Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 15 - 24, 23.04.2019



  • REFERENCESAgerbo, E., Nordentoft, M., & Mortensen, P. (2002). Familial, psychiatric, and socioeconomic risk factors for suicide in young people: nested case-control study. BMJ, 325(7355), 74. Akin, E., & Berkem, M. (2012). An analysis of psychiatric diagnoses and demographic and clinical characteristics of the adolescents who have attempted to commit suicide. Firat Medical Journal, 17(4), 228-232. Albayrak, B., & Kutlu, Y. (2009). Anger expression style in adolescents and correlated factors. Maltepe University the Science and Art of Nursing Journal, 2(1), 57-61. Altindag, A., Sir, A., Ozkan, M., & (2001). The changes in suicide speed in Turkey (1974-1998). Psychiatry in Turkey, 2, 79-86. Bakım, B., Özçelik, B., & Karamustafalıoğlu, O. (2007). Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Disorders. Düşünen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 20(1), 38-47. Batigun, A., & Sahin, N. (2003). Could anger, impulsiveness and insufficient problem-solving skills be a predictor of adolescent suicides? Turkish Psychology Journal., 18(51), 37-52. Beautrais, A. (2000). Risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide among young people. . Australian New Zealand J Psychiatry, 34(420-436.). Beghi, M., & Rosenbaum, J. F. (2010). Risk factors for fatal and nonfatal repetition of suicide attempt: a critical appraisal. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 349-355. Bitlis, V., Tuzer, T., Bayam, G., Dilbaz, N., Holat, H., & Tan, D. (1994). A retrospective analysis of the patients coming to the emergency unit in a public hospital for suicide attempt. Kriz Journal, 2(2), 323-326. Björkenstam, C., Weitoft, G. R., Hjern, A., Nordström, P., Hallqvist, J., & Ljung, R. (2011). School grades, parental education and suicide—a national register-based cohort study. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 65(11), 993-998. Brent, D. A., Oquendo, M., Birmaher, B., Greenhill, L., Kolko, D., Stanley, B., . . . Ellis, S. (2002). Familial pathways to early-onset suicide attempt: risk for suicidal behavior in offspring of mood-disordered suicide attempters. Archives of general psychiatry, 59(9), 801-807. Carli, V., Jovanović, N., Podlešek, A., Roy, A., Rihmer, Z., Maggi, S., . . . Sarchiapone, M. (2010). The role of impulsivity in self-mutilators, suicide ideators and suicide attempters—A study of 1265 male incarcerated individuals. Journal of affective disorders, 123(1), 116-122. Cheng, T., Chen, T., Chen, C., & Jenkins, R. (2000). Psychosocial and psychiatric risk factors for suicide Case—control psychological autopsy study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 177(4), 360-365. Demirel, O., & Esel, E. (2003). Suicide (Ozkiyim). Anatolian Psychiatry Journal., 4, 175-118. Deveci, A., Taskin, E. O., Dundar, P. E., Demet, M. M., Kaya, E., Ozmen, E., & Dinc, G. (2005). The prevalence of suicidal thought and attempts in Manisa. Turkish Psychiatry Journal., 16(3), 170-178. Devrimci-Ozguven, H., & Sayil, I. (2003). Suicide attempts in Turkey: results of the WHO-EURO Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48(5), 324-329. Devrimci, O. (2008). An Analysis of the Risk of the Suicidal Behavior Clinics in Turkey. Journal of Psychiatry- Special Topics, 1(3). Ebert, M., Loosen, P., Nurcombe, B., & Leckman, J. (2013). Current Diagnosis and Treatment” Series, Psychiatric Diagnosis or Therapy (S. Candansayar Ed. 2 ed.): Ankara Gunes Tip Kitabevleri.Ekici, G., Savas, H., & Citak, S. (2001). Psychological factors which increase the risk of suicide (lack of social security, immigration and other stressors. Anatolian Psychitary Journal, 2(4), 204-212. . Ercan, E., Varan, A., & Aydın, C. (2000). The Sociodemographic, Psychiatric, and Familial Aspects of Adolescents Who Attempted Suicide. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 7(2), 81-91. Eskin, M. (2012). Suicide: Explanation, Evaluation and Treatment and Prevention. Section 5: Risk Factors. Ankara: HYB Basim Yayin.Gidis, D., Kaya, N., Çilli, A. S., Ozkan, I., & Şahinoglu, U. (1997). An analysis of the adolescents coming to Selcuk University's Faculty of Medicine for suicide attempt. . Kriz Journal, 5, 37-42. Gould, M. S., & Kramer, R. A. (2001). Youth suicide prevention,. 31, 6-31. Gulec, G., & Aksaray, G. (2006). An analysis of socio-demographic, socio-cultural and familial characteristics of young persons who attempt suicide.New Symposium Journal,, 44(3), 141-150. Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (2003). Anger & aggression management in young adolescents: An experimental validation of the SCARE program. Education and Treatment of Children, 273-302. Odag, C. (Ed.). (2008). Suicide (Ozkiyim) Description-Theory-Therapy.New Mental Reconstruction, (3 ed.). İzmir: Odag Psikanaliz ve Psikoterapi Egitim Hizmetleri Yayinlari.Oto, R., Ozkan, M., & Altindag, A. (2004). Suicides in Batman. Clinics in Turkey. Journal of Psychiatry- Special Topics, 5(2), 74-100. Owens, D., Horrocks, J., & House, A. (2002). Fatal ad nonfatal repetition of self-harm. . The British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 183-189. Ozguven, H. D., Soykan, Ç., Haran, S., & Gencoz, T. (2003). The importance of problem solving skills and perceived social support as well as depression and anxiety symptoms in suicide attempts. Turkish Psychology Journal, 18, 1-11. Sahin, H., Onur, A., & Basim, H. (2008). Predicting the Suicide Probability by Anger, Impulsiveness and Deficiency in Problem Solving Skills. Turkish Psychology Journal, 23 (62), 79-88. Sayil, I., Berksun, O. E., Palabiyikoglu, R., Ozguven, H., Soykan, C., & Haran, S. (2000). Crisis and Intervention in Crisis: Suicide Behavior. Ankara University Psychiatric Crisis Research and Implementation Center Publishing,, 6, 165-197. Sayil, I., Oral, A., Guney, S., Ayhan, N., Ayhan, O., & Devrimci, H. (1993). A study on the suicide attempts in Ankara. Kriz Journal, 1, 56-61. Starner, T., & Peters, R. (2004). Anger expression and blood pressure in adolescents. The Journal of School Nursing, 20(6), 335-342. Sudak, H. (Ed.). (2007). Kaplan&Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. (8 ed. Vol. 34). Ankara: Ankara Gunes Kitabevi Ltd. Sti.Suominen, K., Isometsä, E., Suokas, J., Haukka, J., Achte, K., & Lönnqvist, J. (2004). Completed suicide after a suicide attempt: a 37-year follow-up study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(3), 562-563. Tezcan, A., Oguzhanoglu, N., & Ulkeroglu, F. (1995). Suicide attempts in children and young people.Kriz Journal, 3 (1- 2), 70-74. . Tsai, S.-Y. M., Kuo, C.-J., Chen, C.-C., & Lee, H.-C. (2002). Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Tsirigotis, K., Gruszczynski, W., & Tsirigotis-Woloszczak, M. (2011). Gender differentiation in methods of suicide attempts. Annals of Transplantation, 17(8), PH65-PH70. Turkcapar, H., Guriz, O., Ozel, A., Isik, B., & Donbak Orsel, I. (2004). The correlation between anger and depression in patients with antisocial personality disorder. Turkish Psychiatry Journal., 15, 119 -124. Turkish Statistics Institutions (2014) Statistics of Suicide, Available from: Wolf, K. A., & Foshee, V. A. (2003). Family violence, anger expression styles, and adolescent dating violence. Journal of Family Violence, 18(6), 309-316. World Health Organization. 2014. Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, Available from:

Evaluation of The Suıcıde Reasons and Anger Involved in Suıcıde Attempters Who Come to The Emergency Servıce

Year 2019, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 15 - 24, 23.04.2019


Aim: This study aimed to describe the reasons and the anger that drives
patients to attempt suicide

Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study which was conducted with 217 patients
that stayed in the Toxicology Intensive Care Unit and had attempted suicide. The
data were collected during interviews conducted with the patients, using aquestionnaire
form, which included questions on patients' personal information, and the
Continuous Anger and Anger Expression Style Scale.

Results: All of the participating patients had taken medication or toxic
substances in their attempt to commit suicide. Among the reasons attributed to
the patients’ attempts to commit suicide, 30% were based on familial issues,
23% on loneliness and harassment and 16.1% due to mental illnesses. Prior
attempts at suicide had been committed by 20.3% of the patients, and 38.2% had
been previously diagnosed with a psychiatric illness. In terms of the
Continuous Anger and Anger and Expression Style score, the Continuous Anger sub-scale mean score was 27.34 (SD=6.33); the State Anger sub-scale mean score was
22.71 (SD=3.84); the Controlled Anger
sub-scale mean score was 16.76 (SS=4.98); the Expressed Anger sub-scale mean score was 19.92 (SD=5.69); and the Internalized Anger sub-scale mean score
was 18.71 (SD=3.98).

