Research Article
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Land use alteration strategy to improve forest landscape structural quality in Radhanagar forest range under Bankura district

Year 2020, , 1 - 10, 06.03.2020


Such kind of human necessities restructured the
existing landscape pattern which brings imbalance in regional biodiversity.
Radhanagar Forest Range (RFR) in Bankura district has been faced same kind of
activates since 1960. As a result, forest patch becomes isolated and
structurally complex in nature which is an important cause for extinction of
wild animal. To control this damage forest department increased forest area
through several plantation schemes in vacant or barren land.  But plantation areas were not appropriate in
the question of structural forest quality in this region. The present study
seems that forest structural quality is a vital consideration for balancing
biodiversity, in concern of several ecological processes like species movement,
connectivity, colonization and edge contrast. Suitable forest patch structure may
possible when appropriate areas i.e. forest encroached areas will be select for
plantation. To prove this statement, study considers two types of landuse
alteration into forest land i) all barren land altered into forest and ii)
selected encroached areas altered into forest land  in RFR. ArcGIS 10.3 version software is used for
technical map editing and preparing these spatial alteration maps. After that several
landscape ecological indexes like Total Core Area Index (TCAI), Mean Core Area (MCA)
at 300 m specified edge depth, Total Edge (TE), Edge Density (ED), Area
Weighted Mean Shape Index (AWMSI), Area Weighted Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
(AWMPFD) and Mean Patch Size (MPS) are calculated using FragStat 4.2 version
software to compare both spatial alteration forest qualities. Comparison analysis
explains that encroached areas alteration into forest land is qualitative to
improve forest structural quality. It is interesting to know that less area
will be planted in encroached area to get utmost forest structural qualities. 

