Asya kum midyesi, Corbicula fluminea Uzak Doğu kökenli bir tür olup, 1930’lu
yıllardan itibaren Amerika ve Avrupa’da da görülmeye başlanmıştır. Birçok
ülkede istilacı tür olarak nitelendirilen bu canlı özellikle Çin, Japonya ve
Kore gibi Uzak Doğu ülkelerinde sevilerek tüketilmektedir. Ülkemizde Seyhan,
Ceyhan, Asi, Dicle Nehri ve civarında canlı olarak, ayrıca Kahramanmaraş’ta
kurutulmuş olan Gavur Gölü’nde de ölü kabukları tespit edilmiş olmasına rağmen,
Batı bölgelerimizdeki akarsu ve göllerde henüz bu türe ait bir bildirim
yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışma ile Corbicula
fluminea’nın canlı bireyleri ilk defa Aydın Çine Çayı’nda tespit edilmiş ve
bu türe ait bazı biyometrik parametreler saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bireylerin
boyları 16.11 mm ile 26.16 mm arasında ölçülürken, ağırlıkları ise 2.05 g ile
8.7 g arasında bulunmuştur. Bu türün boy-ağırlık ilişkisi (W = 0,0013L2,6934 r
= 0.99) ise negatif allometrik olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Balcom, N.C. (1994). Aquatic immigrants of the Northeast, No. 4: Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea. Connecticut Sea Grant College Program, University of Connecticut, Groton, CT.
Beran, L. (2006). Spreading expansion of Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic. Heldia, 6: 187–192.
Britton, J.C., & Morton, B. (1986). Polymorpliism in Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculoidea) from North America. Malacological Review, 19(1/2): 1-44.
Cheng, K. M. (2015). The Asian Clam Corbicula fluminea: Seasonal Filtration Rates of Representative Populations in Two Tributaries of the Delaware River. Master of Science Thesis, Drexel University, Environmental Science, pp 126.
Cianfanelli, S., Lori, E., & Bodon, M., (2007). Non-indigenous freshwater molluscs and their distribution in Italy. In: F. Gherardi (Ed.), Biological invaders in inland waters: profiles, distribution, and threats. Invading Nature. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 103-121. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6029-8_5
Ciutti, F., & Cappelletti, C. (2009). First record of Corbicula fluminalis (Müller, 1774) in Lake Garda (Italy), living in sympatry with Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774). Journal of Limnology, 68(1): 162-165. doi:10.4081/jlimnol.2009.162
Csanyi, B. (1998) Spreading invaders along the Danubian highway: first record of Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Müller, 1774) and C. fluminalis (O.F. Müller, 1774) in Hungary (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Folia Historica Naturalia Musei Matraensis 23: 343–345.
Çolakoğlu, S., & Tokaç, A. (2014). Properties Growth of Populations The Striped Venus (Chamelea gallina L., 1758) and The Wedge Clam (Donax trunculus L., 1758) in The West Marmara Sea (in Turkish with English abstract). Journal of (e-dergi), Cilt 8, ss 27-41.
DSI, (2005). Researches on problem created by Dreissena mussel lived in Hydroelectric Power Plant. T. C. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, İşletme ve Bakım Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara, 170 sayfa
Ekin, I., Başhan, M., & Şeşen, R. (2012). Fatty acid composition of lipid classes in two mussel populations (Anodonta piscinalis and Corbicula fluminalis) living in Tigris River. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk J Biochem); 37; 196-203. doi:10.5505/tjb.2012.46330
Franco, J.N., Ceia, F. R., Patrícıo, J., Modesto, V., Thompson, J., Marques, J. C., & Neto, J. M, (2012). Population dynamics of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in mesohaline and oligohaline habitats: Invasion success in a Southern Europe estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 112: 31–39. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.07.014
Howlett, D., & Baker, R. (1999). Corbicula fluminea (Müller): New to UK. Journal of Conchology 36: 83
Hubenov, Z., Trichkova, T., Kenderov, L., & Kozuharov, D. (2013). Distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca: Corbiculidae) over an eleven-year period of its invasion in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 65(3): 315–326
Ilarri, M. I., Freitas, F., Costa-Dias, S., Antunes, C., Guilhermino, L., & Sousa, R. (2012). Associated macrozoobenthos with the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea. Journal of Sea Research. 72, 113-120. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2011.10.002
ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System), (2016, June 01). Homepage. <//>
Kamburska, L., Lauceri, R., Beltrami, M., Boggero, A., Cardeccia, A., Guarneri, I., Manca, M., & Riccardi, N. (2013). Establishment of Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Müller, 1774) in Lake Maggiore: a spatial approach to trace the invasion dynamics. BioInvasions Records, 2 (2): 105-117. doi:10.3391/bir.2013.2.2.03
Kara, C., & Şimşekli, M. (2009). Some Morphometrical Properties of Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774 Lived in Gavur Lake (Kahramanmaras) (in Turkish with English abstract). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 12 (1); 9-13.
Karatayev, A. Y., Padilla, D. K., Minchin, D., Boltovskoy, D., & Burlakova, L. E. (2007). Changes in global economies and trade: the potential spread of exotic freshwater bivalves. Biological Invasions 9:161–180. doi:10.1007/s10530-006-9013-9
Lois, S. (2010). New records of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in Galicia (Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula): Mero, Sil and Deva rivers. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): 17–20. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.005
Lucy, F., Karatayev, A., & Burlakova, L. (2012). Predictions for the spread, population density, and impacts of Corbicula fluminea in Ireland. Aquatic Invasions, 7 (4): 465–474. doi:10.3391/ai.2012.7.4.003
Marescaux, J., Pigneur, L. M., & Van Doninck, K. (2010). New records of Corbicula clams in French rivers. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): S35–S39. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.009
McMahon, R. F. (1999). Invasive characteristics of the freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea. In: Claudi R, Leach JH (eds), Nonindigenous Freshwater Organisms. Vectors, Biology, and Impacts, Lewis Publishers, pp 315–343
McMahon, R. F. (2002). Evolutionary and physiological adaptations of aquatic invasive animals: r selection versus resistance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 59: 1235–1244. doi:10.1139/f02-105
Morton, B., & Tong, K. Y. (1985). The salinity tolerance of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) from Hong Kong. Malacological Review,18:91-95
Munjiu, O., & Shubernetski, I. (2010). First record of Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in the Republic of Moldova. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): S67–S70. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.015
Paunović, M., Csányi, B., Knežević, S., Simić, V., Nenadić, D., Jakovčev-Todorović, D., Stojanović, B., & Cakić, P. (2007). Distribution of Asian clams Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and C. fluminalis (Müller, 1774) in Serbia. Aquatic Invasions, 2: 99–106. doi:10.3391/ai.2007.2.2.3
Qiu, A., Shi, A., & Komaru, A. (2001). Yellow and brown shell color morphs of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) from Sichuan Province, China, are triploids and tetraploids. Journal of Shellfish Research, 20:323-328.
Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and Interpre-tation of Biological Statistics of Fish Populations. Bulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191: 382p.
Sousa, R., Antunes, C., & Guilhermino, L. (2008). Ecology of the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in aquatic ecosystems: an overview. Annales de Limnologie -International Journal of Limology, 44 (2), 85-94. doi:10.1051/limn:2008017
Sweeney, P. (2009). First record of Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in Ireland. Irish Naturalists’Journal 30 (2): 147–148
Serdar, S., Bulut, H., Eden, M., & Özdemir, Y. (2015). Determination of Meat Yield and Shell Rates of Freshwater Mussel (Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788) in Aydın Çine Stream.XVIII. National Fisheries Congress Book, (in Turkish with English abstract) 1-4 September 2015, İzmir.
A new bivalvia species in the West Aegean; Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
Year 2016,
Volume: 33 Issue: 4, 329 - 334, 24.11.2016
The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea
is a bivalve originated from the Far East and also this species was introduced
to America and Europe in 1930’s. It is declared as an invasive species in many
countries, however, it is fondly consumed in the China, Japan and Korea. In
Turkey, although it is found Seyhan, Ceyhan, Asi and Tigris rivers and also its
shells in dried Gavur Lake, there is no report for this species in the rivers
and lakes of the West Regions. In this study, it is firstly recorded in the
Çine Stream, Aydın, and also some biometric parameters have been investigated.
As a result of this study shell lengths were measured between 16.11 mm and
26.16 mm and also weight were distributed between 2.05 and 8.7 gr,
respectively. The relationship between shell length – weight of this species (W
= 0,0013L2,6934 r = 0.99) was determined as negative allometric.
Balcom, N.C. (1994). Aquatic immigrants of the Northeast, No. 4: Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea. Connecticut Sea Grant College Program, University of Connecticut, Groton, CT.
Beran, L. (2006). Spreading expansion of Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Czech Republic. Heldia, 6: 187–192.
Britton, J.C., & Morton, B. (1986). Polymorpliism in Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculoidea) from North America. Malacological Review, 19(1/2): 1-44.
Cheng, K. M. (2015). The Asian Clam Corbicula fluminea: Seasonal Filtration Rates of Representative Populations in Two Tributaries of the Delaware River. Master of Science Thesis, Drexel University, Environmental Science, pp 126.
Cianfanelli, S., Lori, E., & Bodon, M., (2007). Non-indigenous freshwater molluscs and their distribution in Italy. In: F. Gherardi (Ed.), Biological invaders in inland waters: profiles, distribution, and threats. Invading Nature. Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 103-121. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6029-8_5
Ciutti, F., & Cappelletti, C. (2009). First record of Corbicula fluminalis (Müller, 1774) in Lake Garda (Italy), living in sympatry with Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774). Journal of Limnology, 68(1): 162-165. doi:10.4081/jlimnol.2009.162
Csanyi, B. (1998) Spreading invaders along the Danubian highway: first record of Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Müller, 1774) and C. fluminalis (O.F. Müller, 1774) in Hungary (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Folia Historica Naturalia Musei Matraensis 23: 343–345.
Çolakoğlu, S., & Tokaç, A. (2014). Properties Growth of Populations The Striped Venus (Chamelea gallina L., 1758) and The Wedge Clam (Donax trunculus L., 1758) in The West Marmara Sea (in Turkish with English abstract). Journal of (e-dergi), Cilt 8, ss 27-41.
DSI, (2005). Researches on problem created by Dreissena mussel lived in Hydroelectric Power Plant. T. C. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, İşletme ve Bakım Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara, 170 sayfa
Ekin, I., Başhan, M., & Şeşen, R. (2012). Fatty acid composition of lipid classes in two mussel populations (Anodonta piscinalis and Corbicula fluminalis) living in Tigris River. Türk Biyokimya Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk J Biochem); 37; 196-203. doi:10.5505/tjb.2012.46330
Franco, J.N., Ceia, F. R., Patrícıo, J., Modesto, V., Thompson, J., Marques, J. C., & Neto, J. M, (2012). Population dynamics of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in mesohaline and oligohaline habitats: Invasion success in a Southern Europe estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 112: 31–39. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.07.014
Howlett, D., & Baker, R. (1999). Corbicula fluminea (Müller): New to UK. Journal of Conchology 36: 83
Hubenov, Z., Trichkova, T., Kenderov, L., & Kozuharov, D. (2013). Distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Mollusca: Corbiculidae) over an eleven-year period of its invasion in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 65(3): 315–326
Ilarri, M. I., Freitas, F., Costa-Dias, S., Antunes, C., Guilhermino, L., & Sousa, R. (2012). Associated macrozoobenthos with the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea. Journal of Sea Research. 72, 113-120. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2011.10.002
ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System), (2016, June 01). Homepage. <//>
Kamburska, L., Lauceri, R., Beltrami, M., Boggero, A., Cardeccia, A., Guarneri, I., Manca, M., & Riccardi, N. (2013). Establishment of Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Müller, 1774) in Lake Maggiore: a spatial approach to trace the invasion dynamics. BioInvasions Records, 2 (2): 105-117. doi:10.3391/bir.2013.2.2.03
Kara, C., & Şimşekli, M. (2009). Some Morphometrical Properties of Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774 Lived in Gavur Lake (Kahramanmaras) (in Turkish with English abstract). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi. 12 (1); 9-13.
