Research Article
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Numerical examination of the optimal bucking method to maximize profits applied in Nasu town, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

Year 2019, , 1 - 10, 29.06.2019


In this
study, the optimal bucking methods were numerically applied to Nasu town, and
the factors of effects on profitability of commercial thinning operations and
feasibility of extracting small sized logs were discussed. As a result,
commercial thinning operations could be conducted on 18% (818 ha) and 54% (2427
ha) of 35 and 45 years old forests, respectively. On the other hand,
pre-commercial thinning operation would be conducted on 81% (3666 ha) and 46%
(2089 ha) of 35 and 45 years old forests. This shows current situation of
Japanese forestry where nearly all the thinning operations conducted were
pre-commercial. Stands with extracting small sized logs accounted for
approximately ten percent of the total forest area. Extracted small sized logs
from 35 years old forests were more than those from 45 years old forests
although saw logs from 35 years old forest were less than those from 45 years
old forests. The areas of stands with extracting small sized logs were
increased according to the more gentle slope and shorter forwarding distances.
Thus, it was clear that the reduction of forwarding distances by establishing
forest road networks were effective in order to increase stands with extracting
small sized logs.


We are grateful to the Nasu-machi Forest Owners’ Co-operative for their cooperation during the course of this research. This study was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grand Number 15H04508 and 16KK0168.