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Project Number





  • 1. Anon, (2016-17). State Forest Report. Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal Directorate of Forests Office of The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. Kolkata2. Banks, S. C., Lindenmayer, D. B., Ward, S. J., & Taylor, A. C. (2005). The effects of habitat fragmentation via forestry plantation establishment on spatial genotypic structure in the small marsupial carnivore, Antechinus agilis. Molecular Ecology, 14(6), 1667-1680.3. Carr LW, Fahrig L (2001) Effect of road traffic on two amphibian species of different vagility. Conservat Biol 15:1071–10784. Carr LW, Pope SE, Fahrig L (2002) Impacts of landscape transformation by roads. In: Gutzwiller KJ (ed.) Concepts and applications of landscape ecology in biological conservation. Springer, New York5. Chatterjee, N. Das, & Chatterjee, S. (2014). Changing Habitat and Elephant Migration from Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand to Panchet Forest Division, Bankura, West Bengal: A Biogeographical Analysis. In Climate Change and Biodiversity (pp. 209–222). Springer. 6. Chatterjee, N. Das. (2016). Man-Elephant Conflict: A Case Study from Forests in West Bengal, India. Springer.7. Crooks KR (2002) Relative sensitivities of mammalian carnivores to habitat fragmentation. Conserv Biol 16:488–5028. Couvillion, B. R. (2005). Spatial heterogeneity in forested landscapes: an examination of forest fragmentation and suburban sprawl in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana.9. Cushman, S. A., Chase, M., & Griffin, C. (2010). Mapping landscape resistance to identify corridors and barriers for elephant movement in southern Africa. In Spatial complexity, informatics, and wildlife conservation (pp. 349-367). Springer, Tokyo. 10. Cushman SA (2006) Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians: a review and prospectus. Biol Conservat 128:231–2411. Cousins, S. A., Auffret, A. G., Lindgren, J., & Tränk, L. (2015). Regional-scale land-cover change during the 20th century and its consequences for biodiversity. Ambio, 44(1), 17-27.12. Das, S., Choudhury, M. R., & Nanda, S. (2013). Geospatial assessment of agricultural drought (a case study of Bankura District, West Bengal). International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) ISSN, 57–2250.13. Das Gupta, S.P. (1989). Forest eco-system in West Bengal. Edited by Budhadev Choudhuri and Asok Maiti in Forest and Forest Development in India. Inter-India Publications, D-17, Raja Garden Extn., New Delhi.14. Dauber, J., M. Hirsch., D. Simmering, R. Waldhardt, A. Otte,, V. Wolters, 2003. Landscape structure as an indicator of biodiversity: Matrix effects on species richness. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 98: 321–329.15. Desai A. and S. Hedges, (2010). Notes from the Co-chairs IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group. Gajah 33(2010) 3-516. Dramstad, W.E., and J.D. Olson, and R.T.T. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principle in Landscape Architecture and Landuse Planning. Island press, American society of landscape design.17. Drohan, P. J., Brittingham, M., Bishop, J., & Yoder, K. (2012). Early trends in landcover change and forest fragmentation due to shale-gas development in Pennsylvania: a potential outcome for the Northcentral Appalachians. Environmental management, 49(5), 1061-1075.18. Ewers, R.M. and R. K. Didham. 2006. Confounding factors in the detection of species response to habitat fragmentation. Biological Reviews 81:117-14219. Farina, A. 2006. Priciples and methods in landscape ecology.Landscape series,Springer.20. Flather CH, Bevers M (2002) Patchy reaction-diffusion and population abundance: the relative importance of habitat amount and arrangement. Am Nat 159:40–5621. Fahrig, L. (2003). Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics, 34(1), 487-515. 22. Fahrig, L., & Merriam, G. (1985). Habitat Patch Connectivity and Population Survival: Ecological Archives E066-008. Ecology, 66(6), 1762–1768.23. Fernando, P., Kumar, M. A., Williams, A. C., Wikramanayake, E., Aziz, T., & Singh, S. M. (2008). Review of human-elephant conflict mitigation measures practiced in South Asia.24. Forman, R. T. (2010). Urban ecology and the arrangement of nature in urban regions. Ecological urbanism, 312-323.25. Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land mosaic: the ecology of landscape and regions. Cambridge University press, Cambridge , England. 26. Forman, R.T.T. and M. Godron. 