Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
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A Systematic Literature Review of EFL/ESL Teachers' Emotional Experiences

Year 2024, , 144 - 152, 09.12.2024


There is a growing body of literature regarding language teachers’ emotions and their impact on teaching practices. However, the connection between their emotional experiences and their impact on teaching remains substantial. Evidently, integrative research methods are necessary to provide a more dynamic perspective on this complex subject. Thus, this study is based on the concept that emotions are complex and dynamic aspects of language teachers and learners during the learning and teaching stages. It is also motivated by the interest in conducting systematic literature reviews, the dynamic shift in language teaching, and the focus on a complex research phenomenon. On this basis, this study builds on 14 research articles conducted over the last ten years concerning teacher emotions. The study also used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis checklist. The findings suggest that further research is needed to explore the variation among language teachers’ emotions in different contexts and their impact on teaching practice. This study also provides insights into professional identity, professional development, and fostering emotional connections between teachers and students.


  • * The references of the studies included in the systematic literature review have been marked.
  • *Acheson, K., Taylor, J., & Luna, K. (2016). The burnout spiral: The emotion labor of five rural US foreign language teachers. The Modern Language Journal, 100(2), 522-537.
  • *Agudo, M. J. D., & Azzaro, G. (2018). Emotions in learning to teach EFL in the practicum setting: Facing the emotional dilemmas and challenges associated with professional practice. In J. de D. Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 365–384). Springer.
  • *Arizmendi Tejeda, S., Gillings de González, B. S., & López Martínez, C. L. D. J. (2016). How novice EFL teachers regulate their negative emotions. How, 23(1), 30-48.
  • Barcelos, A. M. F., & Aragão, R. C. (2018). Emotions in language teaching: A review of studies on teacher emotions in Brazil. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 41(4), 506–531.
  • Benesch, S. (2017). Emotions and English language teaching: Exploring teachers’ emotion labor. Routledge.
  • *Benesch, S. (2020). Emotions and activism: English language teachers’ emotion labor as responses to institutional power. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 17(1), 26-41.
  • *Cowie, N. (2011). Emotions that experienced English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers feel about their students, their colleagues, and their work. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(1), 235-242.
  • *Cuéllar, L., & Oxford, R. L. (2018). Language teachers’ emotions: Emerging from the shadows. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 53–72). Springer.
  • De Costa, P. I., Rawal, H., & Li, W. (2018). L2 teachers’ emotions: A sociopolitical and ideological perspective. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 91–106). Springer.
  • Deng, L., Zhu, G., Li, G., Xu, Z., Rutter, A., & Rivera, H. (2018). Student teachers' emotions, dilemmas, and professional identity formation amid the teaching practicums. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(6), 441–453.
  • Denzin, N. K. (1984). On understanding emotion. Jossey-Bass.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2005). Investigating the psychological and emotional dimensions in instructed language learning: Obstacles and possibilities. The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), 367–380.
  • Dewaele, J.-M., & Li, C. (2020). Emotions in second language acquisition: A critical review and research agenda. Foreign Language World, 196(1), 34-49.
  • *Edwards, E., & Burns, A. (2020). 'Opening pandora's box': Language teachers' dynamic emotional experiences of conducting action research. In C. Gkonou, J. M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.). The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 70–88). Multilingual Matters.
  • Farouk, S. (2012). What can the self-conscious emotion of guilt tell us about primary school teachers’ moral purpose and the relationships they have with their pupils? Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(4), 491-507.
  • Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R., & Sutton, R. E. (2009). Emotional transmission in the classroom: Exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(3), 705-716.
  • Fried, L., Mansfield, C., & Dobozy, E. (2015). Teacher emotion research: Introducing a conceptual model to guide future research. Issues in Educational Research, 25(4), 415-441.
