Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 28, 02.07.2017


The tropical dry deciduous forests of Mirzapur district in Uttar Pradesh (state) in India are facing severe threat from agricultural expansion, increased urbanization, infrastructure development and unsustainable use of forest produce. As a result the forests are now fragmented and wildlife habitat is vanishing. Dwindling numbers of wild animal species has become a cause of concern. The present study has analyzed satellite remote sensing data of Landsat OLI (2013) in conjunction with GIS and support of GPS to identify suitable habitat for wild animals. Various thematic maps like land use/land cover, forest cover type, lakes, roads and slope data were prepared in support of the objective of the paper. The weighted overlay method was used for integration of the thematic layers for identification of potential habitat and corridors for wild life movement. Most suitable (2.54%), moderately suitable (12.0%) and least suitable (16.20%) areas were delineated and represented in a map. Highly suitable habitat was found at Dadri and Kotwa forest. Moderately suitable habitat was found in Darhi Ram forests. Least suitable areas were found in the outer fringes of Kotwa, Dadri, Darhi Ram and Sarson forests. Such data is the pre requisite for wildlife conservation effort. 


  • Arc GIS version 10.0 (1999-2010) ESRI Inc.(
  • Areendram, G., Krishna R., Mazumdaar S. (2011).Geospatial modelling to assess elephant habitat suitability and corridors in Northern Chattisgarh, India. Tropical Ecology. 52(3); 275-283.
  • Bhat S.D., Rawat G.S.(1995). Habitat use by Chetal(Axis axis) in Dhaulkhand, Rajaji Natonal Park,India. Tropical Ecology, 36(2):177-189.
  • Champion, H.G., Seth SK. (1968). A revised classification of the Forest Types in India Manager publications. GOI, India, New Delhi.
  • Das, M.K., Awasthi, A.K., Pandey, R., Dwivedi, A., Koul, M. (2007). Mapping of forest types and land use/land cover of Singrauli coal field area using satellite remote sensing techniques. Journal of Tropical Forestry 23:141-150.
  • De Fries, R., Hansen, A., Newton, A.C., Hamsen, M.C. (2005). Increasing isolation of protected areas in tropical forests over the past 20 years. Ecological. Applications 15(1): 19-26.
  • ERDAS Imagine, 9.0 (2005). ERDAS field guide. Copyright Leica Geosystems. Geospatial Imaging, LLC. (1991-2005).Printed in USA.
  • Goparaju L., Sinha D. (2015). Forest cover change analysis of dry tropical forests of Vindhyan highlands in Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh using satellite remote sensing and GIS. Ecological Questions 22/2015: 23 – 37.
  • Javed, A., Khan, I. (2012). Landuse/Land cover change due to mining activities in Singrauli Industrial belt, Madhya Pradesh using remote sensing and GIS, Journal of Environmental Research and Development 6: 521-529.
  • Johnsingh, A.J.T., Joshua, J. (1994). Conserving Rajaji and Corbett national Parks: the Elephant as a flagship species. Orya 28:135-140.
  • Kamat, D.S. (1986). An integrated approach to remote sensing studies for wildlife habitat evaluation. In: D.S. Kamat and H.S.Panwar (Eds.) Proceedings of seminar cum workshop on wildlife habitat evaluation using remote sensing techniques, IIRS, Dehradun, pp165-182.
  • Khanna, V., Ravichandran, M.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. (2001). Corridor analysis in Rajaji –Corbett Elephant reserve .A remote sensing and GIS approach. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 29: 41-46.
  • Kumar, A., Marcot, B.G., Saxena, A. (2006). Tree species diversity and distribution patterns in the tropical forests of Garo Hills. Current Science 91(10): 1370-1381.
  • Kushwaha, S.P.S., Khan, A., Habib, B., Quadri, A., Singh, A. (2004). Evaluation of Sāmbhar and Muntjak habitats using geostatistical modelling. Current Science 86:10.1390 -1400.
  • Kushwaha, S.P.S., Hazarika, R. (2004). Assessment of habitat loss in Kameng and Sonitpur elephant reserves. Current Science 87:1447-1453.
  • Lillisend, T.M. Keifer, R. (2004). Remote sensing Image interpretation. John Wiley, New York.
  • Mayers, N. (1991). Tropical forests: present status and future outlook. Climate change 19:3-32.
  • Mayers, N. (1992).The primary source: Tropical Forests and Our Future. Norton, New York.
  • Mishra, C., Johnsingh, A.J.T. (1996). On habitat selection by the Goral ( Naemorhaedus goral) bedfordi (Bovidae Artiodactyla). Journal of Zoology 240:573-80.
  • Mondal, P., Southwoth, J. (2010). Protection versus commercial management spatial and temporal analysis of land cover changes in the tropical forests of central India. Forest Ecology and Management 259 (5): 1009-1017.
  • Murphy P.G., Lugo A.E. (1986). Ecology of tropical dry forest. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.17: 67-88.
  • Nandy, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Mukhopadhyaya, S. (2007). Monitoring the Chilla –Motichur wildlife corridor using geospatial tools. Journal for Nature Conservation 15:237-244.
  • Panwar, H.S. (1986). Forest cover mapping for planning tiger corridor between Kanha and Bandavgarh- a proposed project. In: D.S. Kamat and H.S.Panwar (Eds.) Proceedings of seminar cum workshop on wildlife habitat evaluation using remote sensing techniques, IIRS, Dehradun. pp 209-212
  • Pimm SL., Russel G.J., Gittleman, Brooks T.M. (1995). The future of Biodiversity. Science: 269:347-350.
  • Prance, Ghillean T. (1982). Forest refuges: evidence from woody angiosperms. pp 137-157.In G.T.Prance (ed.) Biological Diversification in the Tropics. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Raghubanshi, A.S., Tripathi, A.,(2009). Effect of disturbance, habitat fragmentation and alien invasive plant on floral diversity in dry tropical forest of Vindhyan highlands: a review. Tropical Ecology, 50:57-69.
  • Singh, A., (2007). Revegetation of coal mine spoils using Prosopsis juliflora in Singrauli coalfiled is a harmful practice from ecological viewpoint. Current. Science 93: 1204.
  • Singh, U., Narain, S. (2009). Ethnobotanical wealth of Mirzapur district, U.P., 135(2):185-197.
  • Yadav, P.K., Kapoor, M., Sarma, K. (2012). Land use land cover mapping change detection and conflict analysis of Nagzina-Navegaon corridor, Central India using Geospatial Technology. International Journal Of Remote Sensing and GIS 1(2): 90-98.


Year 2017, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 13 - 28, 02.07.2017


Hindistan Uttar Pradesh eyaletinde bulunan Mirzapur bölgesindeki kurakçıl ormanlar tarım alanlarının genişletilmesi, şehir alanlarının büyümesi, inşaat alanlarının artması ve orman kaynaklarının aşırı kullanımı ile çok yüksek bir baskı altında kalmaktadır. Bunun sonucu olarak, orman alanlarında bölünmeler olmakta ve yaban hayatı yok olma tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Yaban hayatı sayısının azalması önemli bir tehdit hâline gelmiştir. Bu çalışma ile, Lansat OLI (2013) uydusuna ait uzaktan algılama verileri GIS ortamında GPS yardımıyla kullanılarak yaban hayatına uygun alanların tespit edilmesi için analizler yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın verilerini sunarken açıklayıcı olması maksadıyla, arazi kullanımı/arazi örtüsü, orman örtüsü tipi, göller, yol, eğim verisi gibi konu özlü tabaka haritalar kullanılmıştır. Yaban hayatına uygun yaşam alanlarının ve geçit koridorlarının belirlenmesi için, konu özlü harita tabakalarının ağırlıklandırmalı bindirme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. En uygun (%2.54), orta uygun (%12.0) ve en az uygun (%16.2) alanlar haritalar üzerinde gösterilmiştir. En uygun alanlar Dadri ve Kotwa ormanlarında, orta uygunluktaki alanlar Darhi Ram ormanlarında ve en az uygun alanlar Kotwa, Dadri, Darhi Ram ve Sarson ormanlarının dış çevrelerinde tespit edilmiştir. Bu verilerin, yaban hayatı alanlarının korunması için çok yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir. 