1986. Landscape Ecology. John Wiley & sons, New York.27. Forman, R. T. (2014). Urban ecology: science of cities. Cambridge University Press.28. Forman, R. T. (2012). Safe passages: highways, wildlife, and habitat connectivity. Island Press.29. Haila Y (2002) A conceptual genealogy of fragmentation research: from island biogeography to landscape ecology. Ecol Appl 12:321–33430. Joshi, R., Singh, R., Dixit, A., Agarwal, R., Negi, M. S., Pandey, N., Rawat, S. (2010). Is isolation of protected habitats the prime conservation concern for endangered Asian elephants in Shivalik landscape. GJESM, 4(2), 113–126.31. Kumar, M. A., Mudappa, D., & Raman, T. S. (2010). Asian elephant Elephas maximus habitat use and ranging in fragmented rainforest and plantations in the Anamalai Hills, India. Tropical Conservation Science, 3(2), 143-158.32. Kulandaivel, S. (2010). A paradigm shift in the elephant depredation in South Bengal. Divisional Forest Officer, Bankura North Division, Personal Communication.33. Lande R (1988) Genetics and demography in biological conservation. Science 241:1455–146034. Leakey R, Roger L. The Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Mankind (1995) Morell, Virginia35. Li, H., & Wu, J. (2007). Landscape pattern analysis: key issues and challenges. In Key topics in landscape ecology. Cambridge University Press.36. Mandal, M., & Chatterjee, N. Das. 2018. Quantification of Habitat (Forest) Shape Complexity through Geo-Spatial Analysis: An Ecological Approach in Panchet Forest Division in Bankura, West Bengal. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology. AJEE, 6(1): 1-8, 37. Mandal, M., Paul, S., & Dey, S. (2014). ETHNO-MEDICOBOTANY OF SOME TRIBAL COMMUNITIES OF BANKURA DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA. Explor Anim Med Res, 4(1), 64-80.38. Mandal, M. (2018). Forest Range Wise Asian Elephant’s (Elephas Maximus) Habitat suitability assessment through Food and Water Availability: A Case Study in Panchet Forest Division, Bankura, West Bengal. International Journal of Basic and Advance Research ISSN 2454-4639 (P) 2456-1372 (O) 39. McGarigal, K., and B.J. Marks. (1995). FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. Gen. Tech. Report PNW-GTR-351, USDA forest service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR.40. McGarigal, K., and S.A. Cushman, M.C. Neel, and E, Ene. (2002). FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Map. Computer software program produced by the authors at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, available at the following website: http: / / 41. McGarigal, K., and S.A. Cushman. (2005). The gradient concept of landscape structure. In Wiens, J. and Moss, M. eds. Issues and perspectives in landscape ecology. Cambridge University press, Cambridge.42. McGarigal K, Cushman SA (2002) Comparative evaluation of experimental approaches to the study of habitat fragmentation effects. Ecol Appl 12:335–3443. McGarigal, K., Tagil, S., & Cushman, S. A. (2009). Surface metrics: an alternative to patch metrics for the quantification of landscape structure. Landscape Ecology,24(3), 433–450.44. O’Malley, L. S. S. (1908). Bengal District Gazetteers: Bankura. Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta.45. Rybicki, J., & Hanski, I. 2013. Species–area relationships and extinctions caused by habitat loss and fragmentation. Ecology letters, 16, 27-38.46. Sjögren-Gulve P (1994) Distribution and extinction patterns within a northern metapopulation of the pool frog, Rana lessonae. Ecology 75:1357–136747. Schmiegelow, F. K., & Mönkkönen, M. (2002). Habitat loss and fragmentation in dynamic landscapes: avian perspectives from the boreal forest. Ecological Applications, 12(2), 375-389.48. Sudhakar, R., & Raha, A. K. (1994). Forest change detection study of nine districts of West Bengal through digital image processing of Indian Remote Sensing Satiate data between 1988 &1991--Procedural Manual and Inventory. Regional Remote Sensing Service Center, Kharagpur and Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal Joint Collaborating Project.49. Sukumar, R.,. (2003). The living elephants: evolutionary ecology, behaviour, and conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • 49. Sukumar, R.,. (2003). The living elephants: evolutionary ecology, behaviour, and conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • 25. Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land mosaic: the ecology of landscape and regions. Cambridge University press, Cambridge , England.
Year 2020, , 1 - 10, 06.03.2020


