Due to natural structure, production systems, and farmer behaviors, agriculture is one of the most dangerous sectors. This research has aimed at determining the safety behaviors of farmers in the production process. The research data was collected from 282 farmers in 18 villages of six counties in Izmir and Manisa Provinces via the questionnaire form in 2016. The farmers are averagely 54 years old, 6.8 yearly educated and cultivating 10.3-hectare lands. The farmers have limited knowledge about farm safety applications and the subject has low priority in the region. The common health problems exposed by the farmers are back and muscle pains, and sunstrokes during the production activities. While 10% of the farmers had tractor accidents and poisoning cases, 6.4% of farmers have encountered with injury or disability during agricultural activities. The safety objectives must take place in the extension programs for the adoption of farm safety practices in agriculture. The experts on safety must be employed in extension services for preparing and conducting the programs. The demonstrative farms can be set up in the rural areas for introducing the correct applications to the farmers. At the local level, crop/livestock-oriented courses on farm safety principles can behold and the adopter farms can be declared as “safety” by giving a certificate. It is thought that the adoption of safety practices in agriculture will lead to an increase in awareness in rural areas and will have a positive impact on product quality, consumer health, and environment-friendly sensitivity as well as farmer health in the production process
Alavanja MCR, Sandler DP, Lynch CF, Knott C, Lubin JH, TaroneR, Thomas K, Dosemeci M, Barker J, Hoppin JA, Blair A. 2005. Cancer incidence in the agricultural health study. Scand Journal Work Environment & Health. 31 (suppl 1), 39–45.
Baydaş, F., Altuntaş, E., 2017. Türkiye’deki bazı yörelere ait traktör ve tarım makinaları kullanımından kaynaklanan iş kazalarına ait sonuçların değerlendirilmesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, Cilt:6, Sayı:1, S:33-45.
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Blair, A., Zahm, S. H. 1995. Agricultural exposures and cancer. Environmental Health Perspectives,103(suppl 8), 205-208.
Bondori, A., Bagheri, A., Damalas, C. A., Allahyari, M. S. 2018. Use of personal protective equipment towards pesticide exposure: Farmers' attitudes and determinants of behavior. Science of the Total Environment, 639, 1156-1163.
Caffaro, F., Schmidt, S., Murphy, D. J., Cavallo, E. 2018. Comprehension rates of safety pictorials affixed to agricultural machinery among Pennsylvania rural population. Safety Science, 103, 162-171.
Day, L.M., Cassell, E, Li L., McGrat,h A., 1999. Preventing Farm Injuries Overcoming the Barriers, Monash University Publication No: 99/126 Project No. UMO 15A, p 87.
Griffin, P. J. 2013. Safety and Health in Agriculture. Farming -a hazardous occupation how to improve health & safety. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201303/20130321ATT63633/20130321ATT63633EN.pdf, Accessed: 21.05.2019.
ILO, 2015. Agriculture: A Hazardous Work, https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/areasofwork/hazardous-work/WCMS_356550/lang--en/index.htm, Accessed:16.05.2019.
ILO, 2011. Safety and Health in Agriculture. ILO code of practice, Geneva.
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Jawa, R.S., Young, D.H., Stothert, J.C., Yetter, D., Dumond, R., Shostrom, V.K., Cemaj, R., Rautiainen, R.H., Mercer, D.W., 2013. Farm machinery injuries: the 15-year experience at an urban joint trauma center system in a rural state. J. Agromed. 18 (2), 98–106.
Kearney, G. D., Xu, X., Balanay, J. A. G., Allen, D. L., Rafferty, A. P. (2015). Assessment of personal protective equipment use among farmers in Eastern North Carolina: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Agromedicine, 20(1), 43-54.
Malhotra, N.K., 2010, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation Global Edition, Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey.
Miran, B., 2003. Temel İstatistik, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Izmir.
Newbold, P., 1995. Statistics for Business and Economics, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall International.
Pallant, J., 2010, SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International.
Sharifzadeh, M. S., Damalas, C. A., Abdollahzadeh, G. 2017. Perceived usefulness of personal protective equipment in pesticide use predicts farmers' willingness to use it. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 517-523.
Taştekin, H., Tülü, M., Atasoy, E., Özkan, M., 2012. Türkiye’de tarım sektörü için Avrupa Birliği tarım rehberi örneği, 1. Tarım Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sempozyumu, 6-7 Nisan 2012 Şanlıurfa.
TUIK, 2015, İşgücü ve Tarım İstatistikleri, http://www.tuik.gov.tr, Accessed: 16.9.2016.
Yıldırım, C., Altuntaş, E., 2015. Tokat ilinde traktör ve tarım makinaları kullanımından kaynaklanan iş kazalarının iş güvenliği açısından değerlendirilmesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32 (1),77-90.
Yuantari, M. G., Van Gestel, C. A., Van Straalen, N. M., Widianarko, B., Sunoko, H. R., Shobib, M. N. 2015. Knowledge, attitude,and practice of Indonesian farmers regarding the use of personal protective equipment against pesticide exposure. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(3), 142.
