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Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri

Year 2023, , 63 - 88, 13.12.2023


Amaç –Çalışmanın amacı veri ekonomisinin önemini ortaya koymaktır. Dijital teknolojilerin hızlı büyümesinin bir sonucu olarak İnsanlığın veri ile olan ilişkisi tarihin hiçbir döneminde 21. yüzyılda olduğu kadar önem kazanmamıştır. Veriyi hem üretme hem de tüketmeye dayanan bu ilişki veriye dayalı yeni bir ekonomik faaliyet ve hatta yaşam tarzının ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Veri odaklı bu yeni ekonomi belirli bir endüstri veya sektörle sınırlı olmayıp sağlık, ekonomi, finans, ulaşım, reklam, online alışveriş, perakende ve daha pek çok geleneksel ve yeni alanları kapsamaktadır. Özelikle blok zincir gibi teknolojik gelişmeler geleneksel finansal araçlarda köklü dönüşümlere neden olarak finansal teknolojilerin merkezi önemini artırmaktadır.

Tasarım/veri/metodoloji –Bu çalışmada, veri ekonomisi ile kavramlar, veri ekonomisi ve önemli ülkelerin yaptığı çalışmalar ele alınmıştır.

Bulgular –Bu çalışmada, veri ekonomisi ile ilgili uluslararası kuruluşların yapmış olduğu çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Ayrıca, veri ekonomisi düzenlemeleri kapsamında ülkelerin temel çalışmaları ulusal veri stratejileri olduğundan, önde gelen dünya ülkelerinin örnek veri stratejileri incelenmiştir.

Özgünlük/değer –Son olarak veri ekonomisi bağlamında uygulama ve mevzuat düzenlemesine yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.


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  • European Commission (2020). A European Strategy for data,, (3.1.2023)
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  • Geng, H. (2021). Data Center Handbook: Plan, Design, Build, and Operations of a Smart Data Center. John Wiley Publication: California.
  • Gültekin, Ö. (2015). Yeni Nesil Veri Merkezi Altyapısında Güncel Yaklaşımlar Işığında Kamu Ortak Veri Merkezi İçin Öneriler. Bilişim Uzmanlık Tezi. BTK, Ankara.
  • ICC Commission (2016). Regulatory Modernization in The Digital Economy: Developıng an Enablıng Policy Environment For Innovation. Competition and Growth.
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  • ITU (2020a). Digital Regulation Handbook,, (20.8.2022)
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  • ITU (2021b). G5 Benchmark. G5 Benchmark:, (3.9.2022)
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  • OECD (2019). Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives,, (3.6.2022)
  • OECD (2022). Assessing National Digital Strategies and Their Governance,, (12.6.2022)
  • Paschke, A. & Jentzsch, N. (2021). World Bank Blogs. Germany’s data strategy for growth and innovation:, (3.12.2022)
  • Patankar, S. (2010). Airflow and Cooling in a Data Centers. Journal of Heat Transfer, 1-17.
  • The Federal Government, Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung., (13.1.2023)
  • Tapscott, D. (1996). The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York.
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  • Tech Differences, 2019, Difference Between Data and Information,, (11.9.2022)
  • The Economist, 2017, The World’s Most Valuable Resource is No Longer Oil, But Data,, (11.8.2022)
  • TOP, Ahmet, 2010, History of Data Center,, (15.9.2022)
  • UNCTAD, 2019, Digital Economy Report 2019, United Nations Publications, New York,, (8.5.2022)
  • UNCTAD, 2021, Digital Economy Report 2021, United Nations Publications, New York,, (8.5.2022)
  • United States Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 2014, The Future of Data-Driven Innovation, United States Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Washington,, (9.10.2022)
  • WEF, 2014, Delivering Digital Infrastructure Advancing the Internet Economy,, (15.9.2022)

Data Centers in the Data Economy and Possible Regulation Suggestions on the Subject

Year 2023, , 63 - 88, 13.12.2023


Purpose –The aim of the study is to reveal the importance of the data economy. As a result of the rapid growth of digital technologies, humanity's relationship with data has never been more important in history than in the 21st century. This relationship, which is based on both producing and consuming data, has led to the emergence of a new economic activity and even lifestyle based on data. This newdata-driven economy is not limited to a specific industry or sector, but covers many traditional and new areas such as healthcare, economy, finance, transportation, advertising, online shopping, retail and many more. Technological developments, especiallyblockchain, are causing radical transformations in traditional financial instruments, increasing the central importance of financial technologies.

Design/data/methodology –In this study, studies carried out by international organizations on data economy are included. In addition, since national data strategies are the main studies of countries within the scope of data economy regulations, sample data strategies of leading world countries were examined.

Findings –In this study, data economy and concepts, data economy and studies carried out by important countries are discussed.

Originality/value –Finally, suggestions for implementation and legislation in the context of data economy are presented.