Project Number



  • 1. Anon, (2016-17). State Forest Report. Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal Directorate of Forests Office of The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. Kolkata2. Banks, S. C., Lindenmayer, D. B., Ward, S. J., & Taylor, A. C. (2005). The effects of habitat fragmentation via forestry plantation establishment on spatial genotypic structure in the small marsupial carnivore, Antechinus agilis. Molecular Ecology, 14(6), 1667-1680.3. Carr LW, Fahrig L (2001) Effect of road traffic on two amphibian species of different vagility. Conservat Biol 15:1071–10784. Carr LW, Pope SE, Fahrig L (2002) Impacts of landscape transformation by roads. In: Gutzwiller KJ (ed.) Concepts and applications of landscape ecology in biological conservation. Springer, New York5. Chatterjee, N. Das, & Chatterjee, S. (2014). Changing Habitat and Elephant Migration from Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Jharkhand to Panchet Forest Division, Bankura, West Bengal: A Biogeographical Analysis. In Climate Change and Biodiversity (pp. 209–222). Springer. 6. Chatterjee, N. Das. (2016). Man-Elephant Conflict: A Case Study from Forests in West Bengal, India. Springer.7. Crooks KR (2002) Relative sensitivities of mammalian carnivores to habitat fragmentation. Conserv Biol 16:488–5028. Couvillion, B. R. (2005). Spatial heterogeneity in forested landscapes: an examination of forest fragmentation and suburban sprawl in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana.9. Cushman, S. A., Chase, M., & Griffin, C. (2010). Mapping landscape resistance to identify corridors and barriers for elephant movement in southern Africa. In Spatial complexity, informatics, and wildlife conservation (pp. 349-367). Springer, Tokyo. 10. Cushman SA (2006) Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians: a review and prospectus. Biol Conservat 128:231–2411. Cousins, S. A., Auffret, A. G., Lindgren, J., & Tränk, L. (2015). Regional-scale land-cover change during the 20th century and its consequences for biodiversity. Ambio, 44(1), 17-27.12. Das, S., Choudhury, M. R., & Nanda, S. (2013). Geospatial assessment of agricultural drought (a case study of Bankura District, West Bengal). International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) ISSN, 57–2250.13. Das Gupta, S.P. (1989). Forest eco-system in West Bengal. Edited by Budhadev Choudhuri and Asok Maiti in Forest and Forest Development in India. Inter-India Publications, D-17, Raja Garden Extn., New Delhi.14. Dauber, J., M. Hirsch., D. Simmering, R. Waldhardt, A. Otte,, V. Wolters, 2003. Landscape structure as an indicator of biodiversity: Matrix effects on species richness. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 98: 321–329.15. Desai A. and S. Hedges, (2010). Notes from the Co-chairs IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group. Gajah 33(2010) 3-516. Dramstad, W.E., and J.D. Olson, and R.T.T. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principle in Landscape Architecture and Landuse Planning. Island press, American society of landscape design.17. Drohan, P. J., Brittingham, M., Bishop, J., & Yoder, K. (2012). Early trends in landcover change and forest fragmentation due to shale-gas development in Pennsylvania: a potential outcome for the Northcentral Appalachians. Environmental management, 49(5), 1061-1075.18. Ewers, R.M. and R. K. Didham. 2006. Confounding factors in the detection of species response to habitat fragmentation. Biological Reviews 81:117-14219. Farina, A. 2006. Priciples and methods in landscape ecology.Landscape series,Springer.20. Flather CH, Bevers M (2002) Patchy reaction-diffusion and population abundance: the relative importance of habitat amount and arrangement. Am Nat 159:40–5621. Fahrig, L. (2003). Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics, 34(1), 487-515. 22. Fahrig, L., & Merriam, G. (1985). Habitat Patch Connectivity and Population Survival: Ecological Archives E066-008. Ecology, 66(6), 1762–1768.23. Fernando, P., Kumar, M. A., Williams, A. C., Wikramanayake, E., Aziz, T., & Singh, S. M. (2008). Review of human-elephant conflict mitigation measures practiced in South Asia.24. Forman, R. T. (2010). Urban ecology and the arrangement of nature in urban regions. Ecological urbanism, 312-323.25. Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land mosaic: the ecology of landscape and regions. Cambridge University press, Cambridge , England. 26. Forman, R.T.T. and M. Godron. 