Purpose – After the first poverty alleviation report was published in 1980 the World Bank revised its main objective as “eradicating poverty across the globe”. This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the policies implemented within this framework in eradicating poverty in developing and less developed countries and the post-2000 poverty alleviation policies of international organizations.
Design/data/methodology – The outstanding leading organizations in the fight against poverty are the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme and the International Labor Organization. The policies of these institutions are guiding for the countries that are attacking poverty. In line with the purpose of the World Bank, three poverty reports published in 1980, 1990 and 2000/2001 were examined and the policies put forward were compiled.
Findings – However the policies recommended by these institutions are not fully practicable for all the countries. Every country has its own original condition. It is necessary for the countries to develop alternative policy measures according to its own original conditions. In addition, when we look at the economic growth rates of regions with high levels of poverty around the world, it becomes difficult to say that these policies were successful.
Originality/value – it is thought that this study contributes to the evaluation of the effectiveness of World Bank policies as a whole in the period 1980-2005 from a global perspective. The effectiveness of poverty alleviation policies after 2005 can be evaluated as a separate subject of study.
Alkire, S. (2005). Valuing Freedoms: Sen’s Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction. Oxford University Press: New York.
Anand, S., & Sen, A. (1997). Consepts of Human Development and Poverty: A Multidimensional Perspective. Human Development Papers, UNDP: New York.
Aşçı, Z., & Demiryürek, K. (2008). Kırsal Yoksullukla Mücadelede Yeni Adım: Mikrokredi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(4), 73-79.
Besley, T., & Burgess, R. (2003). Halving Global Poverty. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(3), 3 – 22.
Bhaumik, S. K. (2005). Does the World Bank have any impact on human development of the poorest countries? Some preliminary evidence from Africa. Economic Systems, 29, 422–432.
Buğra, A., & Keyder, Ç., (2005). Poverty and Social Policy in Contemporary Türkiye. Boğaziçi University Social Policy Reform.
Chen, S., & Ravallion, M., (2007). Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981-2004. Development Research Group, World Bank.
Crisp, B. F., & Kelly, M. J. (1999). The Socioeconomic Impact of Structural Adjustment. International Studies Quarterly, 43(3), pp. 533 – 552.
Easterly, W. (2001). The Effect of IMF and World Bank Programmes on Poverty. UNU/WIDER Discussion Papers No. 2001/102.
Edward, P. (2006). Examining Inequality: Who Really Benefits from Global Growth?. World Development, 34(10), 1667–1695.
Gindling, T.H. & Terrell, K. (2010). Minimum Wages, Globalization and Poverty İn Honduras. World Development, 38(6), 908-918.
Hailat, M. A., Alomari, M. W., & Bashayreh, A., (2024). The Chronic Illness of Poverty: The Effects of Microfinance on the Severity of Poverty and The Cost of Its Eradication. Journal of Economic Studies, 0144-3585. https://www.doi.org/10.1108/JES-01-2024-0048
Huang, J., Jun, Y., Xu, Z., Rozelle, S., & Li, N., (2007). Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Poverty in China. China Economic Review, 18, 244-265.
İnsel, A. (2005). Yoksulluk, Dışlanma ve STK’lar. Sivil Toplum ve Demokrasi Konferans Yazıları No. 6.
Karadeniz, O., Köse, S., & Durusoy, S., (2005). Implementing New Strategies for Combating Poverty in Türkiye. South-East Europe Review, 4, 47 – 76.
Kheir, V. B. (2018). The Nexus Between Financial Development and Poverty Reduction in Egypt. Review of Economic and Political Science, 3(39), 40-55.
Lipton, M. (1997). Defining and Measuring Poverty: Conceptual Issues. Human Development Papers, UNDP: New York.
Maerten, M., & Swinnen, J.F.M. (2008). Trade, Starndards, and Poverty: Evidence from Senegal. World Development, 37(1), 161-178.
Narayan, D. (1999). Voices of The Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us?, Oxford University Press: New York.
Odabaşı, F., (2008). Yoksullukla Mücadelede Temel Yöntemler. V. Aile Şurası Tebliğ Metni, www.sydgm.gov.tr/upload/mce/birimler/.../v.aile_surasi_teblig.pdf
Olaoye, O., Bolarinwa, S. T., & Yaseen, M., (2024). Poverty Eradication in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Government –led of Private Sector-Driven Approach?. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19(11), 3913-3937.
Pham, T. H., & Riedel, J., (2019). Impacts of the Sectoral Composition of Growth on Poverty Reduction in Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 21(2), 213-222.
Rashid, A. & Intartaglia, M., (2017). Financial Development – Does it Lessen Poverty. Journal of Economic Studies, 44(1), 69-86.
Sasmal, R., & Sasmal, J., (2016). Public Expenditure, Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation. International Journal of Social Economics, 43(6), 604-618.
Sen, A., (1983). Poor, Relatively Speaking. Oxford Economic Papers, 35, 153 – 169.
Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Genel Müdürlüğü (2010). Proje Destek Programları, http://www.sydgm.gov.tr/tr/html/203/Uygulamasi+Biten+Projeler/
SPO (2010), Millennium Development Goals Report Türkiye, http://www.undp.org.tr/publicationsDocuments/TR%202010%20MDG%20Report_EN.pdf
Stiglitz, J. E., & Tsuda, K. (2007). Democratizing the world bank. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 13(2), 79-86.
Şenses, F. (2001). Küreselleşmenin Öteki Yüzü: Yoksulluk. İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
UN (2007). United Nations in Türkiye, www.un.org.tr/bmtr.pdf
UNDP (2001), Human Development Report 2001, Making New Technologies Work for Human Development, Oxford University Press: Geneva.
UNDP (2003). Millennium Development Goals: A Compact Among Nations to End Human Poverty. Oxford University Press: New York
UNDP (2009). Human Development Report 1997, Geneva: Oxford University Press. UNDP (2000), Millenium Development Goals, http://www.undp.org/mdg/basics.shtml
Uzun, A. M. (2003). Yoksulluk Olgusu ve Dünya Bankası. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), 155 – 173.
World Bank (1980). World Development Report 1980. Poverty and Human Development, World Bank: Washington, D.C.
World Bank (1990). World Development Report 1990, Poverty. World Bank, Washington, D.C. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/424631468163162670/world-development-report-1990-poverty (10.12.2023)
World Bank (2000). World Development Report 2000/2001. Attacking Poverty, World Bank, Washington, D.C. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/230351468332946759/pdf/World-development-report-2000-2001-attacking-poverty.pdf (10.09.2023)
Uluslararası Kuruluşların Yoksulluk Azaltma Politikalarının Değerlendirilmesi: 2000 Sonrası
Amaç – İlk yoksullukla mücadele raporu 1980 yılında yayınlandıktan sonra Dünya Banka’sının temel amacını “dünyada yoksullukla mücadele” olarak revize ettiği görülmektedir. Bu çalışma, bu çerçevede uygulanan politikaların gelişmekte olan ve az gelişmiş ülkelerde yoksullukla mücadelede etkinliği ile uluslararası kuruluşların 2000 sonrası yoksullukla mücadele politikalarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Tasarım/veri/metodoloji – Yoksullukla mücadelede önde gelen öncü kuruluşlar Dünya Bankası, Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı ve Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü'dür. Bu kuruluşların politikaları, yoksullukla mücadele eden ülkeler için yol göstericidir. Dünya Bankası amacı doğrultusunda 1980, 1990 ve 2000/2001 yıllarında yayınlamış olduğu üç yoksulluk raporu incelenmiş ve ortaya konulan politikalar derlenmiştir.
Bulgular – Bu kurumların önerdiği politikalar tüm ülkeler için tam olarak uygulanabilir değildir. Her ülkenin kendine özgü orijinal koşulları vardır. Ülkelerin kendi orijinal koşullarına göre alternatif politika önlemleri geliştirmeleri gerekmektedir. Ayrıca, dünya genelinde yüksek yoksulluk oranlarına sahip bölgelerin ekonomik büyüme oranlarına baktığımızda, bu politikaların başarılı olduğunu söylemek zorlaşmaktadır.
Özgünlük/değer –Küresel bir bakış açısıyla 1980-2005 arası dönemde Dünya Bankası politikalarının etkinliğinin bir bütün olarak değerlendirilmesi açısından bu çalışmanın katkısı olduğu düşünülmektedir. 2005 yılından sonrası için yoksullukla mücadele politikalarının etkinliği ayrı bir çalışma konusu olarak değerlendirilebilir.
Alkire, S. (2005). Valuing Freedoms: Sen’s Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction. Oxford University Press: New York.
Anand, S., & Sen, A. (1997). Consepts of Human Development and Poverty: A Multidimensional Perspective. Human Development Papers, UNDP: New York.
Aşçı, Z., & Demiryürek, K. (2008). Kırsal Yoksullukla Mücadelede Yeni Adım: Mikrokredi. Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(4), 73-79.
Besley, T., & Burgess, R. (2003). Halving Global Poverty. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17(3), 3 – 22.
Bhaumik, S. K. (2005). Does the World Bank have any impact on human development of the poorest countries? Some preliminary evidence from Africa. Economic Systems, 29, 422–432.
Buğra, A., & Keyder, Ç., (2005). Poverty and Social Policy in Contemporary Türkiye. Boğaziçi University Social Policy Reform.
Chen, S., & Ravallion, M., (2007). Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981-2004. Development Research Group, World Bank.
Crisp, B. F., & Kelly, M. J. (1999). The Socioeconomic Impact of Structural Adjustment. International Studies Quarterly, 43(3), pp. 533 – 552.
Easterly, W. (2001). The Effect of IMF and World Bank Programmes on Poverty. UNU/WIDER Discussion Papers No. 2001/102.
Edward, P. (2006). Examining Inequality: Who Really Benefits from Global Growth?. World Development, 34(10), 1667–1695.
