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Economic analysis of firewood marketing in Uyo capital city, Akwa, Ibom state, Nigeria

Year 2017, , 26 - 43, 26.10.2017


This study ascertained the profitability and determining factors influencing firewood marketing in Uyo Capital City. The study used structured questionnaires and interview schedules to collect its data. The questionnaires were randomly administered to 75 firewood traders in the markets (Itam market, Akpan Andem market and Afaha market) being 67% of the population frame. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique, profitability analysis and regression analysis. The result showed that majority of the respondents were female (92%), were above 30 years of age (83%), were literate (93%), married (73%) and had a household size of 1-5 persons (53%). Also, majority of the traders (72%) had been in the trade for more than 10 years, were engaged at full-time (76%) basis, 63% belonged to an association, started the trade with their personal funds (88%). The trade was profitable with a mean income of ₦34105.20 monthly. The regression coefficient (R2) indicated that the income determinants accounted for 56.50% of the variations in the receipts from firewood sales. Mode of engagement and scale of operation had significant and positive effect on revenue (p<0.05), while household size was negative and significant (p<0.10), Educational status, age of trader and cost incurred was positive and significant (p<0.01) respectively. Majority of the firewood (84%) traded in the study area was bought from Ibiono and the most species commonly traded was from the family Fabaceae , while the species Dactyladenia barteri (Hook.f. ex Oliv.) was the most traded as firewood in the study area.  The study recommends evaluation of the production and regeneration of the firewood species especially Dactyladenia barteri (Hook.f. ex Oliv.) under different management regimes across the state and in particular Ibiono, which serve as the major source of firewood for Uyo Capital City. 


