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Use of Artemisia campestris (L) on Treatment of Spironucleosis Infection in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 312 - 323, 01.12.2018


The aim of the present study was to determine the in vivo antiparasitic activity of the Artemisia campestris
(L) ethanol extracts for control of Spironucleosis (Hexamitiasis) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Treated rainbow trout with an average weight of 1.5-2.0 g, were fed with 7 and 21-day periods with the
addition of plant extracts of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 g / kg. The composition of ethanol extract of A.
campestris (L) was analyzed by GC-MS and the major components were acenaphthylene 1,2–dihydro
(62.70%), n-octadecane (4.66%), capillin (4.95%), curcumene (4.45%), 2.4-pentadiynylbenzene (7.28%),
benzaldehyde (2.53%), methacrolein (1.35%). The results of the present study showed that cumulative
mortalities were decreased in all treatment groups and positive control, compared to the negative control
(p<0.05). It was determined that 21-day treatment was more effective than 7-day treatment on the intensity
and prevalence of infection. These results suggested that the ethanol extract of A. campestris (L) displayed the
antiparasitic activity against S. salmonis.


  • Abad, M. J., Bedoya, L. M., Apaza, L., & Bermejo, P. (2012). The Artemisia L. genus: a review of bioactive essential oils. Molecules, 17(3), 2542-2566.
  • Aboud, O. A. (2010). Application of some Egyptian medicinal plants to eliminate Trichodina sp. and Aeromonas hydrophila in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Researcher, 2(10), 12-16.
  • Abubacker, M. N., & Devi, P. K. (1779). In vitro antifungal efficacy of bioactive compounds heptadecane, 9-hexyl and octadecane, 3-ethyl-5-(2-ethylbutyl) from Lepidagathis cristata willd.(Acanthaceae) root extract. European J of Pharmaceutical and Medical Res, 2(5), 2015.
  • Akrout, A., Chemli, R., Chreïf, I., & Hammami, M. (2001). Analysis of the essential oil of Artemisia campestris L. Flavour and fragrance journal, 16(5), 337-339.
  • Anonim, I. “Artemisia campestris L." Wikipedia. Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2015.
  • Basta, A., Tzakou, O., Couladis, M., & Pavlović, M. (2007). Chemical composition of Artemisia absinthium L. from Greece. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 19(4), 316-318.
  • Belhattab, R., Boudjouref, M., Barroso, J. G., Pedro, L. P., & Figueirido, A. C. (2011). Essential oil composition from Artemisia campestris grown in Algeria. Advances in Environmental Biology, 429-433.
  • Bellomaria, B., Valentini, G., & Biondi, E. (2001). Chemotaxonomy of Artemisia variabilis Ten. and A. campestris L. ssp. glutinosa (Ten.) Briq. et Cavill.(Asteraceae) from Italy. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 13(2), 90-94.
  • Bora, K. S., & Sharma, A. (2010). Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of Artemisia absinthium Linn. and Artemisia asiatica Nakai: a review. J. Pharm. Res., 3, 325-328.
  • Chitmanat, C., Tongdonmuan, K., & Nunsong, W. (2005). The use of crude extracts from traditional medicinal plants to eliminate Trichodina sp. in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol, 27(Suppl 1), 359-64.
  • Diler, Ö., & Özen, M. R. (2002). Eğirdir Gölünde ağ kafeslerde kültüre alınan aynalı sazanlarda görülen epidermal papillomanın histopatolojisi. Turk. J. Vet. and Anim. Sci., 26, 1207-1211.
  • Diler, Ö., Özçelik, H., Kubilay, A., Özkan, G., Didinen, B.I., Koca, S.B., Yiğit, N.Ö., Metin, S., İzci, L., Erdoğan, Ö., & Görmez, Ö. (2012). Gökkuşağı alabalığı anaç ve yumurtalarında enfeksiyona neden olan Saprolegnia spp. karşı bazı doğal bitkisel ürünlerin antifungal etkileri. TAGEM-10 /AR-GE/21.