Alavanja MCR, Sandler DP, Lynch CF, Knott C, Lubin JH, TaroneR, Thomas K, Dosemeci M, Barker J, Hoppin JA, Blair A. 2005. Cancer incidence in the agricultural health study. Scand Journal Work Environment & Health. 31 (suppl 1), 39–45.
Baydaş, F., Altuntaş, E., 2017. Türkiye’deki bazı yörelere ait traktör ve tarım makinaları kullanımından kaynaklanan iş kazalarına ait sonuçların değerlendirilmesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi, Cilt:6, Sayı:1, S:33-45.
Berk, M., 2012. Tarımda iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, 1. Tarım Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sempozyumu, 6-7 Nisan 2012 Şanlıurfa.
Blair, A., Zahm, S. H. 1995. Agricultural exposures and cancer. Environmental Health Perspectives,103(suppl 8), 205-208.
Bondori, A., Bagheri, A., Damalas, C. A., Allahyari, M. S. 2018. Use of personal protective equipment towards pesticide exposure: Farmers' attitudes and determinants of behavior. Science of the Total Environment, 639, 1156-1163.
Caffaro, F., Schmidt, S., Murphy, D. J., Cavallo, E. 2018. Comprehension rates of safety pictorials affixed to agricultural machinery among Pennsylvania rural population. Safety Science, 103, 162-171.
Day, L.M., Cassell, E, Li L., McGrat,h A., 1999. Preventing Farm Injuries Overcoming the Barriers, Monash University Publication No: 99/126 Project No. UMO 15A, p 87.
Griffin, P. J. 2013. Safety and Health in Agriculture. Farming -a hazardous occupation how to improve health & safety. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201303/20130321ATT63633/20130321ATT63633EN.pdf, Accessed: 21.05.2019.
ILO, 2015. Agriculture: A Hazardous Work, https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/areasofwork/hazardous-work/WCMS_356550/lang--en/index.htm, Accessed:16.05.2019.
ILO, 2011. Safety and Health in Agriculture. ILO code of practice, Geneva.
ILO, 2010. Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Agriculture, Meeting of Experts to Adopt a Code of Practice on Safety and Health in Agriculture, Geneva.
Jawa, R.S., Young, D.H., Stothert, J.C., Yetter, D., Dumond, R., Shostrom, V.K., Cemaj, R., Rautiainen, R.H., Mercer, D.W., 2013. Farm machinery injuries: the 15-year experience at an urban joint trauma center system in a rural state. J. Agromed. 18 (2), 98–106.
Kearney, G. D., Xu, X., Balanay, J. A. G., Allen, D. L., Rafferty, A. P. (2015). Assessment of personal protective equipment use among farmers in Eastern North Carolina: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Agromedicine, 20(1), 43-54.
Malhotra, N.K., 2010, Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation Global Edition, Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey.
Miran, B., 2003. Temel İstatistik, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Izmir.
Newbold, P., 1995. Statistics for Business and Economics, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall International.
Pallant, J., 2010, SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill International.
Sharifzadeh, M. S., Damalas, C. A., Abdollahzadeh, G. 2017. Perceived usefulness of personal protective equipment in pesticide use predicts farmers' willingness to use it. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 517-523.
Taştekin, H., Tülü, M., Atasoy, E., Özkan, M., 2012. Türkiye’de tarım sektörü için Avrupa Birliği tarım rehberi örneği, 1. Tarım Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Sempozyumu, 6-7 Nisan 2012 Şanlıurfa.
TUIK, 2015, İşgücü ve Tarım İstatistikleri, http://www.tuik.gov.tr, Accessed: 16.9.2016.
Yıldırım, C., Altuntaş, E., 2015. Tokat ilinde traktör ve tarım makinaları kullanımından kaynaklanan iş kazalarının iş güvenliği açısından değerlendirilmesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32 (1),77-90.
Yuantari, M. G., Van Gestel, C. A., Van Straalen, N. M., Widianarko, B., Sunoko, H. R., Shobib, M. N. 2015. Knowledge, attitude,and practice of Indonesian farmers regarding the use of personal protective equipment against pesticide exposure. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(3), 142.
Boyacı, M., & Yıldız, Ö. (2021). Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE), 1(1), 27-40.
Boyacı M, Yıldız Ö. Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE). Nisan 2021;1(1):27-40.
Boyacı, Murat, ve Özlem Yıldız. “Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey”. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE) 1, sy. 1 (Nisan 2021): 27-40.
Boyacı M, Yıldız Ö (01 Nisan 2021) Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE) 1 1 27–40.
M. Boyacı ve Ö. Yıldız, “Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey”, Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE), c. 1, sy. 1, ss. 27–40, 2021.
Boyacı, Murat - Yıldız, Özlem. “Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey”. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE) 1/1 (Nisan 2021), 27-40.
Boyacı M, Yıldız Ö. Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE). 2021;1:27–40.
Boyacı, Murat ve Özlem Yıldız. “Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey”. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE), c. 1, sy. 1, 2021, ss. 27-40.
Boyacı M, Yıldız Ö. Farm Safety Behaviors of Farmers in Izmir and Manisa Provinces in Turkey. Eurasian Journal Of Agricultural Economics (EJAE). 2021;1(1):27-40.