  • Akaguma, E., Aruga, K., Okuyama, T. 2017. Analysis on economic balances of clear cutting and regeneration operations in the northern area of Tochigi prefecture. Bulletin of Utsunomiya University Forest, 53: 69-77.
  • Akay, A.E. 2009. The effects of Forest Harvesting Techniques on Optimum Bucking Application of Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis) Stands in Turkey. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 127(1):25-36.
  • Akay, A.E., Sessions, J., Serin, H., Pak, M., Yenilmez, N. 2010. Applying optimum bucking method in producing Taurus Fir (Abies cilicica) logs in Mediterranean region of Turkey. Baltic Forestry,16: 273-279.
  • Akay, A.E., Serin, H., Pak, M. 2015. How stem defects affect the capability of optimum bucking method? Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 65(2):38-45.
  • Akay, A.E. 2017. Potential contribution of optimum bucking method to forest products industry. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 3: 61-65.
  • ANRE, 2017. Japan’s energy. http://www.enecho.meti. (Accessed: 4 January 2019).
  • Aruga, K., Murakami, A., Nakahata, C., Yamaguchi, R., Yoshioka, T. 2011. Discussion on economic and energy balances of forest biomass utilization for small-scale power generation in Kanuma, Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 32: 571-586.
  • Aruga, K., Hiyamizu, G., Nakahata, C., Saito, M. 2013. Effects of aggregating forests, establishing forest road networks, and mechanization on operational efficiency and costs in a mountainous region in Japan. Journal of Forestry Research, 24: 747-754.
  • Aruga, K., Murakami, A., Nakahata, C., Yamaguchi, R., Saito, M., Yoshioka, T. 2014. Estimating annual available amounts of forest biomass resources with total revenues and costs during the 60-year rotation in a mountainous region in Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 35: 125-138.
  • Aruga, K., Liu, C., Uemura, R., Furusawa, T. 2016 Economic balance of a clearcutting operation using terrestrial LiDAR. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 2: 1-10.
  • Aruga K, Yanagihara E, Yamamoto, T., Ishiguri, F., Furusawa, T., Kato, A. 2017. Application of portable terrestrial laser scanner to a secondary broad-leaved forest. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 3: 7-15.
  • Dijkstra, E.W. 1959. A note on two problems in connection with graphs. Numerische Mathematik, 1: 269-271.
  • Forestry Agency of Japan, 1970. Ryuboku Kanzaiseki Hyo – Higashi Nihon Hen (Stem volume table - East Japan). Japanese Forestry Investigation Committee, Tokyo. Forestry Agency of Japan, 2016. Forest and Forestry Basic Plan. Forestry Agency of Japan, Tokyo.
  • Haynes, H.J.G., Visser, R.J.M. 2004. An applied hardwood value recovery study in the Appalachian Region of Virginia and West Virginia. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 15: 25-31.
  • Kamimura, K., Kuboyama, H., Yamamoto, K. 2009. Estimation of spatial distribution on wood biomass supply potential for three prefectures in the northern Tohoku Region. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 88: 877–883.
  • Kamimura, K., Kuboyama, H., Yamamoto, K. 2012. Wood biomass supply costs and potential for biomass energy plants in Japan. Biomass and Bioenergy, 36: 107-115.
  • Kinoshita, T., Inoue, K., Iwao, K., Kagemoto, H., Yamagata, Y. 2009. A spatial evaluation of forest biomass usage using GIS. Applied Energy, 86: 1-8.
  • Kinoshita, T., Ohki, T., Yamagata, Y. 2010. Woody biomass supply potential for thermal power plants in Japan. Applied Energy, 87: 2923-2927.
  • Möller, B., Nielsen, P.S. 2007. Analyzing transport costs of Danish forest wood chip resources by means of continuous cost surfaces. Biomass and Bioenergy, 31: 291-298.
  • Nagumo, H., Shiraishi, N., Tanaka, M. 1981. Systematic method for constructing a yield table for Sugi even-aged stand: A case study in experimental plots of the Tokyo University Forest in Chiba. Bulletin of Tokyo University Forest, 71: 269-330.
  • Nakahata, C., Aruga, K., Saito, M. 2014. Examining the optimal bucking method to maximize profits in commercial thinning operations in Nasunogahara area, Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 35: 45-61.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Tatsuhara, S. 2008. Application of an algorithm to maximize stumpage price. Kanto Forest Research, 59: 55-58.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Tatsuhara, S. 2009. Development and application of an algorithm to calculate cross-cutting patterns to maximize stumpage price based on timber market and stand conditions: A case study of Sugi plantations in Gunma Prefecture. Japan Journal of Forest Planning, 15: 21-27.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Sasakawa, H., Ishibashi, S., Tatsuhara, S. 2010. Estimation of growth parameters using the local yield table construction system for planted forests throughout Japan. Japan Journal of Forest Planning, 15: 99–108.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., Talbot, B. 2004. Assessment of forest-fuel resources in Denmark: technical and economic availability. Biomass and Bioenergy, 27: 97-109.
  • Olsen, E., Pilkerton, S., Garland, J., Sessions, J. 1991. Computer-aided bucking on a mechanized harvester. Journal of Forest Engineering, 2: 25-32.
  • Pak, M., Gulci, N. 2017. A comparative economic evaluation of bucking deciduous trees: A Case study of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) stands in Northeastern Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(1): 72-79.
  • Panichelli, L., Gnansounou, E. 2008. GIS-based approach for defining bioenergy facilities location: A case study in Northern Spain based on marginal delivery costs and resources competition between facilities. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32: 289-300.
  • Ranta, T. 2005. Logging residues from regeneration fellings for biofuel production - A GIS - based availability analysis in Finland. Biomass and Bioenergy, 28: 171-182.
  • Rørstad, P., Trømborg, E., Bergseng, E., Solberg, B. 2010. Combining GIS and forest modelling in estimating regional supply of harvest residues in Norway. Silva Fennica, 44: 435-451.
  • Sawaguchi, I. 1996. Studies on forest-road evaluation and forest-road standards in mountain forests: (I) characteristics of parameters for forest-road evaluation. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 372: 1-110.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A.E., Pak, M. 2010. Estimating the Effects of Optimum Bucking on the Economic Value of Brutian Pine (Pinus Brutia) Logs Extracted in Mediterranean Region of Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(9):916-921.
  • Sessions, J., Garland, J., Olsen, E. 1989. Testing computer-aided bucking at the stump. Journal of Forestry, 87: 43-46.
  • Shiraishi, N. 1981. Comparison of the form of the relative tree height curve. Transaction of Japan Forestry Society, 92: 81-82.
  • Shiraishi, N. 1985. Study on the growth prediction of even-aged stands. Bulletin of Tokyo University Forests, 75: 199-256.
  • Tochigi Prefectural Government, 2011. Forestation program - Standard unit cost table for fiscal year 2011. Utsunomiya, Tochigi.
  • Uemura, R., Aruga, K., Kanetsuki, K. 2015 Estimating availability of logging residues using forest management records at aggregated stands of Nasushiobara city in Tochigi prefecture, Japan. FORMATH, 14: 40-52.
  • Viana, H., Cohen, W.B., Lopes, D., Aranha, J. 2010. Assessment of forest biomass for use as energy. GIS-based analysis of geographical availability and locations of wood-fired power plants in Portugal. Applied Energy, 87: 2551-2560.
  • Wang, J., Liu, J., LeDoux, C.B. 2009. A three-dimensional bucking system for optimal bucking of central Appalachian hardwoods. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 20: 26-35.
  • Yamaguchi, R., Aruga, K., Nagasaki, M. 2014. Estimating the annual supply potential and availability of timber and logging residue using the forest management records of the Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 19: 22-33.
  • Yamamoto, T., Aruga, K., Shirasawa, H. 2019. Availability for small-scale woody biomass power generation from the view of forest resources in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. International Journal of Forest Engineering (DOI: 10.1080/14942119. 2018. 1514178)
  • Yoshida, S., Imada, T. 1989. Stem cross-cutting algorithm based on log unit price. Bulletin of Faculty Agriculture, Kagoshima University, 39: 319-329.
  • Yoshioka, T., Sakai, H. 2005. Amount and availability of forest biomass as an energy resource in a mountain region in Japan: A GIS-based analysis. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 26: 59-70.
Year 2019, , 1 - 10, 29.06.2019