  • Diler, O., Gormez, O., Diler, A., & Metin, S. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of Origanum onites L. on protection against Lactacoccus garvieae and Vibrio anguillarum in rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss, Walbaum). Aqua Cyprus 2014, 1st International Symposium on AquaticSciencesandTechnology, 15-17 May, Girne, Cyprus, 22.
  • Diler, O., Gormez, O., Diler, I., & Metin, S. (2017a). Effect of oregano (Origanum onites L.) essential oil on growth, lysozyme and antioxidant activity and resistance against Lactococcus garvieae in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(4), 844-851.
  • Diler, Ö., Görmez, Ö., Metin, S., İlhan, İ., & Diler, İ. (2017b). Origanum vulgare L. Uçucu Yağının Gökkuşağı Alabalıkları (Oncorhyncus mykiss)’ nda Büyüme, Lizozim ve Antioksidan Aktivite ve Vibrio anguillarum’ a Karşı Direnç Üzerine Etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 42-57.
  • Ekanem, A. P., & Brisibe, E. A. (2010). Effects of ethanol extract of Artemisia annua L. against monogenean parasites of Heterobranchus longifilis. Parasitology Research, 106(5), 1135-1139.
  • Gholipour-Kanani, H., Sahandi, J., & Taheri, A. (2012). Influence of garlic (Allium sativum) and mother worth (Matricaria chamomilla) extract on Ichthyophtirius multifilus parasite treatment in Sail Fin Molly (Poecilia latipinna) ornamental fish. APCBEE Procedia, 4, 6-11.
  • Ghorab, H., Laggoune, S., Kabouche, A., Semra, Z., & Kabouche, Z. (2013). Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Artemisia campestris L. from Khenchela (Algeria). Der Pharmacia Lettre, 5(2), 189-192.
  • Gurib-Fakim, A. (2006). Medicinal plants: traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow. Molecular aspects of Medicine, 27(1), 1-93.
  • Huang, A. G., Yi, Y. L., Ling, F., Lu, L., Zhang, Q. Z., & Wang, G. X. (2013). Screening of plant extracts for anthelmintic activity against Dactylogyrus intermedius (Monogenea) in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 112(12), 4065-4072.
  • Kayış, Ş., Özçelep, T., Çapkın, E., & Altınok, İ. (2009). Protozoan and metazoan parasites of culture fish in Turkey and their applied treatments. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture- Bamidgeh, 61(2), 93-102.
  • Kordali, S., Kotan, R., Mavi, A., Cakır, A., Ala, A., & Yıldırım, A. (2005). Determination of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Artemisia dracunculus and of the antifungal and antibacterial activities of Turkish Artemisia absinthium, A. dracunculus, Artemisia santonicum, and Artemisia spicigera essential oils. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 9452-9458.
  • Kumar, A., Raman, R. P., Kumar, K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, V., Mohanty, S., & Kumar, S. (2012a). Antiparasitic efficacy of piperine against Argulus spp. on Carassius auratus (Linn. 1758): in vitro and in vivo study. Parasitology Research, 111(5), 2071-2076.
  • Kumar, S., Raman, R. P., Kumar, K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, N., Mohanty, S., & Kumar, A. (2012b). In vitro and in vivo antiparasitic activity of Azadirachtin against Argulus spp. in Carassius auratus (Linn. 1758). Parasitology Research, 110(5), 1795-1800.
  • Lu, C., Zhang, H. Y., Ji, J., & Wang, G. X. (2012). In vivo anthelmintic activity of Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Kochia scoparia, and Polygala tenuifolia against Dactylogyrus intermedius (Monogenea) in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 110(3), 1085-1090.
  • Mercier, B., Prost, J., & Prost, M. (2009). The essential oil of turpentine and its major volatile fraction (α- and β-pinenes): a review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 22(4), 331–342.
  • Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C., Williams, D., Evans, G., Saunders, R. A., & Cable, J. (2011). Effect of garlic and allium-derived products on the growth and metabolism of Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology, 127(2), 490-499.