  • Abebaw, D. A. (2007). Household determinants of fuelwood choice in urban Ethiopia: A case study of Jimma town. Journal of Development Areas 41(1):117-126.
  • Adeyemi, A. A. and Ibe, A. E.(2014). Patterns of Firewood Exploitation and Utilization in Periurban and Rural Areas of Owerri Zone n Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment. 10(3):113-119
  • Afolabi (2001) in Ndaghu, A. A., V. B. Taru, I. Tizhe and J. Tizhe (2011). Analysis of Socio-economic Characteristics of Fuel Wood Marketers in Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria. J. Hum Ecol, 36(2): 153-157
  • Alam, S. A. (2006). Use of biomass fuels in the brick- making industries of Sudan: implications for deforestation and greenhouse gas emission. Master’s thesis Department of Forest Ecology, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI), University of Helsinki, Finland. 87pp.
  • Anderson, D. (1996). Energy and the Environment: Technical and Economic Possibilities Finance and Development. Journal of environmental science 52(3):127-132.
  • Ani, A. O. (2004). Women in Agriculture and Rural Development. 1st Edition. Maiduguri Nigeria: Priscaquila Publishers.
  • Asogwa, B. C., Abu, O. and Ochoche G. E. (2014). Analysis of Peasant Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Credit in Benue State, Nigeria. British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 4(10): 1525-1543.
  • Awah, S. B. (1995). The rural woman and the importance of fuelwood in household energy consumption in the Diamaré division of the Far North Province. Student end of course memoir. National Institute of Rural Development. Dschang, University Center.
  • Ayotebi, O. (2000). Overview of environmental problems in Nigeria.National Centre for Economic Management and Administration (NCEMA). Paper presented at the conference on Environment and Sustainable Development: Ibadan, 17-18 August, 2000.
  • Azeez F. A., Ajayi C. A., Olarewaju T. O., Nosiru M. O., Farinola L. A. (2014). The Utilization Pattern and Economic Evaluation of Fuelwood Enterprise: A Case Study of Some Areas in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 2(6): 91-95.
  • Baker, A. J. (1982). Wood fuel properties and fuel products from woods. In: Proceedings of Fuelwood management and utilization seminar: East Lansing. 9-11 November, 1982, Michigan State University.14-25pp.
  • Christiaensen, L., L. Demery and S. Paternostro (2003) ‘Macro and Micro Perspectives of Growth and Poverty in Africa’, World Bank draft.
  • Chukwu, I. E. W. (2001). Agricultural sustainability and farmers’ decisions at farm level. In: Sagary N (ed). Proceeding of the 6th scientific workshop of Sub-Saharan African Network (SUSAN) held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, August 23-27.
  • Cline-Cole, R. A., J. A. Falola, H. A. C. Main, M. J.Mortimore, J. E. Nichol and F. D. O’Reilly (1987).Wood Fuel in Kano. Final Report of the Rural Energy Research Project Bayero University, Kano Submitted to the United Nations University Development Studies Division. 37pp.
  • Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) (2005). Draft Key Issue on Forestry and Poverty in South Africa. Pretoria.
  • Ebe, F. E. (2006). Economic study of fuelwood marketing and consumption in Enugu State, Nigeria. A Ph.D research findings seminar presented to the department of agricultural economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Ebe, F. E. (2014). Economic Analysis of Fuelwood Marketing in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 7(11):21-25
  • EIA (Energy Information Administration) (2004).World Energy and Economic Outlook: Consumption by Fuel Types, 1970-2020 Projections: EIA, System for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets. Retrieved from http://www.eia. projection. htm.
  • EIA (Energy Information Administration) (2007). Annual Energy Review. U.S. Department of Energy: Washington, DC. Retrieved from
  • Ekwere, G. E. and Edem, I. D. (2014). Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(3): 18-26.
  • Evans, J. (1982).Plantation Forestry in the Tropics. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.403pp.
  • Evbuomwan, G. O., A. E. Ikpi, V. O. Okoruwa and V. O. Akinyosoye (2013). Sources of Finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises In Nigeria. 19th International Farm Management Congress, SGGW, Warsaw, Poland. Available at Accessed 25th August, 2016.
  • Ezema, F. I. (2001). Conventional Sources of energy”. In: Ezekwesili, N.O., P.O. Uba Chukwu and C.R. Nwagbo (eds), Introduction to Natural Sciences. Onitsha: Newcrest Publishers.
  • FAO (2000). Forest Energy Forum – Newsletter. Retrieved from x9192e/x9192e08.htm.
  • Fidelia, D. N. (2005). Tread in gender enrolment disparity in vocational technical education in Nigeria. International Journal of FAWENS, Nigeria 1(3): 16.
  • Futmina (2016). Economic and Environmental Implications of Fuelwood Trade and Consumption in Niger State. Available at Accessed 27th August, 2016
  • Gulani, M. G. and Usman, A. (n. d.) Financing small and medium scale enterprises (SMES): A challenge for entrepreneurial development in Gombe State. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences ISSN: 2047-2528 Vol. 2 No. 9: 17-23
