Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 30.06.2023



  • Abboaba K. 2020. Economic Efficiency of Rice Farming: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development. 4(58) 2020, 423–435
  • Abdul M., Tashikalma A. K., Maurice D. C. & Shittu F. M. 2017. Analysis of Cost Efficiency of Rainfed Maize Production in Yola North and Yola South Local Government Areas of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 (5): 67-73
  • Adeoye A.S., Jatto K.A., Abegunrin O.O., Eniola O. & Oke O.O. 2020. Economic Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ibarapa Central Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment Volume 7(2): 35-44.
  • Agriculture 2020. Watermelon Farming Business Ideas & Cultural Process in India.
  • Aigner, D.J., Lovell, K.C.A. & Schmidt, P. 1977. Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Models. Journal of Econometrics, 6(---): pp 21-37.
  • Alabi O. O., Oladele A. O. & Usman M. B. 2021. Determinants of agricultural Loan Decision Making Process for rice (Oryza sativa) farmers in Abuja, Nigeria. Applications of Heckman two-stage model and Factor Analysis Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development.,1(59),29–38.
  • Alabi O.O., Oladele A.Y. & Oladele N.O. 2020. Economic Market Decisions Among Marginal Maize Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of Double Hurdle Model and Factor Analysis Russian Journal of Agriculture and Social sciences, 8(104),114-125
  • Anonymous 2011. Production guidelines: Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Department of Agricultre, Forestry and Fisheries, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
  • Anonymous 2019. FAO statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
  • Anyiro C.O., Emerole C.O., Osondu C.K., Udah S.C & Ugorji S. E. 2012. Labour-use Efficiency by Smallholder Yam Farmers in Abia State Nigeria: A Labour-use Requirement Frontier Approach International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 1 (1) pp. 151-163
  • Ayodele O.J. &. Shittu O.S. 2013. Cost-benefit analysis ofmelon (egusi) seed and seed- oil yieldresponses to phosphorus fertilizer application. Int. Res. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. (3):152–155.
  • Bahari M., Rafii Y. M., Saleh G.B. & Latif M.A. 2012. Combining ability analysis incomplete diallel cross of Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. and Nakai]. Sci. World J. 20(12):1–6. doi: 10.1100/2012/543158.
  • Battese G.E. & Corra G.S. 1977. Estimation of Production Frontier Model: With Application to the Pastoral Zone of Eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 21(---): pp 169-179
  • Ben-Chendo, G, N., Lawal, N., Osuji,M.N., Osugiri, I.I.,& Ibeagwa, B.O 2015. Cost and Returns of Paddy Rice Production in Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural-Marketing 2 (5): 084 – 089
  • Bitrus A., Yakubu H., Patrick T. & Stephen S. F. 2020. Economics of Rice Production among Beneficiaries of Anchor Borrowers Programme in Gerie Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 39(1): 82-95,
  • Boualem A., Lemhemdi A., Sari M.A., Pignoly S., Troadec C., Choucha F.A., Solmaz I., Sari N., Dogimont C. & Bendahmane A. 2016. The andromonoecious sex determination gene predates the separation of Cucumis and Citrullus genera. PLoS One 11(5):1–13. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155444.
  • Coelli T.J. & Battese G.E. 2005. An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
  • Dawang N.C & Yusuf O. 2011. Determination of Economic Efficiency: A Case from Plateau State Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(4): 467-475
  • De Lannoy N. C. 2001. Crop Production in Tropical Africa, Romain, H. R (Ed)., Published by Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIC), Brussels, Belgium, pp.236-238.
  • Ebukiba E. S., Anthony L. & Adamu S. M. 2020. Economics and Technical Efficiency of Maize Production Among Small Scale Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Stochastic Frontier Model Approach. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(6): 145-146
  • Ebukiba E.S., Akpeji G. & Anthony L. 2022. Technical Efficiency Analysis of Melon (Coloncynthis citrullus l) Production Among Smallscale Farmers in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Int J Agric For Life Sci 6(1):18- 23.
  • Edwards A.J., Vinyard B.T., Wiley E.R., Brown E.D., Collins J.K., Perkin-Veazie P. R., Baker A. &. Clevidence B.A. 2003. Consumption of watermelon juice increases plasma concentrations of lycopene and β-carotene in humans. Hum. Nutr. Metab. 133:1043–1050.
  • Effiong E.O. 2005. Efficiency of Production in Selected Livestock Enterprises in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Unpublished PhD Dissertification. Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • Ejaro S. & Abubakar A. 2013. Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Sustainability Development of Nyanya, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Social Science and Management, (3): 31-44 Farrell M.J. 1957. The Measurement of Productive Efficiency. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 120: pp 253-290.
  • Food and Agricultural Organization .2019. Ranking of Countries that Produce Most Watermelon
  • Gbotto A.A., Koffi K.K., Bi N.D.F, Bi S.T.D., Tro H.H., Baudoin J.P. & Bi I.A.Z. 2016. Morphological diversity in oleaginous watermelon (Citrullus mucosospermus) from the Nangui Abrogoua University Germplasm Collection. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15(21):917–929
  • Girei A.A., Dire B., Iliya M.M. & Salihu M. 2013. Stochastic Frontier Production Function on the Resource Use Efficiency of Fadama II Crop Farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria. European Journal of Agricultural and Forestry Research 1 (2):1-15.
  • Goda M. 2007. Resources of watermelon Matsum and Nakai, in Sudan. Swedish Biodiversity Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16672.43520.
  • Hoque M. N., Saha S. M., Imranc S., Hannand A., Seene M. M. H., Thamide S. S. &Tuz-zohrae F. 2022. Farmers’ Agrochemicals Usage and Willingness to Adopt Organic Inputs: Watermelon farming in Bangladesh. Environmental Challenges. 100451.1-7 (
  • Ibrahim U. W., Umar A. S. S. & Ahmed B. 2014. Technical Efficiency and its Determinants in Water Melon Production in Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 5(27):1-10 Jensen B.D. 2012. African Watermelons and their Uses. Proceedings Xth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Antalya, Turkey, 15–19 Oct. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-11-0999-PDN.
  • Kumbhakar S.C. & Lovell C.K. 2000. Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Lakdan S. & Stanzen L. 2017. Economic Analysis of Watermelon Based on Production System in Trans-Himalaya Region of Ladakh. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(6): 2602-2604
  • Lum T., Connolly M., Marx A., Beidler J., Hooshmand S., Kern M., Liu C. & HongM.Y. 2019. Effects of Fresh Watermelon Consumption on the Acute Satiety Response and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Adults. Nutrients. 11(3):595.
  • Maoto M. M., Beswa D. & Jideani A. I. O. 2019. Watermelon as a Potential Fruit Snack, International Journal of Food Properties, 22(1): 355-370
  • Makuya V., Ndyetabula D., Mpenda Z. 2018. Cost Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Tanzania. International Conference of Agricultural Economics 28 july-2August 2018 Vancouver
  • Meeusen W. & Van den Broeck J. 1977 Efficiency Estimation from Cobb- Douglas Production Functions with Composed Error. International Economic Review, 18 (---): 435-444.
  • National Bureau of Statistics 2017. Nigeria Agricultural Production Mellon.
  • Ndanitsa M. A., Sallawu H., Bako R. U., Oseghale A., Jibrin S., Mohammed D. & Ndako N. 2021. Economic Analysis and Technical Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Niger State of Nigeria. Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development (JASD) 4 (4); 2651-6365.
  • Ndubueze-Ogarak M. E., Adeyoola O. A. & Nwigwe C.A., 2021. Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Small-Holders Yam Farmers in Nigeria Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Acta Oeconomica et Informatica 6 (1): 13-20
  • Nwaru J.C. 2003. Gender and Relative Production Efficiency in Food Crop Farming in Abia State of Nigeria. The Nigerian Agricultural Journal, 2(3). 34-40
  • Obike K.C., Idu M.A. & Aigbokie S.O. 2016. Labour Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency Amongst Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, 15 (3):7 -12
  • Okeke G.C., Ugama G.N., Apollos D.S. & Adejoh E.U. 2020. Economic Analysis of Watermelon-Based Production Systems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Sule Lamido University. Journal of Science and Technology (SLUJST) 1(2): pp.52-60
  • Okoye B.C., Onyenweaku C.E. & Agwu A.E. 2008. Technical Efficiency of Small Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Extension. Policy. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 12(1): 107-116.
  • Oladele C. A. 2015. Income and Factor Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ekiti State, Nigeria, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(2) 67-72
  • Olukosi J.O. & Erhabor P.O 2015. Introduction to Farm Management Economics: Principles and Applications. Agitab Publishers Limited, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria pp77-83.
  • Otunaiya A. O. & Adedeji I. A. 2014. Technical efficiency of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) production in Ogun State, Nigeria, International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research. 10 (1&2): 44-53
  • Idisi P.O., Ebukiba, E.S. & Anthony L. 2019. Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Yam (Dioscorea spp) Production in Kuje Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 24 ( 4): 1-4
  • Parmar H.C., Mor V. B. & Lad M. D. 2017. Economics of Watermelon Cultivation in Orsang River Bed of Chhotauepur District of Middle Gujarat, Trends inBiosciences, 10(11) 2038-3041
  • Sani R.M., Sani H.M., Maule U.M. & Abdulahi U.M. 2016 Analysis of Fadama III Project's Impact on Productivity of Watermelon Production in Misau Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria Nigerian. Agricultural Policy Research Journal, 1(1): 91-101
  • Shrefler J., Brandenberger L., Rebek E., Damicone J. & Taylor M. 2017. Watermelon Production Oklahoma State University Extension, Oklahoma accessed 3rd Dec, 2022)
  • Simonyan J.B. & Obiakor C.T. 2012. Analysis of Household Labour Use in Yam Production in Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria Publication of Nasarawa State University, 8 (1): 1-16
  • Simonyan J.B., Umoren B.D. & Okoye B.C. 2011.. Gender Differentials in Technical Efficiency Among Maize Farmers in Essien Udim Local Government Area of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 1(2):17-23
  • Toluwase S.O.W. & Owoeye R.S. 2017. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Russian Journal of Agriculture Social Sciences, 6(66),307-313
  • Ume S.I., Kaine A.I.N. & Ochiaka C.D. 2020. Resource Use Efficiency of Yam Production among Smallholder Farmers and Effect to the Environment in the Tropics. Sustainable Food Production 7(2), 1-16
  • Yusuf H.O., Omokore D.F., Olawoye R., Yusuf H.A. & Shuaibu H. 2022. Analysis of Production Efficiency Among Small-scale Soybean Farmers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Management and Development, 7(5),195-203

Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 20, 30.06.2023


This study evaluated analysis of profitability, technical efficiency and allocative efficiency of watermelon production in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used. Data were collected through the use of well-structured questionnaire administered to 120 sampled Watermelon farmers in the study area, one questionnaire was not retrieved therefore the analysis was don based on the 119 retrieved questionnaire from the sampled respondents. The following tools of analysis were used to achieve the stated specific objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics, gross margin analysis stochastic production frontier function and stochastic cost frontier function. The results of the socioeconomic characteristics revealed that majority (95%) of sampled respondents were male while only 5% of the sampled respondents were female. The gross margin obtained was N97,652.12 with an operating ratio and rate of return on investment of 0.67 and 2.29 respectively. The significant factors influencing total output of watermelon were Seed (P<0.05), fertilizer NPK (P<0.1), fertilizer urea P<0.1) and Chemical (P<0.01). The technical inefficiency component shows that the factors influencing technical inefficiency are Sex (P<0.01), Marital Status (P<0.01), Educational Level (P<0.01), Occupation and Household Size (P<0.01). The mean estimated value of the allocative efficiency for the farmers was (0.46870 or 47%). The allocative inefficiency model revealed that the factors influencing allocative inefficiency includes age of the farmers (P<0.01), sex (P<0.01), educational level (P<0.05) and the household size (P<0.1). The watermelon farmers encountered the following constraints in the cause of production inadequate capital, lack of land availability, unavailability of improved seed, Government policy on land use, high costs of farm inputs and affordability, poor information network and bad roads. Therefore, the study recommends that female farmers should be encouraged to participate in watermelon production, however, government and non-governmental organizations should create more avenue for women and youth to have access to credit to enable them have a means of livelihood and financial freedom. Extension officers should be made available to train farmers and to expose farmers to the importance of watermelon farming which will help them have more access to production inputs like improved seeds, fertilizers, chemical and credit facilities. Farmers should be encouraged to increase the size of their production in order to increase total output to minimize cost and improve efficiency, improved seed, capital, chemical and fertilizer should be provided to farmers at subsidized rate. Farmers should be encouraged to form and join cooperatives organizations to enable them have access to good market price.


  • Abboaba K. 2020. Economic Efficiency of Rice Farming: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development. 4(58) 2020, 423–435
  • Abdul M., Tashikalma A. K., Maurice D. C. & Shittu F. M. 2017. Analysis of Cost Efficiency of Rainfed Maize Production in Yola North and Yola South Local Government Areas of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences 16 (5): 67-73
  • Adeoye A.S., Jatto K.A., Abegunrin O.O., Eniola O. & Oke O.O. 2020. Economic Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ibarapa Central Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment Volume 7(2): 35-44.
  • Agriculture 2020. Watermelon Farming Business Ideas & Cultural Process in India.
  • Aigner, D.J., Lovell, K.C.A. & Schmidt, P. 1977. Formulation and Estimation of Stochastic Models. Journal of Econometrics, 6(---): pp 21-37.
  • Alabi O. O., Oladele A. O. & Usman M. B. 2021. Determinants of agricultural Loan Decision Making Process for rice (Oryza sativa) farmers in Abuja, Nigeria. Applications of Heckman two-stage model and Factor Analysis Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development.,1(59),29–38.
  • Alabi O.O., Oladele A.Y. & Oladele N.O. 2020. Economic Market Decisions Among Marginal Maize Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of Double Hurdle Model and Factor Analysis Russian Journal of Agriculture and Social sciences, 8(104),114-125
  • Anonymous 2011. Production guidelines: Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Department of Agricultre, Forestry and Fisheries, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
  • Anonymous 2019. FAO statistics. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
  • Anyiro C.O., Emerole C.O., Osondu C.K., Udah S.C & Ugorji S. E. 2012. Labour-use Efficiency by Smallholder Yam Farmers in Abia State Nigeria: A Labour-use Requirement Frontier Approach International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics 1 (1) pp. 151-163
  • Ayodele O.J. &. Shittu O.S. 2013. Cost-benefit analysis ofmelon (egusi) seed and seed- oil yieldresponses to phosphorus fertilizer application. Int. Res. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. (3):152–155.
  • Bahari M., Rafii Y. M., Saleh G.B. & Latif M.A. 2012. Combining ability analysis incomplete diallel cross of Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. and Nakai]. Sci. World J. 20(12):1–6. doi: 10.1100/2012/543158.
  • Battese G.E. & Corra G.S. 1977. Estimation of Production Frontier Model: With Application to the Pastoral Zone of Eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 21(---): pp 169-179
  • Ben-Chendo, G, N., Lawal, N., Osuji,M.N., Osugiri, I.I.,& Ibeagwa, B.O 2015. Cost and Returns of Paddy Rice Production in Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural-Marketing 2 (5): 084 – 089
  • Bitrus A., Yakubu H., Patrick T. & Stephen S. F. 2020. Economics of Rice Production among Beneficiaries of Anchor Borrowers Programme in Gerie Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 39(1): 82-95,
  • Boualem A., Lemhemdi A., Sari M.A., Pignoly S., Troadec C., Choucha F.A., Solmaz I., Sari N., Dogimont C. & Bendahmane A. 2016. The andromonoecious sex determination gene predates the separation of Cucumis and Citrullus genera. PLoS One 11(5):1–13. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155444.
  • Coelli T.J. & Battese G.E. 2005. An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
  • Dawang N.C & Yusuf O. 2011. Determination of Economic Efficiency: A Case from Plateau State Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(4): 467-475
  • De Lannoy N. C. 2001. Crop Production in Tropical Africa, Romain, H. R (Ed)., Published by Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIC), Brussels, Belgium, pp.236-238.
  • Ebukiba E. S., Anthony L. & Adamu S. M. 2020. Economics and Technical Efficiency of Maize Production Among Small Scale Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Stochastic Frontier Model Approach. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 2(6): 145-146
  • Ebukiba E.S., Akpeji G. & Anthony L. 2022. Technical Efficiency Analysis of Melon (Coloncynthis citrullus l) Production Among Smallscale Farmers in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Int J Agric For Life Sci 6(1):18- 23.
  • Edwards A.J., Vinyard B.T., Wiley E.R., Brown E.D., Collins J.K., Perkin-Veazie P. R., Baker A. &. Clevidence B.A. 2003. Consumption of watermelon juice increases plasma concentrations of lycopene and β-carotene in humans. Hum. Nutr. Metab. 133:1043–1050.
  • Effiong E.O. 2005. Efficiency of Production in Selected Livestock Enterprises in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. Unpublished PhD Dissertification. Department of Agricultural Economics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • Ejaro S. & Abubakar A. 2013. Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Sustainability Development of Nyanya, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Social Science and Management, (3): 31-44 Farrell M.J. 1957. The Measurement of Productive Efficiency. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 120: pp 253-290.
  • Food and Agricultural Organization .2019. Ranking of Countries that Produce Most Watermelon
  • Gbotto A.A., Koffi K.K., Bi N.D.F, Bi S.T.D., Tro H.H., Baudoin J.P. & Bi I.A.Z. 2016. Morphological diversity in oleaginous watermelon (Citrullus mucosospermus) from the Nangui Abrogoua University Germplasm Collection. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15(21):917–929
  • Girei A.A., Dire B., Iliya M.M. & Salihu M. 2013. Stochastic Frontier Production Function on the Resource Use Efficiency of Fadama II Crop Farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria. European Journal of Agricultural and Forestry Research 1 (2):1-15.
  • Goda M. 2007. Resources of watermelon Matsum and Nakai, in Sudan. Swedish Biodiversity Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16672.43520.
  • Hoque M. N., Saha S. M., Imranc S., Hannand A., Seene M. M. H., Thamide S. S. &Tuz-zohrae F. 2022. Farmers’ Agrochemicals Usage and Willingness to Adopt Organic Inputs: Watermelon farming in Bangladesh. Environmental Challenges. 100451.1-7 (
  • Ibrahim U. W., Umar A. S. S. & Ahmed B. 2014. Technical Efficiency and its Determinants in Water Melon Production in Borno State, Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 5(27):1-10 Jensen B.D. 2012. African Watermelons and their Uses. Proceedings Xth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Antalya, Turkey, 15–19 Oct. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-11-11-0999-PDN.
  • Kumbhakar S.C. & Lovell C.K. 2000. Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Lakdan S. & Stanzen L. 2017. Economic Analysis of Watermelon Based on Production System in Trans-Himalaya Region of Ladakh. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(6): 2602-2604
  • Lum T., Connolly M., Marx A., Beidler J., Hooshmand S., Kern M., Liu C. & HongM.Y. 2019. Effects of Fresh Watermelon Consumption on the Acute Satiety Response and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight and Obese Adults. Nutrients. 11(3):595.
  • Maoto M. M., Beswa D. & Jideani A. I. O. 2019. Watermelon as a Potential Fruit Snack, International Journal of Food Properties, 22(1): 355-370
  • Makuya V., Ndyetabula D., Mpenda Z. 2018. Cost Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Tanzania. International Conference of Agricultural Economics 28 july-2August 2018 Vancouver
  • Meeusen W. & Van den Broeck J. 1977 Efficiency Estimation from Cobb- Douglas Production Functions with Composed Error. International Economic Review, 18 (---): 435-444.
  • National Bureau of Statistics 2017. Nigeria Agricultural Production Mellon.
  • Ndanitsa M. A., Sallawu H., Bako R. U., Oseghale A., Jibrin S., Mohammed D. & Ndako N. 2021. Economic Analysis and Technical Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Niger State of Nigeria. Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development (JASD) 4 (4); 2651-6365.
  • Ndubueze-Ogarak M. E., Adeyoola O. A. & Nwigwe C.A., 2021. Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Small-Holders Yam Farmers in Nigeria Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Acta Oeconomica et Informatica 6 (1): 13-20
  • Nwaru J.C. 2003. Gender and Relative Production Efficiency in Food Crop Farming in Abia State of Nigeria. The Nigerian Agricultural Journal, 2(3). 34-40
  • Obike K.C., Idu M.A. & Aigbokie S.O. 2016. Labour Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency Amongst Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, 15 (3):7 -12
  • Okeke G.C., Ugama G.N., Apollos D.S. & Adejoh E.U. 2020. Economic Analysis of Watermelon-Based Production Systems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Sule Lamido University. Journal of Science and Technology (SLUJST) 1(2): pp.52-60
  • Okoye B.C., Onyenweaku C.E. & Agwu A.E. 2008. Technical Efficiency of Small Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Extension. Policy. Journal of Agricultural Extension, 12(1): 107-116.
  • Oladele C. A. 2015. Income and Factor Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ekiti State, Nigeria, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6(2) 67-72
  • Olukosi J.O. & Erhabor P.O 2015. Introduction to Farm Management Economics: Principles and Applications. Agitab Publishers Limited, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria pp77-83.
  • Otunaiya A. O. & Adedeji I. A. 2014. Technical efficiency of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) production in Ogun State, Nigeria, International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research. 10 (1&2): 44-53
  • Idisi P.O., Ebukiba, E.S. & Anthony L. 2019. Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Yam (Dioscorea spp) Production in Kuje Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 24 ( 4): 1-4
  • Parmar H.C., Mor V. B. & Lad M. D. 2017. Economics of Watermelon Cultivation in Orsang River Bed of Chhotauepur District of Middle Gujarat, Trends inBiosciences, 10(11) 2038-3041
  • Sani R.M., Sani H.M., Maule U.M. & Abdulahi U.M. 2016 Analysis of Fadama III Project's Impact on Productivity of Watermelon Production in Misau Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria Nigerian. Agricultural Policy Research Journal, 1(1): 91-101
  • Shrefler J., Brandenberger L., Rebek E., Damicone J. & Taylor M. 2017. Watermelon Production Oklahoma State University Extension, Oklahoma accessed 3rd Dec, 2022)
  • Simonyan J.B. & Obiakor C.T. 2012. Analysis of Household Labour Use in Yam Production in Anambra West Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria Publication of Nasarawa State University, 8 (1): 1-16
  • Simonyan J.B., Umoren B.D. & Okoye B.C. 2011.. Gender Differentials in Technical Efficiency Among Maize Farmers in Essien Udim Local Government Area of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 1(2):17-23
  • Toluwase S.O.W. & Owoeye R.S. 2017. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Watermelon Production in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Russian Journal of Agriculture Social Sciences, 6(66),307-313
  • Ume S.I., Kaine A.I.N. & Ochiaka C.D. 2020. Resource Use Efficiency of Yam Production among Smallholder Farmers and Effect to the Environment in the Tropics. Sustainable Food Production 7(2), 1-16
  • Yusuf H.O., Omokore D.F., Olawoye R., Yusuf H.A. & Shuaibu H. 2022. Analysis of Production Efficiency Among Small-scale Soybean Farmers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics, Management and Development, 7(5),195-203
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Luka Anthony This is me 0000-0001-8337-2341

Elizabeth Samuel Ebukıba This is me 0000-0002-6765-8697

Funso Omolayo Alabuja This is me 0000-0002-7579-1041

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı This is me 0000-0002-8390-9775

Kehinde John Afuye This is me 0000-0002-8330-7336

Early Pub Date June 29, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Anthony, L., Ebukıba, E. S., Alabuja, F. O., Alabı, O. O., et al. (2023). Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(1), 1-20.
AMA Anthony L, Ebukıba ES, Alabuja FO, Alabı OO, Afuye KJ. Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. EJAR. June 2023;7(1):1-20.
Chicago Anthony, Luka, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukıba, Funso Omolayo Alabuja, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı, and Kehinde John Afuye. “Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 7, no. 1 (June 2023): 1-20.
EndNote Anthony L, Ebukıba ES, Alabuja FO, Alabı OO, Afuye KJ (June 1, 2023) Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 7 1 1–20.
IEEE L. Anthony, E. S. Ebukıba, F. O. Alabuja, O. O. Alabı, and K. J. Afuye, “Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria”, EJAR, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1–20, 2023.
ISNAD Anthony, Luka et al. “Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 7/1 (June 2023), 1-20.
JAMA Anthony L, Ebukıba ES, Alabuja FO, Alabı OO, Afuye KJ. Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. EJAR. 2023;7:1–20.
MLA Anthony, Luka et al. “Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 7, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-20.
Vancouver Anthony L, Ebukıba ES, Alabuja FO, Alabı OO, Afuye KJ. Analysis of Profitability, Technical Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency of Watermelon Production in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. EJAR. 2023;7(1):1-20.
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