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Year 1976, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 240 - 285, 01.12.1976


  • Abdel--Rahman, 1965. A.ıan, «The Revenue Structure of the CFA Countries, Staff Papers, n-118 (March 1965).
  • Bauer, 1954. P. T. füiucr, West African Trade (Cambridge: Camb­ridge Univ. Press, 1954) _
  • Bauer and Paish, 1952. P. T. Bauer and F. W. Paish, «The Reduc­tion of Fluctuations in the Incomes of Primary Producers, Eco­nomic journal, 62:750-80 (Dec. 1952).
  • Baucr and Yamey, 1957. P.T. Bauer and B. S. Yamey, The Econo­mics of Underdeveloped Countries (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957).
  • Beckford, 1962. G. L. F. Beckford, «Secular Trends in the Growth of Major Tropical Export-Crop Industriesıı, Ph.D. diss., Stanford University (1962).
  • Beringer, 1963. C. Beringer, «Real Effects of Foreign Surplus Dis­posal in Underdeveloped Economies: Comment, Quarterly Jour­nal of Economics, 77.317-23 (May 1963).
  • Bernstein, 1950. E. M. Bernstein, Some Economic Aspects of Mul­tiple Exchange Rates, Staff Papers, 1:224-37 (Sept. 1950).
  • Bhagwati, 1962a. J. Bhagwati, lndian Balance of Payments Po­licies and Exchange Auctionn, Oxford Economic Papers, 14:51-68 (Feb. 1962).
  • Bhagwati, 1962b. J. Bhagwati, The Theory of Comparative Ad­vantage in the Context of Underdevelopment and Growth, Pa­kistan Development Review, 2:339-53 (Autuman 1962).
  • Bhagwati and Ramaswami, 1963. J. Bhagwati and V. K. Ramas­ wami, ıcDomestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Opti­mum Subsidyn, Journal of Political Economy, 71:44-50 (Feb. 1963).
  • Bird and Oldman, 1964. R. Bird and O. Oldman, eds., Readings on Taxation in Developing Countrtes (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1964).
  • Bruton and Bose, 1963. H. J. Bruton and S. R. Bose, The Pakistan Export Bonus Scheme (Karachi: Institute of Development Eco­mics, 1963).
  • Chelliah, 1960. R. F. Chelliah, Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped (London: Georke Allen & Unwin, 1960).
  • Chenery, 1960. H. B. Chenery, «Patterns of Industrial Growth , American Economic Review, 50:624-54 (Sept. 1960).
  • Cherrery, 1961. H. B. Chenery, Comparative Advantage and Deve­lopment Policy), American Economic Review, 51:18-51 (March 1961).
  • Clark, 1951. C. Clark, The Conditions of Economics Progress (Lon­don: Macmillan, 1939).
  • Clark, 1957. R. Clark, <cThe Economic Determinants of Jute Pro­duction, Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Sta­tistics (FAO), 6 (9): 1-10 (Sept. 1957).
  • Due, 1963. Jonh F. Due, ccTaxation and Economic Development in Tropical Africaıı (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1963).
  • Eckaus, 1955. R. S. Eckaus, «The Factor Proportions Problem in Underdeveloped Areas, American Economic Review, 45:539-65 Sept. 1955) .
  • Falcon, 1962. W. P. Falcon, «Farmer Response to Price in an Under­developed Area: A Case Study of West Pakistam, Ph.D. diss., Harvard University (1962).
  • Falcon, 1963. W. P. Falcon, «Real Effects of Foreing Surplus Dis­posal in Underdeveloped Economics: Further Commentn, Quar­terly Journal of Economics, 77:323-26 (May 1963).
  • Falcon, 1964. W. P. Falcon, «Farmer Response to Price in a Subsis­tence Economy: The Case of West Pakistann, American Econo­mic Review, 54 (Proceedings): 580-91 (May 1964).
  • Fei and Ranis, 1964. J. C. H. Fei and G. Ranis, «Development of the Labor-Surplus Economyn (Homewood, HI.: Richard D. Irwin, 1964).
