Copyediting and Proofreading
Economics, Business and Organization Research publishes articles in English only. Please write your text in good English. However, as of 2024, EBOR Journal accepts only articles written in Turkish and English. Turkish articles must have an extended English abstract.
Order of Publication
After all review and copyediting processes completed Editorial Board will decide on the issue in which the article will take place. Normally the articles are listed according to the submission dates. But in some cases, there may be some exceptions related to the special issues and focused files. The author(s) will be informed about this decision.
Acceptance Letter
If the author needs and demands an acceptance letter showing the status of the article, it may be supplied by the editorial board.
Open Access System
Economics, Business and Organization Research (EBOR) has an open access policy. There is no submission fee for this journal.All of published articles and reviews can be reached at . Journal of EBOR adopts the definition of Budapest Open Access Initiative for open access policy.
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