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Acil serviste trombolitik tedavi alan pulmoner tromboemboli hastaların analizi

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 87 - 91, 28.12.2021


Pulmoner emboli (PE), pulmoner arterlerin tıkanması sonucu ortaya çıkan hayatı tehdit eden ancak potansiyel olarak geri dönüşümlü bir acil durumdur. Bu çalışmada trombolitik tedavi uygulanan pulmoner emboli hastalarının demografik özelliklerini, laboratuvar verilerini ve mortalite oranlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Çalışma retrospektif bir çalışmadır. Acil serviste PE için trombolitik tedavi alan hastalar dahil edildi. Hastaların demografik verileri, komorbiditeleri, fizik muayene bulguları ve laboratuvar parametreleri retrospektif olarak kaydedildi.
Çalışmaya 16 hasta dahil edildi. En sık görülen semptomlar dispne (% 68.8), senkop (% 62.5) ve göğüs ağrısı (% 23.5) idi. Dokuz hasta acil servise kardiyak arrest olarak getirildi ve 4 hasta acil serviste öldü. 30 günlük mortalite oranı% 58.8 idi. Demografik ve laboratuvar parametreleri ölen ve sağ kalan hastalarda 30 günlük mortaliteye göre karşılaştırıldığında, iki grup arasında herhangi bir parametrede istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. (tüm parametreler için p> 0.05).
Sistemik trombolitik tedavi, şok, derin hipotansiyon veya hemodinamik unstabil olan PE hastaları için ilk tedavi seçeneğidir. Bu çalışmada hemodinamik instabilite veya kardiyak arrest ile acil servise başvuran hastalarda, laboratuvar parametrelerinin anormal olduğunu, daha düşük dozda trombolitik tedavi aldıklarını ve daha yüksek mortaliteye sahip olduklarını gösterdik.