  • Ferrer, 1964. A. Ferrer, «Income Distribution», in W. Baer and I. Kerstenetzky', eds. Inflation and Growth in Latin America (Ho­mewood, III.: Richard"D. Irwin, 1964).
  • Fisher, 1963. F. M. Fisher, «A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Food Surplus Disposal on Agricultural Production in Recipient Countriesıı , Journal of Farın Economics, 45:863-75 (Nov. 1963).
  • Fishlow and David, 1961. A. Fishlow and P. A. David, «Optimal Resource Allocation in an Imperfect Market Settingıı, Journal of Political Economy, 69:5.29-46 (Dec. 1961).
  • Gandhi, 1966. V. P. Gandhi, Tax Burden on Indian Agriculture (Cambridge: Harvard Law School International Tax Program, 1966).
  • Georgescu-Roegen, 1960. N. Georgescu-Roegen, «Economic «Theory and Agrarian ·Economics», Oxford Economic Papers, 12:1-40 (Feb. 1960).
  • Ghulam Mohammad, 1963. Ghulam Mohammad, «Some Physical and Economic Determinants of Cotton Production in West Pa­kistam, Pakistan Development Review, 3:491-527 (Winter 1963).
  • Goode, 1952. R. Goode, «Reconstruction of Foreign Tax Systems», Procedings of the 44th Annual Conference on Taxation (Sacra­mento: National Tax Association, 1952).
  • Goode, 1960. R. Goode, «ew System of Direct Taxation in Ceylan», National Tax' Journal, 13:329-430 (Dec. 1960).
  • Goode, 1961, R. Goode, «Taxation of Savings and Consumption in Underdeveloped Countries», National Tax Journal, 14:305-22 (Dec. 1961).
  • Gradin, 1958. V. Gradin, «Effects of Multiple Exchange Rates», Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 81: 176-219 (Heft 2, 1958).
  • Haberler, 1950. G. Haberler, «Swne Problems in the Pure Theory of International Trade», Economic Journal, 60:223-40 (June 1950).
  • Hagen, 1958. E. E. Hagen, «An Economic Justification of Protec­tionsm», Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72:469-514 (Nov. 1958).
  • Haq, 1963. M. Haq, «The Strategy of Economic Planning» (Karachi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1963).
  • Heller, 1954. W. W. Heller, «Fiı;cal Folicies far Underdeveloped Economies», in Wald an Froomkin, 1954. Hicks, 1961. Ursula K. Hicks, «Development from Below)) '(London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1961).
  • Hirschman, 1963. A. O. Hirschman, «Journeys Toward Progress (New ,York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1963).
  • Hussain, 1964. S. M. Hussain, «A Note on Farmer Response to Price in East Pakistanıı, Pakistan Development Review, 4:94-106 (Spring 1964).
  • IBRD, 1950. International Bank far Reconstruction and Develop­ment, «The Basis of a Development Program far Colombian (Bal­timore: Johns, Hopkins, 1950). Parts reprinted in (Bird and Old­man, 1964, 413-5).
  • Johnson, 1964a. H.G. Johnson, «Fiscal Policy and the Balance of Payments in a Growing Economy)), Malayan Economic Review, 9:1-13 (April 1964).
  • Johnson, 1964b. H. G. Johnson, «Tariffs and Economic Develop­ment: Some Theoretical Issues , Journal of Developmental Stu­dies, 1:1-30 (Oct. 1964).
  • Johnson, 1965. H. G. Johnson, «The Theory of Tariff Structure with Special Reference to World Trade and Developmentıı, Etudes et Travaux de l'Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales de Geneve, 4:9-29 (1965).
  • Johnson, 1951. B. F. Johnson, «Agricultural Productivity and Eco­nomic Development in Japan»,Journal of Political Economy, 59:498-513 (Dec. 1951).
