Research Article
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Nutrient release dynamics of an accelerated compost: A case study in an Alfisol and Ultisol

Year 2017, , 350 - 356, 01.10.2017


of composting process could influence fertilizer-efficiency of the accelerated
composts. This study therefore evaluated the nutrient release dynamics of
different rates of a commercial accelerated compost (
OBD-plus ) in two soils described as Alfisol and Ultisol,
under laboratory incubation study, in order to generate information for
simulation under field conditions. Accelerated compost (AC) at the rates of 30,
60, 90, 120, 150 kg N ha-1, mineral fertilizer (NPK 15-15-15) and
conventional compost (CC) at 60 kg N ha-1,  were each mixed with  2 mm sieved soil (Alfisol and Ultisol) in
cups, and arranged in a completely randomised design with three replications.
Soils without amendment served as control. The treated soils were retrieved at
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks of incubation (WOI), air dried and analysed for pH,
organic C, N, P and K, and data analysed using regression test. The results
revealed that the 60 kg N ha-1 AC improved the pH, OC, N. P, K by
-2%, 11%, 3%, 141% and 4% respectively, across the WOI, on the average of
performance in the two soils, comparable with mineral fertilizer (-5%, 8%, -1%,
76%, 4% respectively) and CC (11%, 40%, 3%, 773%, 10% respectively). The 60 kg
N ha-1 AC significantly correlated (p<0.05) with time of
incubation only with respect to P (0.934) and gave a similar nutrient release
pattern compared with mineral fertilizer and CC, in terms of C, N, P and K in
both soils. It therefore showed that the accelerated compost evaluated could
mineralize in a way similar to conventional compost and mineral fertilizers,
despite its shorter composting duration to maturity.


  • Abbasi, M.K., Tahir, M.M., Sabir, N., Khurshid, M., 2015. Impact of the addition of different plant residues on nitrogen mineralization–immobilization turnover and carbon content of a soil incubated under laboratory conditions. Solid Earth 6(1): 197 – 205.
  • Abou El-Magd, M.M., Hoda, A., Fawzy, Z.F., 2005. Relationship growth, yield of broccoli with increasing N, P or K ratio in a mixture of NPK fertilizers (Brassica oleracea var. italica plenck). Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor 43(2): 791 – 805.
  • Adediran, J.A., Taiwo, L.B., Akande, M.O., Sobulo, R.A., Idowu, O.J., 2004. Application of organic and inorganic fertilizer for sustainable maize and cowpea yields in Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27(7): 1163 –1181.
  • AyanfeOluwa, O.E., AdeOluwa, O.O., Aduramigba-Modupe, V.O., 2015. Residual fertilizer value of OBD-plus compost for maize (Zea mays) production. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 6(3): 162 – 167.
  • Blum, W.E.H., Eswaran, H., 2004. Soils for sustaining global food production. Journal of Food Science 69(2): 37 ¬– 42.
  • Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus. Soil Science 59(1): 45-49.
  • Bremner, J. S. 1996. Nirogen-total. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D. L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1085 – 1121.
  • Cooperband, L., 2002. Art of science and composting: A resource for farmers and compost producers. Centre for Integrated Agricultural Systems. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 14p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • Deenik, J. 2006. Nitrogen mineralization potential in important agricultural soils of Hawaii. Soil and Crop Management CSM 15, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Havai’i, Honolulu, Havai’i. 5p. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • Diacono, M., Montemurro, F., 2010. Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil fertility. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30(2): 401 – 422.
  • Eghball, B., Ginting, D., Gilley, J.E., 2004. Residual effects of manure and compost applications on corn production and soil properties. Agronomy Journal 96(2): 442 – 447.