  • 1-Goldhaber SZ, Visani L, DeRosa M. Acute pulmonary embolism: clinical outcomes in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry (ICOPER). Lancet 1999;353(9162):1386-9.
  • 1-Goldhaber SZ, Visani L, DeRosa M. Acute pulmonary embolism: clinical outcomes in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry (ICOPER). Lancet 1999;353(9162):1386-9.
  • 2-Grifoni S, Olivotto I, Cecchini P, Pieralli F, Camaiti A, Santoro G, et al. Short term clinical outcome of patients with acute pulmonary embolism, normal blood pressure and echocardiographic right ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 2000;101(24):2817-22.
  • 2-Grifoni S, Olivotto I, Cecchini P, Pieralli F, Camaiti A, Santoro G, et al. Short term clinical outcome of patients with acute pulmonary embolism, normal blood pressure and echocardiographic right ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 2000;101(24):2817-22.
  • 3-Wolfe MW, Lee RT, Feldstein ML, Parker JA, Come PC, Goldhaber SZ. Prognostic significance of right ventricular hypokinesis and perfusion lung scan defects in pulmonary embolism. Am Heart J 1994;127(5): 1371-5.
  • 3-Wolfe MW, Lee RT, Feldstein ML, Parker JA, Come PC, Goldhaber SZ. Prognostic significance of right ventricular hypokinesis and perfusion lung scan defects in pulmonary embolism. Am Heart J 1994;127(5): 1371-5.
  • 4-Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006;96(3):251-7.
  • 4-Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006;96(3):251-7.
  • 5-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003;24(1):73-91
  • 5-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003;24(1):73-91
  • 6-Kearon C, Akl EA, Comerota AJ, Prandoni P, Bounameaux H , Goldhaber SZ. Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141(2 Suppl):e419S.
  • 6-Kearon C, Akl EA, Comerota AJ, Prandoni P, Bounameaux H , Goldhaber SZ. Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141(2 Suppl):e419S.
  • 7-Yamamoto, T. Management of patients with high-risk pulmonary embolism: a narrative review. j intensive care. 2018; 6: 16.
  • 7-Yamamoto, T. Management of patients with high-risk pulmonary embolism: a narrative review. j intensive care. 2018; 6: 16.
  • 8-Dalal JJ, Amin P, Ansari AS, Bhave A, Bhagwat RG, Challani A et al. Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Consensus Statement for Indian Patients. J Assoc Physicians India. 2015;63(12):41‐50.
  • 8-Dalal JJ, Amin P, Ansari AS, Bhave A, Bhagwat RG, Challani A et al. Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Consensus Statement for Indian Patients. J Assoc Physicians India. 2015;63(12):41‐50.
  • 9-Uçar EY. Update on Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Eurasian Journal of Medicine 51(2):185-189
  • 9-Uçar EY. Update on Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Eurasian Journal of Medicine 51(2):185-189
  • 10- Jaff MR, McMurtry MS, Archer SL, Cushman M, Goldenberg N, Goldhaber SZ, et al. Management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2011; 123(16): 1788-830
  • 10- Jaff MR, McMurtry MS, Archer SL, Cushman M, Goldenberg N, Goldhaber SZ, et al. Management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2011; 123(16): 1788-830
  • 11-Aissaoui N, Konstantinides S, Meyer G. What's new in severe pulmonary embolism? Intensive Care Med 2019; 45 (1): 75-7.
  • 11-Aissaoui N, Konstantinides S, Meyer G. What's new in severe pulmonary embolism? Intensive Care Med 2019; 45 (1): 75-7.
  • 12-Goldhaber SZ, Haire WD, Feldstein ML, Miller M, Toltzis R, Smith JL, et al. Alteplase versus heparin in acute pulmonary embolism: randomised trial assessing right ventricular function and pulmonary perfusion. Lancet 1993; 341(8844): 507-11
  • 12-Goldhaber SZ, Haire WD, Feldstein ML, Miller M, Toltzis R, Smith JL, et al. Alteplase versus heparin in acute pulmonary embolism: randomised trial assessing right ventricular function and pulmonary perfusion. Lancet 1993; 341(8844): 507-11
  • 13-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003; 24(1): 73-91.
  • 13-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003; 24(1): 73-91.
  • 14- Coutance G, Cauderlier E, Ehtisham J, Hamon M, Hamon M. The prognostic value of markers of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2011; 15(2): R103.
  • 14- Coutance G, Cauderlier E, Ehtisham J, Hamon M, Hamon M. The prognostic value of markers of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2011; 15(2): R103.
  • 15-Sanchez O, Trinquart L, Colombet I, Durieux P, Huisman MV, Chatellie G r, et al. Prognostic value of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with haemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (12): 1569-77
  • 15-Sanchez O, Trinquart L, Colombet I, Durieux P, Huisman MV, Chatellie G r, et al. Prognostic value of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with haemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (12): 1569-77
  • 16- Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006; 96(3): 251-7
  • 16- Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006; 96(3): 251-7
  • 17-Levine M, Hirsh J, Weitz J, Cruickshank M, Neemeh J, Turpie AG, et al. A randomized trial of a single bolus dosage regimen of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Chest 1990; 98(6):1473.
  • 17-Levine M, Hirsh J, Weitz J, Cruickshank M, Neemeh J, Turpie AG, et al. A randomized trial of a single bolus dosage regimen of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Chest 1990; 98(6):1473.
  • 18-Meneveau N, Schiele F, Metz D, Valette B, Attali P, Vuillemenot A,et al. Comparative efficacy of a two-hour regimen of streptokinase versus alteplase in acute massive pulmonary embolism: immediate clinical and hemodynamic outcome and one-year follow-up. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31(5):1057.
  • 18-Meneveau N, Schiele F, Metz D, Valette B, Attali P, Vuillemenot A,et al. Comparative efficacy of a two-hour regimen of streptokinase versus alteplase in acute massive pulmonary embolism: immediate clinical and hemodynamic outcome and one-year follow-up. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31(5):1057.
  • 19-Kiser TH, Burnham EL, Clark B, Ho PM, Allen RR, Moss M, et al. Half-Dose Versus Full-Dose Alteplase for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism Critical Care Medicine: 2018;46(10):1617-1625.
  • 19-Kiser TH, Burnham EL, Clark B, Ho PM, Allen RR, Moss M, et al. Half-Dose Versus Full-Dose Alteplase for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism Critical Care Medicine: 2018;46(10):1617-1625.
  • 20-Aslan S, Meral M, Akgun M, Acemoglu H, Ucar EY, Gorguner M, et al. Liver dysfunction in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Hepatol Res. 2007;37(3):205‐213.
  • 20-Aslan S, Meral M, Akgun M, Acemoglu H, Ucar EY, Gorguner M, et al. Liver dysfunction in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Hepatol Res. 2007;37(3):205‐213.
  • 21- Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Roetker NS, Rosamond WD, Lazo M, Heckbert SR, et al. Elevated hepatic enzymes and incidence of venous thromboembolism: a prospective study. Ann Epidemiol. 2014; 24(11): 817–821.e2
  • 21- Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Roetker NS, Rosamond WD, Lazo M, Heckbert SR, et al. Elevated hepatic enzymes and incidence of venous thromboembolism: a prospective study. Ann Epidemiol. 2014; 24(11): 817–821.e2
  • 22-Vanni S, Viviani G, Baioni M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Socci F, et al. Prognostic Value of Plasma Lactate Levels Among Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism: The Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome Study Annals of Emergency Medicine 2013;61(3):330-338
  • 22-Vanni S, Viviani G, Baioni M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Socci F, et al. Prognostic Value of Plasma Lactate Levels Among Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism: The Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome Study Annals of Emergency Medicine 2013;61(3):330-338
  • 23-Vanni S, Socci F, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Viviani G, Baioni M, et al. High Plasma Lactate Levels Are Associated With Increased Risk of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism Academic Emergency Medicine 2011;18(8):830-5
  • 23-Vanni S, Socci F, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Viviani G, Baioni M, et al. High Plasma Lactate Levels Are Associated With Increased Risk of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism Academic Emergency Medicine 2011;18(8):830-5
  • 24- Meyer T , Binder L, Hruska N, Luthe H, Buchwald AB. Cardiac Troponin I Elevation in Acute Pulmonary Embolism Is Associated With Right Ventricular Dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(5):1632-6.
  • 24- Meyer T , Binder L, Hruska N, Luthe H, Buchwald AB. Cardiac Troponin I Elevation in Acute Pulmonary Embolism Is Associated With Right Ventricular Dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(5):1632-6.

