Research Article
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Some fossil conifer species descriptions from the Paleogene to Pliocene of Turkey and their evaluations

Year 2020, , 244 - 257, 02.10.2020


Until now, a considerable number of Miocene conifer trees has been determined using fossil wood identification. Some studies on fossil wood identifications have revealed the need to reconsider certain fossil wood species definitions. The present study aimed to re-analysis the conifer wood identifications (Cupressaceae), which were described as genus, and performed necessary revisions in the descriptions. All studies were conducted on thin sections used in former studies, and detailed investigations were performed. As result, Cupressoxylon pliocenica Akkemik, 2019, Glyptostroboxylon rudolphii Dolezych & van der Burgh, 2004, and Taxodioxylon gypsaceum (Göppert) Kräusel, 1949, were described in Turkey. This study showed that these three fossil species had wider distribution areas and lived in a very wide time interval from mainly early Miocene to Pliocene in Turkey.


This paper was prepared by using the thin sections of the petrified woods housed at the Department of Forest Botany, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa.


  • Acarca Bayam, N.N., Akkemik, Ü., Poole, I., Akarsu. F. (2018). Further Contributions to the early Miocene forest vegetation of the Galatean Volcanic Province, Turkey. Palaeobotanica Electronica, 21.3.40A 1-42.
  • Akgün, F., Kayseri, M. S., Akkiraz, M. S. (2007). Palaeoclimatic evolution and vegetational changes during the Late Oligocene–Miocene period in western and central Anatolia (Turkey). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 253, 56–90.
  • Akkemik, Ü. (2019). New fossil wood descriptions from Pliocene of central Anatolia and presence of Taxodioxylon in Turkey from Oligocene to Pliocene. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 28: 398-409, DOI:10.3906/yer-1805-24.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Acarca Bayam, N.N. (2019). The first Glyptostroboxylon and Taxodioxylon descriptions from the late Miocene of Turkey. Fossil Imprint, 75(2): 268-280.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Sakınç, M. (2013). Sequoioxylon petrified woods from the Mid to Late Oligocene of Thrace (Turkey). IAWA Journal, 34 (2):177-182.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Yaman, B. (2012). Wood Anatomy of Eastern Mediterranean Species. Kessel Publishing House, Germany.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Acarca N.N., Hatipoğlu, M. (2017). The first Glyptostroboxylon from the Miocene of Turkey. IAWA Journal, 38(4):561-570.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Akkılıç, H., Güngör, Y. (2019b). Fossil wood from the Neogene of the Kilyos coastal area in Istanbul, Turkey. Palaeontographica Abteilung B Palaeobotany – Palaeophytology. 299 (4-6): 133-185
  • Akkemik, Ü., Arslan M., Poole I., Tosun, S., Köse, N., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Aydın, A. (2016). Silicified woods from two previously undescribed early Miocene forest sites near Seben, northwest Turkey. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 235:31–50,
  • Akkemik, Ü., Kıran Yıldırım, D., Sakala, J., Akkılıç, H., Altınışık, A. (2019a). New petrified wood descriptions from west-central Anatolia: contribution to the composition of the Neogene forest of Turkey. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abh., 292(1): 57–71.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Poole, I. (2005). Sequoioiodae (Cupressaceae) woods from the upper Oligocene of European Turkey (Thrace). Phytologia Balcanica, 11(2):119-131.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Mantzouka, D., Kıran Yıldırım, D. (2020). The first report of a new Lesbosoxylon species from the early –middle Miocene of eastern Anatolia. Geodiversitas. [In press]
  • Akkemik, Ü., Türkoğlu, N., Poole, I., Çiçek, İ., Köse, N., Gürgen, G. (2009). Woods of a Miocene petrified forest near Ankara, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33:89-97.
  • Akkiraz, M. S. (2011). Vegetation and climate in the Miocene deposits of southern side of Büyük Menderes Graben, Şahinali-2 core, SW Turkey. Bulletin of Geosciences, 86(4), 859–878.
  • Akkiraz, M. S., Akgün, F., Utescher, T., Wilde, V., Bruch, A. A., Mosbrugger, V., et al. (2012). Palaeoflora and climate of lignite-bearing lower–middle Miocene sediments in the Seyitömer and Tunçbilek sub-basins, Kütahya Province, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 21: 213–235.
  • Bamford, M., Zijlstra, G., Philippe, M. (2002). Proposal to conserve the name Cupressinoxylon against Retinodendron (fossil Gymnospermae, Coniferales), with a conserved type. Taxon, 51: 205-206
  • Bannister, P., G. Neuner. (2001). Frost resistance and the distribution of conifers. P.3-22 in F.J. Bigras and S.J. Colombo (eds.), Conifer cold hardiness. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Biondi, E., Brungiapaglia, E. (1991). Taxodioxylon gypsaceum in the fossil forest of Dunarobba (Umbria, Central Italy). Flora Mediterranea, 1:111-120.
  • Blokhina, N.I., Afonin, M.A., Kodrul, T.M. (2010). Fossil wood of Sequoioxylon burejense sp. nov. (Taxodiaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Zeya-Bureya Basin (Russian Far East). Paleontological Journal, 44 (10): 1231–1239.
  • Bodnar, J., Ruiz, D.P., Artabe, A.E., Morel, E.M., Ganuza, D. (2015). Voltziales y Pinales (= Coniferales) de la Formación Cortaderita (Triásico Medio), Argentina, y su implicancia en la reconstrucción de las coníferas triásicas. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 18: 141−160.
  • Bouchal, J. M., Zetter, R., Grímsson, F., Denk, T. (2016). The middle Miocene palynoflora and palaeoenvironments of Eskihisar (Yatağan Basin, southwestern Anatolia): a combined LM and SEM investigation. Botanical Journal of the Linnéan Society, 182(1), 14–79.
  • Bouchal, J. M., Mayda, S., Grímsson, F., Akgün, F., Zetter, R., Denk, T. (2017). Miocene palynofloras of the Tınaz lignite mine, Muğla, southwest Anatolia: taxonomy, palaeoecology and local vegetation change. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 243, 1–36.
  • Denk, T., Güner, T. H., Kvaček, Z., Bouchal, M. J. (2017). The early Miocene flora of Güvem (Central Anatolia, Turkey): a window into early Neogene vegetation and environments in the Eastern Mediterranean – Acta Palaeobot., 57 (2): 237—338.
  • Denk, T., Güner, H.T., Bouchal, M.J. (2019). Early Miocene climate and biomes of Turkey: Evidence from leaf fossils, dispersed pollen, and petrified wood. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 530: 236–248
  • Dolezych, M. (2011). Taxodiaceous woods in Lusatia (Central Europe), including curiosities in their nomenclature and taxonomy, with a focus on Taxodioxylon. Japanes Journal of Historical Botany, 19(1-2): 25-46.
  • Dolezych-Mikolai, M. (2005). Koniferenhölzer im 2. Lausitzer Flöz und ihre ökologische Position. PhD Thesis, LLP Contributions Series No. 19: 1–339, Utrecht.
  • Duperon-Laudoueneix M. (1979). Etude D’un bois Homoxyle du Tertiaire de Charente. (Ed: Boureau E.) Comptes Rendus Du 104e Conres National des Societes Savantes. Bordeaux, 1979. Section Des Science. Paleobotanique pp: 249-262.
  • Eckenwalder, J.E. (2009). Conifers of the World: The complete reference. Timber Press, London.
  • Farjon, A. (2010). A Handbook of the World’s Conifers, V.1-2. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston.
  • Greguss, P. (1967). Fossil Gymnosperm Woods in Hungary, From Permian to Pliocene. Academia Kiado, Budapest.
  • Güner, H. T., Bouchal, J. M., Köse, N., Göktaş, F., Mayda, S., Denk, T. (2017): Landscape heterogeneity in the Yatağan Basin (southwestern Turkey) during the middle Miocene inferred from plant macrofossils. – Palaeontolographica Abt. B, 296 (1-6): 113—171.
  • Güngör, Y., Akkemik, Ü., Kasapçi, C., Başaran, E. (2019). Geology and woods of a new fossil forest from the early Miocene of Gökçeada (Turkey) – Forestist. 69 (1): 22-34.
  • Herbst, R., Brea, M., Crisafulli, A., Gnaedinger, S., Lutz, A.I., Martinez, L. (2007). La paleoxilologia en la Argentina. Historia y desarrollo. Buenos Aires, Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 11(Special publication), 50° aniversario de Ameghiniana 57-71.
  • Iamandei, S., Iamandei, E., Sabou-Dumitrescu, M. (2013). New petrified woods from Căprioara Valley, Feleacu Hill, Cluj, Romania. Romanian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8 (1): 1–27.