  • FAO, 2003. On-farm composting methods. Land and Discussion Paper 2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 29p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • FAO, 2005. The importance of soil organic matter: Key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food and production. FAO Soil Bulletin No.80, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 80p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • FAO, 2006. Plant nutrition for food security. A Guide for Integrated Nutrient Management; FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 16, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 347p. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • FFD (Federal Fertilizer Department), 2012. Fertilizer use and management practices for crops in Nigeria. Produced by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMA&RD). Chude, V.O., Olayiwola, S.O., Daudu, C., Ekeoma, A., (Eds). Abuja, Nigeria. pp. 40 – 41.
  • Gee, G.W., Or, D., 2002. Particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 4, Physical Methods. Dane, J.H., Topp, G.C., (Eds). Book series 5. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 255 – 294.
  • Gutser, R., Ebertseder, Th., Weber, A., Schraml, M., Schmidhalter, U., 2005. Short-term and residual availability of nitrogen after long-term application of organic fertilizers on arable land. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168(4): 439 – 446.
  • Hendershot, W. Lalande, H., Duquette, M., 1993. Ion exchange and exchangeable cations. In: Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Carter, M.R., (Ed.). Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. pp.167 - 176.
  • Hepperly, P., Lotter, D., Ulsh, C.Z., Siedel, R., Reider, C., 2009. Compost, manure and synthetic fertilizer influences crop yields, soil properties, nitrate leaching and crop nutrient content. Compost Science & Utilization 17(2): 117 – 126.
  • Ipinmoroti, R.R., 2013. Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of some farm wastes under controlled room temperature. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 3(4): 185 – 189.
  • Koning, N., Smaling, E. 2005. Environmental crisis or ‘lie of the land? The debate on soil degradation in Africa. Land Use Policy 22(1): 3 ¬– 11.
  • Molindo, W.A., 2008. Determination of the nutrient status of a soil after incubation with organic residues for different days in Benin City, Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(6): 731 ¬– 736.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution method for determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analytica Chimica Acta 27: 31-36.
  • Nelson, D. W., Sommers, L. E. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 961 – 1010.
  • Nwaogu, J., Yahaya, M.A., Bandiya, H.M., 2013. Insecticidal efficcay of oil extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca seeds and cashew nuts against Callosobruchus maculatus Fabr. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(25): 3285 ¬– 3288.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 1993. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis: A working manual. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme, Nairobi, Nigeria. 84p.
  • Olsen, S.R., Dean, L.A., 1965. Phosphorus. In: Method of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Agronomy Monograph 9.2, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1035 – 1049.
  • Paulin, B., O’Malley, P., 2008. Compost production and use in horticulture. Department of Agriculture and Foods, Government of Western Australia. Bulletin 4746.,Australia. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • Pender, J., Place, F., Ehui, S., 2006. Strategies for sustainable land management in the East African Highland. International Food Research Institute, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Periaswamy, S.P., Ashaye, T.F., 1982. Upland classification of some south western Nigeria soils. Ife Journal of Agriculture 4: 34 – 39.
  • Smyth, A.J., Montgomery, R.F., 1962. Soil and land use in central western Nigeria. Government Printer, Ibadan, Western Nigeria. 264p.
  • Tejada, M., Gonzalez, J.L., 2007. Influence of organic amendments on soil structure and soil loss under simulated rain. Soil and Tillage Research 93(1): 197–205.
  • Thomas, 1996. Soil pH and soil acidity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 475 – 490.
  • von Wandruszka, R., 2006. Phosphorus retention in calcareous soils and the effect of organic matter on its mobility. Geochemical Transactions 7 (6): 18.
  • Voss, R., 1998. Micronutrients. Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, USA. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • Yu, W., Ding, X., Xue, S., Li, S., Liao, X., Wang, R., 2013. Effects of organic-matter application on phosphorus adsorption of three soil parent materials. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 13(4): 1003 – 1017.
Year 2017, , 350 - 356, 01.10.2017