  • Johnton, 1962. B. F. Johnston, «Agricultural Development and Economic Transformation: A Comparative Study of the Japa­nese Experienceıı , Food Research Institute Studies, 3: 223-76 Nov. 1962).
  • Johnston and Mellor, 1961. B.F. Johnston and J. W. Mellor, «The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development», American Eco­nomic Review, 51:566-93 (Sept. 1961).
  • Johnston and Nielsen, 1966. B. F. Johnston and S. T. Nielsen, «Agricultural and Structural Transformation in a Developing Economyıı , Economic Development and Cultural Ckange, 14;279- 301 (April 1966).
  • Kaldor, 1955. N. Kaldor, «An Expenditure Taxıı (Landon: George Allen & Unwin, 1955).
  • Kaldor, 1956. N. Kaldor, «Indian Tax Reform: Report of a Surveys (New Delhi: Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, 1956).
  • Kaldor, 1960. N. Kaldor, «Suggestions far a Comprehensive Reform of Direct Taxation , Sessional Paper IV, 1960 (Colombo, Ceylan: Government Publications Bureau, 1960).
  • Kaldor, 1962a. N. Kaldor, «The Role of Taxation in Economic De­velopment>ı , pape represented at the International Congress on Economic Development, Vienna (1962).
  • Kaldor, 1962b. N. Kaldor, «in the Context of an Underdeveloped Country, What are the Most Appropriate Taxes that can be Relied upon far Maximum Revenue?ıı Nyasaland Economic Symposium (1962).
  • Khan, A. R. 1963. A. R. Khan, «Import Substitution, Export Ex­pansion and Consumption Liberalizationn, Pakistan Develop­ment Review, 3:208-31 (Summer 1963).
  • Khan, N. A., 1963. N. A. Khan, «Resource Mobilization from Agri­culture and Economic Development in Indian, Economic Devel­opment and Cultural Change, 12:42-54 (Oct. 1963).
  • Krishna, 1963 R. Krishna, «Farın Supply Response in India-Pa­kistan: A Case Study of the Punjab Regionn, Economic Journal, 73:477-78 (Sept. 1963).
  • Krueger, 1962. A. O. Krueger, «Interrelationships Between Industry and Agriculture in a Dual Economy, Indian Economic Journal, 10:1-13 (July 1962).
  • Kuznets, 1959. S. Kuznets, «Six Lectures on Economic Growth (Glencoe, III., Free Press of Glencoe, 1959).
  • Lerner, 1936. A. P. Lerner, «The Symmetry Between Import and Export Taxes,n Economica, 3:306-13 (Aug. 1936).
  • Levin, 1960. J. V. Levin, «The Export Economiesn (Cambridge: Har­vard Univ. Press, 1960).
  • Lewis, 1963a. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Government Revenue from Foreign Trade: An International Comparison, The Manchester School, 31:39-46 (Jan. 1963).
  • Lewis, 1963b. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Taxation and Growth in the Dual Economy: An Evaluation of Tax Devices in Underdeveloped Countries, Ph.D. diss., Stanford University (1963).
  • Lewis, 1963c. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Some Problems in the Analysis of the Dual Economy, Pakistan Development Review, 3:527-46 Winter 1963).
  • Lewis, 1964. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Aspetcs of Fiscal Policy and Resource Mobilization in Pakistan, Pakistan Development Review, 4:261- 82 (Summer 1964).
  • Lewis, 1965. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Domestic Resources and Fiscal Policy in Pakistan's Second an Third Plansn, Pakistan Develop­ment Review, 5:461-95 (Autuman 1965).
  • Lewis, 1966. S. R. Lewis, Jr, Ch. 6 of «Economic Policy and Indust­rial Growth in Pakistan)) (Williamstown, Mass.: Center for Devel­opment Economics, Williams Colege, 1966).
  • Lewis, 1948. W. A. Lewis, «The Principles of Economic Planningıı (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948).
  • Lewis, 1954. W. A. Lewis, «Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour, The Manchester School, 22:39-91 (May 1954).