  • Akaguma, E., Aruga, K., Okuyama, T. 2017. Analysis on economic balances of clear cutting and regeneration operations in the northern area of Tochigi prefecture. Bulletin of Utsunomiya University Forest, 53: 69-77.
  • Akay, A.E. 2009. The effects of Forest Harvesting Techniques on Optimum Bucking Application of Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis) Stands in Turkey. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 127(1):25-36.
  • Akay, A.E., Sessions, J., Serin, H., Pak, M., Yenilmez, N. 2010. Applying optimum bucking method in producing Taurus Fir (Abies cilicica) logs in Mediterranean region of Turkey. Baltic Forestry,16: 273-279.
  • Akay, A.E., Serin, H., Pak, M. 2015. How stem defects affect the capability of optimum bucking method? Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 65(2):38-45.
  • Akay, A.E. 2017. Potential contribution of optimum bucking method to forest products industry. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 3: 61-65.
  • ANRE, 2017. Japan’s energy. http://www.enecho.meti. (Accessed: 4 January 2019).
  • Aruga, K., Murakami, A., Nakahata, C., Yamaguchi, R., Yoshioka, T. 2011. Discussion on economic and energy balances of forest biomass utilization for small-scale power generation in Kanuma, Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 32: 571-586.
  • Aruga, K., Hiyamizu, G., Nakahata, C., Saito, M. 2013. Effects of aggregating forests, establishing forest road networks, and mechanization on operational efficiency and costs in a mountainous region in Japan. Journal of Forestry Research, 24: 747-754.
  • Aruga, K., Murakami, A., Nakahata, C., Yamaguchi, R., Saito, M., Yoshioka, T. 2014. Estimating annual available amounts of forest biomass resources with total revenues and costs during the 60-year rotation in a mountainous region in Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 35: 125-138.
  • Aruga, K., Liu, C., Uemura, R., Furusawa, T. 2016 Economic balance of a clearcutting operation using terrestrial LiDAR. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 2: 1-10.
  • Aruga K, Yanagihara E, Yamamoto, T., Ishiguri, F., Furusawa, T., Kato, A. 2017. Application of portable terrestrial laser scanner to a secondary broad-leaved forest. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 3: 7-15.
  • Dijkstra, E.W. 1959. A note on two problems in connection with graphs. Numerische Mathematik, 1: 269-271.
  • Forestry Agency of Japan, 1970. Ryuboku Kanzaiseki Hyo – Higashi Nihon Hen (Stem volume table - East Japan). Japanese Forestry Investigation Committee, Tokyo. Forestry Agency of Japan, 2016. Forest and Forestry Basic Plan. Forestry Agency of Japan, Tokyo.
  • Haynes, H.J.G., Visser, R.J.M. 2004. An applied hardwood value recovery study in the Appalachian Region of Virginia and West Virginia. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 15: 25-31.
  • Kamimura, K., Kuboyama, H., Yamamoto, K. 2009. Estimation of spatial distribution on wood biomass supply potential for three prefectures in the northern Tohoku Region. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 88: 877–883.
  • Kamimura, K., Kuboyama, H., Yamamoto, K. 2012. Wood biomass supply costs and potential for biomass energy plants in Japan. Biomass and Bioenergy, 36: 107-115.
  • Kinoshita, T., Inoue, K., Iwao, K., Kagemoto, H., Yamagata, Y. 2009. A spatial evaluation of forest biomass usage using GIS. Applied Energy, 86: 1-8.
  • Kinoshita, T., Ohki, T., Yamagata, Y. 2010. Woody biomass supply potential for thermal power plants in Japan. Applied Energy, 87: 2923-2927.
  • Möller, B., Nielsen, P.S. 2007. Analyzing transport costs of Danish forest wood chip resources by means of continuous cost surfaces. Biomass and Bioenergy, 31: 291-298.
  • Nagumo, H., Shiraishi, N., Tanaka, M. 1981. Systematic method for constructing a yield table for Sugi even-aged stand: A case study in experimental plots of the Tokyo University Forest in Chiba. Bulletin of Tokyo University Forest, 71: 269-330.
  • Nakahata, C., Aruga, K., Saito, M. 2014. Examining the optimal bucking method to maximize profits in commercial thinning operations in Nasunogahara area, Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 35: 45-61.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Tatsuhara, S. 2008. Application of an algorithm to maximize stumpage price. Kanto Forest Research, 59: 55-58.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Tatsuhara, S. 2009. Development and application of an algorithm to calculate cross-cutting patterns to maximize stumpage price based on timber market and stand conditions: A case study of Sugi plantations in Gunma Prefecture. Japan Journal of Forest Planning, 15: 21-27.
