • Tumewu, F.J. (2019). Minat Investor Muda untuk Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal Melalui Teknologi Fintech. Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Inovasi Vol.6 No 2 h.136
  • Wibowo, M E. (2012). Menyiapkan Bangkitnya Generasi Emas Indonesia
  • Yusuf, S. I. (2019). Review Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Hijau, Ini Rekomendasi OECD untuk KLHK. Retrieved from:
  • Zaini, M., & Darmawanto, A. T. (2015). Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan Studi pada Kelurahan Lempake Kecamatan Samarinda Utara Kota Samarinda. Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 15(2), 24–31.


Year 2020, Proceedings of The Third Economics, Business And Organization Research (EBOR) Conference, 140 - 147, 31.12.2020


GreenSukuk is an environmentally investment instrument launched in November 2019. Many people do not know about the existence of GreenSukuk, because investors are rarely interested in it. This study aims to investigate the prospects for GreenSukuk Investment in Indonesia for the Young Generation. The hope is that young people care more about environmental welfare through investing. The role of youth is very important to create a better Indonesia in the future. One of them is by investing through GreenSukuk. Because with this investment, the opportunity to participate in environmentally sound development will open up. Investment activities through green sukuk are not only for profit, but also to help conserve nature. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach, where the researchers used explanatory method to capture the way green sukuk promote sustainable development, and how the Indonesian Youth investment prospects for environmental sustainability. Data collection techniques was carried out through secondary data collection at the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance, the United Nations Development Program and Central Statistic Agency. The results of this study provide recommendations that the role of Green Sukuk is very important in realizing Indonesian youth who care about the environment.


  • Achmad, R Willya dkk. (2019). Potret Milenial pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Jurnal Pekerjaan Sosial Program Magister Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Padjadjaran 2(2): 90-192
  • Global Green Growth Institute. (2019). Mewujudkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia: Peta Jalan untuk Kebijakan, Perencanaan, dan Investasi. Jakarta: Bappenas.
  • IDN Research Institute Indonesia Millenial Report.2019. Memahami Perilaku Millenial Indonesia h.3
  • Kementerian Keuangan RI. (2019). Tunjukkan Komitmen Serius Terhadap Lingkungan, OECD dan Pemerintah Indonesia Luncurkan Tinjauan Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Hijau. Retrieved from: 50521862823
  • ______________________. (2018). Green Sukuk, Instrumen Investasi untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Siaran Pers, Retriviewed:
  • Ministry of Finance Republik of Indonesia. (2019). Green Sukuk Issuance Allocation and Impact Report __________________________________. (2020). Green Sukuk Issuance Allocation and Impact Report
  • Lestari, T. (2020). Analisis Peran Green Sukuk dalam Memperkokoh Keuangan Syariah dan Menciptakan Indonesia Ramah Lingkungan. Lampung: Universitas Islam Negeri Raden IntanLampung
  • Makmun. (2016). Green Economy: Konsep, Implementasi dan Peran Kementerian Keuangan. Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Pembangunan, 19(2), 1–15. Retrieved from: 4203/JEP.19.2.2011.1-15
  • Onasie, V & Sawidji W. (2020). Niat Investasi Generasi Millenial di Pasar Modal. Jurnal Manajerial dan Kewirausahaan, Volume 11 No 2 h.318
  • Siswantoro, D. (2018). Performance of Indonesian Green Sukuk (Islamic Bond): A Sovereign Bond Comparion Analysis, Climate Change Concerns.Universitas Indonesia
  • Suherman, dkk. (2019). Identifikasi Potensi Pasar Green Sukuk Republik Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi, 6 (1), :38.
  • Taryono.t.t. ‘Pengantar Teori Ekonomi Pembangunan’, MMP15204/MODUL 1, 1.17
  • Tumewu, F.J. (2019). Minat Investor Muda untuk Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal Melalui Teknologi Fintech. Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Bisnis dan Inovasi Vol.6 No 2 h.136
  • Wibowo, M E. (2012). Menyiapkan Bangkitnya Generasi Emas Indonesia
  • Yusuf, S. I. (2019). Review Kebijakan Pertumbuhan Hijau, Ini Rekomendasi OECD untuk KLHK. Retrieved from:
  • Zaini, M., & Darmawanto, A. T. (2015). Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Berwawasan Lingkungan Studi pada Kelurahan Lempake Kecamatan Samarinda Utara Kota Samarinda. Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 15(2), 24–31.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Conference Full Paper Proceedings

Syahrul Munır This is me

Umi Masruro This is me

Ahmad Fawaıq This is me

Santi Merlında This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Proceedings of The Third Economics, Business And Organization Research (EBOR) Conference


APA Munır, S., Masruro, U., Fawaıq, A., Merlında, S. (2020). GREEN SUKUK: INDONESIAN YOUTH INVESTMENT PROSPECTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY. Economics Business and Organization Research140-147.