  • Moon, T., Wilkinson, J. M., & Cavanagh, H. M. (2006). Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata. Parasitology Research, 99(6), 722-728.
  • Ogut, H., & Akyol, A. (2005). Prevalence and intensity of Hexamita salmonis in rainbow trout farms in the southeastern black sea and theır relationship to environmental factors. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 57(2), 97-104.
  • Ogut, H., & Parlak, R. (2014). Hexamitiasis leads to lower metabolic rates in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) juveniles. Journal of Fish Diseases, 37(12), 1013-1020.
  • Okmen, G., Ugur, A., Sarac, N., & Arslan, T. (2012). In vivo and in vitro antibacterial activities of some essential oils of Lamiaceae species on Aeromonas salmonicida isolates from cultured rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(15), 2762-2768.
  • Oriakpono, O., Aduabobo, H., Awi-Waadu, G. D., & Nzeako, S. (2012). Anti-parasitic effects of methanolic extracts of Artemisia annua L. against parasites of Sarotherodon melanotheron. International Journal of Modern Biology and Medicine, 1(2), 108-116. Özdamar, K. (2001). Tıp Biyoloji Eczacılık ve Diş Hekimliği Öğrencileri için SPSS ile Biyoistatistik, Kaan Kitabevi, 452s.
  • Pandey, D. G. (2013). Treatment for certain parasitic diseases of fishes. Universal Journal of Pharmacy, 02 (02), 1-3.
  • Puk, K., Guz, L., & Sopińska, A. (2014). Use of complementary feeding stuff Ichtio Hexan to control Spironucleus salmonis infections in rainbow trout. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 70(10), 616-619.
  • Santos, Y., Bandin, I., Nunez, S., Gravningen, K., & Toranzo, A. E. (1991). Protection of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson), against vibriosis using two different vaccines. Journal of Fish Diseases, 14(3), 407-411.
  • Timur, G., Karataş, S., Akayli, T., Ercan, M. D., & Yardimci, R. E. (2009). A histopathological study of Hexamitiasis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in Turkey. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 29(3), 104.
  • Tojo, J. L., & Santamarina, M. T. (1998). Oral pharmacological treatments for parasitic diseases of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. II: Gyrodactylus sp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 33(3), 187-193.
  • Whelan, L. C., & Ryan, M. F. (2004). Effects of the polyacetylene capillin on human tumour cell lines. Anticancer Research, 24(4), 2281-2286.
  • Woo, P.T.K. (1999). Fish Diseases and Disorders Volume 1, Protozoan and Metazoan Infections, ISBN 0851988237, 673 p.
  • Yi, Y. L., Lu, C., Hu, X. G., Ling, F., & Wang, G. X. (2012). Antiprotozoal activity of medicinal plants against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 111(4), 1771-1778.

Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı

Year 2018, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 312 - 323, 01.12.2018


Bu çalışmada, Artemisia campestris (L) bitkisi etanol ekstraktının yavru gökkuşağı alabalıklarında görülen
Spironucleosis (Hexamitiasis) enfeksiyonları üzerine in vivo antiparazitik aktivitesinin belirlenmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Ortalama ağırlıkları 1,5-2,0 g olan enfekte gökkuşağı alabalıklarına, 1,0, 1,5, 2,0 2,5 ve 3,0
g/kg oranlarında bitki ekstraktı ilaveli yemlerle 7 gün ve 21 gün periyotlarda tedavi uygulaması yapılmıştır. A.
campestris (L) etanol ekstraktının GC-MS ile analizlenmesi sonucunda major bileşenleri; acenaphthylene 1,2–
dihydro (%62,70), n-octadecane (%4,66), capillin (%4,95), curcumene (%4,45), 2.4-pentadiynylbenzene
(%7,28), benzaldehyde (%2,53), methacrolein (%1,35) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tedavi uygulaması sonunda
elde edilen sonuçlara göre, deney gruplarında ve pozitif kontrol grubunda kümülatif mortalitenin negatif
kontrol grubuna göre azaldığı görülmüştür (p<0,05). Enfeksiyonun yoğunluğu ve oranı üzerine 21 günlük
tedavi uygulamasının 7 günlük uygulamadan daha etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarımızda, A.
