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Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, - , 04.01.2005


Bu araştırmada karides avcılığında küçük boyutlu yemli tuzakların kullanılabilirliği ve av verimi ile tür kompozisyonu ele alınmıştır. Midye ile yemlenen tuzaklar 4, 18, 24, 48 ve 72 saat denizde bırakılmış, toplam 10 denemede başta Palaemon elegans ve Palaemon adspersus türü karidesler olmak üzere, horozbina (Salaria pavo), kaya balığı (Gobius sp.) ve lapina (Labrus sp.) türlerinden oluşan 375 adet birey yakalanmıştır. Tuzağın suda kalma süresi açısından en fazla ürün 72 saatte elde edilmiş ancak 18 saatten uzun sürelerde hedef olmayan türler giderek artan oranda tuzaklara girmeye başlamıştır.
Av miktarı ile denizde kalma süresi arasında y = 33,766Ln(x) - 37,769 (R = 0,97) şeklinde kuvvetli bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Diğer yandan denizde kalma süresine göre birim zamandaki av miktarının ilk dört saatte hızla arttığı, sonraki 4 saatte artışın yavaşladığı ve 8. saatten sonra ise yavaşça azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Avcılığın karlılığı bakımından denizde kalma süresinin 24 saatle sınırlandırılması gerektiği ve bazı ekonomik türlerin ticari avcılığında algarna gibi doğaya zarar veren avcılık yöntemlerine alternatif olarak özel olarak düzenlenmiş daha büyük tuzakların kullanılması ile daha korumacı bir avcılık yapılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Atema, J., 1980. Chemical senses, chemical signals and feeding behaviour in fishes. ICLARM Conf. Proc., 5. pp 57-101, Manila.
  • Bjordal, A., 1983. Effect of different longline baits (mackerel, squid) on catch rates and selectivity for tusk and ling. Coun. Meet. Int. Coun. Exp. Sea. B 31:9 p.
  • Bjordal, A., 1985. Full scale tests of improved longline gear. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 45: 7 p.
  • Bjordal, A. and Furevik, D.M, 1988. Full scale trials for torsk (Brosme brosme) and cod (Gadus morpha) with a Collapsible Fish Trap. ICES CM 1998 B:33.
  • Bjordal, A., 2002. The use of Technical measures in responsible fisheries: Regulation of fishing gear. A Fishery manager's guidebook - Management measures and their application Chapter 2 ISBN 92-5-10473204 FAO. (ed. Kevern L. Cochrane).
  • Boutiller, J.A., 1986. Fishing effort standardization in the british columbia prawn (Pandalus platyceros) Trap Fishery. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish Aquat. Sci., 92: 176-181.
  • Boutiller, J.A. and Sloan, N.A., 1987. Effect of trap design and soak time on catches of the british columbia prawn (Pandalus platyceros). Fisheries Research, Volume 6: pp. 155-160.
  • Castro, K.M. and DeAlteris, J.T., 1990. Effect of trap saturation and species interaction on the capture of callinectes spp. crabs in the guayas estuary. fisheries research, Vol. 8: pp. 223-232.
  • Craig, J.F., 1980. Sampling with traps. guidelines for sampling fish in inland waters. EIFAC Technical paper No. 33. FAO.
  • Fernö, A., Solemdal, P. and Tilseth, S., 1986. Field studies on the behaviour of whiting (Gadus merlangus l.) towards baited hooks. fiskdir. skr. ser. HawUnders., 18:83-95.
  • Fernö, A. and Olsen, S., 1994. Marine fish behaviour in capture and abundance estimation. Fishing News Books. England. ISBN 0-85238-211-1.
  • Furevik, D.M., 1994. Behaviour of fish in relation to pots. in marine fish behaviour in capture and abundance estimation. Pp.28-44.Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Books, London., Published 1994. ISBN 0- 85238-211-1.
