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Research Article
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Year 2005, Volume: IX Issue: 1-2, 675 - 687, 01.06.2005



  • Ahmad, J., (2001), “Causality Between Exports and Economic Growth: What do the Econometric Studies Teli Us”, Pacific Economic Review, 6, ss. 147-167.
  • Al-Yousif, Y., K., (1997), “Exports and Economic Growth: Some Empirical Evidence from the Arab Gulf Countries”, Applied Economics, 29, ss. 693- 697.
  • Bahmani-Oskooee, M. ve Domaç, İ., (1995), “Export Growth and Economic Growth in Turkey: Evidence from Cointegration Analysis”, METU Studies in Development, 22, ss. 67-77.
  • Balaguer, J. ve Cantavella-Jorda, M., (2004), “Structural Change in Exports and Economic Growth: Cointegration and Causality Analysis for Spain (1961-2000)”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 473-477.
  • Bumey, N, A., (1996), “Exports and Economic Growth: Evidence from Cross-Country Analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, ss. 369-373.
  • Darrat, A. F., Hsu, M: K. ve Zhong, M., (2002), “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Taiwan: A Reexamination”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 20 (3), ss.85-94.
  • Davvson, P. J. ve Hubbard, L. J., (2004), “Exports and Economic Growth in Central and East European Countries During Transition”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 1819-1824.
  • Dritsakis, N., (2004), “Export, Invesments and Economic Development of Pre-accession Countries of the European Union: An Empirical Investi- gation of Bulgaria and Romania”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 1831- 1838.
  • Dutt, S. ve Ghosh, D., (1994), “An Empirical Investigation of the Export Growth-Economic Growth Relationship”, Applied Economics Letters, 1, ss. 44-48
  • Ghosh, S., (2002), “Electricity Consumption an Economic Growth in India”, Energy Policy, 30, ss. 125-129.
  • Griliches, Z., (1997), “Education, Human Capital, and Growth: A Personal Perspective”, Journal of Labor Economics, 15, ss. 330-344.
  • İslam, M. N., (1998), “Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Testing for Cointegration and Causality”, Applied Economics, 30, ss. 415- 425.
  • Jin J. C. ve Yu, E. S. H., (1996), “Export-led Growth and the US Economy: Another Look”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, ss. 341-344.
  • Keong, C. C., Yusop, Z,, ve Liew, V. K., (2003), “Export-led Growth Hy- pothesis in Malaysia: An Application of Two- Stage Least Square Tech- nique”, http://ideas.repec.Org/p/wpa/wuwpif70308002.html
  • Khalafalla, K. Y. ve Webb, A. J., (2001), “Export-led Growth and Structural Change: Evidence from Mataysia”, Applied Economics,, 33, ss. 1703- 1715.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A., (1998), “İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin Yeri”, A.Ü. SBF Dergisi, 53, ss. 207-230.
  • McCarville, M. ve Nnadozie, E., (1995), “Causality Tests of Export-led Growth: The Case of Mexico”, Atlantic Economic Journal, 23, ss. 140- 145-
  • Onafowora, O. A. ve Owoye, O., (1998), “Can Trade Liberalization Stimu- late Economic Growth in Africa?”, WoId Development, 26, ss. 497-506.
  • Özmen, E. ve Furtun, G., (1998), “Export-led Growth Hypothesis and The Turkish Data: An Empirical Investigation”, METU Studies in Development, 25, ss. 491-503.
  • Parasız, î., (1998), Türkiye Ekonomisi: 1923’ten Günümüze İktisat ve İstikrar Politikaları, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1998a), “On the Export-led Growth Hypothesis: The Econometric Evidence from China”, Applied Economics, 30, ss. 1055- 1065.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1998b), “Export-led Growth Hypothesis for Australia: An Empirical Re- investigation”, Applied Economics Letters, 5, ss. 423-428.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1999), “ Export-led Growth and the US Economy:
  • Some Further Testing”, Applied Economics Letters, 6, ss. 169-172
  • Shan, J. ve Tian, G. G.j (1998), “Causality Between Export and Economic Growth: The Empirical Evidence from Shanghai”, Australian Economic Papers, 37, ss. 195-202.
  • Thomton, J., (1996), “Cointegration, Causality and Export-led Growth in Mexico, 1895-1992”, Economics Letters, 50, ss. 413-416.


