Redlich CA. Occupational lung disorders: general prin- ciples and aproachs. In. Fishman AP. ed. Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1998:867-76.
Cooper AD. Occupational astma, byssinosis, and industri- al bronchitis. Fishman’s pulmonary diseases and disorders (Fishman AP. et al. eds.) USA. 1998:915-24
Zuskin E, Mustajbegovic J, Schachter EN, Doko-Jelinic J, Budak A. Longitudinal study of respiratory findings in rub- ber workers. Am J Ind Med. 1996;30:171-9.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Respiratory morbidity in rubber work- ers I. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and disease in curing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:5–9.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Respiratory morbidity in rubber work- ers II. Pulmonary function in curing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:10–5.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Studies of respiratory morbidity in rubberworkers III. Respiratory morbidity in processing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:136–40.
Lednar WM, Tyroler HA, McMichael AJ, Shy CM. The oc- cupational determinants of chronic disabling pulmonary disease in rubber workers. J Occup Med 1977;19:263–8.
Weeks JL, Peters JM, Monson RR. Screening for occupa- tional health hazards in the rubber industry. Part I. Am J Ind Med 1981; 2:125-41.
Weeks JL, Peters JM, Monson RR. Screening for occu- pational health hazards in the rubber industry. Part II: Health hazards in the curing department. Am J Ind Med 1981;2:143-51.
Zuskin E, Mustajbegovic J, Doko-Jelinic J, Schachter EN, Kern J, Sonicki Z. Respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity in rubber workers. Croat Med J 1994;35:42-8.
Bascom R, Fischer JF, Thomas RJ, Yang WN, Baser ME, Baker JH. Eosinophilia, respiratory symptoms and pulmo- nary infiltrates in rubber workers. Chest 1988;93:154-8.
DoPico GA, Rankin J, Chosy LW, Reddan WG, Barbee RA, Gee B, Dickie HA. Respiratory tract disease from ther- mosetting resins. A study of an outbreak in rubber tire workers. Ann Intern Med 1975;83:177-84.
Gamble JF, McMichael AJ, Williams T, Battigelli M. Respiratory function and symptoms: An environmen- tal-epidemiological study of rubber workers exposed to phenol-formaldehyde type resin. Am Ind Hyg Ass J 1976;37:499-513.
Govema M, Comai M, Valentino M, Antonicelli L, Rinaldi F, Pisani E. Ventilatory function in rubber processing workers: Acute changes over the work shift. Br J Ind Med 1987;44:83-9.
Sly PD, Tepper R, Henschen M, Gappa, J. Tidal forced expira- tions. ERS/ATS Task Force on Standards for Infant Respiratory Function Testing. ERS/ATS. Eur Respir J 2000;16:741-8.
Cadranel J, Gillet-Juvin K, Antoine M, Burgos F, Casaburi R, Coates A, et al. American Thoracic Society. Standardization of spirometry. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152:1107–36.
Dreborg S, Frew AJ. Allergen standartization and skin tests. Allergy 1993; 48: 49-82.
Thomas RJ, Bascom R, Yang WN, Fischer JF, Baser ME, Greenhut J,Baker JH. Peripheral eosinophilia and respi- ratory symptoms in rubber injection press operators: A case-control study. Am J Ind Med 1986;91:551-9.
Gunen H, Hacievliyagil SS, Yetkin O, Gulbas G, Mutlu LC, Pehlivan E. Prevalence of COPD: first epidemiological study of a large region in Turkey. Eur J Intern Med 2008; 19: 499-504.
Burrows B, Knudson RJ, Cline MG, Lebowitz MD. Quantitative relationships between cigarette smoking and ventilatory function. Am Rev Respir Dis 1977;115; 195-205.
Carlo GL, Jablinske MR, Lee NL, Sund KG, Corn M. Reduced mortality among workers at a rubberplant. Occup Med 1993;35:611-6.
Draper A. Occupational asthma. J Asthma 2002;39:35-9.
Tarlo S.M, Balmes J, Balkissoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, Bernstein D. Diagnosis and Management of Work-related asthma: American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement. Chest 2008;134:1-41.
Meyer JD, Holt D, Chen NM, Cherry NM, Mc Donald JC. SWORD: Surveillance of Work Related and Occupational Respiratory Diseases in the UK. Occup Med 2001;51:204-8
Hnizdo E, Esterhuizen M, Rees D, Laloo UG. Occupational asthma as identified by Surveillance of Work related and Occupational Respiratory Diseases Programme in South Africa. Clin Exp Allergy 2001;31:32-9.
Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory
Year 2011,
Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 302 - 307, 01.12.2011
Redlich CA. Occupational lung disorders: general prin- ciples and aproachs. In. Fishman AP. ed. Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1998:867-76.
Cooper AD. Occupational astma, byssinosis, and industri- al bronchitis. Fishman’s pulmonary diseases and disorders (Fishman AP. et al. eds.) USA. 1998:915-24
Zuskin E, Mustajbegovic J, Schachter EN, Doko-Jelinic J, Budak A. Longitudinal study of respiratory findings in rub- ber workers. Am J Ind Med. 1996;30:171-9.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Respiratory morbidity in rubber work- ers I. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and disease in curing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:5–9.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Respiratory morbidity in rubber work- ers II. Pulmonary function in curing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:10–5.
