Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 250 - 260, 31.10.2021



  • Aliyev H.A. (2000) Speech at the solemn jubilee ceremony dedicated to the 1300th anniversary of the epos "Book-Dada-Korkud". "Respublika" (Republic) newspaper, Baku: April 11.
  • Aliyev R.I. (2008) Mentality. Baku: Maarif, 236 p.
  • Aliyev R.I. (2000). Şəxsiyyətin və onun formalaşmasının etnopsixoloji əsasları. Bakı, 2000.442 səh.
  • Alizade. A.A. (2003). Azərbaycan etnopsixologiyasına giriş. Вaku, 2003. 352 sah.
  • Bayramov A.S. (2000). Reflection of ethno-psychological features in the epos "Book of Dede Korkut". Baku: Nurlan, 267 p.
  • Bayramov A.S. (1996). Issues of ethnic psychology. Baku: Science and life, 213 p.
  • Bakhshaliyev A.A. (2011). Socio-psychological essence of national-moral values of Azerbaijan.Bakı: Maarif, 231 p.
  • Bashirov V.P.(2008) Ideas of national progress in the pedagogical thought of Azerbaijan (late XIX, early XX centuries). Baku: Oka-Offset, 318 p.
  • Lebedeva N.М. (2000). Etnicehskaya i kross-kulturnayapsixologiya. Pod red. V. Drujinina. Uchebnik Psixologii dlya studentov gumanitarnix vuzov. SPb.: «PITER»,
  • Leopold Engor. (2004). Negritude. Psixologiya negro-Afrikantsa. М.
  • Lure S.V.(2005). Psixologicehskaya antropologiya. М.: Izd-vо: Alma Mater.
  • Mid M. (1988). Kultura i mir detstva. М.: Nauka.
  • t-v-n-n-l-ri-50-2014-152291 14.
  • ri/2014/10/13/turk-ad-t-v-n-n-l-ri-40-2014-154655

Ethnopsychological Basis of Behavior and Attitude of Turkish Youth

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 250 - 260, 31.10.2021


The Turkic peoples, one of the oldest nations in the world, have made invaluable contributions to human civilization with their historically rich system of national, spiritual and moral values, and have always maintained their identity with their unshakable commitment to sublime and pure ideals. The successful harmony of the progressive traditions of the East with the values of the West in our spiritual culture also has an impact on the formation of national self-consciousness in the younger generation, bringing together different worldviews and cultures in our national thinking.
Therefore, every Turkish youth must be aware of their psychological past in order to understand themselves correctly, and thus apply to the ethno genesis and ethno psychological past of their people in order to know what moral and psychological qualities they have and how their people are progressing. From this point of view, the epos "Book of Dede Korkud" is our source of reference in the formation of national self-consciousness in Turkic-speaking peoples and the correct formation of national spirit in the young generation in modern times.
The results of research on the formation of national self-awareness in the younger generation have practical importance in relation and attitude to young people in the family and society.


  • Aliyev H.A. (2000) Speech at the solemn jubilee ceremony dedicated to the 1300th anniversary of the epos "Book-Dada-Korkud". "Respublika" (Republic) newspaper, Baku: April 11.
  • Aliyev R.I. (2008) Mentality. Baku: Maarif, 236 p.
  • Aliyev R.I. (2000). Şəxsiyyətin və onun formalaşmasının etnopsixoloji əsasları. Bakı, 2000.442 səh.
  • Alizade. A.A. (2003). Azərbaycan etnopsixologiyasına giriş. Вaku, 2003. 352 sah.
  • Bayramov A.S. (2000). Reflection of ethno-psychological features in the epos "Book of Dede Korkut". Baku: Nurlan, 267 p.
  • Bayramov A.S. (1996). Issues of ethnic psychology. Baku: Science and life, 213 p.
  • Bakhshaliyev A.A. (2011). Socio-psychological essence of national-moral values of Azerbaijan.Bakı: Maarif, 231 p.
  • Bashirov V.P.(2008) Ideas of national progress in the pedagogical thought of Azerbaijan (late XIX, early XX centuries). Baku: Oka-Offset, 318 p.
  • Lebedeva N.М. (2000). Etnicehskaya i kross-kulturnayapsixologiya. Pod red. V. Drujinina. Uchebnik Psixologii dlya studentov gumanitarnix vuzov. SPb.: «PITER»,
  • Leopold Engor. (2004). Negritude. Psixologiya negro-Afrikantsa. М.
  • Lure S.V.(2005). Psixologicehskaya antropologiya. М.: Izd-vо: Alma Mater.
  • Mid M. (1988). Kultura i mir detstva. М.: Nauka.
  • t-v-n-n-l-ri-50-2014-152291 14.
  • ri/2014/10/13/turk-ad-t-v-n-n-l-ri-40-2014-154655
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Articles

Shahnaz Guliyeva

Publication Date October 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Guliyeva, S. (2021). Ethnopsychological Basis of Behavior and Attitude of Turkish Youth. European Journal of Educational and Social Sciences, 6(2), 250-260.