Analysis of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism who received thrombolytic therapy in the emergency department

Year 2021, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 87 - 91, 28.12.2021


Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a life-threatening but potentially reversible emergency condition that occurs as a result of the obstruction of pulmonary arteries. We aimed to assess the demographic features, laboratory data, and mortality rates of patients with pulmonary embolism who were administered thrombolytic therapy in this study.
Material and methods
This was a retrospective study. It enrolled patients who received thrombolytic therapy for PE at the Emergency Medicine. The demographic data, comorbidities, physical examination findings and laboratory parameters of the patients with PE were retrospectively recorded.
Sixteen patients were enrolled during the study. The most common symptoms were dyspnea (68.8%), syncope (62.5%), and chest pain (23.5%). Nine patients were brought to the emergency department with cardiac arrest, and 4 patients died at the emergency department. The 30-day mortality rate was 58.8%. When demographic and laboratory parameters were compared according to 30-day mortality among the patients who died and survived, there was no statistically significant difference in any parameter between the two groups. (p>0.05 for all parameters).
Systemic thrombolytic therapy is the first treatment option for patients with PE who are in shock or who have profound hypotension or hemodynamic instability. In this study, we showed that patients admitted to the emergency department with hemodynamic instability or cardiac arrest were abnormal in laboratory parameters, received lower doses of thrombolytic therapy and had higher mortality.