  • Lewis, 1955. W.A. Lewis, «The Theory of Economic Growthıı (Home­wood, III.: Richard D. Irwin, 1955).
  • Lewis, 1958. W. A. Lewis, «Unlimited Labour: Further Notes)) , The Manchester School, 26:1-32 (Jan. 1958). Lewis, 1965. W. A. Lewis, «A Review of Economic Development, American Economic Review, 55 (Proceedings) :1-16 (May 1965). Little, 1964. I. M. D. Littıe, «Tax Policy and the Third Plan, in Rosenstein-Rodan, 1964, 30-76.
  • Manoilesco, 1932. Manoilesco, The Theory of Protection and Inter­national Trade,ı (Landon: P.S. King and Staples, 1932).
  • Martin and Lewis, 1956. A. Martin and W. A. Lewis, Patterns of Public Revenue and Expenditureıı , The Manchester School, 24:203-44 (Sept. 1956).
  • Meade, 1955. J. E. Meade, ccThe Theory of International Economic Policy, Volume II: Trade and Welfareıı (London: Oxford Univ. Press. 1955).
  • Meier, 1963. G. M. Meier, ccinternational Trade and Development (New York: Harper and Row, 1963).
  • Meier, 1964. G. M. Meier, Leading Issues in Development Econo­mics New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1964).
  • Musgrave, 1959. R. A. Musgrave, The Theory of Public Finance (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959).
  • Nicholls, 1960. William H. Nicholls, The Place of Agriculture in Economic Developmentıı , in K. Berrill, ed., Economic Develop­ment with Special Reference to East Asia, Proceedings of a Round Table sponsored by the International Economic Association, Gamagori, Japan, April 1960 (International Economic Associa­tion, 1963). Reprinted in C. K. Eicher and L. W. Witt, eds., Agricuıture in Economic Development, 11-44 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964).
  • Nicholls, 1963. W. H. Nicholls, «An 'Agricuıtural Surplus' as a Fac­tor in Economic Developmentn, Journal of Political Economiy, 71:1-29 (Feb. 1963).
  • Nurkse, 1963. R. Nurkse, «Problems of Capital Formation in Under­developed Countriesn (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1953).
  • Ohkawa, 1961. K. Ohkawa, «Balanced Growth and the Problem of Agriculture, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2:13-25 (Sept. 1961).
  • Okun an Richardson, 1961. B. Okun and R. W. Richardson, «Studies in Economic Developmentn (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1961) .
  • Pal, 1964. M. L. Pal, «Determinants of the Domestic Prices of mportsn, Pakistan Development Review, 5:597-622 (Winter 1964).
  • Perkins, 1964. D. Perkins, «Centralization and Decentralization in Mainland China's Agriculture (1949-1962) , Quarterly Journal of Economics, 78:208-37 (May 1964).
  • Power, 1963. J. H. Power, «Industrialization in Pakistan: A Case of Frustrated Take-Off? Pakistan Development Review, 4:191-207 (Summer 1963).
  • Prest, 1962. A. R. Prest, «Public Finance in Underdeveloped Count­ries (Landon: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962).
  • Radhu, 1965. G. Radhu, «The Relation of Indirect Tax Changes to Price Changes in Pakistan, Pakistan Development Review, 5:54-63 (Spring 1965).
  • Ranis and Fei, 1961. G. Ranis and J. C. H. Fei, «A Theory of Eco­nomic Development, American Economic Review, 51:533-65 (Sept. 1961).
  • Rolph, 1954. E. R. Rolph, «The Theory of Fiscal Economicsn (Berke­ley: Univ. of California Press, 1954).
  • Rosenstein-Rodan, 1964. P. N. Rosensteni-Rodan, ed., Pricing and Fiscal Policies: A Study in Method (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1964).
  • Rostow, 1960. W. W. Rostow, ccThe Stages of Econoınic Growth (Cambridge: Caınbridge Univ. Press, 1960).
  • Sahota, 1961. G. S. Sahota, <clndian Tax Structure and Economic Development (Boınbay:' Asia Publishing House, 1961).