  • IAWA Committee. (2004). IAWA list of microscopic features for softwood identification. IAWA Journal, 25:1-70.
  • Kayacık, H., Aytuğ, B., Yaltırık, F., Şanlı, I., Efe, A., Akkemik, Ü., Inan, M. (1995). Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl) Buchh. trees living near Istanbul in Late Tertiary. Review of Faculty of Forestry, University of İstanbul, 45: 15-22.
  • Kłusek, M. (2014). Miocene coniferous woods of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 59 (3): 697–708.
  • Koutecký, V., Sakala, J. (2015). New fossil woods from the Paleogene of Doupovske Hory and Ceske Stredohori Mts. (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic). Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae. Series B-Historia Naturalis, 71: 377-398.
  • Kräusel, R. (1949). Die fossilen Koniferen-Hölzer (Unter Ausschluß von Araucarioxylon Kraus). II: Kritische Untersuchungen zur Diagnostik lebender und fossiler Koniferen-Hölzer. Palaeontographica B, 89:83–203.
  • Kutluk, H., Kır, O., Akkemik, Ü. (2012). First report of Araucariaceae wood (Agathoxylon sp.) from the late Cretaceous of Turkey. IAWA Journal, 33 (3): 316-326.
  • Martinez, L.C. (2010). Prosopisinoxylon anciborae nov. gen. et sp. (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from the Late Miocene Chiquimil Formation (Santa Maria Group), Catamarca, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 158(3): 262–271.
  • Nishida, M. (1984). The anatomy and affinities of the petrified plants from the Crete-Tertiary of Chile, Ill Petrified woods from Mocha Island, Central Chile. In: Nishida M (ed.). Contrubutions to the Botany in the Andes, I. Academia Scientific Book, Tokyo 98-110.
  • Nishida, M., Nishida, H., Nasa, T. (1988). Anatomy and affinities of the petrified plants from the Tertiary of Chile. V. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 101: 293-309.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. (1971). Sur un bois fossile de Taxodiaceae dans la flore Neogene d'Istanbul (Turquie d'Europe): Sequoioxylon egemeni n.sp. Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 36 (B): 89–114.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. (1977). La stucture D’une Cupressaceae fossile appartenant au Miocene Trouvee dans la region D’egee en Turquie: Cupressinoxylon akdiki n.sp. Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 42 (B1-2): 1-15.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. 1981 [1983]. Sequoioxylon gypsaceum (Göeppert) Greguss bois fossile du Tertiaire D’Ankara –Beypazarı (Turquie). Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 46 (B): 21-28.
  • Philippe, M., Bamford, M. (2008). A key to morphogenera used for Mesozoic conifer-like woods. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148: 184–207.
  • Polat, S., Güney, Y., Ege, İ., Akkemik, Ü. (2019). The first findings on fossil trees area located in Banaz (Uşak), Turkish Journal of Geographical Sciences, 17(2): 384-402, doi: 10.33688/ aucbd.532176 [in Turkish].
  • Pujana, R.R., Panti, C., Cuitino, J.I., Massini, G., Mirabelli, S.L. (2015). A new megaflora (fossil woods and leaves) from the Miocene of southwestern Patagonia. Ameghiniana 52(3): 350-366.
  • Pujana, R.R., Santillana, S.N., Marenssi, S.A. (2014). Conifer fossil woods from the La Meseta Formation (eocene of Western Antarctica): evidence of Podocarpaceae-dominated forests. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200: 199–204.
  • Selmeier, A. (2001). Silicified Miocene woods from the North Bohemian Basin (Czech Republic) and from Kuzuluk, district Adapazari (Turkey). Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie, 41:111-144
  • Süss, H., Velitzelos, E. (1997). Fossile Hölzer der Familie Taxodiaceae aus tertiären Schichten des Versteinerten Waldes von Lesbos, Griechenland. Feddes Repertorium, 1–2:1–30.
  • Teodoridis, V., Sakala, J. (2008). Early Miocene conifer macrofossils from the Most Basin (Czech Republic). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie- Abhandlungen, 250: 287–312.
  • Tian, N., Zhu, Z., Wang, Y., Philippe, M., Chou, C., Xie, A. (2018). Sequoioxylon zhangii sp. nov. (Sequoioideae, Cupressaceae s.l.), a new coniferous wood from the Upper Cretaceous in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 257: 85–94.
