Bu makalede Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi’ni kuran bir uluslararası andlaşma olarak Roma Statüsü’nün 13/b maddesine göre BM Güvenlik Konseyine tanınan Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesine bir olay hakkında başvuru yapma yetkisinin uluslararası hukuka uygunluğu, sudan devlet başkanı El Beşir gibi Roma Statüsüne taraf olmayan devletlerin uluslararası yargı bağışıklığına sahip devlet başkanları bakımından değerlendirilmektedir. Ayrıca bu makale, Roma Statüsü’nün 16. maddesine göre Güvenlik Konseyinin soruşturma veya yargılamaları erteleme yetkisini 1422 ve 1487 sayılı Güvenlik Konseyi kararları üzerinden ele almaktadır. Statüde Güvenlik Konseyine tanınan tüm bu yetkilerin Roma Statüsü’nün temel amacı olan uluslararası suçların faillerinin cezasız bırakılmasına son verme amacının aksine belli güçlü devletlerin ve bu devletlerin vatandaşlarının çıkarlarına hizmet etmesi ihtimali üzerinde durulmaktadır.
Akande, Dapo , “The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-Parties, Legal Basis and Limits”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, Vol. 1, No. 3.
Akande, Dapo, “International Law Immunities and The International Criminal Court”, The American Journal of International Law, 2004, Vol. 98.
Akande, Dapo, “The Effect of Security Council Resolutions and Domestic Proceedings on State Obligations to Cooperate with the ICC”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2012, Vol. 10, No. 2.
Alebeek, Rosanne Van, The Immunity of States and Their Officials in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Ambach, Philipp, Article 2 Relationship of the Court with the United Nations, Otto Triffterer, Kai Ambos (edts.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, 3. ed., C.H. Beck, 2016.
Barker, J. Craig, The Protection of Diplomatic Personnel, Routledge, 2016.
Bogdan, Attila , “The United States and the International Criminal Court: Avoiding Jurisdiction Through Bilateral Agreements in Reliance on Article 98”, International Criminal Law Review, 2008, Vol. 8.
Cassese, Antonio, “When May Senior State Officials Be Tried for International Crimes? Some Comments on the Congo v. Belgium Case”, European Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol. 13, No. 4.
Cryer, Robert, “Sudan, Resolution 1593 and International Criminal Justice”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 2006, Vol. 19, No. 1.
Döner, Ayhan/ Dabanlıoğlu Alanur, Nesrin, “Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Karşısında ABD’nin Durumu ‘Madde 98 andlaşmaları’”, EBYÜHFD, C. XXI, S. 3-4, 2017.
Gallant, Kenneth S., “The International Criminal Court in the System of States and International Organizations”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 3.
Hansen, Thomas Obel, “Transitional Justice in Kenya? An Assessment of the Accountability Process in Light of Domestic Politics and Security Concerns”, California Western International Law Journal, 2011, Vol. 42, No. 1.
Kim, Sun, “Maintaining the Independence of the International Criminal Court: The Legal and Procedural Implications of an Article 16 Deferral Request”, Agenda Internacional, Ano XVIII, No. 29, 2011.
Lavalle, Roberto, “A Vicious Storm in a Teacup: The Action by the United Nations Security Council to Narrow the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court”, Criminal Law Forum, 2003, Vol. 14, No. 2.
Lentner, Gabriel M., The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court: The Referral Mechanism in Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
Moss, Lawrence, “The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court: Towards More Principled Relationship”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2012, https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/08948.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
Murphy, Sean D., “Efforts to Obtain Immunity from ICC for U.S. Peacekeepers”, American Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol. 96.
Orentlicher, Diane F., “Politics by Other Means: The Law of the International Criminal Court”, Cornell International Law Journal, 1999, Vol. 32 (3).
Öktem, Emre, Uluslararası Teamül Hukuku, İstanbul 2013.
Salvatore, Zappala, “Do Heads of State in Office Enjoy Immunity From Jurisdiction For International Crimes? The Ghaddafi Case Before The French Cour de Cassation”, European Journal of International Law, 2001, Vol. 12.
Schabas, William A. / Pecorella, Giulia, Article 13 Exercise of jurisdiction, Otto Triffterer, Kai Ambos (edts.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, 3. ed., C.H. Beck, 2016.
Schabas, William, The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Scharf, Michael P., “The ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Critique of the U.S. Position”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 2001, Vol. 64, No. 1.