  • 1-Goldhaber SZ, Visani L, DeRosa M. Acute pulmonary embolism: clinical outcomes in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry (ICOPER). Lancet 1999;353(9162):1386-9.
  • 1-Goldhaber SZ, Visani L, DeRosa M. Acute pulmonary embolism: clinical outcomes in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry (ICOPER). Lancet 1999;353(9162):1386-9.
  • 2-Grifoni S, Olivotto I, Cecchini P, Pieralli F, Camaiti A, Santoro G, et al. Short term clinical outcome of patients with acute pulmonary embolism, normal blood pressure and echocardiographic right ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 2000;101(24):2817-22.
  • 2-Grifoni S, Olivotto I, Cecchini P, Pieralli F, Camaiti A, Santoro G, et al. Short term clinical outcome of patients with acute pulmonary embolism, normal blood pressure and echocardiographic right ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 2000;101(24):2817-22.
  • 3-Wolfe MW, Lee RT, Feldstein ML, Parker JA, Come PC, Goldhaber SZ. Prognostic significance of right ventricular hypokinesis and perfusion lung scan defects in pulmonary embolism. Am Heart J 1994;127(5): 1371-5.
  • 3-Wolfe MW, Lee RT, Feldstein ML, Parker JA, Come PC, Goldhaber SZ. Prognostic significance of right ventricular hypokinesis and perfusion lung scan defects in pulmonary embolism. Am Heart J 1994;127(5): 1371-5.
  • 4-Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006;96(3):251-7.
  • 4-Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006;96(3):251-7.
  • 5-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003;24(1):73-91
  • 5-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003;24(1):73-91
  • 6-Kearon C, Akl EA, Comerota AJ, Prandoni P, Bounameaux H , Goldhaber SZ. Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141(2 Suppl):e419S.
  • 6-Kearon C, Akl EA, Comerota AJ, Prandoni P, Bounameaux H , Goldhaber SZ. Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012; 141(2 Suppl):e419S.
  • 7-Yamamoto, T. Management of patients with high-risk pulmonary embolism: a narrative review. j intensive care. 2018; 6: 16.
  • 7-Yamamoto, T. Management of patients with high-risk pulmonary embolism: a narrative review. j intensive care. 2018; 6: 16.
  • 8-Dalal JJ, Amin P, Ansari AS, Bhave A, Bhagwat RG, Challani A et al. Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Consensus Statement for Indian Patients. J Assoc Physicians India. 2015;63(12):41‐50.
  • 8-Dalal JJ, Amin P, Ansari AS, Bhave A, Bhagwat RG, Challani A et al. Management of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Consensus Statement for Indian Patients. J Assoc Physicians India. 2015;63(12):41‐50.
  • 9-Uçar EY. Update on Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Eurasian Journal of Medicine 51(2):185-189
  • 9-Uçar EY. Update on Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Eurasian Journal of Medicine 51(2):185-189
  • 10- Jaff MR, McMurtry MS, Archer SL, Cushman M, Goldenberg N, Goldhaber SZ, et al. Management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2011; 123(16): 1788-830
  • 10- Jaff MR, McMurtry MS, Archer SL, Cushman M, Goldenberg N, Goldhaber SZ, et al. Management of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis, and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2011; 123(16): 1788-830
  • 11-Aissaoui N, Konstantinides S, Meyer G. What's new in severe pulmonary embolism? Intensive Care Med 2019; 45 (1): 75-7.
  • 11-Aissaoui N, Konstantinides S, Meyer G. What's new in severe pulmonary embolism? Intensive Care Med 2019; 45 (1): 75-7.
  • 12-Goldhaber SZ, Haire WD, Feldstein ML, Miller M, Toltzis R, Smith JL, et al. Alteplase versus heparin in acute pulmonary embolism: randomised trial assessing right ventricular function and pulmonary perfusion. Lancet 1993; 341(8844): 507-11
  • 12-Goldhaber SZ, Haire WD, Feldstein ML, Miller M, Toltzis R, Smith JL, et al. Alteplase versus heparin in acute pulmonary embolism: randomised trial assessing right ventricular function and pulmonary perfusion. Lancet 1993; 341(8844): 507-11
  • 13-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003; 24(1): 73-91.
  • 13-Arcasoy SM, Vachani A. Local and systemic thrombolytic therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Clin Chest Med 2003; 24(1): 73-91.
  • 14- Coutance G, Cauderlier E, Ehtisham J, Hamon M, Hamon M. The prognostic value of markers of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2011; 15(2): R103.
  • 14- Coutance G, Cauderlier E, Ehtisham J, Hamon M, Hamon M. The prognostic value of markers of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2011; 15(2): R103.
  • 15-Sanchez O, Trinquart L, Colombet I, Durieux P, Huisman MV, Chatellie G r, et al. Prognostic value of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with haemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (12): 1569-77
  • 15-Sanchez O, Trinquart L, Colombet I, Durieux P, Huisman MV, Chatellie G r, et al. Prognostic value of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with haemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism: a systematic review. Eur Heart J 2008; 29 (12): 1569-77
