Abeli W.S., 1992. Optimal road spacing for manual skidding sulkies. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 6: 8-15.
Akay, A. E., 2005. Using farm tractors in small-scale forest harvesting operations. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1(2): 196–199.
Behjou, F.K., Majnounian, B., Namiranian, M., Dvorak, J., 2008. Time study and skidding capacity of the wheeled skidder Timberjack 450c in Caspian forests. J For Sci, 54(4):183–188.
Dykstra, D.P., Heinrich, R., 1996. FAO model code of forest harvesting practice. FAO Publish, Rome, Italy, 85 pp.
Eker M., Acar, H.H., 2006. Operational Planning Method For Timber Harvesting, Turkish Journal of Forestry 7 (2): 128-140.
Eroglu, H., Acar, H.H., 2000. The comparison of logging techniques for productivity and ecological aspects in Artvin, Turkey. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7: 1973–1976.
Ghaffariyan, M.R., Naghdi, R., Ghajar, I., Nikooy, M., 2013. Time prediction models and cost evaluation of cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting method in a mountainous forest. Small-Scale Forestry, 12(2): 181-192.
Gilanipoor, N., Najafi, A., Heshmat Alvaezin, S.M., 2012. Productivity and cost of farm tractor skidding. J For Sci, 58(1): 21–26.
Huyler, N.K., Ledoux, C.B., 1989. Small tractors for harvesting fuelwood in low-volume small diameter hardwood stands. COFE, Implementing Techniques for Succesful Forest Operations, August 27 to 30, Idoha, 1989: 61-67.
Kluender, R., Lortz, D., McCoy, W., Stokes, B., Klepac, J., 1997. Productivity of rubber-tired skidders in
southern pine forests. Forest Products Journal, 47(11-12): 53-58.
Liu S., Corcoran T.J., 1993. Road and landing spacing under the consideration of surface dimension of road and landing. Journal of Forest Engineering, 5: 49–53
McDonald, T.P., Fulton, J.P., 2005. Automated time study of skidders using global positioning system data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 48: 19-37.
Öztürk, T., 2010. Productivity of new holland farm tractor at beech stands on mountainous areas in black sea region. Forestry Ideas, 16(1): 52-57.
Öztürk, T., 2014. Productivity and cost of rubber - tired tractor in northern pine plantation forest of Turkey. Baltıc Forestry, 20 (2): 272-276.
Spinelli, R., Baldini, S., 1992. Productivity and cost analysis of logging arch used with farm tractor in Mediterranean forest skidding operations. Invest. Agrar., Sist. Recur. For., 1(2): 211-221.
Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., 2012. Wood extraction with farm tractor and sulky: estimating productivity, cost and energy consumption. Small-Scale Forestry, 11(1):73–85.
Melemez, K., Tunay, M., Emir, T., 2014. A comparison of productivity in five small-scale harvesting systems. Small-Scale Forestry, 13: 35–45.
Naghdi, R., 2004. Study of optimum road density in tree length and cut to length systems. PhD. Thesis, University of Tarbiat Modarres, Faculty of Natural Resources.
Najafi, A., Sobhani, H., Saeed, A., Makhdoom, M., Marvimohajer, M.R., 2007. Time study of skidder HSM 904. J Iran Nat Res., 60(3): 921–930.
Zecic, Z., Krpan, A. P. B., Vukusic, S., 2006. Productivity of C Holder 870 F tractor with double drum winch Igland 4002 in thinning beech stands. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 27(1): 49-56.
Evaluating Productivity and Cycle Time of Skidding Method with Farm Tractors in Bigadic Forest Enterprise Directorate in Turkey
Year 2019,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 77 - 82, 21.12.2019
In Turkey, mechanized
harvesting methods have started to be used depending on the recent developments
in forest industry, but advanced harvesting machines could not be used in
national wide due to high operating cost and terrain conditions. The most
common harvesting method is skidding with farm tractors since they are easily
accessible and cost efficient. In this study, skidding method by a farm tractor
in Bigadic Forest Enterprise Directorate was examined in terms of productivity
and cycle time. The factors that affect the machine performance were also
evaluated. It was found that the average time measurement of a cycle was 30.75
minute and the average productivity of tractor was found to be 4.75 m³/hour.