  • Vaudois, N., Privé, C. (1971). Révision des bois fossiles de Cupessaceae. Palaeontographica B 134: 61–86.
  • Velitzelos, D., Bouchal, J.M., Denk, T. (2014). Review of the Cenozoic floras and vegetation of Greece. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 204: 56–117
Year 2020, , 244 - 257, 02.10.2020



  • Acarca Bayam, N.N., Akkemik, Ü., Poole, I., Akarsu. F. (2018). Further Contributions to the early Miocene forest vegetation of the Galatean Volcanic Province, Turkey. Palaeobotanica Electronica, 21.3.40A 1-42.
  • Akgün, F., Kayseri, M. S., Akkiraz, M. S. (2007). Palaeoclimatic evolution and vegetational changes during the Late Oligocene–Miocene period in western and central Anatolia (Turkey). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 253, 56–90.
  • Akkemik, Ü. (2019). New fossil wood descriptions from Pliocene of central Anatolia and presence of Taxodioxylon in Turkey from Oligocene to Pliocene. Turkish Journal of Earth Science, 28: 398-409, DOI:10.3906/yer-1805-24.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Acarca Bayam, N.N. (2019). The first Glyptostroboxylon and Taxodioxylon descriptions from the late Miocene of Turkey. Fossil Imprint, 75(2): 268-280.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Sakınç, M. (2013). Sequoioxylon petrified woods from the Mid to Late Oligocene of Thrace (Turkey). IAWA Journal, 34 (2):177-182.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Yaman, B. (2012). Wood Anatomy of Eastern Mediterranean Species. Kessel Publishing House, Germany.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Acarca N.N., Hatipoğlu, M. (2017). The first Glyptostroboxylon from the Miocene of Turkey. IAWA Journal, 38(4):561-570.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Akkılıç, H., Güngör, Y. (2019b). Fossil wood from the Neogene of the Kilyos coastal area in Istanbul, Turkey. Palaeontographica Abteilung B Palaeobotany – Palaeophytology. 299 (4-6): 133-185
  • Akkemik, Ü., Arslan M., Poole I., Tosun, S., Köse, N., Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Aydın, A. (2016). Silicified woods from two previously undescribed early Miocene forest sites near Seben, northwest Turkey. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 235:31–50,
  • Akkemik, Ü., Kıran Yıldırım, D., Sakala, J., Akkılıç, H., Altınışık, A. (2019a). New petrified wood descriptions from west-central Anatolia: contribution to the composition of the Neogene forest of Turkey. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abh., 292(1): 57–71.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Köse, N., Poole, I. (2005). Sequoioiodae (Cupressaceae) woods from the upper Oligocene of European Turkey (Thrace). Phytologia Balcanica, 11(2):119-131.
  • Akkemik, Ü., Mantzouka, D., Kıran Yıldırım, D. (2020). The first report of a new Lesbosoxylon species from the early –middle Miocene of eastern Anatolia. Geodiversitas. [In press]
  • Akkemik, Ü., Türkoğlu, N., Poole, I., Çiçek, İ., Köse, N., Gürgen, G. (2009). Woods of a Miocene petrified forest near Ankara, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33:89-97.
  • Akkiraz, M. S. (2011). Vegetation and climate in the Miocene deposits of southern side of Büyük Menderes Graben, Şahinali-2 core, SW Turkey. Bulletin of Geosciences, 86(4), 859–878.
  • Akkiraz, M. S., Akgün, F., Utescher, T., Wilde, V., Bruch, A. A., Mosbrugger, V., et al. (2012). Palaeoflora and climate of lignite-bearing lower–middle Miocene sediments in the Seyitömer and Tunçbilek sub-basins, Kütahya Province, Northwest Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 21: 213–235.
  • Bamford, M., Zijlstra, G., Philippe, M. (2002). Proposal to conserve the name Cupressinoxylon against Retinodendron (fossil Gymnospermae, Coniferales), with a conserved type. Taxon, 51: 205-206
  • Bannister, P., G. Neuner. (2001). Frost resistance and the distribution of conifers. P.3-22 in F.J. Bigras and S.J. Colombo (eds.), Conifer cold hardiness. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Biondi, E., Brungiapaglia, E. (1991). Taxodioxylon gypsaceum in the fossil forest of Dunarobba (Umbria, Central Italy). Flora Mediterranea, 1:111-120.
