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Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq
The aim of this study is isolate and identify fungi from different habitat in Kirkuk City - Iraq. The fungal species were isolated from soil and water in four season 2021-2022, collected the samples from various geographical habitat in Kirkuk City. The fungi isolation from soil and water done by inoculating (1ml) from serial dilutions on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) plates. The molecular identification of the isolated fungi at the species level, by PCR using specific internal transcribed spacer primer (ITS1/ITS4). The PCR products were sequenced and compared with the other related sequences in GenBank (NCBI). Seven fungal species were identified. The results showed that the (Aspergillus flavus 20.83%) was the most abundant fungus, while the (Penicillium citrinum 8.30%) was the less prevalent one in all resources and locations. The seven local fungal isolates were registered within NCBI, and this is the first record of these isolates in Iraq
Chandrashekar MA, Soumya Pai K, Raju NS. 2014. Fungal Diversity of Rhizosphere Soils in Different Agricultural fields of Nanjangud Taluk of Mysore District. Karnataka. India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 3:559-566.
Gaddeyya G, Niharika PS, Bharathi P, Kumar PKR. 2012. Isolation and identification of soil mycoflora in different crop fields at Salur Mandal. AdvAppl Sci Res. 3:2020-2026.
Jasuja ND, Saxena R, Chandra S, Joshi SC. 2013. Isolation and identification of microorganism from polyhouse agriculture soil of Rajasthan. African J Microbiol Res. 7: 4886-4891.
Javadi MA, Ghanbary MAT, Tazick Z. 2012. Isolation and molecular identification of soil inhabitant Penicillia. Ann of Biol Res. 3: 5758-5761.
Kamel T. 2013. Mesopotamia in Mesopotamia. Iraqi Nation Studies Center. Mesopotamia in Mesopotamia. Iraqi Nation Studies Center. Accessed 20 Oct 2013.
Lutzoni F, Kauff F, Cox CJ, Laughlin D, Celio G. 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life progress classification and evolution of the subcellular traits. Am J Bot. 91: 1446-1480.
Nollet LM. 2007. Handbook of water analysis. 2PndP ed. CRC Press. London.
Pellon A, Sadeghi N, Moyes DL. 2020. New insights in Candida albicans innate immunity at the mucosa toxins epithelium metabolism and beyond. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology.10-81.
Reddy PL, Babu BS, Radhaiah A, Sreeramulu A. 2014. Screening, identification and isolation of cellulolytic fungi from soils of Chittoor District. India. Int J Curr Microbiol Appl Sci. 3: 761-771.
Sharma MS, Raju NS. 2013. Frequency and percentage occurrence of soil mycoflora in different crop fields at H D Kote of Mysore district. Inter J Environ Sci. 3: 1569-1576.
Wang JH, Zhang HP, gong S, Xue RS, Agboola Y, Liao C. 2014. Molecular identification mycotoxin production and comparative pathogenicity of Fusariumtemperatum isolated from maize in China. J. Phytopathol. 162:147-157.
Wang Z, Nilsson RH, James TY, Dai Y, Townsend JP. 2016. Biology of Microfungi. pp 25−46.
Webster J, Weber RA. 2007. Introduction to fungi. In: Jack S. Fungi, 3rd edn. New York.
Mahmut, Y., M. Hamoody, A.-h., & Abdulqader, R. S. (2023). Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(1), 26-30.
Mahmut Y, M. Hamoody Ah, Abdulqader RS. Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. June 2023;6(1):26-30. doi:10.46239/ejbcs.1276554
Mahmut, Yavuz, Abdul-hameed M. Hamoody, and Rushdi Sabah Abdulqader. “Morphological and Molecular Identification of Fungi Isolated from Various Habitat in Kirkuk City – Iraq”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 6, no. 1 (June 2023): 26-30.
Mahmut Y, M. Hamoody A-h, Abdulqader RS (June 1, 2023) Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 6 1 26–30.
Y. Mahmut, A.-h. M. Hamoody, and R. S. Abdulqader, “Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq”, Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 26–30, 2023, doi: 10.46239/ejbcs.1276554.
Mahmut, Yavuz et al. “Morphological and Molecular Identification of Fungi Isolated from Various Habitat in Kirkuk City – Iraq”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 6/1 (June 2023), 26-30.
Mahmut Y, M. Hamoody A-h, Abdulqader RS. Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2023;6:26–30.
Mahmut, Yavuz et al. “Morphological and Molecular Identification of Fungi Isolated from Various Habitat in Kirkuk City – Iraq”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023, pp. 26-30, doi:10.46239/ejbcs.1276554.
Mahmut Y, M. Hamoody A-h, Abdulqader RS. Morphological and molecular identification of fungi isolated from various habitat in Kirkuk city – Iraq. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2023;6(1):26-30.