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Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 212 - 220, 29.12.2024



  • Abeysekara W. C. S. M., Siriwardana M. & Meng S. 2023. Economic consequences of climate change impacts on the agricultural sector of South Asia: A case study of Sri Lanka. Economic Analysis and Policy, 77, 435-450.
  • Afreen M., Ucak I. & Bagdatli M.C. 2022. The Analysis of Climate Variability on Aquaculture Production in Karachi of Pakistan, International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research (IJETMR), 9(8), 16-23. doi: 10.29121/ijetmr.v9.i8.2022.1210
  • Ahmed A. U., Appadurai A. N. & Neelormi S. 2019. Status of climate change adaptation in South Asia region. Status of climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific, 125-152.
  • Albut S., Bağdatlı M. C. & Dumanlı Ö., 2018. Remote Sensing Determination of Variation in Adjacent Agricultural Fields in the Ergene River, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(1): 113-122.
  • Aydin S., Bayhan H., Erguven G.Ö. & Ikizoglu, B. 2020. Investigation of Air Quality in Terms of Microbiological Density in Some Regions of the European Side of Istanbul Province. European Journal of Science and Technology, 19, 334 343.
  • Bağdatlı M. C., İstanbulluoğlu A., Altürk B. & Arslan C. 2014. Uzun Yıllık Sıcaklık Verilerindeki Değişim Trendinin Tarımsal Kuraklık Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Çorlu Örneği, Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), 100-107
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Belliturk K. 2016a. Negative Effects of Climate Change in Turkey, Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, Med Crave Publishing, 3(2), 44-46
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Belliturk K. 2016b. Water Resources Have Been Threatened in Thrace Region of Turkey, Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, MedCrave Publishing, 4(1), 227-228.
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Can E. 2019. Analysis of Precipitation Datas by Mann Kendall and Sperman's Rho Rank Correlation Statistical Approaches in Nevsehir Province of Turkey, Recent Research in Science and Technology Journal, (11), 24-31, doi: 10.25081/rrst.2019.11.6082
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Arslan O. 2019. Evaluation of The Number of Rainy Days Observed for Long Years Due to Global Climate Change in Nevşehir / Turkey, Recent Research in Science and Technology Journal, (11):9-11, doi: 10.25081/rrst.2019.11.6079
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Arıkan E. N. 2020a. Evaluation of Monthly Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature Changes Observed for Many Years in Nevsehir Province of Turkey, World Research Journal of Agricultural Science (WRJAS), 7(2),209-220.
  • Bagdatli M.C. & Arıkan E.N. 2020b. Evaluation of maximum and total open surface evaporation by using trend analysis method in Nigde province of Turkey. International Journal of Geography and Regional Planning (IJGRP), 6(1), 138-145. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3890231,
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Arslan, O. 2020. Trend Analysis of Precipitation Datas Observed for Many Years (1970-2019) in Niğde Center and Ulukisla District of Turkey, International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET), 9(7), 1-8
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Ballı Y. 2020. Soil Temperature Changes (1970-2019) in Ulukışla District in Turkey by Trend Analysis Methods, International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science (IJPBCS), 7(2):,851-864
  • Bağdatlı M. C., Uçak I. & Elsheikh W. 2023. Impact of Global Warming on Aquaculture in Norway. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research. 10(3), 13–25.
  • Both C., Bouwhuis S., Lessells C. M. & Visser M. E. 2006. Climate change and population declines in a long-distance migratory bird. Nature, 441(7089), 81-83.
  • Burke M., Hsiang S. M. & Miguel E. 2015. Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production. Nature, 527(7577), 235-239.
  • Calvin K., Clarke L., Krey V., Blanford G., Jiang K., Kainuma M. ... & Shukla P. R. 2012. The role of Asia in mitigating climate change: results from the Asia modeling exercise. Energy Economics, 34, S251-S260. Cazzolla Gatti R., Callaghan T., Velichevskaya A., Dudko A., Fabbio L., Battipaglia G. & Liang J. 2019. Accelerating upward treeline shift in the Altai Mountains under last- century climate change. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-13.
  • Change I. C. 2014. Synthesis Report. Contribution of working groups I. II and III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, 151(10.1017).
  • Dell M., Jones B. F. & Olken B. A. 2014. What do we learn from the weather? The new climate-economy literature. Journal of Economic literature, 52(3), 740-798.
  • Deschenes O. 2014. Temperature, human health, and adaptation: A review of the empirical literature. Energy Economics, 46, 606-619.
  • Drechsler D. M., Motallebi N., Kleeman M., Cayan D., Hayhoe K., Kalkstein L. S. & VanCuren R. A. 2005. Public health-related impacts of climate change in California. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report.
  • Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., 2022a. The Assessment of Global Warming on Fish Production in Red Sea Region of Sudan, Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research (EJAR), 6(2), 110-119.
  • Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., Mofid, A. 2022b. Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Production: A Case Study Khartoum State, Sudan, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research (OAJAR), 7(3): 1–29 Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., 2023. Food Crisis and Global Warming in Africa. International Congresses of Turkish Science and Technology Publishing, 495-500.
  • Gouldson A., Colenbrander S., Sudmant A., Papargyropoulou E., Kerr N., McAnulla F. & Hall S. 2016. Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia. Cities, 54, 11-19.
  • Gilroy J. J., Gill J. A., Butchart S. H., Jones V. R. & Franco A. M. 2016. Migratory diversity predicts population declines in birds. Ecology letters, 19(3), 308-317.
  • Ghude S. D., Chate D. M., Jena C., Beig G., Kumar R., Barth M. C. & Pithani P. 2016. Premature mortality in India due to PM2. 5 and ozone exposure. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(9), 4650-4658.
  • Gu L., Chen J., Yin J., Sullivan S. C., Wang H. M., Guo S. ... & Kim J. S. 2020. Projected increases in magnitude and socioeconomic exposure of global droughts in 1.5 and 2 C warmer climates Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(1), 451-472.
  • Guoju X., Weixiang L., Qiang X., Zhaojun S. & Jing W. 2005. Effects of temperature increase and elevated CO2 concentration, with supplemental irrigation, on the yield of rain-fed spring wheat in a semiarid region of China. Agricultural Water Management, 74(3), 243
  • Harris J. B. C., Yong D. L., Sodhi N. S., Subaraj R., Fordham D. A. & Brook B. W. 2013. Changes in autumn arrival of long-distance migratory birds in Southeast Asia. Climate Research, 57(2), 133-141.
  • Hussain A., Rasul G., Mahapatra B. & Tuladhar S. 2016. Household food security in the face of climate change in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region. Food Security, 8, 921-937.
  • Hoegh-Guldberg O. & Bruno J. F. 2010. The impact of climate change on the world’s marine ecosystems. Science, 328(5985), 1523-1528.
  • İstanbulluoğlu A., Bağdatlı M. C. & Arslan C. 2013. Uzun Yıllık Yağış Verilerinin Trend Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi Tekirdağ-Çorlu İlçesi Uygulaması, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2):70-77, Tekirdağ
  • Islam M. R., & Khan N. A. 2018. Threats, vulnerability, resilience and displacement among the climate change and natural disaster-affected people in South-East Asia: an overview. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23(2), 297-323.
  • Jahan I., Ahsan D. & Farque M. H. 2017. Fishers’ local knowledge on impact of climate change and anthropogenic interferences on Hilsa fishery in South Asia: evidence from Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 19, 461-478.
  • Kanat G. & Ergüven G.O. 2020. Importance of Solid Waste Management on Composting, Problems and Proposed Solutions: The Case of Turkey. European Journal of Science and Technology, 19, 66-71.
  • Kelkar U. & Bhadwal S. 2007. South Asian regional study on climate change impacts and adaptation: implications for human development. Human development report, 47.
  • Kinney Patrick L. 2008. Climate change, air quality, and human health. American journal of preventive medicine 35, 5(2008), 459-467.
  • Kim K. H., Jahan S. A. & Kabir E. 2013. A review on human health perspective of air pollution with respect to allergies and asthma. Environment international, 59, 41-52.
  • Kumari S., Haustein K., Javid H., Burton C., Allen M. R., Paltan H. ... & Otto F. E. 2019. Return period of extreme rainfall substantially decreases under 1.5 C and 2.0 C warming: a case study for Uttarakhand, India. Environmental Research Letters, 14(4), 044033.
  • Landrigan P. J., Fuller R., Acosta N. J., Adeyi O., Arnold R., Baldé A. B. & Zhong M. 2018. The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. The lancet, 391(10119), 462-512.
  • Lelieveld J., Evans J. S., Fnais M., Giannadaki D. & Pozzer A. 2015. The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale. Nature, 525(7569), 367-371.
  • Lemi T. & Hailu F. 2019. Effects of climate change variability on agricultural productivity., Int. J. Environ. Sci. Nat. Resour, 17, 14-20.
  • Loo Y. Y., Billa L. & Singh A. 2015. Effect of climate change on seasonal monsoon in Asia and its impact on the variability of monsoon rainfall in Southeast Asia. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(6), 817-823. McCarthy J. J., Canziani O. F., Leary N. A., Dokken D. J. & White K. S. (Eds.). 2001. Climate change 2001: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability: contribution of Working Group II to the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press.
  • MoE (Ministry of Environment) 2003. Pakistan’s initial national communication on climate change. Islamabad: MoE, Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • McMichael A. J., Campbell-Lendrum D. H., Corvalán C. F., Ebi K. L., Githeko A., Scheraga J. D. & Woodward A. 2003. Climate change and human health: risks and responses. World Health Organization. Nguyen N. H. 2016. Genetic improvement for important farmed aquaculture species with a reference to carp, tilapia and prawns in Asia: achievements, lessons and challenges. Fish and Fisheries, 17(2), 483-506. Patz J. A., Campbell-Lendrum D., Holloway T. & Foley J. A. 2005. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature, 438(7066), 310-317.
  • Palmer M. A., Reidy Liermann C. A., Nilsson C., Flörke M., Alcamo J., Lake P. S. & Bond, N. 2008. Climate change and the world's river basins: anticipating management options. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(2), 81-89.
  • Paltsev S., Morris J., Cai Y., Karplus V. & Jacoby H. 2012. The role of China in mitigating climate change. Energy Economics, 34, S444-S450.
  • Preston B. L., Suppiah R., Macadam I. & Bathols J. M. 2006. Climate change in the Asia/Pacific region: A consultancy report prepared for the climate change and development roundtable. Aspendale Australia: CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research.
  • Pritchard H. D. & Vaughan D. G. 2007. Widespread acceleration of tidewater glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 112(F3).
  • Rohde R. A. & Muller R. A. 2015. Air pollution in China: mapping of concentrations and sources. PloS one, 10(8), e0135749.
  • Revadekar J. V., Hameed S., Collins D., Manton M., Sheikh M., Borgaonkar H. P. ... & Shreshta M. L. 2013. Impact of altitude and latitude on changes in temperature extremes over South Asia during 1971–2000. International Journal of Climatology, 33(1), 199-209.
  • Solomon S., Qin D., Manning M., Averyt K. & Marquis M. (Eds.). 2007. Climate change 2007-the physical science basis: Working group I contribution to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC (Vol. 4). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sivakumar M. V. & Stefanski R. 2011. Climate change in South Asia. Climate change and food security in South Asia, 13-30.
  • Suryadi F. X. (Ed.). 2020. Soil and water management strategies for tidal lowlands in Indonesia. CRC Press.
  • Sillett T. S., Holmes R. T. & Sherry T. W. 2000. Impacts of a global climate cycle on population dynamics of a migratory songbird. Science, 288(5473), 2040-2042.
  • Sivakumar M. V. & Stefanski R. 2011. Climate change in South Asia. Climate change and food security in South Asia, 13-30.
  • Tollefson J. 2020. How Trump damaged science—and why it could take decades to recover. Nature, 586(7828), 190-194.
  • Thompson L. G., Mosley-Thompson E., Davis M. E. & Brecher H. H. 2011. Tropical glaciers, recorders and indicators of climate change, are disappearing globally. Annals of Glaciology, 52(59), 23-34.
  • Unlukal C. & Erguven G.O. 2024. Smart Agricultural Approach and Good Agricultural Practices in Sustainable Development Goal. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(1), 24-32.
  • Watson R. T., Zinyowera M. C. & Moss R. H. (Eds.). 1998.The regional impacts of climate change: an assessment of vulnerability. Cambridge University Press.
  • Wang X., Pederson N., Chen, Z., Lawton K., Zhu C. & Han S. 2019. Recent rising temperatures drive younger and southern Korean pine growth decline. Sci. Total Environ. 649, 1105–1116. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.393
  • Walther, G. R., Post, E., Convey, P., Menzel, A., Parmesan, C., Beebee, T. J., Bairlein, F. 2002. Ecological responses to recent climate change. Nature, 416(6879), 389-395.
  • Wilcove D. S. & Wikelski M. 2008. Going, going, gone: is animal migration disappearing. PLoS biology, 6(7), e188.
  • Vinke K., Schellnhuber H. J., Coumou D., Geiger T., Glanemann N., Huber V. & Rodgers C. 2017. A region at risk-The human dimensions of climate change in Asia and the Pacific. Asian Development Bank, doi:
  • Zhu P., Zhuang Q., Archontoulis S. V., Bernacchi C. & Müller C. 2019. Dissecting the nonlinear response of maize yield to high temperature stress with model‐data integration. Global change biology, 25(7), 2470-2484.

The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 212 - 220, 29.12.2024


Climate change is a major environmental concern issues, that climate change will have far-reaching effects on the ecologies, economic growth, and human well-being. one of the world's region, including Asia, the changing climate will have a wide range of effects over the course of the next century and beyond ,which vulnerability to climate change is an important set of interactions between society and the environment. Since this continent is one of the most vulnerable regions against climate threats due to its (temperate deserts, semi-deserts, vastness) and relative underdevelopment due to economic reasons. Therefore, this revised article discusses the negative effects of climate change in Asia. These Climate variabilities in Asia can have negative impacts on enhanced temperatures, glaciers, sea-level rise, agriculture, aquaculture, and fishing, migratory birds, health.


  • Abeysekara W. C. S. M., Siriwardana M. & Meng S. 2023. Economic consequences of climate change impacts on the agricultural sector of South Asia: A case study of Sri Lanka. Economic Analysis and Policy, 77, 435-450.
  • Afreen M., Ucak I. & Bagdatli M.C. 2022. The Analysis of Climate Variability on Aquaculture Production in Karachi of Pakistan, International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research (IJETMR), 9(8), 16-23. doi: 10.29121/ijetmr.v9.i8.2022.1210
  • Ahmed A. U., Appadurai A. N. & Neelormi S. 2019. Status of climate change adaptation in South Asia region. Status of climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific, 125-152.
  • Albut S., Bağdatlı M. C. & Dumanlı Ö., 2018. Remote Sensing Determination of Variation in Adjacent Agricultural Fields in the Ergene River, Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(1): 113-122.
  • Aydin S., Bayhan H., Erguven G.Ö. & Ikizoglu, B. 2020. Investigation of Air Quality in Terms of Microbiological Density in Some Regions of the European Side of Istanbul Province. European Journal of Science and Technology, 19, 334 343.
  • Bağdatlı M. C., İstanbulluoğlu A., Altürk B. & Arslan C. 2014. Uzun Yıllık Sıcaklık Verilerindeki Değişim Trendinin Tarımsal Kuraklık Açısından Değerlendirilmesi: Çorlu Örneği, Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1), 100-107
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Belliturk K. 2016a. Negative Effects of Climate Change in Turkey, Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, Med Crave Publishing, 3(2), 44-46
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Belliturk K. 2016b. Water Resources Have Been Threatened in Thrace Region of Turkey, Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, MedCrave Publishing, 4(1), 227-228.
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Can E. 2019. Analysis of Precipitation Datas by Mann Kendall and Sperman's Rho Rank Correlation Statistical Approaches in Nevsehir Province of Turkey, Recent Research in Science and Technology Journal, (11), 24-31, doi: 10.25081/rrst.2019.11.6082
  • Bağdatlı M.C. & Arslan O. 2019. Evaluation of The Number of Rainy Days Observed for Long Years Due to Global Climate Change in Nevşehir / Turkey, Recent Research in Science and Technology Journal, (11):9-11, doi: 10.25081/rrst.2019.11.6079
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Arıkan E. N. 2020a. Evaluation of Monthly Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature Changes Observed for Many Years in Nevsehir Province of Turkey, World Research Journal of Agricultural Science (WRJAS), 7(2),209-220.
  • Bagdatli M.C. & Arıkan E.N. 2020b. Evaluation of maximum and total open surface evaporation by using trend analysis method in Nigde province of Turkey. International Journal of Geography and Regional Planning (IJGRP), 6(1), 138-145. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3890231,
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Arslan, O. 2020. Trend Analysis of Precipitation Datas Observed for Many Years (1970-2019) in Niğde Center and Ulukisla District of Turkey, International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET), 9(7), 1-8
  • Bağdatlı M. C. & Ballı Y. 2020. Soil Temperature Changes (1970-2019) in Ulukışla District in Turkey by Trend Analysis Methods, International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science (IJPBCS), 7(2):,851-864
  • Bağdatlı M. C., Uçak I. & Elsheikh W. 2023. Impact of Global Warming on Aquaculture in Norway. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research. 10(3), 13–25.
  • Both C., Bouwhuis S., Lessells C. M. & Visser M. E. 2006. Climate change and population declines in a long-distance migratory bird. Nature, 441(7089), 81-83.
  • Burke M., Hsiang S. M. & Miguel E. 2015. Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production. Nature, 527(7577), 235-239.
  • Calvin K., Clarke L., Krey V., Blanford G., Jiang K., Kainuma M. ... & Shukla P. R. 2012. The role of Asia in mitigating climate change: results from the Asia modeling exercise. Energy Economics, 34, S251-S260. Cazzolla Gatti R., Callaghan T., Velichevskaya A., Dudko A., Fabbio L., Battipaglia G. & Liang J. 2019. Accelerating upward treeline shift in the Altai Mountains under last- century climate change. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-13.
  • Change I. C. 2014. Synthesis Report. Contribution of working groups I. II and III to the fifth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change, 151(10.1017).
  • Dell M., Jones B. F. & Olken B. A. 2014. What do we learn from the weather? The new climate-economy literature. Journal of Economic literature, 52(3), 740-798.
  • Deschenes O. 2014. Temperature, human health, and adaptation: A review of the empirical literature. Energy Economics, 46, 606-619.
  • Drechsler D. M., Motallebi N., Kleeman M., Cayan D., Hayhoe K., Kalkstein L. S. & VanCuren R. A. 2005. Public health-related impacts of climate change in California. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report.
  • Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., 2022a. The Assessment of Global Warming on Fish Production in Red Sea Region of Sudan, Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research (EJAR), 6(2), 110-119.
  • Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., Mofid, A. 2022b. Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Production: A Case Study Khartoum State, Sudan, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research (OAJAR), 7(3): 1–29 Elsheikh W., Uçak İ. & Bağdatlı M. C., 2023. Food Crisis and Global Warming in Africa. International Congresses of Turkish Science and Technology Publishing, 495-500.
  • Gouldson A., Colenbrander S., Sudmant A., Papargyropoulou E., Kerr N., McAnulla F. & Hall S. 2016. Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia. Cities, 54, 11-19.
  • Gilroy J. J., Gill J. A., Butchart S. H., Jones V. R. & Franco A. M. 2016. Migratory diversity predicts population declines in birds. Ecology letters, 19(3), 308-317.
  • Ghude S. D., Chate D. M., Jena C., Beig G., Kumar R., Barth M. C. & Pithani P. 2016. Premature mortality in India due to PM2. 5 and ozone exposure. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(9), 4650-4658.
  • Gu L., Chen J., Yin J., Sullivan S. C., Wang H. M., Guo S. ... & Kim J. S. 2020. Projected increases in magnitude and socioeconomic exposure of global droughts in 1.5 and 2 C warmer climates Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(1), 451-472.
  • Guoju X., Weixiang L., Qiang X., Zhaojun S. & Jing W. 2005. Effects of temperature increase and elevated CO2 concentration, with supplemental irrigation, on the yield of rain-fed spring wheat in a semiarid region of China. Agricultural Water Management, 74(3), 243
  • Harris J. B. C., Yong D. L., Sodhi N. S., Subaraj R., Fordham D. A. & Brook B. W. 2013. Changes in autumn arrival of long-distance migratory birds in Southeast Asia. Climate Research, 57(2), 133-141.
  • Hussain A., Rasul G., Mahapatra B. & Tuladhar S. 2016. Household food security in the face of climate change in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region. Food Security, 8, 921-937.
  • Hoegh-Guldberg O. & Bruno J. F. 2010. The impact of climate change on the world’s marine ecosystems. Science, 328(5985), 1523-1528.
  • İstanbulluoğlu A., Bağdatlı M. C. & Arslan C. 2013. Uzun Yıllık Yağış Verilerinin Trend Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi Tekirdağ-Çorlu İlçesi Uygulaması, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2):70-77, Tekirdağ
  • Islam M. R., & Khan N. A. 2018. Threats, vulnerability, resilience and displacement among the climate change and natural disaster-affected people in South-East Asia: an overview. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23(2), 297-323.
  • Jahan I., Ahsan D. & Farque M. H. 2017. Fishers’ local knowledge on impact of climate change and anthropogenic interferences on Hilsa fishery in South Asia: evidence from Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 19, 461-478.
  • Kanat G. & Ergüven G.O. 2020. Importance of Solid Waste Management on Composting, Problems and Proposed Solutions: The Case of Turkey. European Journal of Science and Technology, 19, 66-71.
  • Kelkar U. & Bhadwal S. 2007. South Asian regional study on climate change impacts and adaptation: implications for human development. Human development report, 47.
  • Kinney Patrick L. 2008. Climate change, air quality, and human health. American journal of preventive medicine 35, 5(2008), 459-467.
  • Kim K. H., Jahan S. A. & Kabir E. 2013. A review on human health perspective of air pollution with respect to allergies and asthma. Environment international, 59, 41-52.
  • Kumari S., Haustein K., Javid H., Burton C., Allen M. R., Paltan H. ... & Otto F. E. 2019. Return period of extreme rainfall substantially decreases under 1.5 C and 2.0 C warming: a case study for Uttarakhand, India. Environmental Research Letters, 14(4), 044033.
  • Landrigan P. J., Fuller R., Acosta N. J., Adeyi O., Arnold R., Baldé A. B. & Zhong M. 2018. The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. The lancet, 391(10119), 462-512.
  • Lelieveld J., Evans J. S., Fnais M., Giannadaki D. & Pozzer A. 2015. The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale. Nature, 525(7569), 367-371.
  • Lemi T. & Hailu F. 2019. Effects of climate change variability on agricultural productivity., Int. J. Environ. Sci. Nat. Resour, 17, 14-20.
  • Loo Y. Y., Billa L. & Singh A. 2015. Effect of climate change on seasonal monsoon in Asia and its impact on the variability of monsoon rainfall in Southeast Asia. Geoscience Frontiers, 6(6), 817-823. McCarthy J. J., Canziani O. F., Leary N. A., Dokken D. J. & White K. S. (Eds.). 2001. Climate change 2001: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability: contribution of Working Group II to the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Vol. 2). Cambridge University Press.
  • MoE (Ministry of Environment) 2003. Pakistan’s initial national communication on climate change. Islamabad: MoE, Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
  • McMichael A. J., Campbell-Lendrum D. H., Corvalán C. F., Ebi K. L., Githeko A., Scheraga J. D. & Woodward A. 2003. Climate change and human health: risks and responses. World Health Organization. Nguyen N. H. 2016. Genetic improvement for important farmed aquaculture species with a reference to carp, tilapia and prawns in Asia: achievements, lessons and challenges. Fish and Fisheries, 17(2), 483-506. Patz J. A., Campbell-Lendrum D., Holloway T. & Foley J. A. 2005. Impact of regional climate change on human health. Nature, 438(7066), 310-317.
  • Palmer M. A., Reidy Liermann C. A., Nilsson C., Flörke M., Alcamo J., Lake P. S. & Bond, N. 2008. Climate change and the world's river basins: anticipating management options. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(2), 81-89.
  • Paltsev S., Morris J., Cai Y., Karplus V. & Jacoby H. 2012. The role of China in mitigating climate change. Energy Economics, 34, S444-S450.
  • Preston B. L., Suppiah R., Macadam I. & Bathols J. M. 2006. Climate change in the Asia/Pacific region: A consultancy report prepared for the climate change and development roundtable. Aspendale Australia: CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research.
  • Pritchard H. D. & Vaughan D. G. 2007. Widespread acceleration of tidewater glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 112(F3).
  • Rohde R. A. & Muller R. A. 2015. Air pollution in China: mapping of concentrations and sources. PloS one, 10(8), e0135749.
  • Revadekar J. V., Hameed S., Collins D., Manton M., Sheikh M., Borgaonkar H. P. ... & Shreshta M. L. 2013. Impact of altitude and latitude on changes in temperature extremes over South Asia during 1971–2000. International Journal of Climatology, 33(1), 199-209.
  • Solomon S., Qin D., Manning M., Averyt K. & Marquis M. (Eds.). 2007. Climate change 2007-the physical science basis: Working group I contribution to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC (Vol. 4). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sivakumar M. V. & Stefanski R. 2011. Climate change in South Asia. Climate change and food security in South Asia, 13-30.
  • Suryadi F. X. (Ed.). 2020. Soil and water management strategies for tidal lowlands in Indonesia. CRC Press.
  • Sillett T. S., Holmes R. T. & Sherry T. W. 2000. Impacts of a global climate cycle on population dynamics of a migratory songbird. Science, 288(5473), 2040-2042.
  • Sivakumar M. V. & Stefanski R. 2011. Climate change in South Asia. Climate change and food security in South Asia, 13-30.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Farhat Khalily

Early Pub Date December 29, 2024
Publication Date December 29, 2024
Submission Date September 21, 2024
Acceptance Date November 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Khalily, F. (2024). The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(2), 212-220.
AMA Khalily F. The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia. EJAR. December 2024;8(2):212-220.
Chicago Khalily, Farhat. “The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 8, no. 2 (December 2024): 212-20.
EndNote Khalily F (December 1, 2024) The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 8 2 212–220.
IEEE F. Khalily, “The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia”, EJAR, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 212–220, 2024.
ISNAD Khalily, Farhat. “The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 8/2 (December 2024), 212-220.
JAMA Khalily F. The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia. EJAR. 2024;8:212–220.
MLA Khalily, Farhat. “The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 212-20.
Vancouver Khalily F. The Negative Effects of Climate Change in Asia. EJAR. 2024;8(2):212-20.
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