  • Hafeez, S. M. (2000). Bio-energy for meeting growing energy needs. In: RWEDP [Regional Wood Energy Development Programme], editor. Wood Fuel Production and Marketing in Pakistan. National Workshop, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 28-30 October 1997. RWEDP Report No 49. Bangkok, Thailand: FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations], pp 143–149.
  • Horgan, G.P. (2001) Wood energy economics crisis. IIED, GateKeepers Series No SA18, London.
  • Ikurekong E. E., Esin J. O. and Mba, A. C. (2009). Rural Fuelwood Exploitation in Mbo Local Government Area - A Nigerian Coastal Settlement. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 2(3): 44-55.
  • Kalu, C., Modugu, W. W. and Ubochi, I. (2009). Evaluation of solid waste management policy in Benin metropolis, Edo State, Nigeria. African Scientist. 10 (1): 1-7
  • Kwaghe, P. V. (1999). Women feed the world prospect, problem and solutions for sustainable agriculture. In: DC Undiandeye, Y Billa, S Kushwaha (Eds.): Sustainable Agricultural Development: Principles and Case Studies in Nigeria. Maiduguri, Nigeria: Mainnasara Publishers, P. 30.
  • Larinde, S. L. and A. L. Kehinde (2003). Gender determinant of farm income by rural dwellers in communities around depleted Onigambari Forest Reserve in Oyo State, Nigeria. Proc. 11th Annual Conf. Environment and Behavioural Association, pp 369-374.
  • Larinde, S. L. and Olasupo O. O. (2011). Socio-Economic Importance of Fuelwood Production in Gambari Forest Reserve Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research, 11(1):201-210
  • Leach, M., and Mearns, R. (1988). Beyond the Woodfuel Crisis: People, Land and Trees in Africa, Earthscan Publications, London.
  • Mainagwa, M. G. (2010). Fuelwood Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: Factors which Impede, and Incentives which will accelerate their Development. 6(1): 36 – 48.
  • Minhaj, A. J. (1996). “Constraints Related to Woodfuel Production and Marketing”. A technical paper presented at National Training course, RADA, Bogra, Bangladesh, 7-11 Dec.
  • Momodu, I. M. (2013). Domestic Energy Needs and Natural Resources Conservation: The Case of Fuelwood Consumption in Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
  • Montalembert, M.R. and Clement, J. (1983). Fuelwood supplies in developing countries. FAO forestry paper 42. Rome.
  • Muregerera, H. (2008). The importance of communal rangelands: A case study of three districts in Zimbabwe. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Fort Hare. Pp. 111-127.
  • Ndaghu, A. A., V. B. Taru, I. Tizhe and J. Tizhe (2011). Analysis of Socio-economic Characteristics of Fuel Wood Marketers in Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria. J. Hum Ecol, 36(2): 153-157
  • Nelson, I. U. (2015). Economic Analysis of Small Scale Ornamental Plant and Production Marketing in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. M.Sc Thesis, University of Uyo, Nigeria. 134pp.
  • Nzeh, C. E. P. and Eboh, E. C. (2007). Analysis Of Income Effects Of Forest Products Activities Among Rural Households In Enugu State, Nigeria. J. Agric. Soc. Res. 7(1):23-33.
  • Olagunju, F. I. and Adeyemo, R. (2008). Evaluation of the Operational Performance of the Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) in South Western Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research and Development, 1(1): 53 -67.
  • Olorunshola, J. A. (2003). Problems and Prospects of Small and Medium Scale Industries in Nigeria. CBN Seminar on SMIEIS, 2003.
  • Omonona, B. T., Lawal, J. O. and Oyinlana, A. O. (2010). Determinates of Credit Constraint Conditions and Production Efficiency among Farming Households in South Western Nigeria. Paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economist Association of South Africa (AEASA) conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, September 19th–23rd, 2010.
  • Paul, J. (2008). Comparative Analysis of household Energy use in Yola Metropolitan Area. An unpublished M.Sc Thesis Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University of Technology, Yola Adamawa state Nigeria.
  • Salisu, M. (2008). Structure and performance of cowpea in Yola Metropolis of Adamawa state unpublished M.Sc Thesis Department of agricultural Economics and extension federal university of technology Yola Adamawa State Nigeria.
  • Samuelson, P. A. and Nordhaus, W. D. (2005). Economics. 18th Edition. New Delhi: TATA Mc-Graw Hill.
  • Taphone B.G. (2009). Resource Productivity and Efficiency of Groundnut Farming in Northern Part of Taraba State, Nigeria. MSc. Thesis. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Yola, Adamawa State. Federal University of Technology, Adamawa State.
  • Taru, V. B.1 and Ndaghu, A. A. (2013). Evaluation of fuel wood marketing in Adamawa State, Nigeria, African Journal of Research 8(47): 5978-5981
  • Uwem U. A, Nsikan, S and Promise, P. E. (2015). The Communicativeness of Road Traffic Signs in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research, 3: 685-708
  • Velde, D. W. (2005). Globalisation and Education What do the trade, investment and migration literatures tell us? Working Paper 254.

