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Kısıntılı sulama ve potasyum gübrelemesinin, mısırda klorofil konsantrasyonu ve membran permeabilitesine etkisi

Year 2021, , 70 - 78, 17.07.2021


Sera koşullarında saksı denemesi olarak yürütülen bu çalışmada, su stresinde yetiştirilen mısır bitkisine farklı dozlarda verilen potasyum gübresinin, klorofil oluşumu, membran permeabilitesinin bitkiler üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Denemede bitkilere saksı kapasitesine göre belirlenen üç farklı düzeyde (S1:%100 tam sulama, S2:%%75 sulama(%25 kısıntılı), S3:%50 sulama(%50kısıntılı)) sulama suyu uygulanmış ve üç farklı düzeyde potasyum gübresi (K1:0ppm K, K2:100ppm K, K3:200ppm K) verilmiştir. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Uygulanan sulama suyu miktarı azaldıkça bitki bünyesinde klorofil oluşumu azalmış, uygulanan potasyum miktarı arttıkça, klorofil konsantrasyonu artış göstermiştir. Klorofil-a miktarı değerlerinin 1058–985 mg/kg-1 arasında değiştiği görülmüştür. Klorofil-b miktarı değerlerinin 869–310 mg/kg-1 arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek toplam klorofil verimi 1927mg/kg-1 ile S1K2 konusunda belirlenmiştir. Membran permeabilitesi değeri, uygulanan sulama suyu miktarı azaldıkça artmış ve uygulanan potasyum miktarı arttıkça azalma göstermiştir. En yüksek membran permeabilitesi değeri % 48,4 ile S3K0 grubundan alınmıştır. Bu uygulamada hücre membranı en yüksek düzeyde zarar görmüştür. En düşük membran permeabilitesi değeri % 24,3 ile S1K2 konusundan elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada, potasyum gübrelemesinin su stresinin olumsuz etkilerini azaltabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Kuru koşullarda yapılan potasyum gübrelemesinin bitkide turgoru düzenleyerek, su kaybını ve solmayı önlediği ve kuraklığın etkilerini azalttığı belirlenmiştir.


  • 1. Abdalla, M.H. and Abdelwahab, M.H. 1995. Response of Nitrogen Fixation, Nodule Activities and Growth of Potassium Supply in Water Stressed Broadbean. Journal of Plant Nutrition 18: 1391-1402.
  • 2. Alpaslan, M. ve Güneş, A. 2001. Interactive Effects of Boron Salinity Stress on the Growth Membrane Permeability and Mineral Composition of Tomato and Cucumber. Plants. Journal of Plant and Soil. 236: 123-128.
  • 3. Anonim, 1989. Güneydogu Anadolu Projesi Master Plan Çalışması. Master Plan Raporu Cilt: I Ankara.
  • 4. Çakmak, İ. 2003. Response of Maize and Sorghum to Excess Boron and Salinity. Journal of Biologia Plantar-Um. 47 (2): 313-316.
  • 5. Çıtak, G. ve Topak R. 2016. Farklı Sulama Programları Uygulamasının Nohutta Verim ve Kaliteye Etkisi. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2): 298-303.
  • 6. Doorenbos, J., and Kassam, A.H., 1986. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage No: 33.
  • 7. Gençoğlan, C. ve Yazar, A. 1999. Kısıntılı Su Uygulamalarının Mısır Verimine ve Su Kullanım Randımanına Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (1999) 233-241 © Tübitak
  • 8. İnal A. ve Tarakçıoğlu, C, 2001. Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Growth, Nitrate Accumulation Membrane Permeability and Nitrogen use Efficiency of Hydroponically Grown Bunch Onion under Boron Deficiency and Toxicity. Journal of Plant Vol:24 (10): 1521-1534.
  • 9. Kırnak, H. Kaya, C, Higgs, D, and Taş, İ. 2003, Responses of Drip Irrigated Bell Pepper to Water Stress and Different Nitrogen Levels with or without Mulch Cover. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 26 (2): 263-277.
  • 10. Kuzucu, M. 2019. Effects of Organic Fertilizer Application on Yield, Soil Organic Matter and Porosity on Kilis Oil Olive Variety under Arid Conditions. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science 2019 7(1): 77-83. 10.31195/ejejfs.511098.
  • 11. Liang, Y., Chaoguang,Y., and Honghao, S., 2001. Effects of on Growth and Mineral Composition of Barely Grown under Toxic Levels of Aluminium. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Vol:24 (2): 229-243.
  • 12. Lutts, S., Kinet, J.M. and Bouharmont, J. 1995. Changes in Plant Response to NaCl During Development of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties Differing in Salinity Resistance. J.Exp. Bot. Vol:46. 1843-1852.
  • 13. Mengel, K, and Kırkby, E.A. 1987. Principles of Plant Nutrition. Intemational Potash Institute. Berne . Switzerland. 427-454.
  • 14. Sangakkara U.R., Hartwig, U.A., and Nösberger, J. 1995. Growth and Nitrogenfixation of Phaseolus Vulgaris as Effected by Temperature, Soil Moisture and Fertilizer Potassium, Nuclear Techniques İn Soil Plant Studies For Sustainable Agriculture And Environmental Preservation International Atomic Energy Authority. Austria. 263-272.
  • 15. Sangakkara, U.R., Hartwıg, U.A. and Nösberger, J. 1996. Response of Root Branching and Shoot Water Potentials of French Beans to Soil Moisture and Fertilizer Potassium- J. Agronomy and Crop Science.Vol:177: 165-173.
  • 16. Stegman, E. C. 1986. Efficient Irrigation Timing Methods for Corn Production. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol:29 (1)p:203-210.
  • 17. Steynberg, R.E. Nel, P.E. and Hammes, P.S. 1987. Reproductivty Yield Components of Maize as Effected Different Levels of Soil Fertility and Irrigation. Ncuth Journal of Plant and Soil. Vol:4 (2): 182-193.
  • 18. Strain, H.H. and Svec, W.A., 1966. Extraction Separation, Estimation and Isolation of Chlorophylls. in: Vernon, L.P., And Seely, Gr., (Eds.), The Chlorophylls. Academic Press, New York, Pp. 21460.
  • 19. Turner, N.C. 1990. Plant Water Relations and Irrigation Management. Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 1 7, P. 59-73.
  • 20. Tülücü, K. 1985. Tanmsal Sulamada Kısıntılı Sulama Uygulaması. Su Üretim Fonksiyonu Kavramı ve Kaynakların En İyi Kullanımı. Doğa Bilim Dergisi. 9 132-142.
  • 21. Yazdıç, M. ve Değirmenci H. 2018. Pamukta Farklı Sulama Seviyelerinin Yaprak Su Potansiyeli ve Klorofil Değerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi Cilt 21, Sayı 4. Sf: 511-519.