  • Blokhina, N.I., Afonin, M.A., Kodrul, T.M. (2010). Fossil wood of Sequoioxylon burejense sp. nov. (Taxodiaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Zeya-Bureya Basin (Russian Far East). Paleontological Journal, 44 (10): 1231–1239.
  • Bodnar, J., Ruiz, D.P., Artabe, A.E., Morel, E.M., Ganuza, D. (2015). Voltziales y Pinales (= Coniferales) de la Formación Cortaderita (Triásico Medio), Argentina, y su implicancia en la reconstrucción de las coníferas triásicas. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 18: 141−160.
  • Bouchal, J. M., Zetter, R., Grímsson, F., Denk, T. (2016). The middle Miocene palynoflora and palaeoenvironments of Eskihisar (Yatağan Basin, southwestern Anatolia): a combined LM and SEM investigation. Botanical Journal of the Linnéan Society, 182(1), 14–79.
  • Bouchal, J. M., Mayda, S., Grímsson, F., Akgün, F., Zetter, R., Denk, T. (2017). Miocene palynofloras of the Tınaz lignite mine, Muğla, southwest Anatolia: taxonomy, palaeoecology and local vegetation change. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 243, 1–36.
  • Denk, T., Güner, T. H., Kvaček, Z., Bouchal, M. J. (2017). The early Miocene flora of Güvem (Central Anatolia, Turkey): a window into early Neogene vegetation and environments in the Eastern Mediterranean – Acta Palaeobot., 57 (2): 237—338.
  • Denk, T., Güner, H.T., Bouchal, M.J. (2019). Early Miocene climate and biomes of Turkey: Evidence from leaf fossils, dispersed pollen, and petrified wood. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 530: 236–248
  • Dolezych, M. (2011). Taxodiaceous woods in Lusatia (Central Europe), including curiosities in their nomenclature and taxonomy, with a focus on Taxodioxylon. Japanes Journal of Historical Botany, 19(1-2): 25-46.
  • Dolezych-Mikolai, M. (2005). Koniferenhölzer im 2. Lausitzer Flöz und ihre ökologische Position. PhD Thesis, LLP Contributions Series No. 19: 1–339, Utrecht.
  • Duperon-Laudoueneix M. (1979). Etude D’un bois Homoxyle du Tertiaire de Charente. (Ed: Boureau E.) Comptes Rendus Du 104e Conres National des Societes Savantes. Bordeaux, 1979. Section Des Science. Paleobotanique pp: 249-262.
  • Eckenwalder, J.E. (2009). Conifers of the World: The complete reference. Timber Press, London.
  • Farjon, A. (2010). A Handbook of the World’s Conifers, V.1-2. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston.
  • Greguss, P. (1967). Fossil Gymnosperm Woods in Hungary, From Permian to Pliocene. Academia Kiado, Budapest.
  • Güner, H. T., Bouchal, J. M., Köse, N., Göktaş, F., Mayda, S., Denk, T. (2017): Landscape heterogeneity in the Yatağan Basin (southwestern Turkey) during the middle Miocene inferred from plant macrofossils. – Palaeontolographica Abt. B, 296 (1-6): 113—171.
  • Güngör, Y., Akkemik, Ü., Kasapçi, C., Başaran, E. (2019). Geology and woods of a new fossil forest from the early Miocene of Gökçeada (Turkey) – Forestist. 69 (1): 22-34.
  • Herbst, R., Brea, M., Crisafulli, A., Gnaedinger, S., Lutz, A.I., Martinez, L. (2007). La paleoxilologia en la Argentina. Historia y desarrollo. Buenos Aires, Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 11(Special publication), 50° aniversario de Ameghiniana 57-71.
  • Iamandei, S., Iamandei, E., Sabou-Dumitrescu, M. (2013). New petrified woods from Căprioara Valley, Feleacu Hill, Cluj, Romania. Romanian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8 (1): 1–27.
  • IAWA Committee. (2004). IAWA list of microscopic features for softwood identification. IAWA Journal, 25:1-70.
  • Kayacık, H., Aytuğ, B., Yaltırık, F., Şanlı, I., Efe, A., Akkemik, Ü., Inan, M. (1995). Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl) Buchh. trees living near Istanbul in Late Tertiary. Review of Faculty of Forestry, University of İstanbul, 45: 15-22.
  • Kłusek, M. (2014). Miocene coniferous woods of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 59 (3): 697–708.