  • Schlesinger, 1952. E. R. Schlesinger, ccMultiple Exchange Rates and Economic Development, Princeton Studies in International Finance (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1952).
  • Schuıtz, 1960. T. W. Schuıtz, <cValue of U.S. Farın Surpluses to Underdeveloped Countries, Journal of Farın Econoınics, 42: 1019- 3,0 (Dec. 1960).
  • Schultz, 1964. T. W. Schuıtz, ccTransforming Traditional Agriculturen (New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1964).
  • Symposium, 1958. A Symposium The Quest for a Stabilization Policy in Priınary Producing Countriesıı, Kyklos, 11: 139-265 (Fasc. 2, 1958).
  • Symposium II, 1959. Symposium II, Stabilization and Develop­ment of Primary Producing Countries, Kyklos, 12:269-401 (Fasc. 3, 1959).
  • UNTAA, 1954. United, Nations, Technical Assistance Administration on, Taxes and Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped Countriesıı (New York: United Nations, 1954).
  • Wai, 1963. U Tun Wai, Taxation Probleıns and· Policies of Un­derveloped Countries , Staff Papers, 9:428-48 (Nov. 1962).
  • Wald, 1959. H.P. Wald, ccTaxation of Agricultural Land in Under­developed Countries (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1959).
  • Wald and Frooınkin, 1954. H. P. Wald and J. N. Frooınkin, eds., ccPapers and Proceedings of the Conference on Agricultural Taxation and Econoınic Developınentıı (Cambridge: Harvard Law School International Program in Taxation, 1954).
  • Walker, 1955. D. Walker, «The Direct-Indirect Tax Problem: Fifteen Years of Controversy, Public Finance, 10:153-77 (Nov. 1955).
  • Walker, 1962. D. Walker, «Marketing Boards», paper presented at the International Congress on Economic Development, Vienna (1962).
  • Williamson, 1961. J. G. Williamson, «Public Expenditure and Re­venue: An International Comparison», The Manchester School, 29:43-56 (Jan. 1961).
  • Winston, 1965. G. C. Winston, «lncome and the Aggregate Alloca­tion of Effortıı, American Economic Review, 55 (Proceedings): 375-85 (May 1965).
  • Winston, 1966. G. C. Winston, «An International Comparison of Income and Hours of Workn, Review of Economics and Statistics, 48:28-39 (Feb. 1966).
Year 1976, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 240 - 285, 01.12.1976


  • Abdel--Rahman, 1965. A.ıan, «The Revenue Structure of the CFA Countries, Staff Papers, n-118 (March 1965).
  • Bauer, 1954. P. T. füiucr, West African Trade (Cambridge: Camb­ridge Univ. Press, 1954) _
  • Bauer and Paish, 1952. P. T. Bauer and F. W. Paish, «The Reduc­tion of Fluctuations in the Incomes of Primary Producers, Eco­nomic journal, 62:750-80 (Dec. 1952).
  • Baucr and Yamey, 1957. P.T. Bauer and B. S. Yamey, The Econo­mics of Underdeveloped Countries (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957).
  • Beckford, 1962. G. L. F. Beckford, «Secular Trends in the Growth of Major Tropical Export-Crop Industriesıı, Ph.D. diss., Stanford University (1962).
  • Beringer, 1963. C. Beringer, «Real Effects of Foreign Surplus Dis­posal in Underdeveloped Economies: Comment, Quarterly Jour­nal of Economics, 77.317-23 (May 1963).
  • Bernstein, 1950. E. M. Bernstein, Some Economic Aspects of Mul­tiple Exchange Rates, Staff Papers, 1:224-37 (Sept. 1950).
  • Bhagwati, 1962a. J. Bhagwati, lndian Balance of Payments Po­licies and Exchange Auctionn, Oxford Economic Papers, 14:51-68 (Feb. 1962).