Impacts of limited irrigation and potassium fertilization on chlorophyll formation and cell membrane permeability of corn

Year 2021, , 70 - 78, 17.07.2021


The study was designed to carry out as pot experiment conducted to determine the impacts of different potassium fertilizer doses applied to corn grown under water stress on chlorophyll formation, cell membrane permeability. The experiment was deigned as randomized blocks with three replications. In this research three different irrigaiton levels (S1:%100 full irrigation, S2:%75 (%25 limited irrigation), S3:%50 (%50 limited irrigation)) of pot capacity with two different doses (K1:0ppm K, K2:100ppm K, K3:200ppm K) were applied to corn plants. The clorophyll formation decreased as irrigation water decreased and increased as potassium fertilizer applied increased. It was observed that the chlorophyll-a values has changed between 1058–985 mg/kg-1. The amount of chlorophyll-b varied has changed between 869-310 mg / kg-1. The highest total chlorophyll yield was determined in S1K2 with 1927mg / kg-1. Membrane permeability value increased as the amount of irrigation water applied decreased and it decreased as the amount of potassium applied increased. The highest membrane permeability value was obtained from S3K0 group with 48.4%. In this application, the cell membrane has damaged at the highest level. The lowest membrane permeability value was obtained from S1K2 subject with 24.3%. In this study, it was concluded that potassium fertilization can reduce the negative effects of water stress. It has been concluded that potassium fertilization in dry conditions regulates turgor in the plant, prevents dehydration and wilting, and reduces the effects of drought.


  • 1. Abdalla, M.H. and Abdelwahab, M.H. 1995. Response of Nitrogen Fixation, Nodule Activities and Growth of Potassium Supply in Water Stressed Broadbean. Journal of Plant Nutrition 18: 1391-1402.
  • 2. Alpaslan, M. ve Güneş, A. 2001. Interactive Effects of Boron Salinity Stress on the Growth Membrane Permeability and Mineral Composition of Tomato and Cucumber. Plants. Journal of Plant and Soil. 236: 123-128.
  • 3. Anonim, 1989. Güneydogu Anadolu Projesi Master Plan Çalışması. Master Plan Raporu Cilt: I Ankara.
  • 4. Çakmak, İ. 2003. Response of Maize and Sorghum to Excess Boron and Salinity. Journal of Biologia Plantar-Um. 47 (2): 313-316.
  • 5. Çıtak, G. ve Topak R. 2016. Farklı Sulama Programları Uygulamasının Nohutta Verim ve Kaliteye Etkisi. Selçuk Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2): 298-303.
  • 6. Doorenbos, J., and Kassam, A.H., 1986. Yield Response to Water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage No: 33.
  • 7. Gençoğlan, C. ve Yazar, A. 1999. Kısıntılı Su Uygulamalarının Mısır Verimine ve Su Kullanım Randımanına Etkileri. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23 (1999) 233-241 © Tübitak
  • 8. İnal A. ve Tarakçıoğlu, C, 2001. Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Growth, Nitrate Accumulation Membrane Permeability and Nitrogen use Efficiency of Hydroponically Grown Bunch Onion under Boron Deficiency and Toxicity. Journal of Plant Vol:24 (10): 1521-1534.
  • 9. Kırnak, H. Kaya, C, Higgs, D, and Taş, İ. 2003, Responses of Drip Irrigated Bell Pepper to Water Stress and Different Nitrogen Levels with or without Mulch Cover. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 26 (2): 263-277.
  • 10. Kuzucu, M. 2019. Effects of Organic Fertilizer Application on Yield, Soil Organic Matter and Porosity on Kilis Oil Olive Variety under Arid Conditions. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science 2019 7(1): 77-83. 10.31195/ejejfs.511098.
  • 11. Liang, Y., Chaoguang,Y., and Honghao, S., 2001. Effects of on Growth and Mineral Composition of Barely Grown under Toxic Levels of Aluminium. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Vol:24 (2): 229-243.
  • 12. Lutts, S., Kinet, J.M. and Bouharmont, J. 1995. Changes in Plant Response to NaCl During Development of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties Differing in Salinity Resistance. J.Exp. Bot. Vol:46. 1843-1852.
  • 13. Mengel, K, and Kırkby, E.A. 1987. Principles of Plant Nutrition. Intemational Potash Institute. Berne . Switzerland. 427-454.
  • 14. Sangakkara U.R., Hartwig, U.A., and Nösberger, J. 1995. Growth and Nitrogenfixation of Phaseolus Vulgaris as Effected by Temperature, Soil Moisture and Fertilizer Potassium, Nuclear Techniques İn Soil Plant Studies For Sustainable Agriculture And Environmental Preservation International Atomic Energy Authority. Austria. 263-272.
  • 15. Sangakkara, U.R., Hartwıg, U.A. and Nösberger, J. 1996. Response of Root Branching and Shoot Water Potentials of French Beans to Soil Moisture and Fertilizer Potassium- J. Agronomy and Crop Science.Vol:177: 165-173.
  • 16. Stegman, E. C. 1986. Efficient Irrigation Timing Methods for Corn Production. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol:29 (1)p:203-210.
  • 17. Steynberg, R.E. Nel, P.E. and Hammes, P.S. 1987. Reproductivty Yield Components of Maize as Effected Different Levels of Soil Fertility and Irrigation. Ncuth Journal of Plant and Soil. Vol:4 (2): 182-193.
  • 18. Strain, H.H. and Svec, W.A., 1966. Extraction Separation, Estimation and Isolation of Chlorophylls. in: Vernon, L.P., And Seely, Gr., (Eds.), The Chlorophylls. Academic Press, New York, Pp. 21460.
  • 19. Turner, N.C. 1990. Plant Water Relations and Irrigation Management. Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 1 7, P. 59-73.
  • 20. Tülücü, K. 1985. Tanmsal Sulamada Kısıntılı Sulama Uygulaması. Su Üretim Fonksiyonu Kavramı ve Kaynakların En İyi Kullanımı. Doğa Bilim Dergisi. 9 132-142.
  • 21. Yazdıç, M. ve Değirmenci H. 2018. Pamukta Farklı Sulama Seviyelerinin Yaprak Su Potansiyeli ve Klorofil Değerine Etkisi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi Cilt 21, Sayı 4. Sf: 511-519.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Meryem Kuzucu 0000-0003-1424-0614

Publication Date July 17, 2021
Submission Date April 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kuzucu, M. (2021). Kısıntılı sulama ve potasyum gübrelemesinin, mısırda klorofil konsantrasyonu ve membran permeabilitesine etkisi. Eurasian Journal of Forest Science, 9(2), 70-78.




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