  • Furevik, D.M., and Lokkeborg, S., 1994. Fishing trials in Norway for torsk (Brosme brosme) and cod (Gadus morhua) using baited commercial pots. Fisheries Research Vol. 19 (3-4) pp. 219-229.
  • Hosucu, H., 1991. Balkçlk (Avlama Araçlar ve avlama yöntemleri) Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Yüksekokulu Ders Kitab Yayn No: 22, 253 s. Vzmir.
  • Kawamura, G., Matsuoka, T., Tajiri, T., Nishida, M. and Hayashi, M., 1995. Effectiveness of a sugarcane fish combination as bait in trapping swimming crabs. Fisheries Research, 22(1-2):155-160.
  • Knacgil T. ve Kara, A., 1991. 12 mm ve 42 mm göz büyüklüündeki üç boazl pinterlerin subya (Sepia officinalis L.) avclnda karlatrmal olarak av veriminin denenmesi. Eitiminin 10. Ylnda Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, s.158-165 Vzmir
  • Knacgil, T., Kara, A. ve Çra, E., 1992. Vzmir Körfezinde Subya (Sepia officinalis L) avclnda 42 mm göz geniliine sahip 3 boazl pinter ile 2 boazl pinterin karlatrlmal olarak av veriminin denenmesi. Su Ürünleri Avlama ve Vleme Teknolojisi Seminer Teblileri. Vstanbul Beyolu Rotary Kulubü Yaynlar No:14, s.31-37 Vstanbul.
  • Lokkeborg, S., Bijordal, A. and Fernö, A., 1989. Responses of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to baited hooks in the natural environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 46(9):1478-1483.
  • Lokkeborg, S., 1990. Reduced catch of under sized cod (Gadus morhua) in longlining by using artificial bait.
  • Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 47(6):1112-1115.
  • Lokkeborg, S., 1991. Fishing experiments with an alternative longline bait using surplus fish products. Fisheries Reserach, Volume 12: 43-56 p
  • Milner, R.J. and Rodger, R.S., 1996. Soak times and fishing strategy for american lobster. Fisheries Research, Volume 22: pp. 199-205.
  • Moran, M., Jenke, J., Buston, C. and Clarce, D., 1988. The Western Australian trap and line fishery on the Noeth West Shelf. Western Austarlian Marine Researh. FIRTA Project 86/28.
  • Powles, H. and Barans, C.A., 1980. Groundfish monitoring in sponge- coral areas off the South-Eastern United States. Marine Fish. Rev., 42 (5): pp. 21-35.
  • Ricker, W.E., 1973. Linear regressions in fishery research. J.Fish.Res.Board.Can., 30:409-434
  • Sainsbury, J., 1996. Commercial fishing methods. Oxford. Fishing News Books, 359 p.
  • Tokaç, A., Gurbet, R. ve Alpbaz, A., 1991. Modern a dalyanlarn Türkiye’de uygulanabilirlii üzerine bir ön çalma. Ege Üniversitesi Su ürünleri Dergisi Cilt:8 Say:29-30 Vzmir.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., Fernö, A. and Johannessen, A., 1977. Study on the Behaviour of some Gadoid Species in Relation to Traps. Meet. Int. Coun. Exp. Sea. B 42: 9 p.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., 1977. Analysis of pot as a bottom gear and studies of some factors influencing the catch efficiency. Cand. Real. Thesis, Dept of Fishery Biology University of Bergen.
  • Whitelaw A.W., Sainsbury K.J., Dews, G.J. and Campell, R.A., 1991. Catching characteristics of four fish trap types on the north west shelf of Australia. Aust. Mar. Freshwater Research. 42: 369-382.
  • Yamane, T. and Fujiishi, A., 1994. Catch performance of small prawn pots in terms of selectivity and escape. Fisheries Research, Vol. 15 (3) pp. 291-299.