  • Bhagwati, 1962b. J. Bhagwati, The Theory of Comparative Ad­vantage in the Context of Underdevelopment and Growth, Pa­kistan Development Review, 2:339-53 (Autuman 1962).
  • Bhagwati and Ramaswami, 1963. J. Bhagwati and V. K. Ramas­ wami, ıcDomestic Distortions, Tariffs, and the Theory of Opti­mum Subsidyn, Journal of Political Economy, 71:44-50 (Feb. 1963).
  • Bird and Oldman, 1964. R. Bird and O. Oldman, eds., Readings on Taxation in Developing Countrtes (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1964).
  • Bruton and Bose, 1963. H. J. Bruton and S. R. Bose, The Pakistan Export Bonus Scheme (Karachi: Institute of Development Eco­mics, 1963).
  • Chelliah, 1960. R. F. Chelliah, Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped (London: Georke Allen & Unwin, 1960).
  • Chenery, 1960. H. B. Chenery, «Patterns of Industrial Growth , American Economic Review, 50:624-54 (Sept. 1960).
  • Cherrery, 1961. H. B. Chenery, Comparative Advantage and Deve­lopment Policy), American Economic Review, 51:18-51 (March 1961).
  • Clark, 1951. C. Clark, The Conditions of Economics Progress (Lon­don: Macmillan, 1939).
  • Clark, 1957. R. Clark, <cThe Economic Determinants of Jute Pro­duction, Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Sta­tistics (FAO), 6 (9): 1-10 (Sept. 1957).
  • Due, 1963. Jonh F. Due, ccTaxation and Economic Development in Tropical Africaıı (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1963).
  • Eckaus, 1955. R. S. Eckaus, «The Factor Proportions Problem in Underdeveloped Areas, American Economic Review, 45:539-65 Sept. 1955) .
  • Falcon, 1962. W. P. Falcon, «Farmer Response to Price in an Under­developed Area: A Case Study of West Pakistam, Ph.D. diss., Harvard University (1962).
  • Falcon, 1963. W. P. Falcon, «Real Effects of Foreing Surplus Dis­posal in Underdeveloped Economics: Further Commentn, Quar­terly Journal of Economics, 77:323-26 (May 1963).
  • Falcon, 1964. W. P. Falcon, «Farmer Response to Price in a Subsis­tence Economy: The Case of West Pakistann, American Econo­mic Review, 54 (Proceedings): 580-91 (May 1964).
  • Fei and Ranis, 1964. J. C. H. Fei and G. Ranis, «Development of the Labor-Surplus Economyn (Homewood, HI.: Richard D. Irwin, 1964).
  • Ferrer, 1964. A. Ferrer, «Income Distribution», in W. Baer and I. Kerstenetzky', eds. Inflation and Growth in Latin America (Ho­mewood, III.: Richard"D. Irwin, 1964).
  • Fisher, 1963. F. M. Fisher, «A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Food Surplus Disposal on Agricultural Production in Recipient Countriesıı , Journal of Farın Economics, 45:863-75 (Nov. 1963).
  • Fishlow and David, 1961. A. Fishlow and P. A. David, «Optimal Resource Allocation in an Imperfect Market Settingıı, Journal of Political Economy, 69:5.29-46 (Dec. 1961).
  • Gandhi, 1966. V. P. Gandhi, Tax Burden on Indian Agriculture (Cambridge: Harvard Law School International Tax Program, 1966).
  • Georgescu-Roegen, 1960. N. Georgescu-Roegen, «Economic «Theory and Agrarian ·Economics», Oxford Economic Papers, 12:1-40 (Feb. 1960).
  • Ghulam Mohammad, 1963. Ghulam Mohammad, «Some Physical and Economic Determinants of Cotton Production in West Pa­kistam, Pakistan Development Review, 3:491-527 (Winter 1963).
  • Goode, 1952. R. Goode, «Reconstruction of Foreign Tax Systems», Procedings of the 44th Annual Conference on Taxation (Sacra­mento: National Tax Association, 1952).