Economic analysis of firewood marketing in Uyo capital city, Akwa, Ibom state, Nigeria

Year 2017, , 26 - 43, 26.10.2017


Bu çalışma, Nijerya’nın başkenti Uyo’da yakacak odununun pazarlanması üzerinde etkili faktörleri ve kârlılığı belirlemeyi hedeflemiştir. Çalışma, yapılandırılmış anketler ve belirli tarihlerde yüz yüze yapılan görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anketler, yakacak odun pazarında faaliyet gösteren tüccarların % 67’sini oluşturan (Itam, Akpan Andem ve Afaha pazarları) 75 kişiye rastgele yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde; tanımlayıcı istatistik, bütçeleme teknikleri, kârlılık ve regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, cevap verenlerin çoğunluğu kadın (%92), 30 yaşın üzerinde (%83), eğitimli (%93), evli (%73) ve 1-5 kişilik hane sayısına sahip (%53) kişilerden oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca, tüccarların çoğu (%72) 10 yıldan fazladır bu işi yapmakta, tam zamanlı (%76) çalışmakta, ortaklığa sahip (%63) ve ticarete kendi maddî imkânlarıyla (%88) başlamıştır. Aylık 94$ (34105.20₦) (₦ Nijerya para birimi Naira) kazanılması kârlı bir gelir olarak kabul edilmektedir. Belirleme katsayısı (R2) satışların %56.5’inin yakacak odunundan elde edildiğini göstermektedir. Sözleşme türü ve işlem büyüklüğü gelir üzerinde artı yönde ve anlamlı bir etkiye sahip (p<0.05) iken, hane halkı büyüklüğü eksi yönde anlamlı bir etkiye (p<0.1) sahiptir. Eğitim seviyesi, tüccarın yaşı ve maliyet artı yönde ve anlamlı bir etkiye (p<0.01) sahiptir. Pazara sunulan yakacak odununun çoğu (%84) Ibiono’dan alınmakta ve alınan türlerin çoğu Fabaceae familyasına aittir. Dactyladenia barteri (Hook.f. ex Oliv.) ise araştırma alanında en çok ticareti yapılan tür olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Başkent Uyo’nun yakacak odun ihtiyacının karşılanması için Dactyladenia barteri (Hook.f. ex Oliv.) türünün özellikle Ibiono’da ve genel olarak tüm eyalette çeşitli yönetim biçimleri uygulanarak yetiştirilmesi ve üretilmesi bir öneri olarak sunulmaktadır. 