Conclusion: The study
found that medication and toxic substances were the main means by which the patients
attempted to commit suicide and that they were in their adolescent period and
had low educational levels. Furthermore, those who had made prior attempts at
suicide and/or who had been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness were included
in the risk group. Lastly, the patients who attempted to commit suicide had
high anger mean scores. 



  • REFERENCESAgerbo, E., Nordentoft, M., & Mortensen, P. (2002). Familial, psychiatric, and socioeconomic risk factors for suicide in young people: nested case-control study. BMJ, 325(7355), 74. Akin, E., & Berkem, M. (2012). An analysis of psychiatric diagnoses and demographic and clinical characteristics of the adolescents who have attempted to commit suicide. Firat Medical Journal, 17(4), 228-232. Albayrak, B., & Kutlu, Y. (2009). Anger expression style in adolescents and correlated factors. Maltepe University the Science and Art of Nursing Journal, 2(1), 57-61. Altindag, A., Sir, A., Ozkan, M., & (2001). The changes in suicide speed in Turkey (1974-1998). Psychiatry in Turkey, 2, 79-86. Bakım, B., Özçelik, B., & Karamustafalıoğlu, O. (2007). Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Disorders. Düşünen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 20(1), 38-47. Batigun, A., & Sahin, N. (2003). Could anger, impulsiveness and insufficient problem-solving skills be a predictor of adolescent suicides? Turkish Psychology Journal., 18(51), 37-52. Beautrais, A. (2000). Risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide among young people. . Australian New Zealand J Psychiatry, 34(420-436.). Beghi, M., & Rosenbaum, J. F. (2010). Risk factors for fatal and nonfatal repetition of suicide attempt: a critical appraisal. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 349-355. Bitlis, V., Tuzer, T., Bayam, G., Dilbaz, N., Holat, H., & Tan, D. (1994). A retrospective analysis of the patients coming to the emergency unit in a public hospital for suicide attempt. Kriz Journal, 2(2), 323-326. Björkenstam, C., Weitoft, G. R., Hjern, A., Nordström, P., Hallqvist, J., & Ljung, R. (2011). School grades, parental education and suicide—a national register-based cohort study. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 65(11), 993-998. Brent, D. A., Oquendo, M., Birmaher, B., Greenhill, L., Kolko, D., Stanley, B., . . . Ellis, S. (2002). Familial pathways to early-onset suicide attempt: risk for suicidal behavior in offspring of mood-disordered suicide attempters. Archives of general psychiatry, 59(9), 801-807. Carli, V., Jovanović, N., Podlešek, A., Roy, A., Rihmer, Z., Maggi, S., . . . Sarchiapone, M. (2010). The role of impulsivity in self-mutilators, suicide ideators and suicide attempters—A study of 1265 male incarcerated individuals. Journal of affective disorders, 123(1), 116-122. Cheng, T., Chen, T., Chen, C., & Jenkins, R. (2000). Psychosocial and psychiatric risk factors for suicide Case—control psychological autopsy study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 177(4), 360-365. Demirel, O., & Esel, E. (2003). Suicide (Ozkiyim). Anatolian Psychiatry Journal., 4, 175-118. Deveci, A., Taskin, E. O., Dundar, P. E., Demet, M. M., Kaya, E., Ozmen, E., & Dinc, G. (2005). The prevalence of suicidal thought and attempts in Manisa. Turkish Psychiatry Journal., 16(3), 170-178. Devrimci-Ozguven, H., & Sayil, I. (2003). Suicide attempts in Turkey: results of the WHO-EURO Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48(5), 324-329. Devrimci, O. (2008). An Analysis of the Risk of the Suicidal Behavior Clinics in Turkey. Journal of Psychiatry- Special Topics, 1(3). Ebert, M., Loosen, P., Nurcombe, B., & Leckman, J. (2013). Current Diagnosis and Treatment” Series, Psychiatric Diagnosis or Therapy (S. Candansayar Ed. 2 ed.): Ankara Gunes Tip Kitabevleri.Ekici, G., Savas, H., & Citak, S. (2001). Psychological factors which increase the risk of suicide (lack of social security, immigration and other stressors. Anatolian Psychitary Journal, 2(4), 204-212. . Ercan, E., Varan, A., & Aydın, C. (2000). The Sociodemographic, Psychiatric, and Familial Aspects of Adolescents Who Attempted Suicide. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 7(2), 81-91. Eskin, M. (2012). Suicide: Explanation, Evaluation and Treatment and Prevention. Section 5: Risk Factors. Ankara: HYB Basim Yayin.Gidis, D., Kaya, N., Çilli, A. S., Ozkan, I., & Şahinoglu, U. (1997). An analysis of the adolescents coming to Selcuk University's Faculty of Medicine for suicide attempt. . Kriz Journal, 5, 37-42. Gould, M. S., & Kramer, R. A. (2001). Youth suicide prevention,. 31, 6-31. Gulec, G., & Aksaray, G. (2006). An analysis of socio-demographic, socio-cultural and familial characteristics of young persons who attempt suicide.New Symposium Journal,, 44(3), 141-150. Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (2003). Anger & aggression management in young adolescents: An experimental validation of the SCARE program. Education and Treatment of Children, 273-302. Odag, C. (Ed.). (2008). Suicide (Ozkiyim) Description-Theory-Therapy.New Mental Reconstruction, (3 ed.). İzmir: Odag Psikanaliz ve Psikoterapi Egitim Hizmetleri Yayinlari.Oto, R., Ozkan, M., & Altindag, A. (2004). Suicides in Batman. Clinics in Turkey. Journal of Psychiatry- Special Topics, 5(2), 74-100. Owens, D., Horrocks, J., & House, A. (2002). Fatal ad nonfatal repetition of self-harm. . The British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 183-189. Ozguven, H. D., Soykan, Ç., Haran, S., & Gencoz, T. (2003). The importance of problem solving skills and perceived social support as well as depression and anxiety symptoms in suicide attempts. Turkish Psychology Journal, 18, 1-11. Sahin, H., Onur, A., & Basim, H. (2008). Predicting the Suicide Probability by Anger, Impulsiveness and Deficiency in Problem Solving Skills. Turkish Psychology Journal, 23 (62), 79-88. Sayil, I., Berksun, O. E., Palabiyikoglu, R., Ozguven, H., Soykan, C., & Haran, S. (2000). Crisis and Intervention in Crisis: Suicide Behavior. Ankara University Psychiatric Crisis Research and Implementation Center Publishing,, 6, 165-197. Sayil, I., Oral, A., Guney, S., Ayhan, N., Ayhan, O., & Devrimci, H. (1993). A study on the suicide attempts in Ankara. Kriz Journal, 1, 56-61. Starner, T., & Peters, R. (2004). Anger expression and blood pressure in adolescents. The Journal of School Nursing, 20(6), 335-342. Sudak, H. (Ed.). (2007). Kaplan&Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. (8 ed. Vol. 34). Ankara: Ankara Gunes Kitabevi Ltd. Sti.Suominen, K., Isometsä, E., Suokas, J., Haukka, J., Achte, K., & Lönnqvist, J. (2004). Completed suicide after a suicide attempt: a 37-year follow-up study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(3), 562-563. Tezcan, A., Oguzhanoglu, N., & Ulkeroglu, F. (1995). Suicide attempts in children and young people.Kriz Journal, 3 (1- 2), 70-74. . Tsai, S.-Y. M., Kuo, C.-J., Chen, C.-C., & Lee, H.-C. (2002). Risk factors for completed suicide in bipolar disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Tsirigotis, K., Gruszczynski, W., & Tsirigotis-Woloszczak, M. (2011). Gender differentiation in methods of suicide attempts. Annals of Transplantation, 17(8), PH65-PH70. Turkcapar, H., Guriz, O., Ozel, A., Isik, B., & Donbak Orsel, I. (2004). The correlation between anger and depression in patients with antisocial personality disorder. Turkish Psychiatry Journal., 15, 119 -124. Turkish Statistics Institutions (2014) Statistics of Suicide, Available from: Wolf, K. A., & Foshee, V. A. (2003). Family violence, anger expression styles, and adolescent dating violence. Journal of Family Violence, 18(6), 309-316. World Health Organization. 2014. Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, Available from:
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Intensive Care
Journal Section Original Articles

Zeynep Karaman Özlü

İbrahim Özlü This is me

Halime Gökşan This is me

Publication Date April 23, 2019
Submission Date December 28, 2018
Acceptance Date March 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


AMA Karaman Özlü Z, Özlü İ, Gökşan H. Evaluation of The Suıcıde Reasons and Anger Involved in Suıcıde Attempters Who Come to The Emergency Servıce. Eurasian j Crit Care. April 2019;1(1):15-24.

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