Scheffer, David J., “The United States and the International Criminal Court”, American Journal of International Law, 1999, Vol. 93.
Stahn, Carsten, “The Ambiguities of Security Council Resolution 1422 (2002)”, European Journal of International Law, Vol.14, (2003).
Tezcan, Durmuş/ Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan/ Önok, Rıfat Murat, Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku, Ankara 2014.
Trahan, Jennifer, “The Relationship Between The International Criminal Court and The U.N. Security Council: Parameters and Best Practices”, Criminal Law Forum (2013).
Watts, Arthur, “The Legal Position in International Law of Heads Of States, Heads of Governments and Foreign Ministers”, (1994) 247 III Recueil Des Cours.
Weldehaimanot, Simon M., “Arresting Al-Bashir: The African Union's Opposition and the Legalities”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 2011, Vol. 19(2).
Zappala, Salvatore, “Are Some Peacekeepers Better Than Others? UN Security Council Resolution 1497 (2003) and the ICC”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, Vol 1(3).
United Nations Peacekeeping - Resolution 1422, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1422 (2002).
United Nations Peacekeeping - Resolution 1487, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1487 (2003).
Amerikan Servis Üyelerinin Korunması Kanunu (American Servicemembers’ Protection Act-ASPA). https://2001-2009.state.gov/t/pm/rls/othr/misc/23425.htm (E.T: 09.04.2019)
BM ile UCM Arasındaki İlişkiler Anlaşması (The Relationship Agreement between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court), http://legal.un.org/ola/media/UNICC_Cooperation/UNICC%20Relationship%20Agreement.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
http://www.iccnow.org/documents/FS-1422and1487Chronology_26March2008.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, International Law Commission, 55th session, A/CN.4/L.814, http://legal.un.org/docs/?symbol=A/CN.4/L.814 (E.T:
Statement Senator Rod Grams, “Is a U.N. International Criminal Court in the U.S. National Interest?”, Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, S. HRG. 105–724 (23 Temmuz, 1998, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-105shrg50976/pdf/CHRG-105shrg50976.pdf, s. 3 (E.T: 01.04.2019).
Year 2019,
Volume: XXIII Issue: 1-2, 53 - 85, 01.06.2019
This article examines,in compliance with Article 13/b of the Rome Statute as an international treaty establishing International Criminal Court, whether the United Nations’ power of referring a situation to the Prosecutor of International Criminal Court is in accordance with international law, in respect of heads of states who is granted international judicial immunity that are not parties to the Rome Statute, such as Al-Bashir. In addition, this article deals with the Security Council's power of deferral investigations or prosecutions in accordance with Article 16 of the Rome Statute in the context of Security Council resolutions 1422 and 1487. Furthermore, this article focuses on the possibility that all these powers granted to the Security Council serve the interests of certain powerful states and their citizens, contrary to the aim to end the impunity of perpetrators of international crimes that is main purpose of Rome Statute.
Akande, Dapo , “The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-Parties, Legal Basis and Limits”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, Vol. 1, No. 3.
Akande, Dapo, “International Law Immunities and The International Criminal Court”, The American Journal of International Law, 2004, Vol. 98.
Akande, Dapo, “The Effect of Security Council Resolutions and Domestic Proceedings on State Obligations to Cooperate with the ICC”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2012, Vol. 10, No. 2.
Alebeek, Rosanne Van, The Immunity of States and Their Officials in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Ambach, Philipp, Article 2 Relationship of the Court with the United Nations, Otto Triffterer, Kai Ambos (edts.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, 3. ed., C.H. Beck, 2016.
Barker, J. Craig, The Protection of Diplomatic Personnel, Routledge, 2016.
Bogdan, Attila , “The United States and the International Criminal Court: Avoiding Jurisdiction Through Bilateral Agreements in Reliance on Article 98”, International Criminal Law Review, 2008, Vol. 8.
Cassese, Antonio, “When May Senior State Officials Be Tried for International Crimes? Some Comments on the Congo v. Belgium Case”, European Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol. 13, No. 4.
Cryer, Robert, “Sudan, Resolution 1593 and International Criminal Justice”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 2006, Vol. 19, No. 1.
Döner, Ayhan/ Dabanlıoğlu Alanur, Nesrin, “Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesi Karşısında ABD’nin Durumu ‘Madde 98 andlaşmaları’”, EBYÜHFD, C. XXI, S. 3-4, 2017.