1986. Landscape Ecology. John Wiley & sons, New York.27. Forman, R. T. (2014). Urban ecology: science of cities. Cambridge University Press.28. Forman, R. T. (2012). Safe passages: highways, wildlife, and habitat connectivity. Island Press.29. Haila Y (2002) A conceptual genealogy of fragmentation research: from island biogeography to landscape ecology. Ecol Appl 12:321–33430. Joshi, R., Singh, R., Dixit, A., Agarwal, R., Negi, M. S., Pandey, N., Rawat, S. (2010). Is isolation of protected habitats the prime conservation concern for endangered Asian elephants in Shivalik landscape. GJESM, 4(2), 113–126.31. Kumar, M. A., Mudappa, D., & Raman, T. S. (2010). Asian elephant Elephas maximus habitat use and ranging in fragmented rainforest and plantations in the Anamalai Hills, India. Tropical Conservation Science, 3(2), 143-158.32. Kulandaivel, S. (2010). A paradigm shift in the elephant depredation in South Bengal. Divisional Forest Officer, Bankura North Division, Personal Communication.33. Lande R (1988) Genetics and demography in biological conservation. Science 241:1455–146034. Leakey R, Roger L. The Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Mankind (1995) Morell, Virginia35. Li, H., & Wu, J. (2007). Landscape pattern analysis: key issues and challenges. In Key topics in landscape ecology. Cambridge University Press.36. Mandal, M., & Chatterjee, N. Das. 2018. Quantification of Habitat (Forest) Shape Complexity through Geo-Spatial Analysis: An Ecological Approach in Panchet Forest Division in Bankura, West Bengal. Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology. AJEE, 6(1): 1-8, 37. Mandal, M., Paul, S., & Dey, S. (2014). ETHNO-MEDICOBOTANY OF SOME TRIBAL COMMUNITIES OF BANKURA DISTRICT, WEST BENGAL, INDIA. Explor Anim Med Res, 4(1), 64-80.38. Mandal, M. (2018). Forest Range Wise Asian Elephant’s (Elephas Maximus) Habitat suitability assessment through Food and Water Availability: A Case Study in Panchet Forest Division, Bankura, West Bengal. International Journal of Basic and Advance Research ISSN 2454-4639 (P) 2456-1372 (O) 39. McGarigal, K., and B.J. Marks. (1995). FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. Gen. Tech. Report PNW-GTR-351, USDA forest service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR.40. McGarigal, K., and S.A. Cushman, M.C. Neel, and E, Ene. (2002). FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Map. Computer software program produced by the authors at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, available at the following website: http: / / 41. McGarigal, K., and S.A. Cushman. (2005). The gradient concept of landscape structure. In Wiens, J. and Moss, M. eds. Issues and perspectives in landscape ecology. Cambridge University press, Cambridge.42. McGarigal K, Cushman SA (2002) Comparative evaluation of experimental approaches to the study of habitat fragmentation effects. Ecol Appl 12:335–3443. McGarigal, K., Tagil, S., & Cushman, S. A. (2009). Surface metrics: an alternative to patch metrics for the quantification of landscape structure. Landscape Ecology,24(3), 433–450.44. O’Malley, L. S. S. (1908). Bengal District Gazetteers: Bankura. Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, Calcutta.45. Rybicki, J., & Hanski, I. 2013. Species–area relationships and extinctions caused by habitat loss and fragmentation. Ecology letters, 16, 27-38.46. Sjögren-Gulve P (1994) Distribution and extinction patterns within a northern metapopulation of the pool frog, Rana lessonae. Ecology 75:1357–136747. Schmiegelow, F. K., & Mönkkönen, M. (2002). Habitat loss and fragmentation in dynamic landscapes: avian perspectives from the boreal forest. Ecological Applications, 12(2), 375-389.48. Sudhakar, R., & Raha, A. K. (1994). Forest change detection study of nine districts of West Bengal through digital image processing of Indian Remote Sensing Satiate data between 1988 &1991--Procedural Manual and Inventory. Regional Remote Sensing Service Center, Kharagpur and Forest Department, Govt. of West Bengal Joint Collaborating Project.49. Sukumar, R.,. (2003). The living elephants: evolutionary ecology, behaviour, and conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • 49. Sukumar, R.,. (2003). The living elephants: evolutionary ecology, behaviour, and conservation. Oxford University Press.
  • 25. Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land mosaic: the ecology of landscape and regions. Cambridge University press, Cambridge , England.
There are 3 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mrinmay Mandal 0000-0003-1561-5780

Nilanjana Das Chattarjee This is me 0000-0001-9436-2173

Project Number nil
Publication Date March 6, 2020
Submission Date June 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Mandal, M., & Das Chattarjee, N. (2020). Land use alteration strategy to improve forest landscape structural quality in Radhanagar forest range under Bankura district. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 8(1), 1-10.




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