campestris (L) ekstraktının gökkuşağı alabalıklarında Spironucleus salmonis’e karşı antiparazitik etki
sağladığı belirlenmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler Artemisia campestris(L), Spironucleus salmonis, Oncorhynchus mykiss, antiparaziter,


  • Abad, M. J., Bedoya, L. M., Apaza, L., & Bermejo, P. (2012). The Artemisia L. genus: a review of bioactive essential oils. Molecules, 17(3), 2542-2566.
  • Aboud, O. A. (2010). Application of some Egyptian medicinal plants to eliminate Trichodina sp. and Aeromonas hydrophila in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Researcher, 2(10), 12-16.
  • Abubacker, M. N., & Devi, P. K. (1779). In vitro antifungal efficacy of bioactive compounds heptadecane, 9-hexyl and octadecane, 3-ethyl-5-(2-ethylbutyl) from Lepidagathis cristata willd.(Acanthaceae) root extract. European J of Pharmaceutical and Medical Res, 2(5), 2015.
  • Akrout, A., Chemli, R., Chreïf, I., & Hammami, M. (2001). Analysis of the essential oil of Artemisia campestris L. Flavour and fragrance journal, 16(5), 337-339.
  • Anonim, I. “Artemisia campestris L." Wikipedia. Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2015.
  • Basta, A., Tzakou, O., Couladis, M., & Pavlović, M. (2007). Chemical composition of Artemisia absinthium L. from Greece. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 19(4), 316-318.
  • Belhattab, R., Boudjouref, M., Barroso, J. G., Pedro, L. P., & Figueirido, A. C. (2011). Essential oil composition from Artemisia campestris grown in Algeria. Advances in Environmental Biology, 429-433.
  • Bellomaria, B., Valentini, G., & Biondi, E. (2001). Chemotaxonomy of Artemisia variabilis Ten. and A. campestris L. ssp. glutinosa (Ten.) Briq. et Cavill.(Asteraceae) from Italy. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 13(2), 90-94.
  • Bora, K. S., & Sharma, A. (2010). Phytochemical and pharmacological potential of Artemisia absinthium Linn. and Artemisia asiatica Nakai: a review. J. Pharm. Res., 3, 325-328.
  • Chitmanat, C., Tongdonmuan, K., & Nunsong, W. (2005). The use of crude extracts from traditional medicinal plants to eliminate Trichodina sp. in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol, 27(Suppl 1), 359-64.
  • Diler, Ö., & Özen, M. R. (2002). Eğirdir Gölünde ağ kafeslerde kültüre alınan aynalı sazanlarda görülen epidermal papillomanın histopatolojisi. Turk. J. Vet. and Anim. Sci., 26, 1207-1211.
  • Diler, Ö., Özçelik, H., Kubilay, A., Özkan, G., Didinen, B.I., Koca, S.B., Yiğit, N.Ö., Metin, S., İzci, L., Erdoğan, Ö., & Görmez, Ö. (2012). Gökkuşağı alabalığı anaç ve yumurtalarında enfeksiyona neden olan Saprolegnia spp. karşı bazı doğal bitkisel ürünlerin antifungal etkileri. TAGEM-10 /AR-GE/21.
  • Diler, O., Gormez, O., Diler, A., & Metin, S. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of Origanum onites L. on protection against Lactacoccus garvieae and Vibrio anguillarum in rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss, Walbaum). Aqua Cyprus 2014, 1st International Symposium on AquaticSciencesandTechnology, 15-17 May, Girne, Cyprus, 22.
  • Diler, O., Gormez, O., Diler, I., & Metin, S. (2017a). Effect of oregano (Origanum onites L.) essential oil on growth, lysozyme and antioxidant activity and resistance against Lactococcus garvieae in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(4), 844-851.