  • Brynjolfsson, E. & Kahin, B. (2002). Understanding the Digital Economy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The MIT Press: Cambridge.
  • Bukht, R. & Heeks, R. (2017). Defining, Conceptualising and Measuring the Digital Economy. Development Informatics Working Paper no. 68.
  • Cansever, B.A. (2016). Bilgi Toplumunda Bir Kargaşası: Bilgi mi? Enformasyon mu? Sosyoloji Dergisi. (1özel), 41-50.
  • EIT (2021). European Digjtal Infrastructure And Data Sovereignty, A Policy Perspective. Full Report. European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Brussels. Erişim Adresi:
  • European Commission (2016). Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market - Towards a European Gigabit,, (16.10.2022)
  • European Commission (2020). Shaping Europe's Digital Future. Erişim Adresi: (2.11.2022)
  • European Commission (2021). 2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade,, (2.11.2022)
  • European Commission (2022). A Europe fit for the digital age,, (6.9.2022)
  • European Commission (2020). A European Strategy for data,, (3.1.2023)
  • European Commission (2022). Data Act,, (4.1.2023)
  • European Commission (2023). Data Governance Act,, (13.1.2023)
  • Geng, H. (2021). Data Center Handbook: Plan, Design, Build, and Operations of a Smart Data Center. John Wiley Publication: California.
  • Gültekin, Ö. (2015). Yeni Nesil Veri Merkezi Altyapısında Güncel Yaklaşımlar Işığında Kamu Ortak Veri Merkezi İçin Öneriler. Bilişim Uzmanlık Tezi. BTK, Ankara.
  • ICC Commission (2016). Regulatory Modernization in The Digital Economy: Developıng an Enablıng Policy Environment For Innovation. Competition and Growth.
  • IDC (2018). The Digitization of the World From Edge to Core,, (11.8.2022)
  • ITU (2020a). Digital Regulation Handbook,, (20.8.2022)
  • ITU (2020b). Global ICT Regulatory Outlook 2020,, (21.8.2022)
  • ITU (2021a). Benchmark of Fifth Generation Collaborative Digital Regulation,, (23.8.2022)
  • ITU (2021b). G5 Benchmark. G5 Benchmark:, (3.9.2022)
  • Kılıç, E. (2015). Ulusal Kamu Entegre Veri Merkezi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Analiz. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Office of Management and Budget, Federal Data Strategy., (2.10.2022)
  • OECD (2019). Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives,, (3.6.2022)
  • OECD (2022). Assessing National Digital Strategies and Their Governance,, (12.6.2022)
  • Paschke, A. & Jentzsch, N. (2021). World Bank Blogs. Germany’s data strategy for growth and innovation:, (3.12.2022)
  • Patankar, S. (2010). Airflow and Cooling in a Data Centers. Journal of Heat Transfer, 1-17.
  • The Federal Government, Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung., (13.1.2023)
  • Tapscott, D. (1996). The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • TDK. (2022, Eylül 11). TDK web sitesi: adresinden alındı
  • Tech Differences, 2019, Difference Between Data and Information,, (11.9.2022)
  • The Economist, 2017, The World’s Most Valuable Resource is No Longer Oil, But Data,, (11.8.2022)
  • TOP, Ahmet, 2010, History of Data Center,, (15.9.2022)
  • UNCTAD, 2019, Digital Economy Report 2019, United Nations Publications, New York,, (8.5.2022)
  • UNCTAD, 2021, Digital Economy Report 2021, United Nations Publications, New York,, (8.5.2022)
  • United States Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 2014, The Future of Data-Driven Innovation, United States Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Washington,, (9.10.2022)
  • WEF, 2014, Delivering Digital Infrastructure Advancing the Internet Economy,, (15.9.2022)
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sustainable Development
Journal Section Research Articles

Abdulaziz Budak This is me 0009-0006-5718-4527

Mustafa Demirel This is me

Publication Date December 13, 2023
Submission Date November 7, 2023
Acceptance Date December 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Budak, A., & Demirel, M. (2023). Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability, 1(1), 63-88.
AMA Budak A, Demirel M. Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri. EFS. December 2023;1(1):63-88. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10372005
Chicago Budak, Abdulaziz, and Mustafa Demirel. “Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri Ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 1, no. 1 (December 2023): 63-88.
EndNote Budak A, Demirel M (December 1, 2023) Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 1 1 63–88.
IEEE A. Budak and M. Demirel, “Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri”, EFS, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 63–88, 2023, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10372005.
ISNAD Budak, Abdulaziz - Demirel, Mustafa. “Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri Ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 1/1 (December 2023), 63-88.
JAMA Budak A, Demirel M. Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri. EFS. 2023;1:63–88.
MLA Budak, Abdulaziz and Mustafa Demirel. “Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri Ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability, vol. 1, no. 1, 2023, pp. 63-88, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10372005.
Vancouver Budak A, Demirel M. Veri Ekonomisinde Veri Merkezleri ve Konuya İlişkin Olası Regülasyon Önerileri. EFS. 2023;1(1):63-88.

Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği