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Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri

Year 2006, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, - , 04.01.2006


Bu çalışmada yoğun kültür koşulları altında üretilen sivriburun karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) larvalarının notokorda bükülme zamanına göre boy ve ağırlık gelişimleri incelenmiştir. Prelarval dönemde yumurtadan çıkıştan itibaren 12 saat boyunca larvalar örneklenmiş ve total boy (TB), vitellüs kesesi hacmi ve yağ damlası hacmi hesaplanmıştır. Larval gelişim, yumurtadan çıkıştan itibaren 42. güne kadar tanımlanmıştır. Larvalar yumurtadan çıktıkları andan itibaren canlı yemin tamamen kesildiği güne kadar üç günde bir örneklenmiştir. Sivriburun karagöz larvaları 15 m3 tanklarda, değişken fotoperiyot rejimi altında tutulmuş ve ağız açılımıyla birlikte rotifer, Artemia nauplii ve Artemia metanauplii ile beslenmiştir. Yeşil su tekniği 30-40.104 hü olacak şekilde Nannochloropsis sp. and Isochrysis sp. türleri verilmiştir. Yumurtadan çıkan larvanın total boyu 2,91±0,11 mm, vitellüs kesesi hacmi 0,338375±0,0434 mm3, yağ damlası hacmi 0,007609±0,00251 mm3 olmuştur. Vitellüs kesesi 20,0±0,05°C su sıcaklığında 96. saatte 3,35±0,15 mm TB emilirken, yağ damlası tükenmesi 120. saatte 3,47±0,13 mm TB’da olmuştur. Yumurtadan çıkan prelarvanın kuru ağırlığı 0,0189±0,0011 mg olurken notokorda bükülmesinin meydana geldiği 15 günde 0,0895±0,002 mg ve notokorda bükülmesinin sonlandığı 24. günde 0,2806±0,0048 mg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonlandığı 42. günde kuru ağırlık 2,9018±0,0121 mg olmuştur


  • Abellan, E. 2000. Culture of Common Dentex (Dentex dentex L.): Present Knowledge, Problems and Perspectives, Cah. Options Méditerr., 47: 157–168.
  • Blaxter, J. H. S. 1988. Pattern and Variety in Development, In: Hoar, W.S., Randall, D.J. Eds., Fish Physiology XIA. Academic Press, London, 1– 58.
  • Canavate, J. P., Diaz, C. F. 2001. Pilot Evaluation of Freeze-dried Microalgae in the Mass Rearing of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Larvae, Aquaculture, 193: 257–269.
  • Cardenete, G., Skalli A., Hidalgo M. C., Palma M. C., Massuti S., 1997. Variaciones en 10s Niveles Proteico y Lipidico de la Dieta, Efecto Sobre el Crecimiento y Utilizacion Nutritiva de la Misma por el Denton (Dentex dentex), in: De Costa J., Abelkin E., Garcia G.B. Ortega R.A., Zamora N.S. (Eds.). Actas de1 VI Congreso National de Acuicultura, Cartagena, Spain, 9-l 1 July., 559-564.
  • Çoban, D,. 2005. Sparidae Familyasına Ait Balıklarda Yetiştiricilik Koşullarında Gözlenen Kemik ve Kıkırdak Deformasyonlarının Belirlenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiricilik A.B.D.
  • Efthimiou, S., Divanach, P., Rosenthal, H., 1994. Growth, Food Conversion and Agonistic Behaviour in Common Dentex Dentex dentex Juveniles Fed on Pelleted Moist and Dry Diets, Aquat. Living Resour., 7: 267–275.
  • Favaloro, E., Mazzola, A., 2003. Meristic Variation and Skeletal Anomalies of Wild and Reared Sharpsnout Seabream Juveniles (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti 1777) off Coastal Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Aqua. Res., 34: 575–579.
  • Favaloro, E., Mazzola, A., 2006. Meristic Variation and Skeletal Anomalies of Wild and Reared Sharpsnout Seabream Juveniles (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti 1777) off Coastal Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture Research, 34 (7): 575–579.
  • Fırat, K., Saka, Ş., Özden, O., 2005. Effect of Temperature on Embryonic Development in Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo) Eggs. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture- Bamidgeh, 57(2): 105-114.
  • Fuiman, L. A., 1983. Growth Gradients in Fish Larvae, J. Fish Biol., 23: 117-123. Fuiman, L. A., Polling, K. R., Higgs, D. M., 1998. Quantifying Developmental Progress for Comparative Studies of Larval Fishes, Copeia, 22: 602–611.
  • Fukuhara, O., 1992. Study on the Development of Functional Morphology and Behaviour of the Larvae of Eight Commercially Valuable Teleost Fishes, Contr. Fish Res Japan Sea Block, 25: 1122.
  • Gisbert, E., 1999. Early Development and Allometric Growth Patterns in Siberian Sturgeon and Their Ecological Significance, Journal of Fish Biology, 54: 852–862.
  • Gozlan, R. E., Copp, G. H., Tourenq, J. N., 1999. Comparison of Growth Plasticity in the Laboratory and Field and Implications for the Onset of Juvenile Development in Sofie, Chondrostoma toxostoma. Env. Biol. Fish., 56: 153–165.
  • Hochachka, P. W., Somero, G. N., 2002. Biochemical Adaptation. Mechanism and Process in Physiological Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Johnston, G. D., Baldwin, C. C., Okiyama, M., Tominaga, Y. 1996. Osteology and Relationships of Pseudotrichonotidae altivelis (Teleostei:Aulopiformes: Pseudotrichonotidae). Ichthyological Research, 43:17–45.
  • Kamacı, H. O., Fırat, K., Saka, Ş., Bulut, M. 2005. Determination of Embryonic Development Stages of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo Cetti, 1777) Eggs in Rearing Conditions. Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3): 546-552.
  • Keefe, M., Able, K. W. 1993. Patterns of Metamorphosis in Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. J. Fish Biol. 42: 713–728.
  • Kendall. A. W., Ahlstrom, E. H., Moser, H. G., 1984. Early Life History Stages of Fishes and Their Characters, In: Moser HG, Richards WJ, Richardson SL (eds). Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, No. 1. Allen Press Inc, Lawrence, 11-22.
  • Kolios, P., Kiritkis, S., Katribusas, N. 1997. Larval Rearing and Growout of the Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus) in the Riopesca Hatchery, Hydrobiologia, 358: 321–325.
  • Korkut, A. Y., Saka, Ş., Fırat, K., 2006. The Effects of Different Light Intensities on Early Life Development of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti, 1777) Larvae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 30: 381-387.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Kiriakos, Z., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 1995. Morphometric Relationships as Criteria for the Evaluation of Larval Quality of Gilthead Sea Bream, Aquacult. Int., 3: 143–149.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Gagliardi, F., Divanach, P., Boglione, C., Cataudella, S., Kentouri, M., 1997. Normal and Abnormal Osteological Development of Caudal Fin in Sparus aurata L. fry, Aquaculture, 149: 215–226.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri M., 1999. Ontogeny and Allometric Plasticity of Dentex dentex in Rearing Conditions, Marine Biology, 135: 561–572.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M,. 2001. The Effect of Rearing Conditions on Development of Saddleback Syndrome and Caudal Fin Deformities in Dentex dentex L., Aquaculture, 200: 285–304.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Carrillo, J., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2004. The Rearing of Common Dentex Dentex dentex (L.) during the Hatchery and On-growing Phases, Aquaculture, 240: 165–173.
  • Liu, C. H., 2001. Early Osteological Development of the Yellow Tail, Seriola dumerili (Pisces: Carangidae). Zoological Studies, 40(4): 289–298.
  • Machinandiarena L, Müler M., Lopez A., 2003. Early Life Stages of Development of the Red Porgy Pagrus pagrus (Pisces, Sparidae) in Captivity, Argentina, Invest. Mar. Valparaiso, 31(1): 5-13.
  • Mihelakakis, A., Yoshimatsu, T., Tsolkas, C., 2001. Spawning in Captivity and Early Life History of Cultured Red Porgy, Pagrus pagrus, Aquaculture, 199: 333–352.
  • Miyashita, S., Sawaqa, Y., Okada, T., Murata, O., Kumai, H. 2001. Morphological Development and Growth of Laboratory-reared Larval and Juvenile Thunnus thynnus (Pisces: Scombridae), Fish. Bull., 99: 601–616.
  • Perez, L., Gonzalez H., Jover M., Fern BndezCarmona J. 1997. Growth of European Sea Bass Fingerlings (Dicentrarthus labrax) Fed Extruded Diets Containing Varying Levels of Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate, Aquaculture, 156: 183–193.
  • Sfakianakis, D. G., Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2004. Osteological Development of the Vertebral Column and of the Fins in Pagellus erythrinus. Temperature Effect on the Developmental Plasticity and Morpho-anatomical Abnormalities, Aquaculture, 232, 407–424.
  • Sfakianakis, D. G., Doxa C. K., Kouttouki S., Koumoundouros G., Maingot E., Divanach P., Kentouri M., 2005. Osteological Development of the Vertebral Column and of the Fins in Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti, 1777), Aquaculture, 250: 36-46.
  • Sokal, R. R., Rohlf, F. J., 1995. Biometry: the Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research. 3rd Edition. W. H. Freeman and Co.: New York. 887 pp.
  • Stephanou, D., Georgiou, G., Shoukrı, E., 1995. Reproduction and Larval Rearing of the Common Sea Bream (Pagrus pagrus) an Experimental Culture, CIHEAM-Options Mediterraneennes, 16: 79–87.
  • Süzer, C., Aktülün, S., Çoban, D., Kamacı, H.O., Saka, Ş., Fırat, K., Alpbaz, A., 2007. Digestive Enzyme Activities in Larvae of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 148: 470– 477.
  • Takeuchi, T., Shiina, Y., Watanabe, T., 1991. Suitable Protein and Lipid Levels in Diet for Fingerlings of Red Sea Bream Pagrus majo,. Nippon Suisan Gakkishi, 57: 293–299.
  • Tibaldi, E., Beraldo, P., Volpelli, L. A., Pinosa, M., Growth Response of Juvenile Dentex (Dentex dentex. L.) to Varying Protein Level and Protein to Lipid Ratio in Practical Diets, Aquaculture, 139, 91–99.
  • Trotter , A. J., Pankhurst, P. M., Morehead, D. T., Battaglene, S. C., 2003. Effects of Temperature on Initial Swim Bladder Inflation and Related Development in Cultured Striped Trumpeter (Latris lineata) Larvae, Aquaculture, 221: 141–15.

Early Life Development of the Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo) under Culture Condition

Year 2006, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, - , 04.01.2006


In this study, total length and weight development of sharpsnout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo) larvae were investigated depending on depend on flexion of notochord under culture conditions. Newly hatched larvae were sampled 12-h interval from the hatching and also total length (TL), yolk-sac and oil globule volume were measured during the yolk-sac stage. Larval stage was identified from hatching to day 42. Larvae were sampled 3 days interval from hatching until end of the weaning. Larvae were stocked in 15 m3 tanks and photoperiod was adjusted through out larval stage. Larvae were fed rotifer, Artemia nauplii and Artemia metanauplii after mouth opening. Green water technique was used by means of Nannochloropsis sp., Chorella sp., and Isochrysis sp. at a density of 3−4*105 cells ml-1. Total length, yolk-sac and oil globule volume of newly hatched larvae were measured as 2.91±0.11 mm, 0.338375±0.0434 mm3 and 0.007609±0.00251 mm3 respectively. Absorption of yolk-sac and oil globule were observed 3.35±0.15 mm TL at 96 h 3.47±0.13 mm TL at 120 h respectively. Dry weight of newly hatched larvae were weighed as 0189±0.0011 mg while this parameter was measured as 0.0895±0.002 mg and 0.2806±0.0048 mg at the beginning of the flexion of notochord on day 15 and at the end of the flexion of notochord on day 24, respectively. Finally, at the end of the study larvae were weighed as 2.9018±0.0121 mg on day 42 in the end


  • Abellan, E. 2000. Culture of Common Dentex (Dentex dentex L.): Present Knowledge, Problems and Perspectives, Cah. Options Méditerr., 47: 157–168.
  • Blaxter, J. H. S. 1988. Pattern and Variety in Development, In: Hoar, W.S., Randall, D.J. Eds., Fish Physiology XIA. Academic Press, London, 1– 58.
  • Canavate, J. P., Diaz, C. F. 2001. Pilot Evaluation of Freeze-dried Microalgae in the Mass Rearing of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata) Larvae, Aquaculture, 193: 257–269.
  • Cardenete, G., Skalli A., Hidalgo M. C., Palma M. C., Massuti S., 1997. Variaciones en 10s Niveles Proteico y Lipidico de la Dieta, Efecto Sobre el Crecimiento y Utilizacion Nutritiva de la Misma por el Denton (Dentex dentex), in: De Costa J., Abelkin E., Garcia G.B. Ortega R.A., Zamora N.S. (Eds.). Actas de1 VI Congreso National de Acuicultura, Cartagena, Spain, 9-l 1 July., 559-564.
  • Çoban, D,. 2005. Sparidae Familyasına Ait Balıklarda Yetiştiricilik Koşullarında Gözlenen Kemik ve Kıkırdak Deformasyonlarının Belirlenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Yetiştiricilik A.B.D.
  • Efthimiou, S., Divanach, P., Rosenthal, H., 1994. Growth, Food Conversion and Agonistic Behaviour in Common Dentex Dentex dentex Juveniles Fed on Pelleted Moist and Dry Diets, Aquat. Living Resour., 7: 267–275.
  • Favaloro, E., Mazzola, A., 2003. Meristic Variation and Skeletal Anomalies of Wild and Reared Sharpsnout Seabream Juveniles (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti 1777) off Coastal Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Aqua. Res., 34: 575–579.
  • Favaloro, E., Mazzola, A., 2006. Meristic Variation and Skeletal Anomalies of Wild and Reared Sharpsnout Seabream Juveniles (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti 1777) off Coastal Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture Research, 34 (7): 575–579.
  • Fırat, K., Saka, Ş., Özden, O., 2005. Effect of Temperature on Embryonic Development in Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo) Eggs. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture- Bamidgeh, 57(2): 105-114.
  • Fuiman, L. A., 1983. Growth Gradients in Fish Larvae, J. Fish Biol., 23: 117-123. Fuiman, L. A., Polling, K. R., Higgs, D. M., 1998. Quantifying Developmental Progress for Comparative Studies of Larval Fishes, Copeia, 22: 602–611.
  • Fukuhara, O., 1992. Study on the Development of Functional Morphology and Behaviour of the Larvae of Eight Commercially Valuable Teleost Fishes, Contr. Fish Res Japan Sea Block, 25: 1122.
  • Gisbert, E., 1999. Early Development and Allometric Growth Patterns in Siberian Sturgeon and Their Ecological Significance, Journal of Fish Biology, 54: 852–862.
  • Gozlan, R. E., Copp, G. H., Tourenq, J. N., 1999. Comparison of Growth Plasticity in the Laboratory and Field and Implications for the Onset of Juvenile Development in Sofie, Chondrostoma toxostoma. Env. Biol. Fish., 56: 153–165.
  • Hochachka, P. W., Somero, G. N., 2002. Biochemical Adaptation. Mechanism and Process in Physiological Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Johnston, G. D., Baldwin, C. C., Okiyama, M., Tominaga, Y. 1996. Osteology and Relationships of Pseudotrichonotidae altivelis (Teleostei:Aulopiformes: Pseudotrichonotidae). Ichthyological Research, 43:17–45.
  • Kamacı, H. O., Fırat, K., Saka, Ş., Bulut, M. 2005. Determination of Embryonic Development Stages of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo Cetti, 1777) Eggs in Rearing Conditions. Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3): 546-552.
  • Keefe, M., Able, K. W. 1993. Patterns of Metamorphosis in Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. J. Fish Biol. 42: 713–728.
  • Kendall. A. W., Ahlstrom, E. H., Moser, H. G., 1984. Early Life History Stages of Fishes and Their Characters, In: Moser HG, Richards WJ, Richardson SL (eds). Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, No. 1. Allen Press Inc, Lawrence, 11-22.
  • Kolios, P., Kiritkis, S., Katribusas, N. 1997. Larval Rearing and Growout of the Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus) in the Riopesca Hatchery, Hydrobiologia, 358: 321–325.
  • Korkut, A. Y., Saka, Ş., Fırat, K., 2006. The Effects of Different Light Intensities on Early Life Development of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo, Cetti, 1777) Larvae. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 30: 381-387.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Kiriakos, Z., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 1995. Morphometric Relationships as Criteria for the Evaluation of Larval Quality of Gilthead Sea Bream, Aquacult. Int., 3: 143–149.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Gagliardi, F., Divanach, P., Boglione, C., Cataudella, S., Kentouri, M., 1997. Normal and Abnormal Osteological Development of Caudal Fin in Sparus aurata L. fry, Aquaculture, 149: 215–226.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri M., 1999. Ontogeny and Allometric Plasticity of Dentex dentex in Rearing Conditions, Marine Biology, 135: 561–572.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M,. 2001. The Effect of Rearing Conditions on Development of Saddleback Syndrome and Caudal Fin Deformities in Dentex dentex L., Aquaculture, 200: 285–304.
  • Koumoundouros, G., Carrillo, J., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2004. The Rearing of Common Dentex Dentex dentex (L.) during the Hatchery and On-growing Phases, Aquaculture, 240: 165–173.
  • Liu, C. H., 2001. Early Osteological Development of the Yellow Tail, Seriola dumerili (Pisces: Carangidae). Zoological Studies, 40(4): 289–298.
  • Machinandiarena L, Müler M., Lopez A., 2003. Early Life Stages of Development of the Red Porgy Pagrus pagrus (Pisces, Sparidae) in Captivity, Argentina, Invest. Mar. Valparaiso, 31(1): 5-13.
  • Mihelakakis, A., Yoshimatsu, T., Tsolkas, C., 2001. Spawning in Captivity and Early Life History of Cultured Red Porgy, Pagrus pagrus, Aquaculture, 199: 333–352.
  • Miyashita, S., Sawaqa, Y., Okada, T., Murata, O., Kumai, H. 2001. Morphological Development and Growth of Laboratory-reared Larval and Juvenile Thunnus thynnus (Pisces: Scombridae), Fish. Bull., 99: 601–616.
  • Perez, L., Gonzalez H., Jover M., Fern BndezCarmona J. 1997. Growth of European Sea Bass Fingerlings (Dicentrarthus labrax) Fed Extruded Diets Containing Varying Levels of Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate, Aquaculture, 156: 183–193.
  • Sfakianakis, D. G., Koumoundouros, G., Divanach, P., Kentouri, M., 2004. Osteological Development of the Vertebral Column and of the Fins in Pagellus erythrinus. Temperature Effect on the Developmental Plasticity and Morpho-anatomical Abnormalities, Aquaculture, 232, 407–424.
  • Sfakianakis, D. G., Doxa C. K., Kouttouki S., Koumoundouros G., Maingot E., Divanach P., Kentouri M., 2005. Osteological Development of the Vertebral Column and of the Fins in Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti, 1777), Aquaculture, 250: 36-46.
  • Sokal, R. R., Rohlf, F. J., 1995. Biometry: the Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research. 3rd Edition. W. H. Freeman and Co.: New York. 887 pp.
  • Stephanou, D., Georgiou, G., Shoukrı, E., 1995. Reproduction and Larval Rearing of the Common Sea Bream (Pagrus pagrus) an Experimental Culture, CIHEAM-Options Mediterraneennes, 16: 79–87.
  • Süzer, C., Aktülün, S., Çoban, D., Kamacı, H.O., Saka, Ş., Fırat, K., Alpbaz, A., 2007. Digestive Enzyme Activities in Larvae of Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus puntazzo), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 148: 470– 477.
  • Takeuchi, T., Shiina, Y., Watanabe, T., 1991. Suitable Protein and Lipid Levels in Diet for Fingerlings of Red Sea Bream Pagrus majo,. Nippon Suisan Gakkishi, 57: 293–299.
  • Tibaldi, E., Beraldo, P., Volpelli, L. A., Pinosa, M., Growth Response of Juvenile Dentex (Dentex dentex. L.) to Varying Protein Level and Protein to Lipid Ratio in Practical Diets, Aquaculture, 139, 91–99.
  • Trotter , A. J., Pankhurst, P. M., Morehead, D. T., Battaglene, S. C., 2003. Effects of Temperature on Initial Swim Bladder Inflation and Related Development in Cultured Striped Trumpeter (Latris lineata) Larvae, Aquaculture, 221: 141–15.
There are 38 citations in total.


Other ID JA53VJ83JP
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Çoban This is me

H. Okan Kamacı This is me

Cüneyt Süzer This is me

Kürşat Fırat This is me

Publication Date January 4, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Çoban, D., Kamacı, H. O., Süzer, C., Fırat, K. (2006). Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1).
AMA Çoban D, Kamacı HO, Süzer C, Fırat K. Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri. JEFF. April 2006;2(1).
Chicago Çoban, Deniz, H. Okan Kamacı, Cüneyt Süzer, and Kürşat Fırat. “Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus Puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2, no. 1 (April 2006).
EndNote Çoban D, Kamacı HO, Süzer C, Fırat K (April 1, 2006) Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2 1
IEEE D. Çoban, H. O. Kamacı, C. Süzer, and K. Fırat, “Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri”, JEFF, vol. 2, no. 1, 2006.
ISNAD Çoban, Deniz et al. “Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus Puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2/1 (April 2006).
JAMA Çoban D, Kamacı HO, Süzer C, Fırat K. Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri. JEFF. 2006;2.
MLA Çoban, Deniz et al. “Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus Puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2006.
Vancouver Çoban D, Kamacı HO, Süzer C, Fırat K. Sivriburun Karagöz (Diplodus puntazzo) Larvalarının Kültür Koşullarında Erken Dönem Gelişimleri. JEFF. 2006;2(1).