  • Arc GIS version 10.0 (1999-2010) ESRI Inc.(
  • Areendram, G., Krishna R., Mazumdaar S. (2011).Geospatial modelling to assess elephant habitat suitability and corridors in Northern Chattisgarh, India. Tropical Ecology. 52(3); 275-283.
  • Bhat S.D., Rawat G.S.(1995). Habitat use by Chetal(Axis axis) in Dhaulkhand, Rajaji Natonal Park,India. Tropical Ecology, 36(2):177-189.
  • Champion, H.G., Seth SK. (1968). A revised classification of the Forest Types in India Manager publications. GOI, India, New Delhi.
  • Das, M.K., Awasthi, A.K., Pandey, R., Dwivedi, A., Koul, M. (2007). Mapping of forest types and land use/land cover of Singrauli coal field area using satellite remote sensing techniques. Journal of Tropical Forestry 23:141-150.
  • De Fries, R., Hansen, A., Newton, A.C., Hamsen, M.C. (2005). Increasing isolation of protected areas in tropical forests over the past 20 years. Ecological. Applications 15(1): 19-26.
  • ERDAS Imagine, 9.0 (2005). ERDAS field guide. Copyright Leica Geosystems. Geospatial Imaging, LLC. (1991-2005).Printed in USA.
  • Goparaju L., Sinha D. (2015). Forest cover change analysis of dry tropical forests of Vindhyan highlands in Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh using satellite remote sensing and GIS. Ecological Questions 22/2015: 23 – 37.
  • Javed, A., Khan, I. (2012). Landuse/Land cover change due to mining activities in Singrauli Industrial belt, Madhya Pradesh using remote sensing and GIS, Journal of Environmental Research and Development 6: 521-529.
  • Johnsingh, A.J.T., Joshua, J. (1994). Conserving Rajaji and Corbett national Parks: the Elephant as a flagship species. Orya 28:135-140.
  • Kamat, D.S. (1986). An integrated approach to remote sensing studies for wildlife habitat evaluation. In: D.S. Kamat and H.S.Panwar (Eds.) Proceedings of seminar cum workshop on wildlife habitat evaluation using remote sensing techniques, IIRS, Dehradun, pp165-182.
  • Khanna, V., Ravichandran, M.S., Kushwaha, S.P.S. (2001). Corridor analysis in Rajaji –Corbett Elephant reserve .A remote sensing and GIS approach. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 29: 41-46.
  • Kumar, A., Marcot, B.G., Saxena, A. (2006). Tree species diversity and distribution patterns in the tropical forests of Garo Hills. Current Science 91(10): 1370-1381.
  • Kushwaha, S.P.S., Khan, A., Habib, B., Quadri, A., Singh, A. (2004). Evaluation of Sāmbhar and Muntjak habitats using geostatistical modelling. Current Science 86:10.1390 -1400.
  • Kushwaha, S.P.S., Hazarika, R. (2004). Assessment of habitat loss in Kameng and Sonitpur elephant reserves. Current Science 87:1447-1453.
  • Lillisend, T.M. Keifer, R. (2004). Remote sensing Image interpretation. John Wiley, New York.
  • Mayers, N. (1991). Tropical forests: present status and future outlook. Climate change 19:3-32.
  • Mayers, N. (1992).The primary source: Tropical Forests and Our Future. Norton, New York.
  • Mishra, C., Johnsingh, A.J.T. (1996). On habitat selection by the Goral ( Naemorhaedus goral) bedfordi (Bovidae Artiodactyla). Journal of Zoology 240:573-80.
  • Mondal, P., Southwoth, J. (2010). Protection versus commercial management spatial and temporal analysis of land cover changes in the tropical forests of central India. Forest Ecology and Management 259 (5): 1009-1017.
  • Murphy P.G., Lugo A.E. (1986). Ecology of tropical dry forest. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.17: 67-88.
  • Nandy, S., Kushwaha, S.P.S., Mukhopadhyaya, S. (2007). Monitoring the Chilla –Motichur wildlife corridor using geospatial tools. Journal for Nature Conservation 15:237-244.
  • Panwar, H.S. (1986). Forest cover mapping for planning tiger corridor between Kanha and Bandavgarh- a proposed project. In: D.S. Kamat and H.S.Panwar (Eds.) Proceedings of seminar cum workshop on wildlife habitat evaluation using remote sensing techniques, IIRS, Dehradun. pp 209-212
  • Pimm SL., Russel G.J., Gittleman, Brooks T.M. (1995). The future of Biodiversity. Science: 269:347-350.
  • Prance, Ghillean T. (1982). Forest refuges: evidence from woody angiosperms. pp 137-157.In G.T.Prance (ed.) Biological Diversification in the Tropics. Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Raghubanshi, A.S., Tripathi, A.,(2009). Effect of disturbance, habitat fragmentation and alien invasive plant on floral diversity in dry tropical forest of Vindhyan highlands: a review. Tropical Ecology, 50:57-69.
  • Singh, A., (2007). Revegetation of coal mine spoils using Prosopsis juliflora in Singrauli coalfiled is a harmful practice from ecological viewpoint. Current. Science 93: 1204.
  • Singh, U., Narain, S. (2009). Ethnobotanical wealth of Mirzapur district, U.P., 135(2):185-197.
  • Yadav, P.K., Kapoor, M., Sarma, K. (2012). Land use land cover mapping change detection and conflict analysis of Nagzina-Navegaon corridor, Central India using Geospatial Technology. International Journal Of Remote Sensing and GIS 1(2): 90-98.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Laxmi Nageshwari Goparaju This is me

Firoz Ahmad This is me

Debadityo Sinha

Publication Date July 2, 2017
Submission Date January 27, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 1




ISSN: 2147-7493

Eurasian Journal of Forest Science © 2013 is licensed under CC BY 4.0