  • Abbasi, M.K., Tahir, M.M., Sabir, N., Khurshid, M., 2015. Impact of the addition of different plant residues on nitrogen mineralization–immobilization turnover and carbon content of a soil incubated under laboratory conditions. Solid Earth 6(1): 197 – 205.
  • Abou El-Magd, M.M., Hoda, A., Fawzy, Z.F., 2005. Relationship growth, yield of broccoli with increasing N, P or K ratio in a mixture of NPK fertilizers (Brassica oleracea var. italica plenck). Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor 43(2): 791 – 805.
  • Adediran, J.A., Taiwo, L.B., Akande, M.O., Sobulo, R.A., Idowu, O.J., 2004. Application of organic and inorganic fertilizer for sustainable maize and cowpea yields in Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition 27(7): 1163 –1181.
  • AyanfeOluwa, O.E., AdeOluwa, O.O., Aduramigba-Modupe, V.O., 2015. Residual fertilizer value of OBD-plus compost for maize (Zea mays) production. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 6(3): 162 – 167.
  • Blum, W.E.H., Eswaran, H., 2004. Soils for sustaining global food production. Journal of Food Science 69(2): 37 ¬– 42.
  • Bray, R.H., Kurtz, L.T., 1945. Determination of total organic and available forms of phosphorus. Soil Science 59(1): 45-49.
  • Bremner, J. S. 1996. Nirogen-total. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D. L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1085 – 1121.
  • Cooperband, L., 2002. Art of science and composting: A resource for farmers and compost producers. Centre for Integrated Agricultural Systems. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 14p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • Deenik, J. 2006. Nitrogen mineralization potential in important agricultural soils of Hawaii. Soil and Crop Management CSM 15, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Havai’i, Honolulu, Havai’i. 5p. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • Diacono, M., Montemurro, F., 2010. Long-term effects of organic amendments on soil fertility. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 30(2): 401 – 422.
  • Eghball, B., Ginting, D., Gilley, J.E., 2004. Residual effects of manure and compost applications on corn production and soil properties. Agronomy Journal 96(2): 442 – 447.
  • FAO, 2003. On-farm composting methods. Land and Discussion Paper 2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 29p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • FAO, 2005. The importance of soil organic matter: Key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food and production. FAO Soil Bulletin No.80, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 80p. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • FAO, 2006. Plant nutrition for food security. A Guide for Integrated Nutrient Management; FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 16, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 347p. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • FFD (Federal Fertilizer Department), 2012. Fertilizer use and management practices for crops in Nigeria. Produced by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMA&RD). Chude, V.O., Olayiwola, S.O., Daudu, C., Ekeoma, A., (Eds). Abuja, Nigeria. pp. 40 – 41.
  • Gee, G.W., Or, D., 2002. Particle size analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 4, Physical Methods. Dane, J.H., Topp, G.C., (Eds). Book series 5. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 255 – 294.
  • Gutser, R., Ebertseder, Th., Weber, A., Schraml, M., Schmidhalter, U., 2005. Short-term and residual availability of nitrogen after long-term application of organic fertilizers on arable land. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168(4): 439 – 446.
  • Hendershot, W. Lalande, H., Duquette, M., 1993. Ion exchange and exchangeable cations. In: Soil sampling and methods of analysis. Carter, M.R., (Ed.). Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. pp.167 - 176.
  • Hepperly, P., Lotter, D., Ulsh, C.Z., Siedel, R., Reider, C., 2009. Compost, manure and synthetic fertilizer influences crop yields, soil properties, nitrate leaching and crop nutrient content. Compost Science & Utilization 17(2): 117 – 126.
  • Ipinmoroti, R.R., 2013. Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of some farm wastes under controlled room temperature. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 3(4): 185 – 189.
  • Koning, N., Smaling, E. 2005. Environmental crisis or ‘lie of the land? The debate on soil degradation in Africa. Land Use Policy 22(1): 3 ¬– 11.
  • Molindo, W.A., 2008. Determination of the nutrient status of a soil after incubation with organic residues for different days in Benin City, Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(6): 731 ¬– 736.
  • Murphy, J., Riley, J.P., 1962. A modified single solution method for determination of phosphate in natural waters. Analytica Chimica Acta 27: 31-36.
  • Nelson, D. W., Sommers, L. E. 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 961 – 1010.
  • Nwaogu, J., Yahaya, M.A., Bandiya, H.M., 2013. Insecticidal efficcay of oil extracts of Balanites aegyptiaca seeds and cashew nuts against Callosobruchus maculatus Fabr. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). African Journal of Agricultural Research 8(25): 3285 ¬– 3288.
  • Okalebo, J.R., Gathua, K.W., Woomer, P.L., 1993. Laboratory methods of soil and plant analysis: A working manual. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme, Nairobi, Nigeria. 84p.
  • Olsen, S.R., Dean, L.A., 1965. Phosphorus. In: Method of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, Agronomy Monograph 9.2, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 1035 – 1049.
  • Paulin, B., O’Malley, P., 2008. Compost production and use in horticulture. Department of Agriculture and Foods, Government of Western Australia. Bulletin 4746.,Australia. Available at [Access date : 02.02.2017]:
  • Pender, J., Place, F., Ehui, S., 2006. Strategies for sustainable land management in the East African Highland. International Food Research Institute, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Periaswamy, S.P., Ashaye, T.F., 1982. Upland classification of some south western Nigeria soils. Ife Journal of Agriculture 4: 34 – 39.
  • Smyth, A.J., Montgomery, R.F., 1962. Soil and land use in central western Nigeria. Government Printer, Ibadan, Western Nigeria. 264p.
  • Tejada, M., Gonzalez, J.L., 2007. Influence of organic amendments on soil structure and soil loss under simulated rain. Soil and Tillage Research 93(1): 197–205.
  • Thomas, 1996. Soil pH and soil acidity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L., (Ed.). Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Book Series No. 5, ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 475 – 490.
  • von Wandruszka, R., 2006. Phosphorus retention in calcareous soils and the effect of organic matter on its mobility. Geochemical Transactions 7 (6): 18.
  • Voss, R., 1998. Micronutrients. Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, USA. Available at [Access date: 02.02.2017]:
  • Yu, W., Ding, X., Xue, S., Li, S., Liao, X., Wang, R., 2013. Effects of organic-matter application on phosphorus adsorption of three soil parent materials. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 13(4): 1003 – 1017.
There are 36 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Olufemi Emmanuel Ayanfeoluwa This is me

Olugbenga Oluseyi Adeoluwa This is me

Vincent Oluwatomisin Aduramigba-modupe This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Ayanfeoluwa, O. E., Adeoluwa, O. O., & Aduramigba-modupe, V. O. (2017). Nutrient release dynamics of an accelerated compost: A case study in an Alfisol and Ultisol. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 6(4), 350-356.