  • Nakajima, T., Matsumoto, M., Sasakawa, H., Ishibashi, S., Tatsuhara, S. 2010. Estimation of growth parameters using the local yield table construction system for planted forests throughout Japan. Japan Journal of Forest Planning, 15: 99–108.
  • Nord-Larsen, T., Talbot, B. 2004. Assessment of forest-fuel resources in Denmark: technical and economic availability. Biomass and Bioenergy, 27: 97-109.
  • Olsen, E., Pilkerton, S., Garland, J., Sessions, J. 1991. Computer-aided bucking on a mechanized harvester. Journal of Forest Engineering, 2: 25-32.
  • Pak, M., Gulci, N. 2017. A comparative economic evaluation of bucking deciduous trees: A Case study of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) stands in Northeastern Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(1): 72-79.
  • Panichelli, L., Gnansounou, E. 2008. GIS-based approach for defining bioenergy facilities location: A case study in Northern Spain based on marginal delivery costs and resources competition between facilities. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32: 289-300.
  • Ranta, T. 2005. Logging residues from regeneration fellings for biofuel production - A GIS - based availability analysis in Finland. Biomass and Bioenergy, 28: 171-182.
  • Rørstad, P., Trømborg, E., Bergseng, E., Solberg, B. 2010. Combining GIS and forest modelling in estimating regional supply of harvest residues in Norway. Silva Fennica, 44: 435-451.
  • Sawaguchi, I. 1996. Studies on forest-road evaluation and forest-road standards in mountain forests: (I) characteristics of parameters for forest-road evaluation. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 372: 1-110.
  • Serin, H., Akay, A.E., Pak, M. 2010. Estimating the Effects of Optimum Bucking on the Economic Value of Brutian Pine (Pinus Brutia) Logs Extracted in Mediterranean Region of Turkey, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(9):916-921.
  • Sessions, J., Garland, J., Olsen, E. 1989. Testing computer-aided bucking at the stump. Journal of Forestry, 87: 43-46.
  • Shiraishi, N. 1981. Comparison of the form of the relative tree height curve. Transaction of Japan Forestry Society, 92: 81-82.
  • Shiraishi, N. 1985. Study on the growth prediction of even-aged stands. Bulletin of Tokyo University Forests, 75: 199-256.
  • Tochigi Prefectural Government, 2011. Forestation program - Standard unit cost table for fiscal year 2011. Utsunomiya, Tochigi.
  • Uemura, R., Aruga, K., Kanetsuki, K. 2015 Estimating availability of logging residues using forest management records at aggregated stands of Nasushiobara city in Tochigi prefecture, Japan. FORMATH, 14: 40-52.
  • Viana, H., Cohen, W.B., Lopes, D., Aranha, J. 2010. Assessment of forest biomass for use as energy. GIS-based analysis of geographical availability and locations of wood-fired power plants in Portugal. Applied Energy, 87: 2551-2560.
  • Wang, J., Liu, J., LeDoux, C.B. 2009. A three-dimensional bucking system for optimal bucking of central Appalachian hardwoods. International Journal of Forest Engineering, 20: 26-35.
  • Yamaguchi, R., Aruga, K., Nagasaki, M. 2014. Estimating the annual supply potential and availability of timber and logging residue using the forest management records of the Tochigi prefecture, Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 19: 22-33.
  • Yamamoto, T., Aruga, K., Shirasawa, H. 2019. Availability for small-scale woody biomass power generation from the view of forest resources in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. International Journal of Forest Engineering (DOI: 10.1080/14942119. 2018. 1514178)
  • Yoshida, S., Imada, T. 1989. Stem cross-cutting algorithm based on log unit price. Bulletin of Faculty Agriculture, Kagoshima University, 39: 319-329.
  • Yoshioka, T., Sakai, H. 2005. Amount and availability of forest biomass as an energy resource in a mountain region in Japan: A GIS-based analysis. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 26: 59-70.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Kazuhiro Aruga 0000-0002-6947-1033

Chikara Nakahata This is me

Masashi Saito

Publication Date June 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Aruga, K., Nakahata, C., & Saito, M. (2019). Numerical examination of the optimal bucking method to maximize profits applied in Nasu town, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 5(1), 1-10.

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