  • Goode, 1960. R. Goode, «ew System of Direct Taxation in Ceylan», National Tax' Journal, 13:329-430 (Dec. 1960).
  • Goode, 1961, R. Goode, «Taxation of Savings and Consumption in Underdeveloped Countries», National Tax Journal, 14:305-22 (Dec. 1961).
  • Gradin, 1958. V. Gradin, «Effects of Multiple Exchange Rates», Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 81: 176-219 (Heft 2, 1958).
  • Haberler, 1950. G. Haberler, «Swne Problems in the Pure Theory of International Trade», Economic Journal, 60:223-40 (June 1950).
  • Hagen, 1958. E. E. Hagen, «An Economic Justification of Protec­tionsm», Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72:469-514 (Nov. 1958).
  • Haq, 1963. M. Haq, «The Strategy of Economic Planning» (Karachi: Oxford Univ. Press, 1963).
  • Heller, 1954. W. W. Heller, «Fiı;cal Folicies far Underdeveloped Economies», in Wald an Froomkin, 1954. Hicks, 1961. Ursula K. Hicks, «Development from Below)) '(London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1961).
  • Hirschman, 1963. A. O. Hirschman, «Journeys Toward Progress (New ,York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1963).
  • Hussain, 1964. S. M. Hussain, «A Note on Farmer Response to Price in East Pakistanıı, Pakistan Development Review, 4:94-106 (Spring 1964).
  • IBRD, 1950. International Bank far Reconstruction and Develop­ment, «The Basis of a Development Program far Colombian (Bal­timore: Johns, Hopkins, 1950). Parts reprinted in (Bird and Old­man, 1964, 413-5).
  • Johnson, 1964a. H.G. Johnson, «Fiscal Policy and the Balance of Payments in a Growing Economy)), Malayan Economic Review, 9:1-13 (April 1964).
  • Johnson, 1964b. H. G. Johnson, «Tariffs and Economic Develop­ment: Some Theoretical Issues , Journal of Developmental Stu­dies, 1:1-30 (Oct. 1964).
  • Johnson, 1965. H. G. Johnson, «The Theory of Tariff Structure with Special Reference to World Trade and Developmentıı, Etudes et Travaux de l'Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales de Geneve, 4:9-29 (1965).
  • Johnson, 1951. B. F. Johnson, «Agricultural Productivity and Eco­nomic Development in Japan»,Journal of Political Economy, 59:498-513 (Dec. 1951).
  • Johnton, 1962. B. F. Johnston, «Agricultural Development and Economic Transformation: A Comparative Study of the Japa­nese Experienceıı , Food Research Institute Studies, 3: 223-76 Nov. 1962).
  • Johnston and Mellor, 1961. B.F. Johnston and J. W. Mellor, «The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development», American Eco­nomic Review, 51:566-93 (Sept. 1961).
  • Johnston and Nielsen, 1966. B. F. Johnston and S. T. Nielsen, «Agricultural and Structural Transformation in a Developing Economyıı , Economic Development and Cultural Ckange, 14;279- 301 (April 1966).
  • Kaldor, 1955. N. Kaldor, «An Expenditure Taxıı (Landon: George Allen & Unwin, 1955).
  • Kaldor, 1956. N. Kaldor, «Indian Tax Reform: Report of a Surveys (New Delhi: Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, 1956).
  • Kaldor, 1960. N. Kaldor, «Suggestions far a Comprehensive Reform of Direct Taxation , Sessional Paper IV, 1960 (Colombo, Ceylan: Government Publications Bureau, 1960).
  • Kaldor, 1962a. N. Kaldor, «The Role of Taxation in Economic De­velopment>ı , pape represented at the International Congress on Economic Development, Vienna (1962).
  • Kaldor, 1962b. N. Kaldor, «in the Context of an Underdeveloped Country, What are the Most Appropriate Taxes that can be Relied upon far Maximum Revenue?ıı Nyasaland Economic Symposium (1962).
  • Khan, A. R. 1963. A. R. Khan, «Import Substitution, Export Ex­pansion and Consumption Liberalizationn, Pakistan Develop­ment Review, 3:208-31 (Summer 1963).
  • Khan, N. A., 1963. N. A. Khan, «Resource Mobilization from Agri­culture and Economic Development in Indian, Economic Devel­opment and Cultural Change, 12:42-54 (Oct. 1963).
  • Krishna, 1963 R. Krishna, «Farın Supply Response in India-Pa­kistan: A Case Study of the Punjab Regionn, Economic Journal, 73:477-78 (Sept. 1963).
  • Krueger, 1962. A. O. Krueger, «Interrelationships Between Industry and Agriculture in a Dual Economy, Indian Economic Journal, 10:1-13 (July 1962).
  • Kuznets, 1959. S. Kuznets, «Six Lectures on Economic Growth (Glencoe, III., Free Press of Glencoe, 1959).
  • Lerner, 1936. A. P. Lerner, «The Symmetry Between Import and Export Taxes,n Economica, 3:306-13 (Aug. 1936).
  • Levin, 1960. J. V. Levin, «The Export Economiesn (Cambridge: Har­vard Univ. Press, 1960).
  • Lewis, 1963a. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Government Revenue from Foreign Trade: An International Comparison, The Manchester School, 31:39-46 (Jan. 1963).
  • Lewis, 1963b. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Taxation and Growth in the Dual Economy: An Evaluation of Tax Devices in Underdeveloped Countries, Ph.D. diss., Stanford University (1963).
  • Lewis, 1963c. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Some Problems in the Analysis of the Dual Economy, Pakistan Development Review, 3:527-46 Winter 1963).
  • Lewis, 1964. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Aspetcs of Fiscal Policy and Resource Mobilization in Pakistan, Pakistan Development Review, 4:261- 82 (Summer 1964).
  • Lewis, 1965. S. R. Lewis, Jr., «Domestic Resources and Fiscal Policy in Pakistan's Second an Third Plansn, Pakistan Develop­ment Review, 5:461-95 (Autuman 1965).
  • Lewis, 1966. S. R. Lewis, Jr, Ch. 6 of «Economic Policy and Indust­rial Growth in Pakistan)) (Williamstown, Mass.: Center for Devel­opment Economics, Williams Colege, 1966).
  • Lewis, 1948. W. A. Lewis, «The Principles of Economic Planningıı (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1948).
  • Lewis, 1954. W. A. Lewis, «Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour, The Manchester School, 22:39-91 (May 1954).
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There are 104 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Çeviri

Stephen R. Lewıs, Jr. This is me


Burhan Erdem This is me

Publication Date December 1, 1976
Published in Issue Year 1976 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Lewıs, Jr., S. R. (1976). GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME (B. Erdem, Trans.). Eskişehir İktisadi Ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi, 12(2), 240-285.
AMA Lewıs, Jr. SR. GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME. Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi. December 1976;12(2):240-285.
Chicago Lewıs, Jr., Stephen R. “GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME”. Translated by Burhan Erdem. Eskişehir İktisadi Ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi 12, no. 2 (December 1976): 240-85.
EndNote Lewıs, Jr. SR (December 1, 1976) GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME. Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi 12 2 240–285.
IEEE S. R. Lewıs, Jr., “GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME”, Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 240–285, 1976.
ISNAD Lewıs, Jr., Stephen R. “GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME”. Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi. Burhan ErdemTrans 12/2 (December 1976), 240-285.
JAMA Lewıs, Jr. SR. GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME. Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi. 1976;12:240–285.
MLA Lewıs, Jr., Stephen R. “GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME”. Eskişehir İktisadi Ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi, translated by Burhan Erdem, vol. 12, no. 2, 1976, pp. 240-85.
Vancouver Lewıs, Jr. SR. GELİŞMEKTE OLAN BİR EKONOMİDE TARIMSAL VERGİLEME. Eskişehir İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi Dergisi. 1976;12(2):240-85.