Gallant, Kenneth S., “The International Criminal Court in the System of States and International Organizations”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 3.
Hansen, Thomas Obel, “Transitional Justice in Kenya? An Assessment of the Accountability Process in Light of Domestic Politics and Security Concerns”, California Western International Law Journal, 2011, Vol. 42, No. 1.
Kim, Sun, “Maintaining the Independence of the International Criminal Court: The Legal and Procedural Implications of an Article 16 Deferral Request”, Agenda Internacional, Ano XVIII, No. 29, 2011.
Lavalle, Roberto, “A Vicious Storm in a Teacup: The Action by the United Nations Security Council to Narrow the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court”, Criminal Law Forum, 2003, Vol. 14, No. 2.
Lentner, Gabriel M., The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court: The Referral Mechanism in Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
Moss, Lawrence, “The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court: Towards More Principled Relationship”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2012, https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/08948.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
Murphy, Sean D., “Efforts to Obtain Immunity from ICC for U.S. Peacekeepers”, American Journal of International Law, 2002, Vol. 96.
Orentlicher, Diane F., “Politics by Other Means: The Law of the International Criminal Court”, Cornell International Law Journal, 1999, Vol. 32 (3).
Öktem, Emre, Uluslararası Teamül Hukuku, İstanbul 2013.
Salvatore, Zappala, “Do Heads of State in Office Enjoy Immunity From Jurisdiction For International Crimes? The Ghaddafi Case Before The French Cour de Cassation”, European Journal of International Law, 2001, Vol. 12.
Schabas, William A. / Pecorella, Giulia, Article 13 Exercise of jurisdiction, Otto Triffterer, Kai Ambos (edts.), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary, 3. ed., C.H. Beck, 2016.
Schabas, William, The International Criminal Court: A Commentary on the Rome Statute, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Scharf, Michael P., “The ICC’s Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-Party States: A Critique of the U.S. Position”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 2001, Vol. 64, No. 1.
Scheffer, David J., “The United States and the International Criminal Court”, American Journal of International Law, 1999, Vol. 93.
Stahn, Carsten, “The Ambiguities of Security Council Resolution 1422 (2002)”, European Journal of International Law, Vol.14, (2003).
Tezcan, Durmuş/ Erdem, Mustafa Ruhan/ Önok, Rıfat Murat, Uluslararası Ceza Hukuku, Ankara 2014.
Trahan, Jennifer, “The Relationship Between The International Criminal Court and The U.N. Security Council: Parameters and Best Practices”, Criminal Law Forum (2013).
Watts, Arthur, “The Legal Position in International Law of Heads Of States, Heads of Governments and Foreign Ministers”, (1994) 247 III Recueil Des Cours.
Weldehaimanot, Simon M., “Arresting Al-Bashir: The African Union's Opposition and the Legalities”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 2011, Vol. 19(2).
Zappala, Salvatore, “Are Some Peacekeepers Better Than Others? UN Security Council Resolution 1497 (2003) and the ICC”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, Vol 1(3).
United Nations Peacekeeping - Resolution 1422, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1422 (2002).
United Nations Peacekeeping - Resolution 1487, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1487 (2003).
Amerikan Servis Üyelerinin Korunması Kanunu (American Servicemembers’ Protection Act-ASPA). https://2001-2009.state.gov/t/pm/rls/othr/misc/23425.htm (E.T: 09.04.2019)
BM ile UCM Arasındaki İlişkiler Anlaşması (The Relationship Agreement between the United Nations and the International Criminal Court), http://legal.un.org/ola/media/UNICC_Cooperation/UNICC%20Relationship%20Agreement.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
http://www.iccnow.org/documents/FS-1422and1487Chronology_26March2008.pdf (E.T: 10.04.2019).
Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction, International Law Commission, 55th session, A/CN.4/L.814, http://legal.un.org/docs/?symbol=A/CN.4/L.814 (E.T:
Statement Senator Rod Grams, “Is a U.N. International Criminal Court in the U.S. National Interest?”, Hearing before the Subcommittee on International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate, S. HRG. 105–724 (23 Temmuz, 1998, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-105shrg50976/pdf/CHRG-105shrg50976.pdf, s. 3 (E.T: 01.04.2019).