  • 16- Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006; 96(3): 251-7
  • 16- Emmerich J, Meyer G, Decousus H, Agnelli G. Role of fibrinolysis and interventional therapy for acute venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost 2006; 96(3): 251-7
  • 17-Levine M, Hirsh J, Weitz J, Cruickshank M, Neemeh J, Turpie AG, et al. A randomized trial of a single bolus dosage regimen of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Chest 1990; 98(6):1473.
  • 17-Levine M, Hirsh J, Weitz J, Cruickshank M, Neemeh J, Turpie AG, et al. A randomized trial of a single bolus dosage regimen of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Chest 1990; 98(6):1473.
  • 18-Meneveau N, Schiele F, Metz D, Valette B, Attali P, Vuillemenot A,et al. Comparative efficacy of a two-hour regimen of streptokinase versus alteplase in acute massive pulmonary embolism: immediate clinical and hemodynamic outcome and one-year follow-up. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31(5):1057.
  • 18-Meneveau N, Schiele F, Metz D, Valette B, Attali P, Vuillemenot A,et al. Comparative efficacy of a two-hour regimen of streptokinase versus alteplase in acute massive pulmonary embolism: immediate clinical and hemodynamic outcome and one-year follow-up. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31(5):1057.
  • 19-Kiser TH, Burnham EL, Clark B, Ho PM, Allen RR, Moss M, et al. Half-Dose Versus Full-Dose Alteplase for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism Critical Care Medicine: 2018;46(10):1617-1625.
  • 19-Kiser TH, Burnham EL, Clark B, Ho PM, Allen RR, Moss M, et al. Half-Dose Versus Full-Dose Alteplase for Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism Critical Care Medicine: 2018;46(10):1617-1625.
  • 20-Aslan S, Meral M, Akgun M, Acemoglu H, Ucar EY, Gorguner M, et al. Liver dysfunction in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Hepatol Res. 2007;37(3):205‐213.
  • 20-Aslan S, Meral M, Akgun M, Acemoglu H, Ucar EY, Gorguner M, et al. Liver dysfunction in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Hepatol Res. 2007;37(3):205‐213.
  • 21- Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Roetker NS, Rosamond WD, Lazo M, Heckbert SR, et al. Elevated hepatic enzymes and incidence of venous thromboembolism: a prospective study. Ann Epidemiol. 2014; 24(11): 817–821.e2
  • 21- Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Roetker NS, Rosamond WD, Lazo M, Heckbert SR, et al. Elevated hepatic enzymes and incidence of venous thromboembolism: a prospective study. Ann Epidemiol. 2014; 24(11): 817–821.e2
  • 22-Vanni S, Viviani G, Baioni M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Socci F, et al. Prognostic Value of Plasma Lactate Levels Among Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism: The Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome Study Annals of Emergency Medicine 2013;61(3):330-338
  • 22-Vanni S, Viviani G, Baioni M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Socci F, et al. Prognostic Value of Plasma Lactate Levels Among Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism: The Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome Study Annals of Emergency Medicine 2013;61(3):330-338
  • 23-Vanni S, Socci F, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Viviani G, Baioni M, et al. High Plasma Lactate Levels Are Associated With Increased Risk of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism Academic Emergency Medicine 2011;18(8):830-5
  • 23-Vanni S, Socci F, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Viviani G, Baioni M, et al. High Plasma Lactate Levels Are Associated With Increased Risk of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism Academic Emergency Medicine 2011;18(8):830-5
  • 24- Meyer T , Binder L, Hruska N, Luthe H, Buchwald AB. Cardiac Troponin I Elevation in Acute Pulmonary Embolism Is Associated With Right Ventricular Dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(5):1632-6.
  • 24- Meyer T , Binder L, Hruska N, Luthe H, Buchwald AB. Cardiac Troponin I Elevation in Acute Pulmonary Embolism Is Associated With Right Ventricular Dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;36(5):1632-6.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Emergency Medicine
Journal Section Original Articles

Emine Emektar 0000-0002-6056-4401

Seda Dağar 0000-0002-7874-382X

Hüseyin Uzunosmanoğlu 0000-0002-4370-1283

Yunsur Çevik 0000-0003-1325-0909

Publication Date December 28, 2021
Submission Date May 21, 2021
Acceptance Date August 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


AMA Emektar E, Dağar S, Uzunosmanoğlu H, Çevik Y. Analysis of patients with pulmonary thromboembolism who received thrombolytic therapy in the emergency department. Eurasian j Crit Care. December 2021;3(3):87-91.

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