Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 55, 135 - 143, 09.12.2024



  • Arpacık, Ö. (2014). Development process of multimedia materials for students with learning disabilities and the effect on the teachers and students (Publication No. 366536) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Avcılar, D. (2010). The competencies of science and tecnology teachers in integration practices (Publication No. 263529) [Master's Thesis, Abant İzzet Baysal University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ayas A, 2006. Using laboratory in science teaching. Retrieved from the address on 16.10.2024.
  • Balbağ, M. Z., & Karaer, G. (2016). The opinions of the science teachers towards science teaching problems. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(3), 1-11.
  • Can, Ş. (2005). The role of clues and reinforcements in teaching-learning process. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Researches, 14, 97-109.
  • Çapraz, C. (2016). Teaching solid-liquid-gas states of some substances to students with intellectual disabilities in a secondary special sub-class through direct instruction method (Publication No. 433815) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Çıkılı, Y. (2013). Children with intellectual disability, S. Vuran. (Ed.). In special education. Maya Academy Publishing.
  • Çınar, S. (2013). Determining the actvities used by pre-school teachers in science and nature uses. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2(1), 364-370.
  • Demir, S., Böyük, U., & Koç, A. (2011). Views of science and technology teachers on laboratory conditions and use of laboratory with their tendencies to follow technological innovations. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 7 (2), 66-79.
  • Durmaz, O., Kizilaslan, A., & Yazicioğlu, T. (2022). Evaluation of science teachers’ opinions on students with special education. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University the Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 55(1), 128–146.
  • Erdem, R. M. (2011). Education for the mentally disabled in creating educational material investigation of design process (Publication No. 296715) [Master's Thesis, Dumlupınar University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ergün, M. (2005). Discrimination and the disabled. Öz-Veri Journal, 2(1), 377-388.
  • Eripek, S. (2011). Introduction to children with special needs and special education. A. Ataman (Ed.). Children with mental deficiency (pp. 107-122). Gündüz Education and Publishing.
  • Erişti, S. D., Uluuysal, B. & Dindar, M. (2013). Designing an interactive learning environment based on theories of visual perception and students’ views about the software. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences İnternational, 3 (1).
  • Geçer, A., & Özel, R. (2012). Elementary science and technology teachers’ views on problems encountered in the instructional process. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12 (3), 2237-2261.
  • Hudson, P. (2015). Hudson's guide for teaching primary science. Australian eBook Publisher. (Ed. P. Hudson) Hudson's guide for teaching primary science. Australian eBook Publisher.
  • İşman, A., Baytekin, Ç., Balkan, F., Horzum, M. B. & Kıyıcı, M. (2002). Science education and constructivist approach. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 1(1), 41-47.
  • Jackson, R. (2005). Including students with mental retardation in the general and science curriculum: An exploration on accessing the curriculum, instruction strategies, and assessment (Master's thesis, The College of William and Mary). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
  • Kaptan, F. (1998). The quality and aims of science teaching. In Ş. Yaşar (Ed.), Science science teaching (pp. 13-30). Anadolu University Publications.
  • Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2009). Needs analysis and delphi technique; An example of determining the training needs of teachers. Retrieved from on January 04, 2018.
  • Kasapoğlu, K., Duban, N. & Yüksel A. (2014). Evaluation of the learning environment in science and technology teaching I course with mixed method. İlköğretim Online, 13 (4), 1145-1155. Retrieved from on November 29, 2017.
  • Kaufman, R., & English, F. W. (1979). Needs assessment: Concept and application. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Retrieved from on November 22, 2017.
  • Keser, Ö. F., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2002). Examining the factors affecting traditional learning environments. V. Proceedings of the National Science and Mathematics Education Congress, 123-127.
  • Keşan, C. & Kaya, D. (2008). How should a hybridized learning environment be in science teaching?. Journal of Science, Education and Thought, 8 (4). Retrieved from on July 15, 2024.
  • Kırpık, M. A. & Engin, A. O. (2009). The main problems related to the biology teaching and the importance and position of laboratuar in applied sciences teaching. Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal (INASJ), 2(2), 61-72.
  • Mastropieri, M. A. & Scruggs, T. E. (2016). The inclusive classroom: Strategies for effective differentiated instruction (Trans. Ed. M. Şahin & T. Altun). Nobel Publishing. (Originally published in 2015). pp 1-460.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2005). Special education services promotion handbook. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2006). Special education services promotion handbook. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2008). Special education and rehabilitation center pervasive developmental disorders support education program. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2018). Science curriculum. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2001). Education program for children with -educable- disabilities. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Mete, P. (2016). Teaching the features of some matters - "hard-soft"- through direct teaching method to intellectually disabled students in a special subclass of a middle school (Publication No. 442999) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Metin, N. (2012). Mentally disabled children, in N. Metin (Ed.), Children with Special Needs (pp. 53-89). Maya Akademi Publishing.
  • National Research Council [NRC] (1996). National science education standards. National Academy Press.
  • Perkins, D. N. (1996). Minds in the hood, Brent G. Wilson (Ed.), Constructivist learning environments: Case studies in instructional design, Educational Technology Publications. Retrieved from on June 14, 2023.
  • Seven, M. A. & Engin, A. O. (2018). The importance of laboratory in science education. TURAN-CSR International Scientific Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal, 10(38), 256-265.
  • Sıdal, M., Güler, M. & Tali, D. (2023). Laboratory applications in science courseevaluation in the context of teachers' opinions. International Journal of Unique Glance at Education,1(2), 342-361.
  • Tekinarslan, İ. Ç. (2017). Students with intellectual disabilities, in İ. H. Diken (Ed.), Students in Need of Special Education and Special Education (pp. 137-169). Pegem Academy.
  • Türer, H. (2010). Effeciency of directly teaching method at thanking and apoligising abilities to students with mentally retarded (Publication No. 270100) [Master's Thesis, Selçuk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, (2008). Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Retrieved from on June 11, 2022.
  • Uşaklı, H. (2009). Needs analysis of special education ınstitutions: sinop sample. The Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (1).
  • Wehmeyer, M. L. (2006). Beyond access: Ensuring progress in the general education curriculum. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31 (4), 322 326.
  • Witkin, B. R. (1994). Needs Assessment Since 1981: The State of the Practice. American Journal of Evaluation, 15(1), 17–27.
  • Yazıcı, F., Gül, Ş., Sözbilir, M., Çakmak, S. & Aslan, C. (2021). Determining the teaching needs of student’s with visual impairment in the sixth grade for the science course. Journal of National Education Special Education and Guidance, 1(1), 27-65.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, T. & Kızılaslan, A. (2021). Science education for students with intellectual disability: Method and strategies. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Journal of ISS, 11 (4), 2241-2261.