  • Koutecký, V., Sakala, J. (2015). New fossil woods from the Paleogene of Doupovske Hory and Ceske Stredohori Mts. (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic). Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae. Series B-Historia Naturalis, 71: 377-398.
  • Kräusel, R. (1949). Die fossilen Koniferen-Hölzer (Unter Ausschluß von Araucarioxylon Kraus). II: Kritische Untersuchungen zur Diagnostik lebender und fossiler Koniferen-Hölzer. Palaeontographica B, 89:83–203.
  • Kutluk, H., Kır, O., Akkemik, Ü. (2012). First report of Araucariaceae wood (Agathoxylon sp.) from the late Cretaceous of Turkey. IAWA Journal, 33 (3): 316-326.
  • Martinez, L.C. (2010). Prosopisinoxylon anciborae nov. gen. et sp. (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from the Late Miocene Chiquimil Formation (Santa Maria Group), Catamarca, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 158(3): 262–271.
  • Nishida, M. (1984). The anatomy and affinities of the petrified plants from the Crete-Tertiary of Chile, Ill Petrified woods from Mocha Island, Central Chile. In: Nishida M (ed.). Contrubutions to the Botany in the Andes, I. Academia Scientific Book, Tokyo 98-110.
  • Nishida, M., Nishida, H., Nasa, T. (1988). Anatomy and affinities of the petrified plants from the Tertiary of Chile. V. Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 101: 293-309.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. (1971). Sur un bois fossile de Taxodiaceae dans la flore Neogene d'Istanbul (Turquie d'Europe): Sequoioxylon egemeni n.sp. Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 36 (B): 89–114.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. (1977). La stucture D’une Cupressaceae fossile appartenant au Miocene Trouvee dans la region D’egee en Turquie: Cupressinoxylon akdiki n.sp. Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 42 (B1-2): 1-15.
  • Özgüven-Ertan, K. 1981 [1983]. Sequoioxylon gypsaceum (Göeppert) Greguss bois fossile du Tertiaire D’Ankara –Beypazarı (Turquie). Rev Fac Sci l'Université d'Istanbul, 46 (B): 21-28.
  • Philippe, M., Bamford, M. (2008). A key to morphogenera used for Mesozoic conifer-like woods. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148: 184–207.
  • Polat, S., Güney, Y., Ege, İ., Akkemik, Ü. (2019). The first findings on fossil trees area located in Banaz (Uşak), Turkish Journal of Geographical Sciences, 17(2): 384-402, doi: 10.33688/ aucbd.532176 [in Turkish].
  • Pujana, R.R., Panti, C., Cuitino, J.I., Massini, G., Mirabelli, S.L. (2015). A new megaflora (fossil woods and leaves) from the Miocene of southwestern Patagonia. Ameghiniana 52(3): 350-366.
  • Pujana, R.R., Santillana, S.N., Marenssi, S.A. (2014). Conifer fossil woods from the La Meseta Formation (eocene of Western Antarctica): evidence of Podocarpaceae-dominated forests. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200: 199–204.
  • Selmeier, A. (2001). Silicified Miocene woods from the North Bohemian Basin (Czech Republic) and from Kuzuluk, district Adapazari (Turkey). Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie, 41:111-144
  • Süss, H., Velitzelos, E. (1997). Fossile Hölzer der Familie Taxodiaceae aus tertiären Schichten des Versteinerten Waldes von Lesbos, Griechenland. Feddes Repertorium, 1–2:1–30.
  • Teodoridis, V., Sakala, J. (2008). Early Miocene conifer macrofossils from the Most Basin (Czech Republic). – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie- Abhandlungen, 250: 287–312.
  • Tian, N., Zhu, Z., Wang, Y., Philippe, M., Chou, C., Xie, A. (2018). Sequoioxylon zhangii sp. nov. (Sequoioideae, Cupressaceae s.l.), a new coniferous wood from the Upper Cretaceous in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 257: 85–94.
  • Vaudois, N., Privé, C. (1971). Révision des bois fossiles de Cupessaceae. Palaeontographica B 134: 61–86.
  • Velitzelos, D., Bouchal, J.M., Denk, T. (2014). Review of the Cenozoic floras and vegetation of Greece. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 204: 56–117
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forest Industry Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ünal Akkemik 0000-0003-2099-5589

Publication Date October 2, 2020
Submission Date August 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Akkemik, Ü. (2020). Some fossil conifer species descriptions from the Paleogene to Pliocene of Turkey and their evaluations. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 8(3), 244-257.




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