Fine LJ, Peters JM. Studies of respiratory morbidity in rubberworkers III. Respiratory morbidity in processing workers. Arch Environ Health 1976;31:136–40.
Lednar WM, Tyroler HA, McMichael AJ, Shy CM. The oc- cupational determinants of chronic disabling pulmonary disease in rubber workers. J Occup Med 1977;19:263–8.
Weeks JL, Peters JM, Monson RR. Screening for occupa- tional health hazards in the rubber industry. Part I. Am J Ind Med 1981; 2:125-41.
Weeks JL, Peters JM, Monson RR. Screening for occu- pational health hazards in the rubber industry. Part II: Health hazards in the curing department. Am J Ind Med 1981;2:143-51.
Zuskin E, Mustajbegovic J, Doko-Jelinic J, Schachter EN, Kern J, Sonicki Z. Respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity in rubber workers. Croat Med J 1994;35:42-8.
Bascom R, Fischer JF, Thomas RJ, Yang WN, Baser ME, Baker JH. Eosinophilia, respiratory symptoms and pulmo- nary infiltrates in rubber workers. Chest 1988;93:154-8.
DoPico GA, Rankin J, Chosy LW, Reddan WG, Barbee RA, Gee B, Dickie HA. Respiratory tract disease from ther- mosetting resins. A study of an outbreak in rubber tire workers. Ann Intern Med 1975;83:177-84.
Gamble JF, McMichael AJ, Williams T, Battigelli M. Respiratory function and symptoms: An environmen- tal-epidemiological study of rubber workers exposed to phenol-formaldehyde type resin. Am Ind Hyg Ass J 1976;37:499-513.
Govema M, Comai M, Valentino M, Antonicelli L, Rinaldi F, Pisani E. Ventilatory function in rubber processing workers: Acute changes over the work shift. Br J Ind Med 1987;44:83-9.
Sly PD, Tepper R, Henschen M, Gappa, J. Tidal forced expira- tions. ERS/ATS Task Force on Standards for Infant Respiratory Function Testing. ERS/ATS. Eur Respir J 2000;16:741-8.
Cadranel J, Gillet-Juvin K, Antoine M, Burgos F, Casaburi R, Coates A, et al. American Thoracic Society. Standardization of spirometry. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152:1107–36.
Dreborg S, Frew AJ. Allergen standartization and skin tests. Allergy 1993; 48: 49-82.
Thomas RJ, Bascom R, Yang WN, Fischer JF, Baser ME, Greenhut J,Baker JH. Peripheral eosinophilia and respi- ratory symptoms in rubber injection press operators: A case-control study. Am J Ind Med 1986;91:551-9.
Gunen H, Hacievliyagil SS, Yetkin O, Gulbas G, Mutlu LC, Pehlivan E. Prevalence of COPD: first epidemiological study of a large region in Turkey. Eur J Intern Med 2008; 19: 499-504.
Burrows B, Knudson RJ, Cline MG, Lebowitz MD. Quantitative relationships between cigarette smoking and ventilatory function. Am Rev Respir Dis 1977;115; 195-205.
Carlo GL, Jablinske MR, Lee NL, Sund KG, Corn M. Reduced mortality among workers at a rubberplant. Occup Med 1993;35:611-6.
Draper A. Occupational asthma. J Asthma 2002;39:35-9.
Tarlo S.M, Balmes J, Balkissoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, Bernstein D. Diagnosis and Management of Work-related asthma: American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Statement. Chest 2008;134:1-41.
Meyer JD, Holt D, Chen NM, Cherry NM, Mc Donald JC. SWORD: Surveillance of Work Related and Occupational Respiratory Diseases in the UK. Occup Med 2001;51:204-8
Hnizdo E, Esterhuizen M, Rees D, Laloo UG. Occupational asthma as identified by Surveillance of Work related and Occupational Respiratory Diseases Programme in South Africa. Clin Exp Allergy 2001;31:32-9.
Akca, A. S. D., Demircan, N., Kart, L., Altın, R. (2011). Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory. European Journal of General Medicine, 8(4), 302-307.
Akca ASD, Demircan N, Kart L, Altın R. Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory. European Journal of General Medicine. December 2011;8(4):302-307.
Akca, Ayşe Semra Demir, Nejat Demircan, Levent Kart, and Remzi Altın. “Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms in Workers of a Rubber Factory”. European Journal of General Medicine 8, no. 4 (December 2011): 302-7.
Akca ASD, Demircan N, Kart L, Altın R (December 1, 2011) Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory. European Journal of General Medicine 8 4 302–307.
A. S. D. Akca, N. Demircan, L. Kart, and R. Altın, “Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory”, European Journal of General Medicine, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 302–307, 2011.
Akca, Ayşe Semra Demir et al. “Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms in Workers of a Rubber Factory”. European Journal of General Medicine 8/4 (December 2011), 302-307.
Akca ASD, Demircan N, Kart L, Altın R. Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory. European Journal of General Medicine. 2011;8:302–307.
Akca, Ayşe Semra Demir et al. “Evaluation of Respiratory Symptoms in Workers of a Rubber Factory”. European Journal of General Medicine, vol. 8, no. 4, 2011, pp. 302-7.
Akca ASD, Demircan N, Kart L, Altın R. Evaluation of respiratory symptoms in workers of a rubber factory. European Journal of General Medicine. 2011;8(4):302-7.