Science Education Needs of the Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Year 2024, Issue: 55, 135 - 143, 09.12.2024


Science class is essential since it covers numerous daily life-related subjects; thus, every student should learn science topics effectively. This study aimed to determine the science education needs of students with intellectual disabilities. While identifying these needs, the study considered ‘the teaching approach of some matters in solid-liquid-gaseous states’ as the basis. It also followed the case study research design, one of the qualitative research approaches. The sample was identified by the purposive sampling method. Four students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in a special education class in a secondary school involved the teaching approach of some matters in solid-liquid-gaseous states. Researchers collected the data through interviews with three special education teachers and one science teacher and through in-class and out-of-class observations in a special education school and two secondary schools retaining special education classes. The collected data were analyzed using the content analysis method. As a result, this study identified both educational-teaching needs and needs for the educational-teaching environment of students with intellectual disabilities.


  • Arpacık, Ö. (2014). Development process of multimedia materials for students with learning disabilities and the effect on the teachers and students (Publication No. 366536) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Avcılar, D. (2010). The competencies of science and tecnology teachers in integration practices (Publication No. 263529) [Master's Thesis, Abant İzzet Baysal University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ayas A, 2006. Using laboratory in science teaching. Retrieved from the address on 16.10.2024.
  • Balbağ, M. Z., & Karaer, G. (2016). The opinions of the science teachers towards science teaching problems. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(3), 1-11.
  • Can, Ş. (2005). The role of clues and reinforcements in teaching-learning process. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Researches, 14, 97-109.
  • Çapraz, C. (2016). Teaching solid-liquid-gas states of some substances to students with intellectual disabilities in a secondary special sub-class through direct instruction method (Publication No. 433815) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Çıkılı, Y. (2013). Children with intellectual disability, S. Vuran. (Ed.). In special education. Maya Academy Publishing.
  • Çınar, S. (2013). Determining the actvities used by pre-school teachers in science and nature uses. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2(1), 364-370.
  • Demir, S., Böyük, U., & Koç, A. (2011). Views of science and technology teachers on laboratory conditions and use of laboratory with their tendencies to follow technological innovations. Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 7 (2), 66-79.
  • Durmaz, O., Kizilaslan, A., & Yazicioğlu, T. (2022). Evaluation of science teachers’ opinions on students with special education. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University the Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 55(1), 128–146.
  • Erdem, R. M. (2011). Education for the mentally disabled in creating educational material investigation of design process (Publication No. 296715) [Master's Thesis, Dumlupınar University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ergün, M. (2005). Discrimination and the disabled. Öz-Veri Journal, 2(1), 377-388.
  • Eripek, S. (2011). Introduction to children with special needs and special education. A. Ataman (Ed.). Children with mental deficiency (pp. 107-122). Gündüz Education and Publishing.
  • Erişti, S. D., Uluuysal, B. & Dindar, M. (2013). Designing an interactive learning environment based on theories of visual perception and students’ views about the software. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences İnternational, 3 (1).
  • Geçer, A., & Özel, R. (2012). Elementary science and technology teachers’ views on problems encountered in the instructional process. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12 (3), 2237-2261.
  • Hudson, P. (2015). Hudson's guide for teaching primary science. Australian eBook Publisher. (Ed. P. Hudson) Hudson's guide for teaching primary science. Australian eBook Publisher.
  • İşman, A., Baytekin, Ç., Balkan, F., Horzum, M. B. & Kıyıcı, M. (2002). Science education and constructivist approach. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 1(1), 41-47.
  • Jackson, R. (2005). Including students with mental retardation in the general and science curriculum: An exploration on accessing the curriculum, instruction strategies, and assessment (Master's thesis, The College of William and Mary). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
  • Kaptan, F. (1998). The quality and aims of science teaching. In Ş. Yaşar (Ed.), Science science teaching (pp. 13-30). Anadolu University Publications.
  • Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2009). Needs analysis and delphi technique; An example of determining the training needs of teachers. Retrieved from on January 04, 2018.
  • Kasapoğlu, K., Duban, N. & Yüksel A. (2014). Evaluation of the learning environment in science and technology teaching I course with mixed method. İlköğretim Online, 13 (4), 1145-1155. Retrieved from on November 29, 2017.
  • Kaufman, R., & English, F. W. (1979). Needs assessment: Concept and application. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Retrieved from on November 22, 2017.
  • Keser, Ö. F., & Akdeniz, A. R. (2002). Examining the factors affecting traditional learning environments. V. Proceedings of the National Science and Mathematics Education Congress, 123-127.
  • Keşan, C. & Kaya, D. (2008). How should a hybridized learning environment be in science teaching?. Journal of Science, Education and Thought, 8 (4). Retrieved from on July 15, 2024.
  • Kırpık, M. A. & Engin, A. O. (2009). The main problems related to the biology teaching and the importance and position of laboratuar in applied sciences teaching. Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal (INASJ), 2(2), 61-72.
  • Mastropieri, M. A. & Scruggs, T. E. (2016). The inclusive classroom: Strategies for effective differentiated instruction (Trans. Ed. M. Şahin & T. Altun). Nobel Publishing. (Originally published in 2015). pp 1-460.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2005). Special education services promotion handbook. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2006). Special education services promotion handbook. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2008). Special education and rehabilitation center pervasive developmental disorders support education program. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2018). Science curriculum. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Ministry of National Education [MoNE] (2001). Education program for children with -educable- disabilities. Milli Eğitim Press.
  • Mete, P. (2016). Teaching the features of some matters - "hard-soft"- through direct teaching method to intellectually disabled students in a special subclass of a middle school (Publication No. 442999) [Doctoral Dissertation, Atatürk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Metin, N. (2012). Mentally disabled children, in N. Metin (Ed.), Children with Special Needs (pp. 53-89). Maya Akademi Publishing.
  • National Research Council [NRC] (1996). National science education standards. National Academy Press.
  • Perkins, D. N. (1996). Minds in the hood, Brent G. Wilson (Ed.), Constructivist learning environments: Case studies in instructional design, Educational Technology Publications. Retrieved from on June 14, 2023.
  • Seven, M. A. & Engin, A. O. (2018). The importance of laboratory in science education. TURAN-CSR International Scientific Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal, 10(38), 256-265.
  • Sıdal, M., Güler, M. & Tali, D. (2023). Laboratory applications in science courseevaluation in the context of teachers' opinions. International Journal of Unique Glance at Education,1(2), 342-361.
  • Tekinarslan, İ. Ç. (2017). Students with intellectual disabilities, in İ. H. Diken (Ed.), Students in Need of Special Education and Special Education (pp. 137-169). Pegem Academy.
  • Türer, H. (2010). Effeciency of directly teaching method at thanking and apoligising abilities to students with mentally retarded (Publication No. 270100) [Master's Thesis, Selçuk University]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, (2008). Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Retrieved from on June 11, 2022.
  • Uşaklı, H. (2009). Needs analysis of special education ınstitutions: sinop sample. The Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (1).
  • Wehmeyer, M. L. (2006). Beyond access: Ensuring progress in the general education curriculum. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31 (4), 322 326.
  • Witkin, B. R. (1994). Needs Assessment Since 1981: The State of the Practice. American Journal of Evaluation, 15(1), 17–27.
  • Yazıcı, F., Gül, Ş., Sözbilir, M., Çakmak, S. & Aslan, C. (2021). Determining the teaching needs of student’s with visual impairment in the sixth grade for the science course. Journal of National Education Special Education and Guidance, 1(1), 27-65.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, T. & Kızılaslan, A. (2021). Science education for students with intellectual disability: Method and strategies. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Journal of ISS, 11 (4), 2241-2261.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Science Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Cüneyt Çapraz This is me 0000-0002-4668-5805

Early Pub Date December 9, 2024
Publication Date December 9, 2024
Submission Date October 13, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 55


APA Çapraz, C. (2024). Science Education Needs of the Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Educational Academic Research(55), 135-143.

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