Peer-Review Process

1. Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Journal of the Faculty of Law (EBYÜ-HFD) is a scientific, peer-reviewed and national journal.

2. The first evaluation of the manuscripts will be made by the editor and then submitted to the Editorial Board; If the result of the plagiarism report exceeds the rate determined by the editorial board, there are unusual spelling mistakes, non-compliance with scientific criteria, it is determined that it is not prepared in accordance with the publication principles, it will be deemed sufficient for the manuscript to be rejected by the Editorial Board. The final discretion in publishing the submitted works belongs to the Editorial Board.

3. Manuscripts that are not withdrawn after the initial evaluation by the editor are submitted to at least two referees who have a higher academic title than the author in the relevant field, in accordance with the "objective evaluation principle". The authors are not informed about which referees the study was sent to. The studies to be published in the journal are subject to referee review on the basis of double-blind refereeing, and it is decided to publish, correct or reject the study in line with the report from the referees. The author is informed of this situation as soon as possible.

4. If one of the reports from the referees is negative and the other is positive, it is at the discretion of the Editor/Editorial Board whether to send it to a third referee or not. The study will not be published if it is not sent for the third referee review or if the third referee report is also negative. In case the referees request corrections in their reports, the author cannot make substantial changes other than the corrections specified by the referee. If the referee requests a major revision (correction), the text corrected by the author is sent back to the referee for a second review. If minor revision (correction) is requested, the corrected text can be reviewed by the editorial board or sent back to the referee for a second review. Unpublished works are not sent back to the author, only information about the situation is given to the author.

5. Studies that do not come back from the peer-review within the time limit are evaluated for the next issue of the Journal, unless otherwise requested by the author.


Last Update Time: 1/4/23, 4:09:30 PM