A Preliminary Investigation on Feasible in Black Sea of Baited Shrimp Traps

Year 2005, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, - , 04.01.2005


In this study were investigated species composition, catch efficiency of fishing gear and feasible of small dimension baited traps on shrimp fishery. Traps baited by mussel were soaked times 4, 18, 24, 48 and 72h, forming priority shrimp species, Palaemon elegans and Palaemon adspersus with fish species, Salaria pavo, Gobius sp. and Labrus sp. in total 10 experiments were caught 375 individuals. Point of view soak time of traps could be most catch efficiency to 72 h but enter rate of none target species into traps were gradually raised at times more 18 h. Between catch proportion and soak time found strong relationship y = 33,766Ln(x) – 37,769 (R = 0,97). Otherwise catch per unit of effort (CPUE) quickly increasing at first 4h, at subsequent 4 h slowly down and after 8th h gradually decreasing determined as to soak time. Line of thought profitable of fishery soak time should limited 24 h and as alternative fishery methods to damage nature as dredge was concluded further protective fishery feasibility with using of specials arranged more great traps at commercial fishery of same economical species


  • Atema, J., 1980. Chemical senses, chemical signals and feeding behaviour in fishes. ICLARM Conf. Proc., 5. pp 57-101, Manila.
  • Bjordal, A., 1983. Effect of different longline baits (mackerel, squid) on catch rates and selectivity for tusk and ling. Coun. Meet. Int. Coun. Exp. Sea. B 31:9 p.
  • Bjordal, A., 1985. Full scale tests of improved longline gear. Meet. Int. Coun. Expoler. Sea. B 45: 7 p.
  • Bjordal, A. and Furevik, D.M, 1988. Full scale trials for torsk (Brosme brosme) and cod (Gadus morpha) with a Collapsible Fish Trap. ICES CM 1998 B:33.
  • Bjordal, A., 2002. The use of Technical measures in responsible fisheries: Regulation of fishing gear. A Fishery manager's guidebook - Management measures and their application Chapter 2 ISBN 92-5-10473204 FAO. (ed. Kevern L. Cochrane).
  • Boutiller, J.A., 1986. Fishing effort standardization in the british columbia prawn (Pandalus platyceros) Trap Fishery. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish Aquat. Sci., 92: 176-181.
  • Boutiller, J.A. and Sloan, N.A., 1987. Effect of trap design and soak time on catches of the british columbia prawn (Pandalus platyceros). Fisheries Research, Volume 6: pp. 155-160.
  • Castro, K.M. and DeAlteris, J.T., 1990. Effect of trap saturation and species interaction on the capture of callinectes spp. crabs in the guayas estuary. fisheries research, Vol. 8: pp. 223-232.
  • Craig, J.F., 1980. Sampling with traps. guidelines for sampling fish in inland waters. EIFAC Technical paper No. 33. FAO.
  • Fernö, A., Solemdal, P. and Tilseth, S., 1986. Field studies on the behaviour of whiting (Gadus merlangus l.) towards baited hooks. fiskdir. skr. ser. HawUnders., 18:83-95.
  • Fernö, A. and Olsen, S., 1994. Marine fish behaviour in capture and abundance estimation. Fishing News Books. England. ISBN 0-85238-211-1.
  • Furevik, D.M., 1994. Behaviour of fish in relation to pots. in marine fish behaviour in capture and abundance estimation. Pp.28-44.Ed. By A. Fernö and S. Olsen. Fishing New Books, London., Published 1994. ISBN 0- 85238-211-1.
  • Furevik, D.M., and Lokkeborg, S., 1994. Fishing trials in Norway for torsk (Brosme brosme) and cod (Gadus morhua) using baited commercial pots. Fisheries Research Vol. 19 (3-4) pp. 219-229.
  • Hosucu, H., 1991. Balkçlk (Avlama Araçlar ve avlama yöntemleri) Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Yüksekokulu Ders Kitab Yayn No: 22, 253 s. Vzmir.
  • Kawamura, G., Matsuoka, T., Tajiri, T., Nishida, M. and Hayashi, M., 1995. Effectiveness of a sugarcane fish combination as bait in trapping swimming crabs. Fisheries Research, 22(1-2):155-160.
