Current Issue

Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 6/1/24

Year: 2024

Early Childhood Education Researches (ECER) is an international scientific journal that publishes academic articles on early childhood education and child development online twice a year (June and December). The language of the journal is Turkish and English. The journal publishes quantitative, qualitative and descriptive research. ECER is a non-profit, open-access journal.

Any manuscript considered for publication in the ECER journal must meet the following criteria:
• Authenticity
• Not to contain ethical violations
• To contain clear messages to be conveyed to the scientific community
• To what extent will it contribute to the field's researchers and its importance in terms of social sciences.
• Current fields and topics of interest to researchers in the field
• Structural and logical integrity
• Research results are based on scientific evidence
• Appropriateness of the scientific method

ECER publishes articles directly relevant to early childhood education and/or child development but welcomes interdisciplinary articles which take one of the aforementioned fields as a stakeholder.

The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

ECER is an Educational Research and Publications Association (ERPA) publication.

With your work;

- Ethics Committee Permission Report (If ethics committee permission is required for your study, you must download and upload the relevant document, or otherwise, the declaration form stating that Ethics Committee Permission is not required, from the site.) You can find detailed information HERE.

- Similarity Report (The similarity rate must be less than 20%.)

- Copyright Transfer Agreement (HERE),

You also need to upload the files.

While preparing your article, pay attention to the following criteria.


• APA 7 (American Psychological Association) criteria should be used in article writing and citing references (You can benefit from HERE when writing references. You can access APA Writing Rules HERE).

• Submitted works must be in Turkish or English.

• Articles should be prepared with Microsoft Office Word Program.

• On the first page and page header, The name of the article should not be the name of the author(s), the institution(s) and contact addresses.

• Abstract Garamond should be 10 point size, between 100-150 words; 3-5 keywords should be included.

• If the article is in Turkish, an extended English summary of 600-1000 words under four main headings (Aim, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion) should be written before the article.

• If the article is in English, an extended Turkish abstract is unnecessary.

• The research should not exceed 35 pages/10000 words in total.

You can access the Article Template file HERE.

If a revision is requested for your article after the referee evaluation process, the corrections made by taking into account the opinions and suggestions of all referees should be stated in the Note to the Editor file. Valid justifications must be provided for the recommendations of the referees that cannot be implemented. The Note to the Editor can be accessed HERE. This file should be uploaded to the system using the Add Additional File option and the REFEREE RESPONSE FILE title when uploading the corrected version of the article.

ECER (Early Childhood Education Researches) adopts the principles of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ve COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" to establish ethical assurance in scientific periodicals.

In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published starting from 2020. If ethics committee permission is not required for your study, you must download the declaration form stating that it does not require Ethics Committee Permission from HERE and upload it to the system.

In this context, the following points should be followed in the studies submitted to the journal:
• Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
• In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the consent (committee name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section.

Studies that require the approval of the Ethics Committee are as follows:

• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches require data collection from the participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, and interview techniques.
• The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
- Clinical studies on humans
- Research on animals.
- Retrospective studies by the law on the protection of personal data,
• Indicating that an "informed consent form" was received in case reports,
• Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
• Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.

ECER; It does not charge any fees for article submission, referee and editorial processes, page layout and publication printing.

• ECER journal does not pay the authors, referees, editors and editorial board fees.

• The articles in the ECER journal are free to read and download.

• ECER Journal has adopted the Open Access Principles expressed in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), which promotes free access to research literature.

• By the publication policy of ECER magazine, advertisements, advertisements, sponsorships, etc., activities are not accepted.