  • *Gkonou, C., & Miller, E. R. (2020). Critical incidents in language teachers’ narratives of emotional experience. In C. Gkonou, J.-M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 131-149). Multilingual Matters.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2000). Mixed emotions: Teachers’ perceptions of their interactions with students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16(8), 811-826.
  • Hiver, P., & Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2019). Research methods for complexity theory in applied linguistics. Multilingual Matters.
  • *Karagianni, E., & Papaefthymiou-Lytra, S. (2018). EFL teachers’ emotions: The driving force of sustainable professional development. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed. Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 385–401). Springer.
  • King, J., Dewaele, J. M., & Gkonou, C. (2020). Concluding thoughts on the emotional rollercoaster of language teaching. In C. Gkonou, J.-M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 288-295). Multilingual Matters.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2013). Complexity theory. In B. Paltridge & M. T. Prior (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 91-106). Routledge.
  • Li, C., Dewaele, J.-M., & Jiang, G. (2019). The complex relationship between classroom emotions and EFL achievement in China. Applied Linguistics Review.
  • *Liu, S. & Yuan, R. (2023) Probing pre-service language teachers’ emotional experiences through lesson study: a Macau study, The Language Learning Journal, 51(5), 636-648,
  • Madalińska-Michalak, J., & Bavli, B. (2018). Developing emotional competence for L2 teaching in second language teacher education: Opportunities and challenges for teacher education in Poland and Turkey. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching, 403-423. Springer.
  • *Méndez-López, M. G. (2020). Emotions attributions of ELT pre-service teachers and their effects on teaching practice. Profile issues in teachers’ professional development, 22(1), 25-28.
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & Prisma Group. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine, 6(7), e1000097.
  • Nagamine, T. (2018). L2 teachers’ professional burnout and emotional stress: Facing frustration and demotivation toward one’s profession in a Japanese EFL context. Emotions in second language teaching: Theory, research and teacher education, 259-275. Springer
  • Oatley, K., & Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2014). Cognitive approaches to emotions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(3), 134-140.
  • Pekrun, R. (2006). The control-value theory of achievement emotions: Assumptions, corollaries and implications for educational research and practice. Educational Psychology Review, 18(4), 315-341.
  • *Pham, L., T., T. & Phan, A., N., Q. (2023) “Let’s accept it”: Vietnamese university language teachers’ emotion in online synchronous teaching in response to COVID-19, Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(1), 115-124.
  • Reves, T., & Medgyes, P. (1994). The non-native English speaking EFL/ESL teacher's self-image: An international survey. System, 22, 353-367.
  • Richards, J. C. (2022). Exploring emotions in language teaching. RELC Journal, 53(1), 225-239.
  • *Ruohotie-Lyhty, M., Korppi, A., Moate, J., & Nyman, T. (2018). Seeking understanding of foreign language teachers' shifting emotions in relation to pupils. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(2), 272-286.
  • Shao, K., Pekrun, R., & Nicholson, L. J. (2019). Emotions in classroom language learning: What can we learn from achievement emotion research? System, 86, 102121.
  • Schutz, P. A., Hong, J. Y., Cross, D. I., & Osbon, J. N. (2006). Reflections on investigating emotion in educational activity settings. Educational Psychology Review, 18(4), 343–360.
  • Toraby, E., & Modarresi, G. (2018). EFL teachers’ emotions and learners’ views of teachers’ pedagogical success. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 513-526.
  • Ushioda, E. (2009). A person-in-context relational view of emergent motivation, self, and identity. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self, (pp. 215-228). Multilingual Matters.
  • White, C. J. (2018). The emotional turn in applied linguistics and TESOL: Significance, challenges and prospects. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 19-34). Springer.
  • *Xu, Y. (2013). Language teacher emotion in relationships: A multiple case study. In X. Zhu, & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Preparing teachers for the 21st century (pp. 371–393). Springer.

İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Duygusal Deneyimleri Konusunda Sistematik Bir Literatür İncelemesi