  • Diler, Ö., Görmez, Ö., Metin, S., İlhan, İ., & Diler, İ. (2017b). Origanum vulgare L. Uçucu Yağının Gökkuşağı Alabalıkları (Oncorhyncus mykiss)’ nda Büyüme, Lizozim ve Antioksidan Aktivite ve Vibrio anguillarum’ a Karşı Direnç Üzerine Etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 42-57.
  • Ekanem, A. P., & Brisibe, E. A. (2010). Effects of ethanol extract of Artemisia annua L. against monogenean parasites of Heterobranchus longifilis. Parasitology Research, 106(5), 1135-1139.
  • Gholipour-Kanani, H., Sahandi, J., & Taheri, A. (2012). Influence of garlic (Allium sativum) and mother worth (Matricaria chamomilla) extract on Ichthyophtirius multifilus parasite treatment in Sail Fin Molly (Poecilia latipinna) ornamental fish. APCBEE Procedia, 4, 6-11.
  • Ghorab, H., Laggoune, S., Kabouche, A., Semra, Z., & Kabouche, Z. (2013). Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Artemisia campestris L. from Khenchela (Algeria). Der Pharmacia Lettre, 5(2), 189-192.
  • Gurib-Fakim, A. (2006). Medicinal plants: traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow. Molecular aspects of Medicine, 27(1), 1-93.
  • Huang, A. G., Yi, Y. L., Ling, F., Lu, L., Zhang, Q. Z., & Wang, G. X. (2013). Screening of plant extracts for anthelmintic activity against Dactylogyrus intermedius (Monogenea) in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 112(12), 4065-4072.
  • Kayış, Ş., Özçelep, T., Çapkın, E., & Altınok, İ. (2009). Protozoan and metazoan parasites of culture fish in Turkey and their applied treatments. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture- Bamidgeh, 61(2), 93-102.
  • Kordali, S., Kotan, R., Mavi, A., Cakır, A., Ala, A., & Yıldırım, A. (2005). Determination of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Artemisia dracunculus and of the antifungal and antibacterial activities of Turkish Artemisia absinthium, A. dracunculus, Artemisia santonicum, and Artemisia spicigera essential oils. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 9452-9458.
  • Kumar, A., Raman, R. P., Kumar, K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, V., Mohanty, S., & Kumar, S. (2012a). Antiparasitic efficacy of piperine against Argulus spp. on Carassius auratus (Linn. 1758): in vitro and in vivo study. Parasitology Research, 111(5), 2071-2076.
  • Kumar, S., Raman, R. P., Kumar, K., Pandey, P. K., Kumar, N., Mohanty, S., & Kumar, A. (2012b). In vitro and in vivo antiparasitic activity of Azadirachtin against Argulus spp. in Carassius auratus (Linn. 1758). Parasitology Research, 110(5), 1795-1800.
  • Lu, C., Zhang, H. Y., Ji, J., & Wang, G. X. (2012). In vivo anthelmintic activity of Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Kochia scoparia, and Polygala tenuifolia against Dactylogyrus intermedius (Monogenea) in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 110(3), 1085-1090.
  • Mercier, B., Prost, J., & Prost, M. (2009). The essential oil of turpentine and its major volatile fraction (α- and β-pinenes): a review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 22(4), 331–342.
  • Millet, C. O., Lloyd, D., Williams, C., Williams, D., Evans, G., Saunders, R. A., & Cable, J. (2011). Effect of garlic and allium-derived products on the growth and metabolism of Spironucleus vortens. Experimental Parasitology, 127(2), 490-499.
  • Moon, T., Wilkinson, J. M., & Cavanagh, H. M. (2006). Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata. Parasitology Research, 99(6), 722-728.
  • Ogut, H., & Akyol, A. (2005). Prevalence and intensity of Hexamita salmonis in rainbow trout farms in the southeastern black sea and theır relationship to environmental factors. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 57(2), 97-104.
  • Ogut, H., & Parlak, R. (2014). Hexamitiasis leads to lower metabolic rates in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) juveniles. Journal of Fish Diseases, 37(12), 1013-1020.