  • Abebaw, D. A. (2007). Household determinants of fuelwood choice in urban Ethiopia: A case study of Jimma town. Journal of Development Areas 41(1):117-126.
  • Adeyemi, A. A. and Ibe, A. E.(2014). Patterns of Firewood Exploitation and Utilization in Periurban and Rural Areas of Owerri Zone n Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment. 10(3):113-119
  • Afolabi (2001) in Ndaghu, A. A., V. B. Taru, I. Tizhe and J. Tizhe (2011). Analysis of Socio-economic Characteristics of Fuel Wood Marketers in Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria. J. Hum Ecol, 36(2): 153-157
  • Alam, S. A. (2006). Use of biomass fuels in the brick- making industries of Sudan: implications for deforestation and greenhouse gas emission. Master’s thesis Department of Forest Ecology, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI), University of Helsinki, Finland. 87pp.
  • Anderson, D. (1996). Energy and the Environment: Technical and Economic Possibilities Finance and Development. Journal of environmental science 52(3):127-132.
  • Ani, A. O. (2004). Women in Agriculture and Rural Development. 1st Edition. Maiduguri Nigeria: Priscaquila Publishers.
  • Asogwa, B. C., Abu, O. and Ochoche G. E. (2014). Analysis of Peasant Farmers’ Access to Agricultural Credit in Benue State, Nigeria. British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 4(10): 1525-1543.
  • Awah, S. B. (1995). The rural woman and the importance of fuelwood in household energy consumption in the Diamaré division of the Far North Province. Student end of course memoir. National Institute of Rural Development. Dschang, University Center.
  • Ayotebi, O. (2000). Overview of environmental problems in Nigeria.National Centre for Economic Management and Administration (NCEMA). Paper presented at the conference on Environment and Sustainable Development: Ibadan, 17-18 August, 2000.
  • Azeez F. A., Ajayi C. A., Olarewaju T. O., Nosiru M. O., Farinola L. A. (2014). The Utilization Pattern and Economic Evaluation of Fuelwood Enterprise: A Case Study of Some Areas in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 2(6): 91-95.
  • Baker, A. J. (1982). Wood fuel properties and fuel products from woods. In: Proceedings of Fuelwood management and utilization seminar: East Lansing. 9-11 November, 1982, Michigan State University.14-25pp.
  • Christiaensen, L., L. Demery and S. Paternostro (2003) ‘Macro and Micro Perspectives of Growth and Poverty in Africa’, World Bank draft.
  • Chukwu, I. E. W. (2001). Agricultural sustainability and farmers’ decisions at farm level. In: Sagary N (ed). Proceeding of the 6th scientific workshop of Sub-Saharan African Network (SUSAN) held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, August 23-27.
  • Cline-Cole, R. A., J. A. Falola, H. A. C. Main, M. J.Mortimore, J. E. Nichol and F. D. O’Reilly (1987).Wood Fuel in Kano. Final Report of the Rural Energy Research Project Bayero University, Kano Submitted to the United Nations University Development Studies Division. 37pp.
  • Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) (2005). Draft Key Issue on Forestry and Poverty in South Africa. Pretoria.
  • Ebe, F. E. (2006). Economic study of fuelwood marketing and consumption in Enugu State, Nigeria. A Ph.D research findings seminar presented to the department of agricultural economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Ebe, F. E. (2014). Economic Analysis of Fuelwood Marketing in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 7(11):21-25
  • EIA (Energy Information Administration) (2004).World Energy and Economic Outlook: Consumption by Fuel Types, 1970-2020 Projections: EIA, System for the Analysis of Global Energy Markets. Retrieved from http://www.eia. projection. htm.
  • EIA (Energy Information Administration) (2007). Annual Energy Review. U.S. Department of Energy: Washington, DC. Retrieved from
  • Ekwere, G. E. and Edem, I. D. (2014). Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(3): 18-26.
  • Evans, J. (1982).Plantation Forestry in the Tropics. Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.403pp.
  • Evbuomwan, G. O., A. E. Ikpi, V. O. Okoruwa and V. O. Akinyosoye (2013). Sources of Finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises In Nigeria. 19th International Farm Management Congress, SGGW, Warsaw, Poland. Available at Accessed 25th August, 2016.
  • Ezema, F. I. (2001). Conventional Sources of energy”. In: Ezekwesili, N.O., P.O. Uba Chukwu and C.R. Nwagbo (eds), Introduction to Natural Sciences. Onitsha: Newcrest Publishers.
  • FAO (2000). Forest Energy Forum – Newsletter. Retrieved from x9192e/x9192e08.htm.
  • Fidelia, D. N. (2005). Tread in gender enrolment disparity in vocational technical education in Nigeria. International Journal of FAWENS, Nigeria 1(3): 16.
  • Futmina (2016). Economic and Environmental Implications of Fuelwood Trade and Consumption in Niger State. Available at Accessed 27th August, 2016
  • Gulani, M. G. and Usman, A. (n. d.) Financing small and medium scale enterprises (SMES): A challenge for entrepreneurial development in Gombe State. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences ISSN: 2047-2528 Vol. 2 No. 9: 17-23
  • Hafeez, S. M. (2000). Bio-energy for meeting growing energy needs. In: RWEDP [Regional Wood Energy Development Programme], editor. Wood Fuel Production and Marketing in Pakistan. National Workshop, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 28-30 October 1997. RWEDP Report No 49. Bangkok, Thailand: FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations], pp 143–149.