  • Knacgil T. ve Kara, A., 1991. 12 mm ve 42 mm göz büyüklüündeki üç boazl pinterlerin subya (Sepia officinalis L.) avclnda karlatrmal olarak av veriminin denenmesi. Eitiminin 10. Ylnda Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, s.158-165 Vzmir
  • Knacgil, T., Kara, A. ve Çra, E., 1992. Vzmir Körfezinde Subya (Sepia officinalis L) avclnda 42 mm göz geniliine sahip 3 boazl pinter ile 2 boazl pinterin karlatrlmal olarak av veriminin denenmesi. Su Ürünleri Avlama ve Vleme Teknolojisi Seminer Teblileri. Vstanbul Beyolu Rotary Kulubü Yaynlar No:14, s.31-37 Vstanbul.
  • Lokkeborg, S., Bijordal, A. and Fernö, A., 1989. Responses of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to baited hooks in the natural environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 46(9):1478-1483.
  • Lokkeborg, S., 1990. Reduced catch of under sized cod (Gadus morhua) in longlining by using artificial bait.
  • Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 47(6):1112-1115.
  • Lokkeborg, S., 1991. Fishing experiments with an alternative longline bait using surplus fish products. Fisheries Reserach, Volume 12: 43-56 p
  • Milner, R.J. and Rodger, R.S., 1996. Soak times and fishing strategy for american lobster. Fisheries Research, Volume 22: pp. 199-205.
  • Moran, M., Jenke, J., Buston, C. and Clarce, D., 1988. The Western Australian trap and line fishery on the Noeth West Shelf. Western Austarlian Marine Researh. FIRTA Project 86/28.
  • Powles, H. and Barans, C.A., 1980. Groundfish monitoring in sponge- coral areas off the South-Eastern United States. Marine Fish. Rev., 42 (5): pp. 21-35.
  • Ricker, W.E., 1973. Linear regressions in fishery research. J.Fish.Res.Board.Can., 30:409-434
  • Sainsbury, J., 1996. Commercial fishing methods. Oxford. Fishing News Books, 359 p.
  • Tokaç, A., Gurbet, R. ve Alpbaz, A., 1991. Modern a dalyanlarn Türkiye’de uygulanabilirlii üzerine bir ön çalma. Ege Üniversitesi Su ürünleri Dergisi Cilt:8 Say:29-30 Vzmir.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., Fernö, A. and Johannessen, A., 1977. Study on the Behaviour of some Gadoid Species in Relation to Traps. Meet. Int. Coun. Exp. Sea. B 42: 9 p.
  • Valdemarsen, J.W., 1977. Analysis of pot as a bottom gear and studies of some factors influencing the catch efficiency. Cand. Real. Thesis, Dept of Fishery Biology University of Bergen.
  • Whitelaw A.W., Sainsbury K.J., Dews, G.J. and Campell, R.A., 1991. Catching characteristics of four fish trap types on the north west shelf of Australia. Aust. Mar. Freshwater Research. 42: 369-382.
  • Yamane, T. and Fujiishi, A., 1994. Catch performance of small prawn pots in terms of selectivity and escape. Fisheries Research, Vol. 15 (3) pp. 291-299.
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA53ZP83YM
Journal Section Articles

Süleyman Özdemir This is me

Yakup Erdem This is me

Çetin Sümer This is me

Publication Date January 4, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Özdemir, S., Erdem, Y., & Sümer, Ç. (2005). Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1).
AMA Özdemir S, Erdem Y, Sümer Ç. Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma. JEFF. April 2005;1(1).
Chicago Özdemir, Süleyman, Yakup Erdem, and Çetin Sümer. “Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1, no. 1 (April 2005).
EndNote Özdemir S, Erdem Y, Sümer Ç (April 1, 2005) Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1 1
IEEE S. Özdemir, Y. Erdem, and Ç. Sümer, “Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma”, JEFF, vol. 1, no. 1, 2005.
ISNAD Özdemir, Süleyman et al. “Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 1/1 (April 2005).
JAMA Özdemir S, Erdem Y, Sümer Ç. Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma. JEFF. 2005;1.
MLA Özdemir, Süleyman et al. “Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, 2005.
Vancouver Özdemir S, Erdem Y, Sümer Ç. Yemli Karides Tuzaklarının Karadeniz’de Uygulanabilirliği Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma. JEFF. 2005;1(1).