Year 2024, , 144 - 152, 09.12.2024


Yabancı dil öğretmenlerinin duyguları ve bunların öğretim uygulamaları üzerindeki etkileri ile ilgili çalışmalar giderek artmaktadır. Ancak, duygusal deneyimleri ile öğretim üzerindeki etkileri arasındaki bağlantı önemli olmaya devam ediyor. Açıkçası, bu karmaşık konu hakkında daha dinamik bir bakış açısı sağlamak için bütünleştirici araştırma yöntemleri gereklidir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma, duyguların öğrenme ve öğretme aşamalarında İngilizce öğretmenlerinin ve öğrencilerinin karmaşık ve dinamik yönleri olduğu kavramına dayanmaktadır. Ayrıca, sistematik literatür taramaları yürütmeye olan ilgi, dil öğretimindeki dinamik değişim ve karmaşık bir araştırma olgusuna odaklanmaya ilgiyi arttırmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bu çalışma son on yılda öğretmen duygularıyla ilgili yapılan 12 araştırmaya dayanmaktadır. Çalışma ayrıca Sistematik İncelemeler ve Meta-Analizler için Tercih Edilen Raporlama Öğeleri kontrol listesini kullanmaktadır. Bulgular, farklı bağlamlarda İngilizce öğretmenlerinin duyguları arasındaki değişkenliği ve bunların öğretim uygulaması üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak için daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda profesyonel kimlik, profesyonel gelişim ve öğretmenler ile öğrenciler arasındaki duygusal bağları güçlendirme konularında içgörü sağlar.
Anahtar Kelimeler: yabancı dil öğretmenlerinin