  • Horgan, G.P. (2001) Wood energy economics crisis. IIED, GateKeepers Series No SA18, London.
  • Ikurekong E. E., Esin J. O. and Mba, A. C. (2009). Rural Fuelwood Exploitation in Mbo Local Government Area - A Nigerian Coastal Settlement. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 2(3): 44-55.
  • Kalu, C., Modugu, W. W. and Ubochi, I. (2009). Evaluation of solid waste management policy in Benin metropolis, Edo State, Nigeria. African Scientist. 10 (1): 1-7
  • Kwaghe, P. V. (1999). Women feed the world prospect, problem and solutions for sustainable agriculture. In: DC Undiandeye, Y Billa, S Kushwaha (Eds.): Sustainable Agricultural Development: Principles and Case Studies in Nigeria. Maiduguri, Nigeria: Mainnasara Publishers, P. 30.
  • Larinde, S. L. and A. L. Kehinde (2003). Gender determinant of farm income by rural dwellers in communities around depleted Onigambari Forest Reserve in Oyo State, Nigeria. Proc. 11th Annual Conf. Environment and Behavioural Association, pp 369-374.
  • Larinde, S. L. and Olasupo O. O. (2011). Socio-Economic Importance of Fuelwood Production in Gambari Forest Reserve Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research, 11(1):201-210
  • Leach, M., and Mearns, R. (1988). Beyond the Woodfuel Crisis: People, Land and Trees in Africa, Earthscan Publications, London.
  • Mainagwa, M. G. (2010). Fuelwood Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: Factors which Impede, and Incentives which will accelerate their Development. 6(1): 36 – 48.
  • Minhaj, A. J. (1996). “Constraints Related to Woodfuel Production and Marketing”. A technical paper presented at National Training course, RADA, Bogra, Bangladesh, 7-11 Dec.
  • Momodu, I. M. (2013). Domestic Energy Needs and Natural Resources Conservation: The Case of Fuelwood Consumption in Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
  • Montalembert, M.R. and Clement, J. (1983). Fuelwood supplies in developing countries. FAO forestry paper 42. Rome.
  • Muregerera, H. (2008). The importance of communal rangelands: A case study of three districts in Zimbabwe. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Fort Hare. Pp. 111-127.
  • Ndaghu, A. A., V. B. Taru, I. Tizhe and J. Tizhe (2011). Analysis of Socio-economic Characteristics of Fuel Wood Marketers in Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria. J. Hum Ecol, 36(2): 153-157
  • Nelson, I. U. (2015). Economic Analysis of Small Scale Ornamental Plant and Production Marketing in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. M.Sc Thesis, University of Uyo, Nigeria. 134pp.
  • Nzeh, C. E. P. and Eboh, E. C. (2007). Analysis Of Income Effects Of Forest Products Activities Among Rural Households In Enugu State, Nigeria. J. Agric. Soc. Res. 7(1):23-33.
  • Olagunju, F. I. and Adeyemo, R. (2008). Evaluation of the Operational Performance of the Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB) in South Western Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research and Development, 1(1): 53 -67.
  • Olorunshola, J. A. (2003). Problems and Prospects of Small and Medium Scale Industries in Nigeria. CBN Seminar on SMIEIS, 2003.
  • Omonona, B. T., Lawal, J. O. and Oyinlana, A. O. (2010). Determinates of Credit Constraint Conditions and Production Efficiency among Farming Households in South Western Nigeria. Paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economist Association of South Africa (AEASA) conference held in Cape Town, South Africa, September 19th–23rd, 2010.
  • Paul, J. (2008). Comparative Analysis of household Energy use in Yola Metropolitan Area. An unpublished M.Sc Thesis Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Federal University of Technology, Yola Adamawa state Nigeria.
  • Salisu, M. (2008). Structure and performance of cowpea in Yola Metropolis of Adamawa state unpublished M.Sc Thesis Department of agricultural Economics and extension federal university of technology Yola Adamawa State Nigeria.
  • Samuelson, P. A. and Nordhaus, W. D. (2005). Economics. 18th Edition. New Delhi: TATA Mc-Graw Hill.
  • Taphone B.G. (2009). Resource Productivity and Efficiency of Groundnut Farming in Northern Part of Taraba State, Nigeria. MSc. Thesis. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Yola, Adamawa State. Federal University of Technology, Adamawa State.
  • Taru, V. B.1 and Ndaghu, A. A. (2013). Evaluation of fuel wood marketing in Adamawa State, Nigeria, African Journal of Research 8(47): 5978-5981
  • Uwem U. A, Nsikan, S and Promise, P. E. (2015). The Communicativeness of Road Traffic Signs in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. International Journal of Education and Research, 3: 685-708
  • Velde, D. W. (2005). Globalisation and Education What do the trade, investment and migration literatures tell us? Working Paper 254.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Daniel Etim Jacob This is me

İmaobong Ufot Nelson This is me

Enefiok Sunday Udo This is me

Publication Date October 26, 2017
Submission Date July 12, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Jacob, D. E., Nelson, İ. U., & Udo, E. S. (2017). Economic analysis of firewood marketing in Uyo capital city, Akwa, Ibom state, Nigeria. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 5(2), 26-43.




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