Gindling, T.H. & Terrell, K. (2010). Minimum Wages, Globalization and Poverty İn Honduras. World Development, 38(6), 908-918.
Hailat, M. A., Alomari, M. W., & Bashayreh, A., (2024). The Chronic Illness of Poverty: The Effects of Microfinance on the Severity of Poverty and The Cost of Its Eradication. Journal of Economic Studies, 0144-3585. https://www.doi.org/10.1108/JES-01-2024-0048
Huang, J., Jun, Y., Xu, Z., Rozelle, S., & Li, N., (2007). Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Poverty in China. China Economic Review, 18, 244-265.
İnsel, A. (2005). Yoksulluk, Dışlanma ve STK’lar. Sivil Toplum ve Demokrasi Konferans Yazıları No. 6.
Karadeniz, O., Köse, S., & Durusoy, S., (2005). Implementing New Strategies for Combating Poverty in Türkiye. South-East Europe Review, 4, 47 – 76.
Kheir, V. B. (2018). The Nexus Between Financial Development and Poverty Reduction in Egypt. Review of Economic and Political Science, 3(39), 40-55.
Lipton, M. (1997). Defining and Measuring Poverty: Conceptual Issues. Human Development Papers, UNDP: New York.
Maerten, M., & Swinnen, J.F.M. (2008). Trade, Starndards, and Poverty: Evidence from Senegal. World Development, 37(1), 161-178.
Narayan, D. (1999). Voices of The Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us?, Oxford University Press: New York.
Odabaşı, F., (2008). Yoksullukla Mücadelede Temel Yöntemler. V. Aile Şurası Tebliğ Metni, www.sydgm.gov.tr/upload/mce/birimler/.../v.aile_surasi_teblig.pdf
Olaoye, O., Bolarinwa, S. T., & Yaseen, M., (2024). Poverty Eradication in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Government –led of Private Sector-Driven Approach?. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19(11), 3913-3937.
Pham, T. H., & Riedel, J., (2019). Impacts of the Sectoral Composition of Growth on Poverty Reduction in Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 21(2), 213-222.
Rashid, A. & Intartaglia, M., (2017). Financial Development – Does it Lessen Poverty. Journal of Economic Studies, 44(1), 69-86.
Sasmal, R., & Sasmal, J., (2016). Public Expenditure, Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation. International Journal of Social Economics, 43(6), 604-618.
Sen, A., (1983). Poor, Relatively Speaking. Oxford Economic Papers, 35, 153 – 169.
Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Genel Müdürlüğü (2010). Proje Destek Programları, http://www.sydgm.gov.tr/tr/html/203/Uygulamasi+Biten+Projeler/
SPO (2010), Millennium Development Goals Report Türkiye, http://www.undp.org.tr/publicationsDocuments/TR%202010%20MDG%20Report_EN.pdf
Stiglitz, J. E., & Tsuda, K. (2007). Democratizing the world bank. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 13(2), 79-86.
Şenses, F. (2001). Küreselleşmenin Öteki Yüzü: Yoksulluk. İletişim Yayınları: İstanbul.
UN (2007). United Nations in Türkiye, www.un.org.tr/bmtr.pdf
UNDP (2001), Human Development Report 2001, Making New Technologies Work for Human Development, Oxford University Press: Geneva.
UNDP (2003). Millennium Development Goals: A Compact Among Nations to End Human Poverty. Oxford University Press: New York
UNDP (2009). Human Development Report 1997, Geneva: Oxford University Press. UNDP (2000), Millenium Development Goals, http://www.undp.org/mdg/basics.shtml
Uzun, A. M. (2003). Yoksulluk Olgusu ve Dünya Bankası. C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), 155 – 173.
World Bank (1980). World Development Report 1980. Poverty and Human Development, World Bank: Washington, D.C.
World Bank (1990). World Development Report 1990, Poverty. World Bank, Washington, D.C. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/424631468163162670/world-development-report-1990-poverty (10.12.2023)
World Bank (2000). World Development Report 2000/2001. Attacking Poverty, World Bank, Washington, D.C. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/230351468332946759/pdf/World-development-report-2000-2001-attacking-poverty.pdf (10.09.2023)
Tosuner, Ö. (2024). Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability, 2(2), 162-181. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14563389
Tosuner Ö. Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000. EFS. December 2024;2(2):162-181. doi:10.5281/zenodo.14563389
Tosuner, Özlem. “Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 2, no. 2 (December 2024): 162-81. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14563389.
Tosuner Ö (December 1, 2024) Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 2 2 162–181.
Ö. Tosuner, “Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000”, EFS, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 162–181, 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14563389.
Tosuner, Özlem. “Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability 2/2 (December 2024), 162-181. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14563389.
Tosuner Ö. Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000. EFS. 2024;2:162–181.
Tosuner, Özlem. “Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000”. Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability, vol. 2, no. 2, 2024, pp. 162-81, doi:10.5281/zenodo.14563389.
Tosuner Ö. Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Policies of International Organizations: Post-2000. EFS. 2024;2(2):162-81.