The average volume and amount of skidded timber per cycle was about 1.80 m³ and
2 pieces, respectively. Among the factors evaluated in the study area, it was
found that skidding distance had a maximum effect on the total cycle time and
productivity. Unlike previous time studies, it was found that volume was
relatively less effective on the total cycle time. This study revealed that the
examination of the total time and productivity in
Abeli W.S., 1992. Optimal road spacing for manual skidding sulkies. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 6: 8-15.
Akay, A. E., 2005. Using farm tractors in small-scale forest harvesting operations. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 1(2): 196–199.
Behjou, F.K., Majnounian, B., Namiranian, M., Dvorak, J., 2008. Time study and skidding capacity of the wheeled skidder Timberjack 450c in Caspian forests. J For Sci, 54(4):183–188.
Dykstra, D.P., Heinrich, R., 1996. FAO model code of forest harvesting practice. FAO Publish, Rome, Italy, 85 pp.
Eker M., Acar, H.H., 2006. Operational Planning Method For Timber Harvesting, Turkish Journal of Forestry 7 (2): 128-140.
Eroglu, H., Acar, H.H., 2000. The comparison of logging techniques for productivity and ecological aspects in Artvin, Turkey. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7: 1973–1976.
Ghaffariyan, M.R., Naghdi, R., Ghajar, I., Nikooy, M., 2013. Time prediction models and cost evaluation of cut-to-length (CTL) harvesting method in a mountainous forest. Small-Scale Forestry, 12(2): 181-192.
Gilanipoor, N., Najafi, A., Heshmat Alvaezin, S.M., 2012. Productivity and cost of farm tractor skidding. J For Sci, 58(1): 21–26.
Huyler, N.K., Ledoux, C.B., 1989. Small tractors for harvesting fuelwood in low-volume small diameter hardwood stands. COFE, Implementing Techniques for Succesful Forest Operations, August 27 to 30, Idoha, 1989: 61-67.
Kluender, R., Lortz, D., McCoy, W., Stokes, B., Klepac, J., 1997. Productivity of rubber-tired skidders in
southern pine forests. Forest Products Journal, 47(11-12): 53-58.
Liu S., Corcoran T.J., 1993. Road and landing spacing under the consideration of surface dimension of road and landing. Journal of Forest Engineering, 5: 49–53
McDonald, T.P., Fulton, J.P., 2005. Automated time study of skidders using global positioning system data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 48: 19-37.
Öztürk, T., 2010. Productivity of new holland farm tractor at beech stands on mountainous areas in black sea region. Forestry Ideas, 16(1): 52-57.
Öztürk, T., 2014. Productivity and cost of rubber - tired tractor in northern pine plantation forest of Turkey. Baltıc Forestry, 20 (2): 272-276.
Spinelli, R., Baldini, S., 1992. Productivity and cost analysis of logging arch used with farm tractor in Mediterranean forest skidding operations. Invest. Agrar., Sist. Recur. For., 1(2): 211-221.
Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., 2012. Wood extraction with farm tractor and sulky: estimating productivity, cost and energy consumption. Small-Scale Forestry, 11(1):73–85.
Melemez, K., Tunay, M., Emir, T., 2014. A comparison of productivity in five small-scale harvesting systems. Small-Scale Forestry, 13: 35–45.
Naghdi, R., 2004. Study of optimum road density in tree length and cut to length systems. PhD. Thesis, University of Tarbiat Modarres, Faculty of Natural Resources.
Najafi, A., Sobhani, H., Saeed, A., Makhdoom, M., Marvimohajer, M.R., 2007. Time study of skidder HSM 904. J Iran Nat Res., 60(3): 921–930.
Zecic, Z., Krpan, A. P. B., Vukusic, S., 2006. Productivity of C Holder 870 F tractor with double drum winch Igland 4002 in thinning beech stands. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 27(1): 49-56.
Öztürk, T., Varsak, M., & Bilici, E. (2019). Evaluating Productivity and Cycle Time of Skidding Method with Farm Tractors in Bigadic Forest Enterprise Directorate in Turkey. European Journal of Forest Engineering, 5(2), 77-82. https://doi.org/10.33904/ejfe.655241