  • Okmen, G., Ugur, A., Sarac, N., & Arslan, T. (2012). In vivo and in vitro antibacterial activities of some essential oils of Lamiaceae species on Aeromonas salmonicida isolates from cultured rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(15), 2762-2768.
  • Oriakpono, O., Aduabobo, H., Awi-Waadu, G. D., & Nzeako, S. (2012). Anti-parasitic effects of methanolic extracts of Artemisia annua L. against parasites of Sarotherodon melanotheron. International Journal of Modern Biology and Medicine, 1(2), 108-116. Özdamar, K. (2001). Tıp Biyoloji Eczacılık ve Diş Hekimliği Öğrencileri için SPSS ile Biyoistatistik, Kaan Kitabevi, 452s.
  • Pandey, D. G. (2013). Treatment for certain parasitic diseases of fishes. Universal Journal of Pharmacy, 02 (02), 1-3.
  • Puk, K., Guz, L., & Sopińska, A. (2014). Use of complementary feeding stuff Ichtio Hexan to control Spironucleus salmonis infections in rainbow trout. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 70(10), 616-619.
  • Santos, Y., Bandin, I., Nunez, S., Gravningen, K., & Toranzo, A. E. (1991). Protection of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson), against vibriosis using two different vaccines. Journal of Fish Diseases, 14(3), 407-411.
  • Timur, G., Karataş, S., Akayli, T., Ercan, M. D., & Yardimci, R. E. (2009). A histopathological study of Hexamitiasis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry in Turkey. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 29(3), 104.
  • Tojo, J. L., & Santamarina, M. T. (1998). Oral pharmacological treatments for parasitic diseases of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. II: Gyrodactylus sp. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 33(3), 187-193.
  • Whelan, L. C., & Ryan, M. F. (2004). Effects of the polyacetylene capillin on human tumour cell lines. Anticancer Research, 24(4), 2281-2286.
  • Woo, P.T.K. (1999). Fish Diseases and Disorders Volume 1, Protozoan and Metazoan Infections, ISBN 0851988237, 673 p.
  • Yi, Y. L., Lu, C., Hu, X. G., Ling, F., & Wang, G. X. (2012). Antiprotozoal activity of medicinal plants against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Parasitology Research, 111(4), 1771-1778.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Articles

Öznur Diler 0000-0003-0330-3448

Öznur Görmez This is me 0000-0003-2404-1328

Sedef Terzioğlu This is me 0000-0002-5435-5494

Halit Bayrak This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Diler, Ö., Görmez, Ö., Terzioğlu, S., Bayrak, H. (2018). Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(4), 312-323.
AMA Diler Ö, Görmez Ö, Terzioğlu S, Bayrak H. Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı. JEFF. December 2018;14(4):312-323. doi:10.22392/egirdir.407905
Chicago Diler, Öznur, Öznur Görmez, Sedef Terzioğlu, and Halit Bayrak. “Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia Campestris (L)’in Kullanımı”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 4 (December 2018): 312-23.
EndNote Diler Ö, Görmez Ö, Terzioğlu S, Bayrak H (December 1, 2018) Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 14 4 312–323.
IEEE Ö. Diler, Ö. Görmez, S. Terzioğlu, and H. Bayrak, “Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı”, JEFF, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 312–323, 2018, doi: 10.22392/egirdir.407905.
ISNAD Diler, Öznur et al. “Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia Campestris (L)’in Kullanımı”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 14/4 (December 2018), 312-323.
JAMA Diler Ö, Görmez Ö, Terzioğlu S, Bayrak H. Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı. JEFF. 2018;14:312–323.
MLA Diler, Öznur et al. “Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia Campestris (L)’in Kullanımı”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 4, 2018, pp. 312-23, doi:10.22392/egirdir.407905.
Vancouver Diler Ö, Görmez Ö, Terzioğlu S, Bayrak H. Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yetiştiriciliğinde Görülen Spironucleosis Enfeksiyonlarının Tedavisinde Artemisia campestris (L)’in Kullanımı. JEFF. 2018;14(4):312-23.