  • * The references of the studies included in the systematic literature review have been marked.
  • *Acheson, K., Taylor, J., & Luna, K. (2016). The burnout spiral: The emotion labor of five rural US foreign language teachers. The Modern Language Journal, 100(2), 522-537.
  • *Agudo, M. J. D., & Azzaro, G. (2018). Emotions in learning to teach EFL in the practicum setting: Facing the emotional dilemmas and challenges associated with professional practice. In J. de D. Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 365–384). Springer.
  • *Arizmendi Tejeda, S., Gillings de González, B. S., & López Martínez, C. L. D. J. (2016). How novice EFL teachers regulate their negative emotions. How, 23(1), 30-48.
  • Barcelos, A. M. F., & Aragão, R. C. (2018). Emotions in language teaching: A review of studies on teacher emotions in Brazil. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 41(4), 506–531.
  • Benesch, S. (2017). Emotions and English language teaching: Exploring teachers’ emotion labor. Routledge.
  • *Benesch, S. (2020). Emotions and activism: English language teachers’ emotion labor as responses to institutional power. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 17(1), 26-41.
  • *Cowie, N. (2011). Emotions that experienced English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers feel about their students, their colleagues, and their work. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(1), 235-242.
  • *Cuéllar, L., & Oxford, R. L. (2018). Language teachers’ emotions: Emerging from the shadows. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 53–72). Springer.
  • De Costa, P. I., Rawal, H., & Li, W. (2018). L2 teachers’ emotions: A sociopolitical and ideological perspective. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 91–106). Springer.
  • Deng, L., Zhu, G., Li, G., Xu, Z., Rutter, A., & Rivera, H. (2018). Student teachers' emotions, dilemmas, and professional identity formation amid the teaching practicums. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(6), 441–453.
  • Denzin, N. K. (1984). On understanding emotion. Jossey-Bass.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2005). Investigating the psychological and emotional dimensions in instructed language learning: Obstacles and possibilities. The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), 367–380.
  • Dewaele, J.-M., & Li, C. (2020). Emotions in second language acquisition: A critical review and research agenda. Foreign Language World, 196(1), 34-49.
  • *Edwards, E., & Burns, A. (2020). 'Opening pandora's box': Language teachers' dynamic emotional experiences of conducting action research. In C. Gkonou, J. M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.). The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 70–88). Multilingual Matters.
  • Farouk, S. (2012). What can the self-conscious emotion of guilt tell us about primary school teachers’ moral purpose and the relationships they have with their pupils? Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(4), 491-507.
  • Frenzel, A. C., Goetz, T., Lüdtke, O., Pekrun, R., & Sutton, R. E. (2009). Emotional transmission in the classroom: Exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(3), 705-716.
  • Fried, L., Mansfield, C., & Dobozy, E. (2015). Teacher emotion research: Introducing a conceptual model to guide future research. Issues in Educational Research, 25(4), 415-441.
  • *Gkonou, C., & Miller, E. R. (2020). Critical incidents in language teachers’ narratives of emotional experience. In C. Gkonou, J.-M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 131-149). Multilingual Matters.
  • Hargreaves, A. (2000). Mixed emotions: Teachers’ perceptions of their interactions with students. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16(8), 811-826.
  • Hiver, P., & Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2019). Research methods for complexity theory in applied linguistics. Multilingual Matters.
  • *Karagianni, E., & Papaefthymiou-Lytra, S. (2018). EFL teachers’ emotions: The driving force of sustainable professional development. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed. Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 385–401). Springer.
  • King, J., Dewaele, J. M., & Gkonou, C. (2020). Concluding thoughts on the emotional rollercoaster of language teaching. In C. Gkonou, J.-M. Dewaele, & J. King (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 288-295). Multilingual Matters.
  • Larsen-Freeman, D. (2013). Complexity theory. In B. Paltridge & M. T. Prior (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 91-106). Routledge.
  • Li, C., Dewaele, J.-M., & Jiang, G. (2019). The complex relationship between classroom emotions and EFL achievement in China. Applied Linguistics Review.
  • *Liu, S. & Yuan, R. (2023) Probing pre-service language teachers’ emotional experiences through lesson study: a Macau study, The Language Learning Journal, 51(5), 636-648,
  • Madalińska-Michalak, J., & Bavli, B. (2018). Developing emotional competence for L2 teaching in second language teacher education: Opportunities and challenges for teacher education in Poland and Turkey. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching, 403-423. Springer.
  • *Méndez-López, M. G. (2020). Emotions attributions of ELT pre-service teachers and their effects on teaching practice. Profile issues in teachers’ professional development, 22(1), 25-28.
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & Prisma Group. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine, 6(7), e1000097.
  • Nagamine, T. (2018). L2 teachers’ professional burnout and emotional stress: Facing frustration and demotivation toward one’s profession in a Japanese EFL context. Emotions in second language teaching: Theory, research and teacher education, 259-275. Springer
  • Oatley, K., & Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2014). Cognitive approaches to emotions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(3), 134-140.
  • Pekrun, R. (2006). The control-value theory of achievement emotions: Assumptions, corollaries and implications for educational research and practice. Educational Psychology Review, 18(4), 315-341.
  • *Pham, L., T., T. & Phan, A., N., Q. (2023) “Let’s accept it”: Vietnamese university language teachers’ emotion in online synchronous teaching in response to COVID-19, Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 40(1), 115-124.
  • Reves, T., & Medgyes, P. (1994). The non-native English speaking EFL/ESL teacher's self-image: An international survey. System, 22, 353-367.
  • Richards, J. C. (2022). Exploring emotions in language teaching. RELC Journal, 53(1), 225-239.
  • *Ruohotie-Lyhty, M., Korppi, A., Moate, J., & Nyman, T. (2018). Seeking understanding of foreign language teachers' shifting emotions in relation to pupils. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(2), 272-286.
  • Shao, K., Pekrun, R., & Nicholson, L. J. (2019). Emotions in classroom language learning: What can we learn from achievement emotion research? System, 86, 102121.
  • Schutz, P. A., Hong, J. Y., Cross, D. I., & Osbon, J. N. (2006). Reflections on investigating emotion in educational activity settings. Educational Psychology Review, 18(4), 343–360.
  • Toraby, E., & Modarresi, G. (2018). EFL teachers’ emotions and learners’ views of teachers’ pedagogical success. International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 513-526.
  • Ushioda, E. (2009). A person-in-context relational view of emergent motivation, self, and identity. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, language identity and the L2 self, (pp. 215-228). Multilingual Matters.
  • White, C. J. (2018). The emotional turn in applied linguistics and TESOL: Significance, challenges and prospects. In J. de Dios Martínez Agudo (Ed.), Emotions in second language teaching (pp. 19-34). Springer.
  • *Xu, Y. (2013). Language teacher emotion in relationships: A multiple case study. In X. Zhu, & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Preparing teachers for the 21st century (pp. 371–393). Springer.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other), Teacher and Student Wellbeing
Journal Section Systematic Reviews

A. Beyza Şahin Yıldırım 0000-0002-6026-8354

Fatma Toköz 0000-0001-9242-8829

Early Pub Date December 9, 2024
Publication Date December 9, 2024
Submission Date January 22, 2024
Acceptance Date September 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Şahin Yıldırım, A. B., & Toköz, F. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review of EFL/ESL Teachers’ Emotional Experiences. Educational Academic Research(55), 144-152.

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