Karatayev, A. Y., Padilla, D. K., Minchin, D., Boltovskoy, D., & Burlakova, L. E. (2007). Changes in global economies and trade: the potential spread of exotic freshwater bivalves. Biological Invasions 9:161–180. doi:10.1007/s10530-006-9013-9
Lois, S. (2010). New records of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in Galicia (Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula): Mero, Sil and Deva rivers. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): 17–20. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.005
Lucy, F., Karatayev, A., & Burlakova, L. (2012). Predictions for the spread, population density, and impacts of Corbicula fluminea in Ireland. Aquatic Invasions, 7 (4): 465–474. doi:10.3391/ai.2012.7.4.003
Marescaux, J., Pigneur, L. M., & Van Doninck, K. (2010). New records of Corbicula clams in French rivers. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): S35–S39. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.009
McMahon, R. F. (1999). Invasive characteristics of the freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea. In: Claudi R, Leach JH (eds), Nonindigenous Freshwater Organisms. Vectors, Biology, and Impacts, Lewis Publishers, pp 315–343
McMahon, R. F. (2002). Evolutionary and physiological adaptations of aquatic invasive animals: r selection versus resistance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 59: 1235–1244. doi:10.1139/f02-105
Morton, B., & Tong, K. Y. (1985). The salinity tolerance of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) from Hong Kong. Malacological Review,18:91-95
Munjiu, O., & Shubernetski, I. (2010). First record of Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in the Republic of Moldova. Aquatic Invasions, 5 (Suppl. 1): S67–S70. doi:10.3391/ai.2010.5.S1.015
Paunović, M., Csányi, B., Knežević, S., Simić, V., Nenadić, D., Jakovčev-Todorović, D., Stojanović, B., & Cakić, P. (2007). Distribution of Asian clams Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and C. fluminalis (Müller, 1774) in Serbia. Aquatic Invasions, 2: 99–106. doi:10.3391/ai.2007.2.2.3
Qiu, A., Shi, A., & Komaru, A. (2001). Yellow and brown shell color morphs of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) from Sichuan Province, China, are triploids and tetraploids. Journal of Shellfish Research, 20:323-328.
Ricker, W.E. (1975). Computation and Interpre-tation of Biological Statistics of Fish Populations. Bulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191: 382p.
Sousa, R., Antunes, C., & Guilhermino, L. (2008). Ecology of the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in aquatic ecosystems: an overview. Annales de Limnologie -International Journal of Limology, 44 (2), 85-94. doi:10.1051/limn:2008017
Sweeney, P. (2009). First record of Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in Ireland. Irish Naturalists’Journal 30 (2): 147–148
Serdar, S., Bulut, H., Eden, M., & Özdemir, Y. (2015). Determination of Meat Yield and Shell Rates of Freshwater Mussel (Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788) in Aydın Çine Stream.XVIII. National Fisheries Congress Book, (in Turkish with English abstract) 1-4 September 2015, İzmir.
Serdar, S. (2016). A new bivalvia species in the West Aegean; Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774). Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 33(4), 329-334.