Year 2005, Volume: IX Issue: 1-2, 675 - 687, 01.06.2005


Bu çalışmada milli gelir ile dış ticaret, sabit sermaye yatırımları ve beşeri sermaye stoku arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi vektör hata düzeltme metodu ile test edilmiştir. İnceleme dönemi 1962-2003 yıllarını kapsamaktadır. Kullanılan değişkenler arasında eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin varlığı Johnson testi ile tesbit edilmiştir. Eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin varlığından hareketle, kullanılan değişkenler arasında en az bir yönde Granger nedensellik ilişkisinin olabileceği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Nedensellik ilişkisinin varlığı önce dönemin bütününde (1962-2003), daha sonra dışa açık kalkınma stratejisinin uygulamaya konulduğu (1980-2003) döneminde ayrı olarak test edilmiştir. Dönemin bütününde İhracat ve milli gelir arasında tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi bulunurken; beşeri sermaye, ithalat ve sabit sermaye yatırımları arasında çift yönlü bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar (1980-2003) döneminde karşılıklı olarak daha belirgin büyüklüklerde anlamlı etkileşimler sergilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Ahmad, J., (2001), “Causality Between Exports and Economic Growth: What do the Econometric Studies Teli Us”, Pacific Economic Review, 6, ss. 147-167.
  • Al-Yousif, Y., K., (1997), “Exports and Economic Growth: Some Empirical Evidence from the Arab Gulf Countries”, Applied Economics, 29, ss. 693- 697.
  • Bahmani-Oskooee, M. ve Domaç, İ., (1995), “Export Growth and Economic Growth in Turkey: Evidence from Cointegration Analysis”, METU Studies in Development, 22, ss. 67-77.
  • Balaguer, J. ve Cantavella-Jorda, M., (2004), “Structural Change in Exports and Economic Growth: Cointegration and Causality Analysis for Spain (1961-2000)”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 473-477.
  • Bumey, N, A., (1996), “Exports and Economic Growth: Evidence from Cross-Country Analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, ss. 369-373.
  • Darrat, A. F., Hsu, M: K. ve Zhong, M., (2002), “Foreign Trade, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Taiwan: A Reexamination”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 20 (3), ss.85-94.
  • Davvson, P. J. ve Hubbard, L. J., (2004), “Exports and Economic Growth in Central and East European Countries During Transition”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 1819-1824.
  • Dritsakis, N., (2004), “Export, Invesments and Economic Development of Pre-accession Countries of the European Union: An Empirical Investi- gation of Bulgaria and Romania”, Applied Economics, 36, ss. 1831- 1838.
  • Dutt, S. ve Ghosh, D., (1994), “An Empirical Investigation of the Export Growth-Economic Growth Relationship”, Applied Economics Letters, 1, ss. 44-48
  • Ghosh, S., (2002), “Electricity Consumption an Economic Growth in India”, Energy Policy, 30, ss. 125-129.
  • Griliches, Z., (1997), “Education, Human Capital, and Growth: A Personal Perspective”, Journal of Labor Economics, 15, ss. 330-344.
  • İslam, M. N., (1998), “Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Testing for Cointegration and Causality”, Applied Economics, 30, ss. 415- 425.
  • Jin J. C. ve Yu, E. S. H., (1996), “Export-led Growth and the US Economy: Another Look”, Applied Economics Letters, 3, ss. 341-344.
  • Keong, C. C., Yusop, Z,, ve Liew, V. K., (2003), “Export-led Growth Hy- pothesis in Malaysia: An Application of Two- Stage Least Square Tech- nique”, http://ideas.repec.Org/p/wpa/wuwpif70308002.html
  • Khalafalla, K. Y. ve Webb, A. J., (2001), “Export-led Growth and Structural Change: Evidence from Mataysia”, Applied Economics,, 33, ss. 1703- 1715.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A., (1998), “İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin Yeri”, A.Ü. SBF Dergisi, 53, ss. 207-230.
  • McCarville, M. ve Nnadozie, E., (1995), “Causality Tests of Export-led Growth: The Case of Mexico”, Atlantic Economic Journal, 23, ss. 140- 145-
  • Onafowora, O. A. ve Owoye, O., (1998), “Can Trade Liberalization Stimu- late Economic Growth in Africa?”, WoId Development, 26, ss. 497-506.
  • Özmen, E. ve Furtun, G., (1998), “Export-led Growth Hypothesis and The Turkish Data: An Empirical Investigation”, METU Studies in Development, 25, ss. 491-503.
  • Parasız, î., (1998), Türkiye Ekonomisi: 1923’ten Günümüze İktisat ve İstikrar Politikaları, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1998a), “On the Export-led Growth Hypothesis: The Econometric Evidence from China”, Applied Economics, 30, ss. 1055- 1065.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1998b), “Export-led Growth Hypothesis for Australia: An Empirical Re- investigation”, Applied Economics Letters, 5, ss. 423-428.
  • Shan, J. ve Sun, F., (1999), “ Export-led Growth and the US Economy:
  • Some Further Testing”, Applied Economics Letters, 6, ss. 169-172
  • Shan, J. ve Tian, G. G.j (1998), “Causality Between Export and Economic Growth: The Empirical Evidence from Shanghai”, Australian Economic Papers, 37, ss. 195-202.
  • Thomton, J., (1996), “Cointegration, Causality and Export-led Growth in Mexico, 1895-1992”, Economics Letters, 50, ss. 413-416.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Nişancı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2005
Submission Date March 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: IX Issue: 1-2


MLA Nişancı, Murat. “DlŞ TİCARET BEŞERİ SERMAYE VE İKTİSADİ GELİŞME ARASINDAKİ UZUN DÖNEM NEDENSELLİK İLİŞKİSİNİN TESTİ”. Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. IX, no. 1-2, 2005, pp. 675-87.